

Adopters, Early. See Early Adopters

AG Communication Systems, 60

Agents of Change, 24. See also change agents

Alexander, Christopher, 14, 18, 72, 168, 181, 182

Amstar Corporation, 27, 28

Andrews, Markita, 104

Apple Computer, 11

Ask for Help(104), 26, 114, 130, 175, 202

acknowledging others’ contributions, 34

how to bring in, 34

MS Society, use by, 88

pattern overview, 104–106

success of introduction of change, importance to, 32

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

UNCA, use by, 95

Austin, Nancy, 184


Baum, David, 59, 60, 77, 105, 124–125, 237

Bergin,Joe, 169

Bernays, Edward, 90

Big Jolt(107), 65, 66, 222

convenience of speaker, 208

MS Society, use by, 89

pattern overview, 107–108

Bird by Bird, 33–34

Birnbaum, Joel, 76

Biro, Brian, 81

Black, Shirley Temple, 91

Blaker, Frances, 20–21

Bouldin, Barbara, 24

Brainstorming, 196, 252

Brando, Marlon, 65–66

Breakthrough Strategy, The, 27

Bridge-Builder(110), 81, 82, 83

pattern overview, 110–112

recommendations for organizing, 112

tool to interest skeptics, 116

Brown Bag(113), 26, 27, 58, 60, 70, 78, 134. See also Do Food(132)

MS Society use by, 88

pattern overview, 113–115

usage for meetings, 40

Brown, Amy, 87

Built to Last, 239


Cardboard Consultant, 214, 252

Carter, Jimmy, 6

Catch-22, getting caught in, 47–48

Champion Skeptic(116), 82–83

assigning as a role, 153

pattern overview, 116–118


mandated, 4–5

resistance to, 65

time needed to implement, 4

change agent

Catch-22, getting caught in, 47–48

role, 24

Change Agents’ Handbook, The, 10

Cockburn, Alistair, 175

Collins, Jim, 239

Communal Eating, 133, 252

communication, importance of, 43

conflict, usefulness of, 11

Connector(119), 11, 117

asking for help from, 111

membership in diverse groups, 34

MS Society, role in, 88, 89

pattern overview, 119–122

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

talking with many others, 34–35

UNCA, use by, 96

Coplien,Jim, 194

Corporate Angel(123), 59, 108, 139

pattern overview, 123–125

staying in touch with, 222

UNCA, use by, 93, 96

Corridor Politics(126), 82–83

pattern overview, 126–128

UNCA, use by, 94, 95, 96, 97

Covey, Stephen, 7, 53, 80

Critchley MacDonald, 91

Crossing the Chasm, 35

Crupi,John, 98

Customer Training experience report, 86, 101–102


da Vinci, Leonardo, 70

Dance of Change, The, 7–8

Dauten, Dale, 8

Dedicated Champion(129), 33, 59

information, providing, 71

initiative, 58

pattern overview, 129–131

responsibilities, 66

role of, 25

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

DeMarco, Tom, 82

Diffusion of Innovations, 9

Dilbert, 11

Disney, Walt, 147

Diverse Groups, 175, 252

Do Food(132), 26. See also Brown Bag(113)

health issues, sensitivity to, 133

pattern overview, 132–134

UNCA, use by, 94


e-Forum(135), 43, 114, 165

announcements, reminders, 208, 218

interesting, keeping, 232

pattern overview, 135–137

UNCA, use by, 95

wide distribution of information, 149

Early Adopters(138), 9, 11, 59, 60, 70

asking for help from, 111

MS Society, role in, 89

pattern overview, 138–140

staying in touch with, 222

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99, 100

UNCA, use by, 95

Early Majority(141), 9, 59, 60, 70

MS Society role in, 89

pattern overview, 141–143

success, attraction to, 219

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 100

Edison, Thomas, 46

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 24

employee survey, 76

enthusiasm, retaining, 77–78. See also Evangelist(144)

Evangelist(144), 33

bridge-builders, recognizing importance of, 81

change agent, role of, 24

enthusiasm, 29, 249

MS Society, role in, 88

pattern overview, 144–147

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

suspicion of, 110

Executive Leader, 124

experimenting, 65. See also Test the Waters(237); Trial Run(245)

External Validation(148), 43, 78, 142, 235

MS Society use by, 89

pattern overview, 148–150

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 100

UNCA, use by, 96


Fear Less(151), 80, 116, 127, 176

pattern overview, 151–154

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 100

UNCA, use by, 94

Fifth Discipline, The, 42

Fiorina, Carly 5

first-line managerial support for new idea, 187

Fish!, 71

Forces, 14

Ford, Henry, 82

Frank, Anne, 240


Gehrig, Elanor, 90

General Education Review Subcommittee (GERS), 93

GERS. See General Education Review Subcommittee (GERS)

