Chapter Five. Assembly Drawings

Chapter Objectives

  • Learn how to create assembly drawings

  • Learn how to create a family of drawings

  • Learn how to animate assembly drawings

  • Learn how to edit assembly drawings


This chapter explains how to create assembly drawings using a group of relatively simple parts to demonstrate the techniques required. The idea is to learn how to create assembly drawings and then gradually apply the knowledge to more difficult assemblies. For example, Chapter 6 introduces threads and fasteners and includes several exercise problems that require the use of fasteners when creating assembly drawings. Assembly drawings will be included throughout the remainder of the text.

This chapter also shows how to create bills of materials, isometric assembly drawings, title blocks, and other blocks associated with assembly drawings, as well as how to animate assembly drawings.

Bottom-Up and Top-Down Assemblies

There are three ways to create assembly drawings: bottom up, top down, or a combination of the two. A bottom-up approach uses drawings that already exist. Model drawings are pulled from files and compiled to create an assembly. The top-down approach creates model drawings from the assembly drawing. It is also possible to pull drawings from a file and then create more drawings as needed to complete the assembly.

bottom-up approach

Creating an assembly drawing by compiling files from existing drawings.

top-down approach

Creating an assembly drawing by creating model drawings on the assembly drawing.

Starting an Assembly Drawing

Assembly drawings are created using the .iam format. In this example, the bottom-up approach will be used. It is assumed that a model called SQBLOCK already exists. The SQBLOCK figure was created from a 30 mm × 30 mm × 30 mm cube with a 15 mm × 15 mm × 30 mm cutout. See Figure 5-1.

The starting of an assembly drawing is represented in a figure.

Figure 5-1

Exercise 5-1 Starting an Assembly Drawing

One Click on the New tool (the Create New File dialog box appears), select the Metric tab, then Standard (mm).iam. Click Create.

See Figure 5-1. The Assemble tab will appear. See Figure 5-2.

A screenshot shows the create new file dialog box.

Figure 5-2

Two Click the Place tool located under the Assemble tab.

The Place Component dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-3.

A screenshot shows the place component dialog box.

Figure 5-3


Be sure to select the drive and file where the component is located.

Three Click the desired file name, then OPEN.

In this example, the SQBLOCK file was selected. The selected model (component) will appear on the screen.

Four Zoom the component to an appropriate size, then right-click the mouse and select the Place Grounded at Origin option to locate and ground the component.

A second copy of the component will automatically appear.

Five Move the second component away from the first. Left-click the mouse to locate the second component, then right-click the mouse and select the OK option.

See Figure 5-4.

A figure shows two different models of the SQBLOCK drawing. The SQBLOCK has a L-shaped structure. The first model shows the first component placed on the screen and the second model shows the second component placed on the screen.

Figure 5-4


The mouse wheel is used to zoom the drawing. Moving the mouse while holding the wheel down will move the drawing.

Degrees of Freedom

Components are either free to move or they are grounded. Grounded components will not move when assembly tools are applied. Grounded components are identified by a pushpin icon in the browser box. See Figure 5-5.

A figure shows two screenshots regarding SQBLOCK.

Figure 5-5

grounded component

A component of a drawing that will not move when assembly tools are applied.

Exercise 5-2 Displaying the Degrees of Freedom

Components that are not grounded will have degrees of freedom. The available degrees of freedom for a component may be seen by using the Degrees of Freedom option.

One Click the View tab at the top of the screen.

Two Click the Degrees of Freedom tool located on the Visibility panel.

See Figure 5-6. The available degrees of freedom will appear on the components. See Figure 5-7. Note that in Figure 5-7 the SQBLOCK:1 does not have any degrees of freedom; it is grounded. See the pushpin in the browser box.

A figure shows a screenshot of a dialog box.

Figure 5-6

A figure shows two different models of the SQBLOCK drawing. The SQBLOCK has an L-shaped structure. The first model does not have degrees of freedom icons because the component is grounded. The second model consists of the degrees of freedom at its origin.

Figure 5-7

Exercise 5-3 Ungrounding a Component

One Right-click on the SQBLOCK:1 heading in the browser box.

A dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-8.

A figure shows a screenshot of a dialog box.

Figure 5-8

Two Ensure that there is a checkmark next to SQBLOCK:1 indicating that the block is Grounded.

Three The configuration should be one block grounded, one block not grounded.

Free Move and Free Rotate Tools

The Free Move and Free Rotate tools are found on the Position panel under the Assemble tab. The tools are used, as their names imply, to move and rotate individual components.


Hold down the mouse wheel to move the entire drawing, and the ViewCube to rotate the entire drawing.

Exercise 5-4 Moving a Component

One Click the Free Move tool, and click the component SQBLOCK:2.


SQBLOCK:1 is a grounded component and cannot be moved or rotated. If you want to reorient SQBLOCK:1, right-click the component callout in the browser box and remove the grounded constraint.

Two Hold the left mouse button down and move the component about the screen.

Three When the desired location is reached, release the left button.

Four Right-click the mouse and select the OK option.

Exercise 5-5 Rotating a Component

One Click the Free Rotate tool, and click the component to rotate.

A circle will appear around the component. See Figure 5-9.

A figure shows the top view of a solid L- bracket. When the free rotate tool is clicked, a circle will appear around the component (L- bracket). The circle indicates that the component can be rotated.

Figure 5-9

Three Click and hold the left mouse button outside the circle and move the cursor.

The component will rotate. Click various points outside the circle to see how the component can be rotated.

Four When the desired orientation is achieved, press the right mouse button and select the Done option.


The Constrain tool is used to locate components relative to one another. Components may be constrained using the Mate, Flush, Angle, Tangent, or Insert option.

Exercise 5-6 Using the Mate Option

One Click the Constrain tool located on the Relationship panel under the Assemble tab.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-10. The Mate option will automatically be selected.

A screenshot shows the place constraint dialog box.

Figure 5-10

Two Click the front face of SQBLOCK:1 as shown.

Three Click the front face of SQBLOCK:2 as shown.

Four Click the Apply box on the Place Constraint dialog box or right-click the mouse and select the Apply option.

See Figure 5-11. The blocks will be joined at the selected surfaces. The blocks may not be perfectly aligned when assembled. This situation may be corrected using the Flush option.

A figure shows two L- shaped blocks and is named as SQBLOCK:1 and SQBLOCK:2. The front face of the two blocks is selected so that the blocks will be joined at the selected surfaces. A diagram of the resulting mate after the blocks are aligned is shown.

Figure 5-11

The Mate option may also be used to align centerlines of holes, shafts, and fasteners and the edges of models. See Figure 5-12.

A diagram illustrates the usage of mate constraint on edges.

Figure 5-12

Exercise 5-7 Using the Flush Option

One Move and rotate the components approximately into the position shown in Figure 5-13.

A figure regarding the usage of flush option is shown.

Figure 5-13

Two Click the Flush tool on the Place Constraint dialog box.

Three Click the top surface of each block as shown.

Four Click the Apply button.

Five Make other surfaces flush as needed to align the two blocks.

Exercise 5-8 Using the Offset Option

Figure 5-14 shows two SQBLOCKs.

A screenshot of the place constraint dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-14

One Click the Constrain tool and select the Mate option.

Two Use the Mate tool and mate the components’ edges as shown.

Three Enter a value of 10 mm into the Offset box.

The two mated edges will move apart 10 mm.


Offset values may be negative. Negative values create an offset in the direction opposite that of positive values.

Exercise 5-9 Positioning Objects

Sometimes components are not oriented so they can be joined as desired. In these cases, first rotate or move one of the components as needed, then use the Constrain tools. See Figure 5-15. The left component has been rotated using the Rotate Component tool.

A figure shows a model of a L- bracket. A second illustration shows the component (L- bracket) rotated about an axis using the rotate component option.

