Hometown Story

My first two presentations about the new idea had generated some interest among the Innovators and the Early Adopters. But I knew that the Early Majority weren’t likely to accept a new idea until they had heard what their co-workers thought. So my next presentation included some time for people who had used the new idea to talk about their experiences.

To help people see the usefulness of the new idea, encourage those who have had success with it to share their stories.


You are a Dedicated Champion(129) trying to introduce a new idea into your organization.

People who haven’t used the new idea may not be aware that other people have used it successfully.

Hearing the experiences of respected colleagues is the next best thing to having the experience yourself. People are attracted by the Smell of Success(219) and are curious about what successful individuals are doing. However, we tend to see the same people up front giving presentations. We know others could talk about their experiences, but they don’t want to take the time to prepare and deliver a formal presentation. Yet informal, interactive presentations require little preparation and can be very effective. People are more likely to talk about experiences when they can do it in an informal way with little or no preparation.


Encourage individuals to share their experiences with the new idea in an informal, highly interactive session.

Do the legwork to prepare and promote the event. Advertise In Your Space(167) and on e-Forum(135). Do Food(132) or a Brown Bag(113). You do not need a large audience. Small group settings can create the atmosphere you want. Be there to help in any way you can, especially if the presenter is not good at leading a discussion.

Although you may wish to ask anyone who has had a positive experience with the innovation to do a Hometown Story, any Guru on Your Side(158) or Early Adopter(138) is likely to have the biggest impact because they are generally seen as opinion leaders.

Use this pattern as often as you can. Make sure a variety of experiences are heard, not just the ones from a few elite groups. Innovators(170) are the only ones likely to get excited about the new idea after hearing only one success story. Others will need many experience reports from many different people before they become supporters.

Hand out a Token(243) to help people remember the new idea that was discussed during the session.

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This pattern creates an event in which individuals share their experiences. It is likely to increase the appeal of the new idea because most people are intrigued by success stories.

But if you choose the wrong person, this can run the risk of hurting your cause. For example, arrogant presenters who are likely to drone on about all the wonderful things they did could end up turning people off. Try to encourage individuals who are liked and respected. If someone with an unpleasant personality insists on doing a Hometown Story, you can ease his influence by combining his presentation with those from other, more likeable, speakers at the same event.

Sally was a little worried about the presentation she was asked to give about a new technology. But she got a lucky break when her co-worker, Steve, stopped by her cubicle while she was working on the slides. He told her that he had played around with the technology a bit. Sally reacted with such interest and excitement that Steve offered to give the second half of the presentation. Even though his experience with the new idea was limited, his presentation ended up being so natural and believable—he just leaned on the desk in the front of the room and told his story. Sally just sat there and smiled. She had put a lot of work into preparing the formal slide presentation, but the real hit of the event was Steve’s story.

At Ken’s company, success stories were often on the agenda at regular team meetings. The group prided itself on being innovative, so they were always excited and interested when someone on the team tried something new. They didn’t even mind if an occasional failure was the topic instead of a success. It gave them the courage to keep learning.

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