Get a Guru, 159, 253

Ghandi, Mahatma, 46

Gladwell, Malcolm, 11, 168

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 46

Google, 77

Gradual Stiffening, 181, 253

Group Identity(155), 43, 106

MS Society use by, 88, 89, 90

pattern overview, 155–157

UNCA, use by, 93, 94, 96

Guru on Your Side(158), 35, 58, 139

identifying, 162

MS Society, use by, 88, 90

pattern overview, 158–160

staying in touch with, 222

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99, 100

UNCA, use by, 96

Guru Review(161), 65, 124, 130, 139, 159

pattern overview, 161–163

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

UNCA, use by, 96, 97


Hackworth, David, 28

Hanover Insurance Company, 8

Hewlett-Packard, 5, 44, 76

Hoffer, Eric, 47

Hohmann, Luke, 217

Holistic Diversity, 175, 253

Hometown Story(164), 70, 78, 139, 175

MS Society use by, 88

pattern overview, 164–166

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

humility, importance of, 145, 153

Hutton, David, 10


Iacocca, Lee, 53

Ideo Product Development, 34

In My Humble Opinion (column), 177

In Your Space(167), 136, 165

pattern overview, 167–169

posting information about meeting places, 168

UNCA, use by, 93

innovation-decision process, 5–6


disruptions caused by, 151–152

innovation-decision process. (See innovation-decision process)

misconceptions regarding, 4

sharing with others, 73–74

Innovator(170), 26, 35, 60

asking for help from, 178

MS Society, role in, 88

pattern overview, 172

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99, 100

UNCA, use by, 95

Introvert-Extrovert, 146, 253

Involve Everyone(173), 75, 76–77, 130, 157

MS Society, use by, 91

pattern overview, 173–176

UNCA, use by, 95


Jobs, Steve, 11

John Alden Insurance, 77

Johnson, Glendon, 77

Journey, The, 3, 27, 33, 34, 81

JUnit software, 48, 49

Just Do It(177), 46, 130, 142

MS Society, use by, 90

pattern overview, 177–179

Just Enough(180), 71

pattern overview, 180–182

UNCA, use by, 96

Just Say Thanks(183), 111, 117, 128, 139

informal recognition, 184

pattern overview, 183–185

UNCA, use by, 94


Kane, David, 128

Katz, Edward, 93

Kelley, Tom 34

Kelly, Eamon, 27

Keough, Donald, 33

Kerievsky, Joshua 228

Kerth. Norm, 36, 197

King, Jr., Martin Luther, 75, 144

Kissinger, Henry, 77

Kornfield, Jack, 43


Laggards, 9, 10

Lamott, Anne, 33–34, 47

Late Majority, 9–10

Lawry, Sylvia 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92

Lightning in a Bottle, 59, 60, 105, 237

Local Sponsor(186), 59, 108, 125, 139

importance of right kind of sponsor, 187

pattern overview, 186–188

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

Location, Location, Location(189)

importance, 72–73

pattern overview, 189–190

Lucas, James, 80


Majority, Late. See Late Majority

Maven, 11

Mayo Clinic, 90

McAlpine, Douglas, 91


Brown Bag(113). (See Brown Bag(113))

food as influence, 41

Japan, in, 40–41

posting information about, 168

quality of location, 72–73

time wasted, 40

timing, 41–42

Mentor(192), 192–194

pattern overview, 192–194

mentoring, 48, 193.

momentum, maintaining, 77, 78

Moore, Geoffrey, 5, 35

MS Society, experience report, 87–92

Multiple Sclerosis Society, 86

cure, searching for, 87

hope, searching for, 87

overview of disease, 88


Net Solve, Inc., 244

Newton’s Third Law, 232

Newton, Steve, 48, 49

Next Steps(195), 114

pattern overview, 195–197

No Surprises, 128, 253

Noble, James, 196, 214


O’Biren, Bill, 8

Olson, Don, 193

Owen, Carl, 90

ownership, of change proposal, 33


Paige, Satchel, 54

Passion for Excellence, A, 184

Passionate Organization, The, 80

Patron Role, 187, 253

pattern language, 14. See also patterns

names, when “speaking,” 18–19

usage, 21

patterns. See also pattern language

application, without even realizing their use, 60–61

common sense, 19

context of application, 19

definition, 14

example, Innovator, 14–16

group, example of usage by, 17

Known Uses, 18

language. (See pattern language)

