


void set_init(Set *set, int (*match)(const void *key1, const void *key2), 
   void (*destroy)(void *data));

Return Value



Initializes the set specified by set. This operation must be called for a set before the set can be used with any other operation. The match argument is a function used by various set operations to determine if two members match. It should return 1 if key1 is equal to key2, and otherwise. The destroy argument provides a way to free dynamically allocated data when set_destroy is called. For example, if the set contains data dynamically allocated using malloc, destroy should be set to free to free the data as the set is destroyed. For structured data containing several dynamically allocated members, destroy should be set to a user-defined function that calls free for each dynamically allocated member as well as for the structure itself. For a set containing data that should not be freed, destroy should be set to NULL.


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