Figure 5-15

One Click the Constrain tool on the Position panel under the Assemble tab.

Two Click the edge lines of the two components as shown.

Three Click the Apply box.

See Figure 5-16.

An illustration regarding the positioning of object is shown.

Figure 5-16

Four Use the Flush option to align the components.

Five Click the Apply button.


Components cannot be moved or rotated if they are grounded. If a component does not respond to the Rotate Component tool, check to see whether it is grounded; that is, whether there is a push pin to the left of its heading in the browser box.

Exercise 5-10 Using the Angle Option

One Click the Constrain tool on the Position panel under the Assemble tab.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-17.

A screenshot of the place constraint dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-17

Two Use the Mate constraint and align the edges of the SQBLOCKs shown in Figure 5-18.

An illustration regarding the usage of angle option is shown.

Figure 5-18

Three Access the Angle constraint, set the angle for −20.00, and click the two front surfaces of the SQBLOCKs as shown.

Four Click the Apply box.

Five Click the Flush constraint and align the two surfaces as shown.

Exercise 5-11 Using the Tangent Option

Figure 5-19 shows two cylinders. The smaller cylinder has dimensions of Ø10 × 20, and the larger cylinder has dimensions of Ø20 × 20 with a Ø10 centered longitudinal hole.

A figure illustrates the dimensions of two cylinders.

Figure 5-19

One Click the Constrain tool.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-20.

A screenshot of the place constraint dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-20

Two Click the Tangent box under the Type heading.

The Outside option will be selected automatically.

Three Select the outside edge of the large cylinder, then the outside edge of the smaller cylinder.

Figure 5-21 shows the resulting tangent constraint for the cylinders.

A figure shows a model of the resulting tangent cylinders. The larger cylinder is shown attached to the smaller cylinder.

Figure 5-21

Exercise 5-12 Using the Insert Option

One Click the Constrain tool.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-22.

A screenshot of the place constraint dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-22

Two Click the Insert box under the Type heading, then click the Aligned box under the Solution heading.

Note that the Aligned box is the right-hand box.

Three Click the top surface of each cylinder as shown.

See Figure 5-23.

A figure represents the usage of insert option in Inventor 2020.

Figure 5-23

Four Click the Apply button.

Figure 5-23 also shows the result of using the Opposed option under the Solution heading.

Sample Assembly Problem SP5-1

Figure 5-24 shows three models that will be used to create an assembly drawing. The dimensions for the models are given in the figure.

The orthographic and isometric views of the bottom block, top block, and post in a rotator assembly are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-24

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Use the Place tool on the Component panel under the Assemble tab and place the Block, Bottom; Block, Top; and Post, Ø10 × 20 on the drawing screen.

This will be a bottom-up assembly.

Three Click the Constrain tool and use the Mate option to align the two edges as shown.

Four Use the Flush constraint to align the front surfaces of the two blocks.

Five Use the Insert tool to locate the post in the holes in the blocks. See Figure 5-25.

The rotator assembly and two screenshots are illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-25

Six Save the assembly.

Exercise 5-13 Saving an Assembly

One Create the assembly, then click the Save As heading under the I icon pull-down menu.

The file will be saved as an .iam file.

Two Save the assembly using the file name BLOCK, ASSEMBLY; click Save.

Presentation Drawings

Presentation drawings are used to create exploded assembly drawings that can then be animated to show how the assembly is to be created from its components.

presentation drawing

An exploded assembly drawing that can be animated to show how the assembly is to be created.

Exercise 5-14 Creating a Presentation Drawing

One Click on the New tool.

The Create New File dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-26.

The create new file dialog box is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-26

Two Click the Standard (mm).ipn tool, then Create.

The Presentation tab will appear. See Figure 5-27.

A screenshot illustrates a step in creating a presentation drawing. The presentation tab is selected. The insert model tool in the Model panel is to be selected.

Figure 5-27

Three Click the Insert Model tool on the Model panel under the Presentation tab.

The Insert dialog box will appear, listing all the existing assembly drawings. See Figure 5-28.

A screenshot illustrates the Insert dialog box in Inventor 2020.

Figure 5-28

Four Select the appropriate assembly drawing, then click Open.

A figure shows a block assembly. The block assembly is in the shape of a rectangular box. Edges illustrate the partition between the parts. The part, 1. block, top: 1, is selected.

Figure 5-29

The assembly will appear. See Figure 5-29.

Exercise 5-15 Creating an Exploded Assembly Drawing

One Click the Tweak Components tool located on the Component panel under the Presentation tab.

The Tweak Component tools will appear. See Figure 5-30.

The tweak components tool in AutoCAD inventor 2020 is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 5-30

Two Select the post (the post will change to the color blue outline when selected).

See Figures 5-31 and 5-32. An axis system will appear. Click, hold, and drag the Z-direction arrow (the arrow will be colored gold when selected). Right-click the mouse and select OK when a final post position is selected. See Figure 5-33.

The initial steps in removing a post from a block assembly is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-31

A figure shows the removal of post from a block assembly. The post is dragged halfway upwards. A field 'Z' reads, 12.000 millimeters. The arrow pointing Z-axis is used to click and drag.

Figure 5-32

The removal of a post from block assembly is illustrated in a diagram.

Figure 5-33

Three Select the top block and drag it to a position above the bottom block.

See Figure 5-34.

A figure illustrates the dragging of top block away from the bottom block in a block assembly. The post, top block, and bottom block are labeled out. The view resembles the exploded view of the block assembly. Trails are provided for the post and blocks.

Figure 5-34

Four Right-click the mouse and select OK.

Exercise 5-16 Saving the Presentation Drawing

One Click the Save As heading on the File pull-down menu under the I icon.

The Save As dialog box will appear.

Two Enter the file name and click the Save box.

The drawing will be saved as an .ipn drawing. In this example the assembly drawing file named BLOCK, ASSEMBLY was used. The same name can be used because the file is saved using a different extension. In this example, the presentation drawing was labeled BLOCK, ASSEMBLY (2).

Exercise 5-17 Hiding a Trail

One Right-click the trail.

Two Select the Hide Trail Segment, Current option.


Note that if you delete a trail rather than using the Visibility option, the tweaking also will be deleted, and the models will return to their original assembled positions.


Presentation drawings can be animated using the Animate tool.

Exercise 5-18 Animating a Presentation Drawing

One Click on the Capture Camera tool on the Camera panel under the Presentation tab.

The Animation dialog ribbon will appear. See Figure 5-35. The control buttons on the Animation dialog box are similar to those found on CD players.

The animation of a presentation drawing is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 5-35

Two Click the Play forward button.

The assembly will be reassembled to original assembly drawing format, then exploded in the sequence used to define the tweaks.

Three Save the exploded presentation drawing. The file name BLOCK, ASSEMBLY was used as this drawing has no trail lines.

Isometric Drawings

Isometric drawings can be created directly from presentation drawings. Assembly numbers (balloons) can be added to the isometric drawings, and a parts list will automatically be created.

Exercise 5-19 Creating an Isometric Drawing

One Click on the New tool, then the Metric tab.

The Create New File dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-36.

The steps in creating an isometric drawing is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-36

Two Select the ANSI (mm).idw tool, and click Create.

The Place Views tools will appear in the tab. See Chapter 4 for a further explanation of the Place Views tools.

Three Click the Base View tool.

The Drawing View dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-36.

Four Click the Open an existing file button.

The Open dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-37.

The open dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot.

Figure 5-37


Set the Files of type box for Inventor Files (*.ipt, *.iam, *.ipn) to assure that all files are available.

Ensure that all files are listed.

Five Select the appropriate presentation drawing (file type is .ipn), then click Open.

The Drawing View dialog box will reappear. See Figure 5-38.