names, importance of, 13, 18–19

power of, 20

Patterns Handbook, The, 20

Pedagogical Patterns Project, 169

Personal Touch(198), 52, 54, 70, 71, 111, 139

pattern overview, 198–200

tool to connect with guru, as, 159

UNCA, use by, 95, 97

Piecemeal Growth, 226, 253

Piggyback(201), 26, 40

pattern overview, 201–203

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

Pike Place Fish Market, 71

Plant the Seeds(204), 43, 78, 108, 149

pattern overview, 204–206

playfulness in workplace, 71

politics, corporate. See Corridor Politics(126)

Popper, John, 34

Porras, Jerry, 239

power, appreciation for one’s own, 6

prioritization of work, 71

Problem (pattern format), 14

Project Retrospectives, 36

Putnam, Tracy, 88


Quixote, Don, 32


Rationale (pattern format), 14

resistance to new ideas, 80, 152

inviting, 153

Resulting Context (pattern format), 14

Right Time, The(207), 41, 114

pattern overview, 207–209

RiverLink, 176, 227

Rogers, E. M., 5, 9, 10, 47, 167

Royal Audience(210), 108, 222

pattern overview, 210–212


Salesman, 11

Saperston, Eric, 3, 6

Schaffer, Robert, 27

self-interest, 54

Senge, Peter, 7, 42, 124

setbacks, preparing for, 32

Shameless Ignoramus, 159, 253

Shoulder to Cry On(213), 54

MS Society, use by, 88

pattern overview, 213–215

UNCA, use by, 94

Sickles, Trent, 92

skeptics, 11, 70, 82, 83. See also Champion Skeptic(116)

asking help from, 152–153

relationship-building with, 153–154

Small Successes(216), 27, 58

application, faithful, 32

celebrating, 29, 145

pattern overview, 216–218

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

UNCA, use by, 94

usage, 28

Smell of Success(219), 70–71, 139

attraction of, 164–165

MS Society, use by, 89

pattern overview, 219–220

Solution (pattern format), 14

Soul in the Computer, 76, 151

Stay in Touch(221), 78, 125, 218

pattern overview, 221–223

UNCA, use by, 94, 96

Steel My Soldiers’ Heart, 28

Stengel, Casey, 43

Step by Step(224), 46, 58

forward movement, 29

incremental approach, 225

pattern overview, 224–227

UNCA, use by, 95

stress, impact of, 19

Study Group(228), 48, 58, 78, 139

learning tool, as, 232

pattern overview, 228–230

UNCA, use by, 93

Sun Core J2EE Patterns, 86

experience report, 98–100

Sun Microsystems, 86. See also Sun Core J2EE Patterns

support groups, 54–55

Sustained Momentum(231), 77

pattern overview, 231–233


Tailor Made (234), 53, 54, 59, 124, 130, 142

pattern overview, 234–236

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

UNCA, use by, 95, 96

Team Space, 168, 253

Technology Adoption Life Cycle, 59

Test the Waters(237), 26, 27, 46, 58, 145, 224

foundation building, 238

MS Society, use by, 89

pattern overview, 237–239

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 99

thanks, importance of, 36. See also Just Say Thanks(183)

The Right Time(207). See Right Time, The(207)

Tidal, Craig, 244

Time for Reflection(240), 26–27, 46, 58, 147, 224

learning from experience, 29, 241–242

pattern overview, 240–242

Sun Core J2EE, use by, 100

UNCA, use by, 93

usage, 28

Tipping Point, The, 11

Tobey, Charles 90

Token(243), 72, 114, 165

examples, 244

pattern overview, 243–244

trade publications, 58–59

Train Hard, Fight Easy, 193, 253

Trial Run(245), 64, 65, 70

pattern overview, 245–247

Tulane University, 27

Twain, Mark, 24

Tzu, Lao, 28


UNCA. See University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA)

University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA), 86

experience report, 93–97



UNCA, use by, 95, 96

van Gogh, Vincent, 28

Vietnam, change in, 28

vision, organization-wide, 76


Waugh, Barbara, 76, 144, 151

Web sites, as information distributors, 136. See also e-Forum(135)

Weinberg, Gerald, 228–229

Weir, Charles, 196, 214

Whisper in the General’s Ear(248), 83, 127

pattern overview, 248–251

UNCA, use by, 96

Whyte, David, 233

Wooden, John, 76

Wootten, Morgan, 71

Work Community, 168, 253

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