Just Say Thanks

A friend of mine was laid off from a large company where he had worked for nearly 30 years. I saw him after his last day and he said that the worst thing about the experience was that no one, not even his boss, had come by to say they would miss him or that they appreciated his work. I thought about my last day when I was laid off. I recall a constant stream of people coming by to share a brief story— how something I had done or said had influenced their lives for the better and how I had made a difference for them and the company. I don’t remember sadness on that day but an overwhelming gladness at having had the chance to work in that company with those people— and all they did was just say “Thanks!”

To show your appreciation, say “Thanks” in the most sincere way you can to everyone who helps you.


You are an Evangelist(144) or a Dedicated Champion(129). Others are helping you introduce your new idea into the organization.

People feel unappreciated when they work hard and no one notices or cares.

It’s easy to take for granted the work that people do—after all, they’re getting paid! But people are happier and feel their contribution is appreciated with a simple acknowledgement and encouragement. Even when you don’t have resources to reward supporters with anything tangible, an expression of your gratitude costs nothing and means so much to the receiver.

A recent survey of 1,400 chief financial officers showed that a simple thank you can go a long way in motivating employees. When asked what, other than monetary reward, is the most effective means of motivating employees, 38% chose frequent recognition of accomplishments as the best way to encourage staff members.

However, in today’s fast-paced business world, there often isn’t enough time or resources to acknowledge these efforts in large ways. There may not be enough money to buy gifts for everyone or time in busy schedules to celebrate accomplishments with a meal.

Usually, everyone on a team performs a heroic act during any project. We seem to have lost the ability to give someone a “high five” or say “great job,” so heroes often remain unappreciated. Yet, when many different company presidents and CEOs were asked the following question, “What do you know now that you wish you’d been told 25 years ago?” Their advice was to occasionally stop for a few moments and think about the people to whom you owe thanks, and then take the time to express your gratitude to them.[*]


Find everyone who has helped you and say thanks in the most sincere way you can.

Even an informal recognition will make an impression—a private discussion, a phone call, or even an e-mail message. Spending a small amount of money can generate a huge return—a card, a morning pastry, a piece of fruit, or a small gift. These show that you took extra effort and time to think about what the receiver might like. When you can, give supporters something they will value. It does not have to be anything expensive; recipients just have to attach value to it and associate it with their efforts in the change initiative. An invitation to a Royal Audience(210) is another way to acknowledge people whose work made a difference.

Take a few minutes to write a thank-you note. Nancy Austin, author of the management classic A Passion for Excellence, reminds us that a personal note is a quick, responsive, cheap, and surprisingly effective way to win friends and influence people. It is “shoestring marketing…. People remember thank-you notes (and the people who write them) because good ones are so rare.”

When appropriate, acknowledge achievements publicly. Recognize special effort and the people who helped achieve even small successes.

Don’t thank only the individuals who have lent a hand. Also consider the people who attended an event you organized, such as a Brown Bag(113) or Hometown Story(164). Let them know how much you appreciate their time. A follow-up gesture of thanks will go a long way to help people remember what you had to say.

Tailor the thanks to each individual. Let people know they are appreciated by interacting with them frequently. Be generous with the acknowledgement and always make people feel important. Even if a considerable amount of time has passed, don’t let this stop you from telling people you are still thankful for what they have done.

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This pattern builds stronger relationships with people who have contributed to the initiative. A sincere expression of gratitude is likely to make such an impression on people that it will be easier to ask for help and receive their assistance again in the future. The spirit that it creates is incredible. More importantly, it will remind you that you didn’t do it all alone. It will keep you humble and be a real boon for those who have made a difference in your efforts.

But once you start thanking people, you run the risk of offending others who feel they were left out or did not receive the same level of appreciation as another person did. Try to reward equally. Thank everyone who helps you, not just the people who do the high-profile tasks. Continually apologize in case you forget a contribution to anticipate a sin of omission.

The inspiration for this pattern came from a co-worker who expressed extreme frustration because her manager did not say thanks after a long, difficult project was completed. Although she didn’t mind working the long hours, she was very upset that her manager didn’t show appreciation with even a simple “thank you” to the team.

Adam was a team leader at a large satellite telecommunications company. As each phase of the project was completed, he wrote personal, printed hardcopy letters to the supervisors of everyone who contributed (they were all contractors), expressing his appreciation for their effort. The trickle down benefit was amazing. The contractors were surprised and delighted to be treated well and even complimented, and so the barriers between the company and the contractors came down, at least in this area. Such expressions have a big pay off over the long term.

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