
When I’m in search of something or someone in my large, complicated organization, I know who to ask: Mary. She seems to know everyone, or at least someone, in all the divisions and departments. When I explain my problem to her, she seems to think for less than a second and then replies, “Oh, yeah, you need to talk with….” It always saves me a lot of time to ask Mary first.

To help you spread the word about the innovation, ask for help from people who have connections with many others in the organization.


You are an Evangelist(144) or Dedicated Champion(129) trying to introduce a new idea into your organization. You’re doing some things to give exposure to a new idea, but you know there are others who might be interested.

Your organization is too big for you to personally contact everyone.

Studies have consistently pointed to the importance of informal networks. This is how people learn about new ideas, coach one another, and share practical tips and lessons over time. The information that passes through these networks has credibility. When people we know talk about something new, we naturally pay attention.

Over 25 years of research shows that many people are more likely to turn to friends, family, and other personal experts than to use traditional media for ideas and information on a range of topics. Making a decision means having a conversation.

Word-of-mouth epidemics are created when Connectors talk with others. These special people see possibilities in everyone they meet. They know many types of people in different social circles and have a gift for bringing the world together. The closer an idea comes to this type of person, the more opportunity it has.

Researchers have identified a special subgroup of Connectors, the Influentials. They comprise about 10% of the adult population in the U.S. They are interested in many subjects and are connected to many groups. They know how to express themselves. Because of their connections in the community, workplace, and society, their opinions are heard and they can influence decisions among many people. Almost certainly you know one. Chances are you seek out an Influential when you have an important decision to make. They often know the answer to the question you have. If they don’t, they know someone who does. Influentials tend to be two to five years ahead of the rest of us on many important trends, such as the adoption of major technologies or new ideas.

If word of mouth is like a radio signal broadcast over the country, Influentials are the strategically placed transmitters that amplify the signal, multiplying dramatically the number of people who hear it. The signal becomes stronger and stronger as it is beamed from Influential to Influential and then broadcast to the nation as a whole.

You have to work in the formal structure of your organization, but you can’t overlook the ability of other communication networks to spread the word. You’ll improve your chances for success by taking advantage of the many informal relationships in your organization.


Ask for help in spreading the word about the innovation from those who know and communicate with many others in your organization.

Look for individuals who can connect with others. They will be easy to locate because they know so many kinds of people, including you! You may be more likely to find them among the Early Adopters(138)—this group is generally more social than the Innovators(170) and more likely to be members of many different social circles.

Use Personal Touch(198) to convince them of the value in the new idea. If they are Innovators, it should be easy to persuade them. If not, it will be well worth the extra time, because once they become interested, their connection to others will decrease the effort you will need to spread the word. Connectors do not need to be close friends with everyone. They will have “strong ties” that typically share their interests or proximity, as well as many “weak ties” that link them to other social circles. Encourage them to talk with both their “strong” and “weak” ties about the new idea. Connectors will also know the skeptics, so ask them to be Bridge-Builders(110). Remember to Just Say Thanks(183) when they tell you about any contact they’ve made.

Be wary of Connectors who don’t support the innovation. Connectors who are Influentials can spread the word about a new idea in persuasive ways. Few important trends reach the mainstream without passing through the Influentials in the early stages, but Influentials can stop a would-be trend in its tracks. They give the thumbs-up that propels a trend or the thumbs-down that relegates it to a short 15 minutes of fame. Consider giving Connectors with a thumbs-down attitude the special role of Champion Skeptic(116).

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This pattern makes connections with people you might not otherwise reach on your own. Once the Connectors are convinced of the new idea, they will spread the word faster than you can by yourself.

But Connectors can also bring in more people than you have time to handle. So make sure you have interesting things to tell them and some plan of action in place so that the new people don’t become intrigued only to find out that there really isn’t anything interesting going on.

The people who were the most helpful to Pat when she started introducing a new idea were the secretaries. They know everybody and everything. They are the power behind the managers who make important decisions. They know who to talk to about any issue. They became Pat’s most powerful resource.

There are many Connectors at one company because it funds organizations that encourage activities such as the music club, the flying club, and the golf club. The company also has a group that plays bridge at lunchtime and goes out for a meal every other week on payday. Most of these people have known each other for years—both at work and outside work—but even outside work, they talk about work, of course.

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