The drawing view dialog box is illustrated in a screenshot of Inventor 2020.

Figure 5-38

Six Click OK (if needed).

Seven Click the Projected tool on the Create panel under the Place Views tab. Click the top view of the assembly and move the cursor up and to the right.

An exploded isometric view will appear.

Eight Left click a location for the Isometric view, right-click the mouse, and select the Create option. Delete the initial top view.

Figure 5-39 shows the resulting isometric view. Figure 5-40 shows the isometric drawing created using the Shaded option.

A diagram illustrates the isometric drawing of the block assembly in top right view. The trails for post and blocks are provided. The rotator assembly is shown in exploded view. The assembly is represented in wireframe view.

Figure 5-39

A diagram illustrates the isometric drawing of the block assembly in top right view. The trails for post and blocks are provided. The rotator assembly is shown in exploded view. The assembly is represented in shaded view.

Figure 5-40

Assembly Numbers

Assembly numbers are added to an isometric drawing using the Balloon tool.

Exercise 5-20 Adding Balloons

One While still working on the ANSI (mm).idw template, click the Annotation tab, then click the Balloon option. Click the BLOCK, BOTTOM component.

See Figures 5-41 and 5-42.

A screenshot of the Inventor page is shown. To add balloons, first select the annotate tab and then select the Balloon option.

Figure 5-41

The BOM properties dialog box includes the following fields: file name, BOM settings: BOM view (structured), level (first level), and minimum digits (1).

Figure 5-42

The BOM Properties dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-42.

Two Click the topmost edge line of the BLOCK, BOTTOM.

Three Click OK, then drag the cursor away from the selected edge line.

Four Locate a position away from the component and click the left mouse button. Move the cursor in a horizontal direction and click the left mouse button again.

Five Right-click the mouse and select the Continue option.

Six Add balloons to the other components.

Seven Press the <Esc> key after all balloon numbers have been assigned.


Balloon numbers (assembly numbers) are also referred to as bubble numbers and are used to identify parts within an assembly. Assembly numbers are different from part numbers.

See Figure 5-43. The balloon numbers will be in the order the parts were added to the drawing.

A drawing with three parts is shown. Balloon numbers are added to the parts in the order they were added to the drawing. The topmost edge line of the drawing is selected and a balloon number 1 is added.

Figure 5-43


Making the balloon leaders lines the same angle will give the drawing a well-organized appearance.

Exercise 5-21 Editing Balloons

In general, the biggest parts have the lowest numbers. The assigned numbers can be edited.

One Right-click the balloon to be edited and select the Edit Balloon option. See Figure 5-44. The Edit Balloon dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-45.

To edit a balloon, right-click on the balloon. A shortcut menu with several options appears in which 'Edit Balloon' option is selected.

Figure 5-44

The Edit Balloon dialog box includes the following fields: balloon type and balloon value. Item and override options appear below the balloon value field. The balloon numbers are edited in the override section.

Figure 5-45

Two Make any needed changes in the Edit Balloon dialog box and click OK.


The terms parts list and BOM are interchangeable.

Parts List

A parts list can be created from an isometric drawing after the balloons have been assigned using the Parts List tool located on the Table panel under the Annotate tab.

Exercise 5-22 Creating a Parts List

One Click the Parts List tool on the Table panel.

The Parts List dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-46.

A Parts List dialog box includes the following fields: select view (selected), select documents, BOM settings and properties, table wrapping direction: left (select) and right, and enable automatic wrap.

Figure 5-46

Two Move the cursor into the area around the isometric drawing.

A broken red line will appear when the cursor is in the area.

Three Click the left mouse button, then click the OK button on the Parts List dialog box. Move the cursor away from the isometric drawing area.

An outline of the parts list will appear and move with the cursor.

Four Select a location for the parts list and left-click the mouse.

Figure 5-47 shows the resulting drawing. The parts list was generated using information from the original model drawings and the presentation drawings. Your part numbers may be different. They will be the file names you assigned the part drawings.

A drawing and a Parts List created for the drawing are shown. The different parts of the drawing are numbered. The parts list lists the quantity, part number, and description for the numbered parts.

Figure 5-47

Exercise 5-23 Editing a Parts List

One Move the cursor onto the parts list and right-click the mouse. The lettering in the parts list will turn red when activated.

Two Click the Edit Parts List option.

The Parts List: BLOCK, ASSEMBLY (2).iam box will appear. See Figure 5-48. Click on a cell and either delete or add text. Figure 5-49 shows an edited parts list.

A parts list is shown. The part's file names are automatically listed as the part numbers. The description column is left empty. The 'part number' and 'description' columns are to be edited.

Figure 5-48

A parts list is shown. The 'column chooser' tool is available at the top of the Parts list dialog box. The file names are removed and parts numbers are inserted in the part number column. The description column is also filled.

Figure 5-49

Inventor will automatically insert the file name of a component into the PART NUMBER column. In this example, the file names were removed, and part numbers and descriptions were added. See Figure 5-48. To add or delete information from a parts list, click the appropriate box, delete existing text, and type in the new text.

Naming and Adding New Columns

Each company or organization has its own system for naming parts. In the examples in this book, the noun, modifier format was used.

Exercise 5-24 Adding a New Column

Say two additional columns were required for the parts list shown in Figure 5-49: Material and Notes.

One Move the cursor onto the parts list area and right-click the mouse.

Two Select the Edit Parts List option.

The Parts List dialog box will appear.

Three Select Column Chooser.

The Parts List Column Chooser dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-50.

A screenshot illustrates about adding a new column to the parts list.

Figure 5-50

Four Scroll down the Available Properties listing to see if the new column headings are listed.

Five MATERIAL is listed, so click on the listing, then click the Add box in the middle of the screen.

The heading MATERIAL will appear in the Selected Properties area. Use the Move Down and Move Up boxes to sequence the column headings.

The heading NOTES is not listed, so it must be defined.

Six Click on the New Property box.

The Define New Property dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-51.

Define New Property dialog box is shown, in which the name of a new column heading is typed as 'Notes.' Then select ok option.

Figure 5-51

Seven Type in the name of the new column, then click OK.

In this example, a NOTES column was added.

Note that only uppercase letters are used to define column headings.

Eight Click the Add-> Option and arrange the Selected Properties in the desired sequence, and click OK.

The Parts List dialog box will reappear.

Nine Click Save, then click Done.

10 Delete the old parts list and enter a new one. The new parts list will include the edits.

Figure 5-52 shows the revised column in the parts list. If no material is defined, the word Generic will appear. The material for a model will be assigned to the model drawing and brought forward into the parts list. The MATERIAL column can be edited like the other columns.

A parts list includes the following headers: item, quantity, part number, description, material, and notes. Here 'part number' is the revised column. The material column is not filled, thus by default, a word 'Generic' appears.

Figure 5-52

Figure 5-53 shows the edited parts list on the drawing.

A completed parts list is shown. The parts list includes three items. The following details are provided for each item: quantity, part number, description, and material. The notes column is left blank.

Figure 5-53

Title Block

All drawings include a title block, usually located in the lower right corner of the drawing sheet, as Figure 5-54 shows. Text may be added to a title block under existing headings, or new headings may be added.

A title block is shown.

Figure 5-54

Exercise 5-25 Adding Text to a Title Block

One Right-click the drawing name (BLOCK, ASSEMBLY) in the Model browser box, then click the Properties option.

See Figure 5-55. The drawing’s iProperties dialog box will appear. Text can be typed into the iProperties dialog box and will appear on the title block. Figure 5-56 shows the Summary input.

To add text to a title block, right-click the drawing name (Block, Assembly) in the model browser box and select the properties option. The Block, Assembly properties dialog box appears in which the summary tab is selected.

Figure 5-55

A screenshot illustrates about summary inputs.

