Chapter Twelve. Gears

Chapter Objectives

  • Understand the different types of gears: spur, bevel, and worm

  • Understand gear terminology

  • Learn how to select gears from the Content Center

  • Learn how to draw hubs on gears and to add setscrews

  • Learn how to draw keyways on gears and to add keys

  • Learn how to use gears in assemblies


This chapter explains how to draw gears using the Gear tool located on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab. Three types of gears are covered: spur, bevel, and worm. See Figure 12-1. The chapter shows how to add hubs and splines to the gears and how to combine gears to create gear trains.

Five different types of gears are shown in a figure.

Figure 12-1

Gear Terminology

Pitch Diameter (D): The diameter used to define the spacing of gears. Ideally, gears are exactly tangent to each other along their pitch diameters.

Diametral Pitch (P): The number of teeth per inch. Meshing gears must have the same diametral pitch. Manufacturers’ gear charts list gears with the same diametral pitch.

Module (M): The pitch diameter divided by the number of teeth. The metric equivalent of diametral pitch.

Number of Teeth (N): The number of teeth of a gear.

Circular Pitch (CP): The circular distance from a fixed point on one tooth to the same position on the next tooth as measured along the pitch circle. The circumference of the pitch circle divided by the number of teeth.

Preferred Pitches: The standard sizes available from gear manufacturers. Whenever possible, use preferred gear sizes.

Center Distance (CD): The distance between the center points of two meshing gears.

Backlash: The difference between a tooth width and the engaging space on a meshing gear.

Addendum (a): The height of a tooth above the pitch diameter.

Dedendum (d): The depth of a tooth below the pitch diameter.

Whole Depth: The total depth of a tooth. The addendum plus the dedendum.

Working Depth: The depth of engagement of one gear into another. Equal to the sum of the two gears’ addendums.

Circular Thickness: The distance across a tooth as measured along the pitch circle.

Face Width (F): The distance from front to back along a tooth as measured perpendicular to the pitch circle.

Outside Diameter: The largest diameter of the gear. Equal to the pitch diameter plus the addendum.

Root Diameter: The diameter of the base of the teeth. Equal to the pitch diameter minus the dedendum.

Clearance: The distance between the addendum of the meshing gear and the dedendum of the mating gear.

Pressure Angle: The angle between the line of action and a line tangent to the pitch circle. Most gears have pressure angles of either 14.5° or 20°.

See Figure 12-2.

A common spur gear with its parts marked is shown. The parts marked in the spur gear are as follows: Outside diameter, circular pitch, working depth, addendum, addendum, root diameter, circular thickness, face width, and pitch diameter.

Figure 12-2

Gear Formulas

Figure 12-3 shows a chart of formulas commonly associated with gears. The formulas are for spur gears.

A listing of the relative formulas used in a spur gear terminology is shown.

Figure 12-3

Drawing Gears Using the Gear Tool

Draw two gears with 60 and 120 teeth, respectively, a diametral pitch of 24, a pressure angle of 14.5°, and a face width of 0.75 in.

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (in).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab.

See Figure 12-4.

A screenshot displays the design tab menus in the ribbon section. The spur gear tool in the ribbon is selected.

Figure 12-4

Three Click the Spur Gear tool.


In metric units, diametral pitch is called module.

The Spur Gears Component Generator dialog box will appear. See Figure 12-5. There are several options available under the Design Guide option. The Center Distance option will be used for this example.

A screenshot of spur gears component generator is shown with the values entered.

Figure 12-5

Four Enter the following values.

Gear1: 60 teeth, facewidth = 0.75

Gear2: 120 teeth, facewidth = 0.500

Diametral pitch = 24 ul/in.

A gear ratio of 2.00 will be calculated automatically.

Five Click Calculate, then click OK.

The two gears will appear on the screen. See Figure 12-6.

A figure shows a spur gear. In the spur gear, the biggest gear has 120 teeth and the smallest gear has 60 teeth.

Figure 12-6

Image Click Spur Gears:1 in the browser box, right-click Spur Gear1:1, and click the Isolate option.

See Figure 12-7. Figure 12-8 shows the finished gear.

A screenshot displays the model drop-down box. In the assembly view, the spur gears:1 is clicked, and in the menus of the spur gears, the spur gear 1:1 option is right-clicked. The pop-up menu is displayed and the isolate option is clicked.

Figure 12-7

A figure shows an isolated gear with 60-tooth gear.

Figure 12-8

Gear Hubs

This section will show how to add a gear hub to a gear. The gear created and isolated in the last section and shown in Figure 12-8 will be used. A hub will be added, a hole will be created through the hub and gear, and a threaded hole for a setscrew will also be added.

Exercise 12-1 Adding a Hub to a Gear

One Move the cursor into the browser area, right-click Spur Gear1:1, and select the Edit option.

See Figure 12-9.

A screenshot displays the model drop-down box. The spur gear 1:1 option is right-clicked. The pop-up menu is displayed and the edit option is clicked.

