Engineering Design Graphics with Autodesk® Inventor® 2020

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Autodesk screen shots reprinted courtesy of Autodesk, Inc. © 2019. All rights reserved. Autodesk, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, and Inventor are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the U.S.A. and certain other countries.

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The publication is designed to provide tutorial information about Inventor® and/or other Autodesk computer programs. Every effort has been made to make this publication complete and as accurate as possible. The reader is expressly cautioned to use any and all precautions necessary, and to take appropriate steps to avoid hazards, when engaging in the activities described herein.

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Acquisitions Editor: Chhavi Vig

Managing Editor: Sandra Schroeder

Senior Production Editor: Lori Lyons

Cover Designer: Chuti Prasertsith

Full-Service Project Management: Gayathri Umashankaran/codeMantra

Composition: codeMantra

Proofreader: Abigail Manheim

Library of Congress Control Number is on file

ISBN 10: 0-13-556309-0

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-556309-7


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