Figure 5-56

Two Click the Summary tab on the iProperties dialog box and enter the appropriate information.

In this example, the Title, Author, and Company were added.

Three Click the Project tab and add the Part Number. See Figure 5-57. In this example, the number AM312 was added. This is an assembly drawing number. Each individual part has its own number.

A screenshot illustrates about adding project information.

Figure 5-57

Four Click Apply and OK.

See Figure 5-57. Figure 5-58 shows the completed title block.

A title block is shown.

Figure 5-58

The title block included with Inventor is only one possible format. Each company and organization will have its own specifications.


Figure 5-59 shows a slightly more complicated assembly than the BLOCK assembly used in the previous sections. It is called a PIVOT assembly. Figure 5-60 shows the components needed to create the assembly. This will be a bottom-up assembly. The dimensions for the parts are found in Project 5-14.

A pivot assembly is shown.

Figure 5-59

The components of a pivot assembly are shown separately. The components are ball, handle, large post, small post, pivot, and link.

Figure 5-60

It is sometimes difficult to control the assembly constraints. The parts seem to move randomly about the screen when constraints are added. Figure 5-61 shows an example of an incorrect application of an assembly constraint. If this occurs, undo the incorrect application and consider temporarily fixing some constraints. The constraints can be deleted when no longer needed. The assembly sequence presented here is one of many different ones that could be used.

An incorrect application of an assembly constraint is shown. Here the pivot, large post, and handle are assembled incorrectly.

Figure 5-61

The PIVOT is grounded because it was the first component entered on the screen.

One Right-click HANDLE in the browser box and ground the handle.

More than one component may be grounded at one time. See Figure 5-62.

The large post is inserted into the top hole, located at the lower portion of the handle, using Insert constraint. The handle and the pivot are grounded. The other parts are left unassembled.

Figure 5-62

Two Use the Insert constraint and insert the POST,LARGE into the top hole of the HANDLE.

Use the Offset option to center the post.

Three Use Insert and position the POST,SMALL into the HANDLE.

See Figure 5-63.

The small post is inserted into the bottom hole, located at the lower portion of the handle. The other parts are left unassembled.

Figure 5-63

Four Use Insert and position the LINK onto the POST,SMALL.

See Figure 5-64.

The link is connected onto the small post on the handle using the Insert constraint. Then unground the handle. This setup is saved as a subassembly. The pivot and the ball are left unassembled.

Figure 5-64

Five Unground the HANDLE.

Six Save the assembly drawing as PIVOT ASSEMBLY.

Seven Use Insert to position the subassembly into the PIVOT.

See Figure 5-65.

The Place Constraint dialog box is shown. Under the Assembly tab, type, selections, offset, and solution headers are listed. The offset value is entered as negative 26 millimeters.

Figure 5-65

Eight Use the Angle constraint to position the HANDLE relative to the LINK.

In this example, an angle of 100° was used. See Figure 5-66.

The Place Constraint dialog box is shown. Under the Assembly tab, the type, selections, angle, and solution headers are listed. The angle is entered as 100.00 degrees.

Figure 5-66

Nine Use Insert to position the BALL on top of the HANDLE.

See Figure 5-59.

Figure 5-67 shows a presentation drawing of the PIVOT ASSEMBLY, and Figure 5-68 shows an exploded isometric drawing of the assembly and a parts list.

A presentation drawing of a Pivot Assembly is shown.

Figure 5-67

An exploded view of a pivot assembly with its parts list is shown.

Figure 5-68

Drawing Sheets

Some assemblies are so large they require larger paper sheet sizes. Drawings are prepared on predefined standard-size sheets of paper. Each standard size has been assigned a letter value. Figure 5-69 shows the letter values and the sheet size assigned to each. All these sizes and more are available within Inventor.

Standard drawing sheet sizes in inches and millimeters are listed.

Figure 5-69

Figure 5-70 shows a drawing done on a C-size drawing sheet. Note the letter C in the title block. The drawing is crowded on the sheet, so a larger sheet size is needed.

Three drawings are done on a C-size drawing sheet of dimension 17 inches by 22 inches. The title block of the sheet, located at the bottom, includes the letter 'C' on the size field.

Figure 5-70

Exercise 5-26 Changing a Sheet Size

One Locate the cursor on the Sheet:1 heading in the browser box and right-click the mouse.

Two Select the Edit Sheet option.

The Edit Sheet dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-71.

A screenshot depicts how to set a new sheet size in AutoCAD layout.

Figure 5-71

Three Select the D option and click OK.

See Figure 5-72. Note that the letter C has been replaced with the letter D, and the sheet size has changed.

The steps to change the sheet size is illustrated.

Figure 5-72

Exercise 5-27 Adding More Sheets to a Drawing

Sometimes assembly drawings are so large they require more than one sheet.

One Click the New Sheet tool located on the Sheets panel under the Place Views tab.

Two A Sheet:2 listing will appear in the browser box. See Figure 5-73.

A screenshot describes about adding more sheets to a drawing.

Figure 5-73

Three Right-click the Sheet:2 callout and select the Edit Sheet option.

Four Select the desired sheet size and click OK.

A new sheet will appear on the screen. See Figure 5-74.

A new sheet is shown.

Figure 5-74

Other Types of Drawing Blocks

Release Blocks

Figure 5-75 shows an enlarged view of the title block. The area on the left side of the block is called a release block. After a drawing is completed, it is first checked. If the drawing is acceptable, the checker will initial the drawing and forward it to the next approval person. Which person(s) and which department approve new drawings varies, but until a drawing is “signed off”—that is, all required signatures have been entered—it is not considered a finished drawing.

release block

The area in a title block where required approval signatures are entered.

A title block is shown. The area on the left side of the title block is marked as Release block. The release block includes the following fields: drawn, checked, QA, MFG, and approved.

Figure 5-75

Revision Blocks

Figure 5-76 shows a sample revision block. It was created using the Revision Table tool located on the Table panel under the Annotate tab. Drawings used in industry are constantly being changed. Products are improved or corrected, and drawings must reflect and document these changes.

revision block

The area in a drawing where changes are listed by number with a brief description of the change.

An illustration describes about revision blocks.

Figure 5-76

Drawing changes are listed in the revision block by number. Revision blocks are usually located in the upper right corner of the drawing.

Exercise 5-28 Creating a Revision Block

One Click the Revision Table tool on the Table panel.

The Revision Table dialog box will appear on the screen. See Figure 5-77. Revisions are usually numbered starting with 1. The default Start Value shown in the Revision Table dialog box is 1. The numbers shown in the revision tag should correspond to numbers listed under the REV heading in the revision block.

An illustration describes about creating a revision block.

Figure 5-77

Two Click OK.

An outline of the revision block will appear on the screen. Revision blocks are usually located in the upper right corner of the drawing. Move the rectangular outline to the upper right corner of the drawing and click the mouse.

Each drawing revision is listed by number in the revision block. A brief description of the change is also included. It is important that the description be as accurate and complete as possible. The zone on the drawing where the revision is located is also specified.

The revision number is added to the field of the drawing in the area where the change was made. The revision letter is located within a “flag” to distinguish it from dimensions and drawing notes. The flag is created using the Revision Tag tool located on the Table panel under the Annotate tab. See Figure 5-76. The Revision Tag tool is a flyout from the Revision Table tool.

To change the number within a revision tag, right-click the tag and select the Edit Revision Tag option. A text dialog box will appear, and the tag number may be changed. See Figure 5-78.

An illustration describes about changing the number within a revision tag.

Figure 5-78

Exercise 5-29 Editing the Revision Block

One Move the cursor onto the revision block.

Filled green circles will appear around the revision block. See Figure 5-79.

An illustration describes about editing a revision block.

Figure 5-79

Two Right-click the mouse and select the Edit option.

The Revision Table dialog box will appear. The block’s headings may be edited or rearranged as needed. See Figure 5-80.

A Revision Table dialog box is shown. It contains options to create new columns and table layout. The revision table includes the following headers: zone, revision, description, date, and approved.

Figure 5-80


Most companies have systems in place that allow engineers and designers to make quick changes to drawings. These change orders are called engineering change orders (ECOs), engineering orders (EOs), or change orders (COs), depending on the company’s preference. Change orders are documented on special drawing sheets that are usually stapled to a print of the drawing. Figure 5-81 shows a sample change order attached to a drawing.

An Engineering Change Order (ECO) is attached to the top-right of a print of drawing. The ECO includes the changes made to the drawing. Before the diameter was 12 and now it is 12.5.

Figure 5-81

After a number of change orders have accumulated, they are incorporated into the drawing. This process is called a drawing revision, which is different from a revision to the drawing. Drawing revisions are usually identified by a letter located somewhere in the title block. The revision letters may be included as part of the drawing number or in a separate box in the title block. Whenever you are working on a drawing, make sure you have the latest revision and all appropriate change orders. Companies have recording and referencing systems for listing all drawing revisions and drawing changes.

drawing revision

A version of a drawing into which change orders have been incorporated.

Drawing Notes

Drawing notes are used to provide manufacturing information that is not visual; for example, finishing instructions, torque requirements for bolts, and shipping instructions.

Drawing notes are usually listed on the right side of the drawing above the title block. Drawing notes are listed by number. If a note applies to a specific part of the drawing, the note number is enclosed in a triangle. The note numbers enclosed in triangles are also drawn next to the corresponding areas of the drawing. See Figure 5-82.

A figure illustrates about drawing notes.

Figure 5-82

Top-Down Assemblies

A top-down assembly is an assembly that creates new parts as the assembly is created. Figure 5-83 shows a ROTATOR ASSEMBLY that was created using the top-down method. This section will explain how the assembly was created.

A rotator assembly created using top-down method is shown.

Figure 5-83

Exercise 5-30 Starting an Assembly

When creating a top-down assembly, start by saving the assembly drawing. Individual components can then be added to the assembly drawing.

One Click on the New tool.

Two Click the Metric tab, and select Standard (mm).iam.

The Assemble tab will appear.

Three Left-click on the heading Assembly1 in the browser box.

See Figure 5-84.

The step-wise process to start an assembly is illustrated. Click the file tab, then left-click on the heading Assembly 1, that appears below the Assembly tab. Then click the file tab and select Save As option.
A Save As dialog box is shown. It includes two fields: file name and file type. Enter the file name as 'Rotator Assembly' and click the Save button.

Figure 5-84

Four Click the File tab and select the Save As tool from the cascading menu.

The Save As dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-84.

Five Name the assembly, then click Save.

In this example, the assembly was named ROTATOR ASSEMBLY.

Exercise 5-31 Changing the Sketch Plane

The parts created for this assembly were created on the XZ plane. This gives the assembly a more realistic orientation.

One Click the Tools tab at the top of the screen and select Application Options.

Two Click the Part tab.

Three Select the Sketch on x-z plane button, then Apply and Close.

See Figure 5-85.

A screenshot illustrates about changing the sketch plane.

Figure 5-85

Exercise 5-32 Creating a Part

One Click the Create Component tool on the Component panel under the Assemble tab.

The Create In-Place Component dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-86.

A step-wise process to create a part is illustrated.

Figure 5-86

Two Change the file name to PLATE. Select a file location.

Three Click the Browse Templates box located to the right of the Template box.

The Open Template dialog box will appear.

Four Click the Metric tab, then select the Standard (mm).ipt option, then OK.

Five The Create In-Place Component dialog box will appear. Click OK. Type in the New Component Name, PLATE, then click OK.

A cursor will appear with a 3D box next to it.

Six Left-click the mouse.

Seven Move the cursor into the ViewCube area and click the icon that looks like a house.

This is the Home tool. An axis will appear on the screen.

Eight Click the Create 2D Sketch tool.

The Sketch panel will appear in the panel box area.

Nine Select a sketch plane.

Image Use the Two Point Rectangle, Line, and Dimension tools to create the PLATE shown in Figure 5-87.

A plate of length 120.000 units and breadth 40.000 units is shown. A central line is drawn along the middle of the plate, such that the line lies at a distance of 20.000 units from the horizontal edges and vertical edges of the plate.

Figure 5-87

The line labeled “Central line” is not an edge. It is a single line that will be used to help assemble the parts.

Exercise 5-33 Adding Work Points and a Work Axis

One Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option, and click the 3DModel tab.

The 3D Model panel will appear.


Do not select the Finish Edit option.

Two Click the Work Point option located on the Work Features pane under the 3D Model tab, and locate work points at both ends of the central line.

Three Click the Work Axis tool and add a work axis between the two work points.

The new work axis will be through the points and parallel to the baseline of the plate. The work points and work axis will be listed in the browser area.

Four Click on Origin under PLATE in the browser area.

Five Click the XY Plane under Plate:1 and add a work axis through both work points.

The planes used to create this assembly are unique to this example. Other combinations of planes can be used.

Six Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

See Figure 5-88.

An illustration depicts adding work points and work axis to a plate.

Figure 5-88

Seven Save the drawing.


The work axis perpendicular to the XZ plane must appear on both sides of the PLATE.

Each of the four parts that make up the assembly must be created as individual drawings. Be sure to use the Create Component tool for each part. Each part should be listed in the browser box.

Exercise 5-34 Creating LINK-L

One Click the Assemble tab in the browser box, click on the Create Component tool, and create a new component named LINK-L.

The Create In-Place Component dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-86. Click the Browse Templates box, and click the Metric tab in the Open Template dialog box that will appear. Create the LINK-L component using the Standard (mm).ipt format. Define the new component’s file name. In this example the name LINK-L was assigned.

Two Click the drawing screen, click the Create 2D Sketch tool, select the appropriate plane, and use the Circle, Line, and Dimension tools on the Sketch panel to create LINK-L as shown in Figure 5-89.

An illustration depicts creating a Link-L.

Figure 5-89

Three Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Four Click the 3D Model tab, and use the Work Point tool to create work points at the center points of both circles. Use the Work Axis tool to create a work axis between the two holes’ centers.

Five Use the Work Axis tool and the XZ Plane option listed under Origin under LINK-L in the browser area to create two work axes through the two work points, perpendicular to the XZ plane.

See Figure 5-90.

A figure displays a set of two holes placed vertically at a distance of 30 units between their centers. The work points are marked on the center of the circle the work axis perpendicular to the XZ plane through the work points.

Figure 5-90

Six Right-click the mouse and select Finish Edit.

Exercise 5-35 Copying a Component

Figure 5-91 shows the drawing screen with the PLATE and LINK-L components. The LINK-L component will be copied and the copy’s name changed to LINK-R.

A figure shows the copying process of a component.

Figure 5-91

One Right-click the LINK-L:1:1 in the browser box. See Figure 5-92.

Screenshot of the rotator assembly is shown. Right-click is performed on the LINK-L:1:1 and the copy option is selected on the pop-up menu.
A screenshot points to the paste option on a drawing screen.

Figure 5-92

A dialog box will appear.

Two Click the Copy option.

Three Move the cursor next to Link-L, right-click the mouse, and select the Paste option.

A copy of the LINK-L will appear on the screen. LINK-L will be renamed LINK-L:1 and the copied link will be named LINK-L:2. The new names will appear in the browser box.

Four Click the LINK-L:2 heading in the browser box and change the name to LINK-R. See Figure 5-93.

Screenshot of the rotator assembly is shown. The link call out is renamed and the text beside reads, "left-click the link callout and change it to LINK-R."

Figure 5-93

Check to see that the work points and axis created for LINK-L have been copied onto LINK-R in the browser box. See Figure 5-94.

A figure shows two links: Link-L: 1 and Link-L: 2 created above the left and the right vertical edges of the plate. The Link-L: 2 is the copied link. The work points and work axes are also copied from the Link-L: 1 to the Link-L: 2.

Figure 5-94

Exercise 5-36 Creating the CROSSLINK

One Double-click the assembly name in the browser box, and use the Create Component tool to create the CROSSLINK using the dimensions presented in Figure 5-95.

A figure displays the links and crosslinks on a sketch.

Figure 5-95

Click the Create Component tool. See Figure 5-86. Click the Browse Templates box, and click the Metric tab in the Open Template dialog box that will appear. Create the new component using the Standard (mm).ipt format. Define the new component’s file name as CROSSLINK.


All four components that make up the assembly should now be listed in the browser box.

Two Click OK and move the cursor into the drawing area and click the left mouse button.

Three Use the Create 2D Sketch tool and draw the CROSSLINK using the dimensions shown in Figures 5-95 and 5-96.

A figure displays the browser assembly box along with some sketches having work points and work axes.

Figure 5-96

Four Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Five Select the appropriate orientation.

Six Add work points and axes as shown.


The work axis should appear equal on both sides of the work point. If it appears on only one side, undo and redefine the sketch.

Seven Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

The browser box should look like the one shown in Figure 5-96.

Exercise 5-37 Assembling the Parts

One Return to the Assemble tab.

Two Click the Constrain tool.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear.

Three Select the Mate option.

Four Select the work axes as shown in Figure 5-97.

A figure illustrates a mate tool.

Figure 5-97

Five Click Apply.

Six Assure that the Mate tool is still active and mate the work axes as shown in Figure 5-98.

A figure illustrates the mate tool.

Figure 5-98

Seven Assure that the Mate tool is still active and mate the work axes shown in Figures 5-99 and 5-100.

A figure depicts the mate work axes using the mate tool.

Figure 5-99

A figure regarding the mate tool is shown.

Figure 5-100


Select the work axes that are perpendicular to the XZ plane. Do not select the work points. Make the selections on the perpendicular work axis away from the work points.

Figure 5-101 shows the resulting assembly drawing.

The completed assembly drawing is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-101

Exercise 5-38 Animating the LINKs

One Access the Assemble tab.

Two Right-click the PLATE heading in the browser box and create a work axis on the edge of the PLATE, as shown in Figure 5-101.

Three Right-click the mouse and click the Finish Edit box. Click the Constrain tool.

The Place Constraint dialog box will appear.

Four Select the Angle option.

The default angle setting is 0.00 deg.

Five Click the vertical work axis on the PLATE created in step 2, click the vertical axis of LINK-L:2, and click the vertical work axis on the PLATE again. See Figure 5-102.

A figure shows a screenshot of place constraint dialog box and a model of the resultant assembly drawing.

Figure 5-102

The Apply option will be activated when the selections have been made.

NOTE: Click the axis line located on the edge of the PLATE above the edge’s centerline.

Six Click Apply.

Exercise 5-39 Setting the Assembly in Motion

One Right-click the Angle:1 (0.00 deg) constraint in the browser area, and select the Drive option.

See Figure 5-103. The Drive Constraint dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-104.

A screenshot of the browser area is shown. It lists the various LINK-L:1, LINK-L:2, and crosslink: 1 option. Now, right-click the angle: 1 (0.00 deg) option from LINK-L:1. The drive option is selected from the right-click menu1.

Figure 5-103

A figure shows the drive constraint dialog box.

Figure 5-104

Two Set the End angle for 720.00 deg.

Three Click the Forward button.

The assembly should rotate freely. If the rotation is not correct, check the constraints.

Exercise 5-40 Controlling the Speed of the Rotation

One Click the >> button in the lower right corner of the Drive Constraint dialog box.

The box will expand. See Figure 5-105.

A figure shows a screenshot of the constraint dialog box.

Figure 5-105

Two Set the Increment value to 5.00 deg.

Three Click the Forward button.

The higher the Increment value, the faster the assembly will rotate. The Repetitions setting is used to control the number of revolutions generated.

Exercise 5-41 Completing the PLATE

So far, only outlines of the components have been created. This is a good way to check the motion. Now we will complete the components, turning them into solid models.

One Right-click the heading PLATE in the browser box.

Two Select the Open option, and click the Home icon to create an isometric view.

Three Select the Extrude tool and set the Extents Distance to 15 mm.

See Figure 5-106.

A screenshot shows the properties dialog box.

Figure 5-106

Four Click OK.

Five Click the Hole tool. Use the two existing work points as center points for two Ø10.0 holes.

See Figure 5-107.

A figure shows a model of the assembly drawing. Two circular plates of diameter 20 separated by a distance of 80 are placed over a solid rectangular plate. Two additional holes of diameter 10 are inserted in the rectangular plate.

Figure 5-107

Six Save the PLATE changes.

Seven Click the X in the upper right corner to return to the assembly drawing. Save the drawing.

Exercise 5-42 Completing LINK-L and LINK-R

One Right-click LINK-L:1 in the browser area and select the Open option.

Two Right-click the word Sketch 1 under the LINK-L:1 heading and select the Edit Sketch option.

Three Draw two tangent lines as shown in Figure 5-108.

A figure shows a screenshot of model and properties dialog box along with the assembly drawing.
A figure shows the steps to extrude two circles at the top and bottom portions of the elliptical object.

Figure 5-108

Four Click the Finish 2D Sketch tool and extrude LINK-L 5 mm.

Five Right-click the mouse and select the New Sketch option. Sketch a Ø10 circle. Right-click the mouse and click the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Six Extrude the top circle 11 forward.

The 11 extrusions will create a 1 offset from the CROSSLINK.

Seven Reorient LINK-L:1 so that the back surface is visible, right-click the mouse, and select the New Sketch option.

Eight Sketch a Ø10 circle, right-click the mouse, and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Nine Extrude the circle a distance of 16.

The 16 extrusion will create a 1 offset from the PLATE.

10 Edit LINK-L:2 to the same dimensions and features.

Eleven Save the LINKs.

Twelve Click the X in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the assembly drawing.

Exercise 5-43 Completing the CROSSLINK

One Right-click CROSSLINK in the browser area and select the Open option.

Two Add two tangent lines and extrude the CROSSLINK 10 mm.

See Figure 5-109.

A figure shows a crosslink which is elliptical. Two tangent lines of 10 mm are extruded at each corner of the crosslink. Now, two circles each of diameter 10 are sketched at the top and bottom portions of the crosslink.

Figure 5-109

Three Create two Ø10 holes as shown.

Four Save the CROSSLINK.

Five Click the X in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the assembly drawing.

Aligning the Assembly

Now that the components have thickness, they may not be aligned correctly; that is, they interfere with each other. The alignment could have been created as the components were constrained in the last section by defining offset values. Rotate the assembly and see if there is any interference or if the components are too far apart. See Figure 5-110. Use the Flush constraint and create a 1 offset between the parts if needed. The extrusion distances of 11 and 16 should help create the offset. Align the front surface of the CROSSLINK with the top of the Ø10 × 11 post on the LINKs and the back of the PLATE with the top of the Ø10 × 16 post. The finished assembly should look like Figure 5-111.

The alignment of components in an assembly is illustrated in a figure.

Figure 5-110

A figure illustrates the completion of rotator assembly.

Figure 5-111


Figure 5-112 shows a presentation drawing of the ROTATOR, and Figure 5-113 shows an exploded isometric drawing created using the .idw format.

A figure shows the presentation drawing of a rotator assembly. The presentation drawing resembles the 3D model of the assembly in exploded view. The cross link, links, and plate are aligned respectively.

Figure 5-112

A figure illustrates the exploded isometric drawing of the rotator assembly.

Figure 5-113

Editing a Part within an Assembly Drawing

Figure 5-114 shows an assembly drawing called 114-ASSEMBLY. It is made from three components: 114-PLATE, 114-BRACKET, and 114-POST. The 114 PLATE is 40 × 90 with six evenly Ø10 holes, 10,10 from the corners. The 114 BRACKET is 30 × 30 × 40 with two Ø holes 10,10 from the corners. The 114 POST is Ø10 × 20. All thicknesses equal 10.

A figure shows the procedure of editing a part within an assembly.

Figure 5-114

Exercise 5-44 Editing a Feature

It has been determined that the Ø10 mm holes in the bracket are too small. They are to be increased to Ø11 mm. The holes are features.

One Right-click the 114-BRACKET heading in the browser box.

See Figure 5-115. A list of options will appear. See Figure 5-116.

A screenshot shows the right-click menu of the 114-BRACKET heading. It lists the repeat undo, edit, open, and copy options. The open option is selected.

Figure 5-115

A screenshot of the 114-BRACKET dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-116

Two Click the Open option.

Three Right-click the Extrusion 2 heading and select the Edit Sketch option. See Figure 5-116.

The Sketch drawing will appear. See Figure 5-117.

An AUTOCAD screen shows the drawing of a rectangular assembly. Two holes of diameter 10 are present at the top and bottom of the rectangular plate. Now the diameter of the holes is changed from 10 millimeters to 11 millimeters.

Figure 5-117

Five Change the hole’s diameter value from 10 to 11 mm. Click Finish 2d Sketch.


The hole’s locational dimensions could also be edited at this time.

The bracket will appear on the screen. Click the Close button (the X in the upper right corner of the bracket’s screen). See Figure 5-118.

An AUTOCAD screen shows a model of the assembly drawing.

Figure 5-118

Six Click the Yes box.

The assembly will appear.

Seven Click the bracket.

Figure 5-119 shows the edited bracket. Note the gap between the diameter 10 posts and the edited diameter 11 holes.

A figure shows a model of the assembly drawing.

Figure 5-119

Exercise 5-45 Editing a Sketch

It has been determined that the length of the plate is to be increased from 90 mm to 100 mm. This change is a change to the initial sketch.

One Right-click the 114-PLATE:1 heading in the browser box.

A list of options will appear. See Figure 5-120.

A screenshot shows the right-click menu of the 114-PLATE:1 heading in the browser box. It lists various options such as repeat undo, edit, open, copy, delete, and add to new folder options. The open option is then clicked.

Figure 5-120

Two Select the Open option.

The browser box will change.

Three Right-click the Extrusion1 heading in the browser box, then click the Edit Sketch heading.

See Figure 5-121. The original rectangular sketch will appear. See Figure 5-122.

A screenshot of the 114-PLATE-3d dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-121

An AUTOCAD screen shows the original sketch of the rectangular assembly. The length of the rectangular plate is 90 and the width of the rectangular plate is 40.

Figure 5-122

Four Double-click the 90 dimension value and enter a new value of 100; click the checkmark on the Edit Dimension box. See Figure 5-123.

An AUTOCAD screen shows the original sketch of the rectangular assembly. The length of the rectangular plate is changed from 90 to 100 and the width of the rectangular plate is 40.

Figure 5-123

Five Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

The plate will appear on the screen.

Six Click the Close box in the upper right corner of the plate’s screen.

A warning box will appear. See Figure 5-124.

A screenshot of the Autodesk Inventor professional dialog box is shown.

Figure 5-124

Seven Click the Yes box.

The assembly will appear on the screen. See Figure 5-125.

A figure shows a model of the assembly drawing.

Figure 5-125

Eight Click the plate.

Note the increase in the plate’s length.

Patterning Components

Figure 5-126 shows an assembly in which a post is inserted into a plate. Posts are to be inserted into all 16 holes in the plate. The plate is 80 × 80 × 10. There are 16 Ø10 holes located 10 from each edge and 20 apart. The post is Ø10 × 20.

A figure illustrates the patterning components.
A figure illustrates the patterning components.

Figure 5-126

Exercise 5-46 Creating a Pattern of Components

One Select the Pattern Component tool located on the Component panel under the Assemble tab.

The Pattern Component dialog box will appear. See Figure 5-126.

Two Select the Post as the component.

Three Select the Rectangular tab.

Four Define the Column direction, the number of components, and the spacing between components.

In this example, the holes in the plate are 20 mm apart.

Five Define the Row direction and spacing.

Six Click OK.

Mirroring Components

Components within an assembly may be mirrored and added to the assembly. See Figure 5-127.

An illustration regarding mirroring components is shown.
An illustration regarding mirroring components is shown.

Figure 5-127

Exercise 5-47 Mirroring an Assembly

One Click the Mirror Component tool located on the Component panel under the Assemble tab.

The Mirror Components: Status dialog box will appear.

Two Click the components to be mirrored.

In this example, all the components were selected. A listing of the selected components will appear in the Mirror Components: Status dialog box.

Three Click the Mirror Plane box.

Four Select the right front vertical plane as the mirror plane.

Five Click Next.

The Mirror Components: File Names dialog box will appear. This is a listing of all components that are mirrored and have been added to the assembly. The box may be edited as needed. In this example, no changes were made.

Six Click OK.

Copying Components

Components already on an assembly may be copied and added to the assembly. See Figure 5-128. In this example, the bracket and posts will be copied.

An illustration regarding copying the components is shown.

Figure 5-128

Exercise 5-48 Copying a Component

One Click the Copy Component tool located on the Pattern panel under the Assembly tab.

The Copy tool is a flyout on the Pattern panel. The Copy Components: Status dialog box will appear.

Two Select the bracket and two posts.

Three Select OK.

The Copy Components: File Names dialog box will appear. This is a listing of all components that have been copied and added to the assembly.

Four Move the copied component away from the assembly.

Five Use the Constrain tool to position the copied component into the assembly.

Chapter Summary

This chapter explained how to create assembly drawings from individual parts. The tools in the Assemble tab were introduced and used in a bottom-up approach to create the first assembly drawing from an existing model. The method for grounding components was demonstrated. The Move and Rotate tools as well as all the options of the Constrain tool were used to manipulate components of the drawing.

The tools in the Presentation tab were used to explode an assembly drawing to show how the assembly is created from its components. The presentation drawing was then animated. Assembly numbers were added and edited to isometric views of the presentation drawing.

The other elements of a presentation drawing—the parts list or bill of materials, the title block, release blocks, and revision blocks—were also demonstrated.

The top-down approach to creating an assembly drawing was also illustrated, and various techniques for editing assembly drawings were explained, including patterning, mirroring, and copying components.

Chapter Test Questions

Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not an assembly constraint tool?

a. Flush

b. Insert

c. Bisect

d. Angle

2. Which tool is used to locate a shaft into a hole?

a. Flush

b. Insert

c. Bisect

d. Angle

3. Why is the Tweak tool used in presentation drawings?

a. To pull components apart

b. To edit components

c. To rotate components

4. What is the function of the Column Chooser option of the Edit Parts List dialog box?

a. To change the size of the columns

b. To arrange the columns in numerical order

c. To add, subtract, and edit columns

5. What is a subassembly?

a. Another name for an assembly drawing

b. A group of parts assembled together and then inserted as a group into an assembly

c. An assembly that is located below other assemblies

6. What are the dimensions of a C-size drawing sheet?

a. 8.5 × 11

b. 11 × 17

c. 17 × 22

7. What is the purpose of drawing revisions?

a. To document recent changes to a drawing

b. To indicate future changes to a drawing

c. To specify the drawing’s tolerances

8. Why are drawing notes added to a drawing?

a. To explain the functions of the drawing’s parts

b. To list the comments of the drawing’s engineer

c. To define manufacturing information that cannot be shown visually

9. Which tool is used to animate an assembly drawing?

a. Drive Constraint

b. Increment Constraint

c. Repetition Constraint

10. Which tool may be used to change the dimensions of an individual part?

a. Change Drawing

b. Edit Component

c. Modify Entity


Write the number of the correct answer on the line.

Column A

Column B

a. A4 ______

1. 8.5″ × 11″

b. C ______

2. 11″ × 17″

c. A ______

3. 17″ × 22″

d. A1 ______

4. 22″ × 34″

e. A2 ______

5. 210 mm × 297 mm

f. B ______

6. 297 mm × 420 mm

g. A3 ______

7. 420 mm × 594 mm

h. D ______

8. 594 mm × 841 mm

True or False

Circle the correct answer.

1. True or False: A bottom-up assembly drawing is created from existing drawings.

2. True or False: A top-down assembly drawing is created from existing drawings.

3. True or False: A grounded component has no degrees of freedom.

4. True or False: A presentation drawing is used to pull assembled components apart.

5. True or False: A presentation drawing can be animated.

6. True or False: An isometric assembly drawing is created using the ANSI.idw format.

7. True or False: Assembly numbers are the same as part numbers.

8. True or False: Assembly numbers are added to an assembly drawing using the Balloon tool.

9. True or False: A BOM is the same as a parts list.

10. True or False: ECOs are used to make quick changes to an existing drawing.

Chapter Projects

Project 5-1

A dimensioned block is shown in Figure P5-1 . Redraw this block and save it as SQBLOCK. See page 222. Use the SQBLOCK to create assemblies as shown.

Diagrams present the dimensioned blocks.


A solid model of a T-shaped block is shown. A line through the center of the block partitions the block into two equal parts.

Figure P5-1B

A solid model shows two similar rectangular blocks one above the other. The blocks consist of a V-shaped notch along a vertical edge in the front. The block at the top is inclined and the angle between the two blocks is 20 degrees.

Figure P5-1C

A solid model of a rectangular model is shown. A line partitions the rectangle into two. On the top surface, this line consists of two vertical lines connected by a horizontal line at the center.

Figure P5-1D

A solid model shows two similar rectangular blocks one above the other. The blocks consist of a V-shaped notch along a vertical edge in the front.

Figure P5-1E

A solid model presents two L-shaped blocks that are placed horizontally. The two blocks are fixed one behind the other. It resembles a rectangular block with a rectangular cut near the left edge and a V-shaped cut at the right edge.

Figure P5-1F

A solid model presents two L-shaped blocks that are placed horizontally. The two blocks are fixed one behind the other. It resembles a rectangular block with a rectangular cut near the left edge and a V-shaped cut at the right edge.

Figure P5-1G

Pages 292–295 show a group of parts. These parts are used to create the assemblies presented as problems in this section. Use the given descriptions, part numbers, and materials when creating BOMs for the assemblies.

Project 5-2

Redraw the following models and save them as Standard (mm).ipn files. All dimensions are in millimeters.

A diagram of a spacer along with its dimensions.

Figure P5-2A

A diagram of a double spacer along with its dimensions.

Figure P5-2B

A diagram of a triple spacer along with its dimensions.

Figure P5-2C

Diagrams and a table illustrate the peg.

Figure P5-2D

Sketch of an L-bracket is presented along with the dimensions.

Figure P5-2E

A sketch of a Z-bracket is presented along with its dimensions.

Figure P5-2F

An illustration of the base plate is presented.

Figure P5-2G

A sketch of a C-bracket is presented along with the dimensions.

Figure P5-2H

Project 5-3

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 1. Create a BOM.

An isometric view of a rectangular object is presented. The object consists of two C-brackets that face each other. A rectangular spacer that consists of four holes is placed above and below these C-brackets. The entire object resembles a rectangular frame.


An exploded-view of an object illustrates its assembly.

Figure P5-3B

Project 5-4

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 2. Create a BOM.

An isometric view of an object.


An exploded-view of an object illustrates its assembly.

Figure P5-4B

Project 5-5

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 3. Create a BOM.

An isometric view of an object shows a rectangular base formed by a base plate at the bottom and two quad spacers at the top. Two Z-brackets are attached on top of this base at the corners. On the top surface of the two Z-brackets, a quad spacer is attached.


An exploded-view of an object illustrates its assembly.

Figure P5-5B

Project 5-6

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 4. Create a BOM.

An isometric view of an object is presented.


An exploded-view of an object illustrates its assembly.

Figure P5-6B

Project 5-7

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 5. Create a BOM.

An isometric view of an object is shown.


An exploded view of an object illustrates assembly 5.

Figure P5-7B

Project 5-8

Draw an exploded isometric assembly drawing of Assembly 6. Create a BOM.

Figures present the isometric views of an object.

Figure P5-8A

A figure depicts the assembly structure of a composite object.

Figure P5-8B

Project 5-9

Create an original assembly based on the parts shown on pages 292–295. Include a scene, an exploded isometric drawing with assembly numbers, and a BOM. Use at least 12 parts.

Project 5-10

Draw the ROTATOR ASSEMBLY shown. Include the following:

  1. An assembly drawing.

  2. An exploded presentation drawing.

  3. An isometric drawing with assembly numbers.

  4. A parts list.

  5. An animated assembly drawing; the LINKs should rotate relative to the PLATE. The LINKs should carry the CROSSLINK. The CROSSLINK should remain parallel during the rotation.

A figure illustrates the various drawings for a rotator assembly.

Figure P5-10


This assembly was used in the section on top-down assemblies. See page 260.

Project 5-11

Draw the FLY ASSEMBLY shown. Include the following:

  1. An assembly drawing.

  2. An exploded presentation drawing.

  3. An isometric drawing with assembly numbers.

  4. A parts list.

  5. An animated assembly drawing; the FLYLINK should rotate around the SUPPORT base.

A figure depicts the graphical depictions and orthogonal views of a fly assembly are shown.

Figure P5-11

Project 5-12

Draw the ROCKER ASSEMBLY shown. Include the following:

  1. An assembly drawing

  2. An exploded presentation drawing

  3. An isometric drawing with assembly numbers

  4. A parts list

  5. An animated assembly drawing

A figure illustrates the graphical depiction of a flyer assembly along with orthogonal views of its exploded parts.

Figure P5-12

Project 5-13

Draw the LINK ASSEMBLY shown. Include the following:

  1. An assembly drawing.

  2. An exploded presentation drawing.

  3. An isometric drawing with assembly numbers.

  4. A parts list.

  5. An animated assembly drawing; the HOLDER ARM should rotate between −30° and +30°.

A figure illustrates the graphical depiction of a link assembly along with orthogonal views of its exploded parts.

Figure P5-13

Project 5-14

Draw the PIVOT ASSEMBLY shown using the dimensioned components given. Include the following:

  1. A presentation drawing

  2. A 3D exploded isometric drawing

  3. A parts list


This assembly was used in the section on subassemblies. See page 249.

A figure shows a pivot assembly.


A figure illustrates the graphical depiction of a link assembly along with orthogonal views of its exploded parts.

Figure P5-14B

A figure depicts orthogonal views of the post and handle part of a pivot assembly.

Figure P5-14C

A figure depicts orthogonal views of the link part of a pivot assembly.

Figure P5-14D

A figure depicts orthogonal views of the handle in a pivot assembly.

Figure P5-14E

A presentation drawing of a Pivot Assembly is shown.

Figure P5-14F

An exploded view of a pivot assembly with its parts listed is shown.

Figure P5-14G

An assembled structure and orthographic views of different parts of the structure are shown.

Figure P5-15

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