Figure 12-9

Image Move the cursor onto the front face of the gear, right-click the mouse, and select the New Sketch option.

See Figure 12-10.

A figure shows a sketch of gear on a new sketch plane.

Figure 12-10

Three Sketch a Ø1.250 circle on the gear.

See Figure 12-11.

A figure shows the sketch of gear of diameter 1.250 units on a sketch plane. A text on the top reads, "Edit the value to 1.250 diameters."

Figure 12-11

Four Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

See Figures 12-12 and 12-13.

A screenshot displays the Finish 2D sketch option.

Figure 12-12

A figure shows the sketch of gear of diameter 1.250 units on a sketch plane. A text on the top reads, "Edit the value to 1.250 diameters."

Figure 12-13

Five Click the Extrude tool and extrude the Ø1.250 circle 0.75.

See Figure 12-14.

A figure shows a gear with extrusion in the middle. The point, the center point is marked in the center of the extrusion.

Figure 12-14

Six Create a new sketch plane on the top surface of the extrusion and locate a Point, Center Point.

See Figure 12-15.

Screenshot of the properties dialog box is shown.

Figure 12-15

Seven Right-click the mouse again and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Image Click the Hole tool and add a simple Ø.500 hole through the hub and gear (Through All).Click OK.

See Figure 12-16.

A figure shows a gear with an extrusion in the middle. A hole of diameter 0.500 units is in the middle of the extrusion.

Figure 12-16

Nine Create an offset work plane tangent to the hub by clicking the Work Plane tool located on the flyout from the Plane tool on the Work Features panel under the 3D Model tab, clicking the XZ Plane under the Origin heading of Spur Gear1:1 in the browser box, and touching the edge of the hub’s outer surface with the cursor.

See Figure 12-17.

A figure shows a gear with extrusion in the middle on an XY plane. A new plane is drawn at an offset distance of 0.625 inches.

Figure 12-17


The work plane is created by clicking the Work Plane tool then the XZ plane under the Origin heading in the browser box. Move the cursor to the outside surface of the hub. A work plane will appear tangent to the hub.

10 Create a second offset work plane .375 above the first offset plane tangent to top edge of the hub. Create a new sketch plane and add a Point, Center Point located above the hub on its centerline. See Figure 12-18.

A figure shows a gear on a work plane. The second work plane is drawn at an offset value of 0.375. The point, center point, and the construction line are labeled.

Figure 12-18

Note that a construction line was added to enable the dimensioning.

Eleven Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Image Click the Hole tool and create a 10-24 UNC threaded hole in the hub. Hide the work plane.


Do not use the Through All distance, as this will create two holes.

See Figure 12-19. The #10 is a hole size. It is a Ø.19 hole.

Screenshot of the properties dialog box is shown.

Figure 12-19

Thirteen Right-click Work Plane callouts in the Browser box and remove the check mark on the Visibility option on all the planes. See Figure 12-20.

A screenshot depicts the visibility option.

Figure 12-20

This will hide the XZ work plane.

Fourteen Click the Assemble tab and click the Design tab.

Figure 12-21 shows the finished gear.

Figure of the finished gear is shown.

Figure 12-21

Image Click on the Place from Content Center tool.

Sixteen Access the Set Screws and select Hexagon Socket Set Screw – Half Dog Point – Inch. Click OK.

See Figure 12-22.

A screenshot displays the set screw window.

Figure 12-22

17 Select a #10 UNC thread that is 0.38 long. Click OK.

See Figure 12-23.

Screenshot of the hexagon socket set screw-Half dog point-inch window is displayed. The select tab is selected. The thread description (in inch) is set to number 10, the normal length (in inch) is set to 0.38, and the thread type is set to UNC.

Figure 12-23

18 Use the Constrain tool and position the setscrew.

See Figure 12-24.

A figure shows a gear with an extrusion in the middle. A screw is at the top of the extrusion and a work axis is drawn passing through the screw.

Figure 12-24


In this example, a work axis was created to help align the setscrew and the hole.

Gear Ratios

The speed ratio between two gears is determined by the number of teeth on each gear. For example, if two spur gears have 60 teeth and 20 teeth, respectively, the gear ratio is 60/20 = 3/1. See Figure 12-25. Thus, if the larger gear with 60 teeth is rotating at 30 revolutions per minute (RPM), the smaller gear with 20 teeth will rotate at 90 RPM. It is a general rule of thumb not to use spur gear ratios greater than 5:1.

gear ratio

The ratio of number of teeth on the larger of two meshing gears to the number on the smaller gear.

A figure shows a spur gear. The biggest gear has 60 teeth and the smallest gear has 20 teeth. The gear ratio is derived as 60 over 20 equals 3 over 1.

Figure 12-25

Bevel gear ratios are also determined by the number of teeth on each gear. Again, the general rule of thumb is not to use gear ratios greater than 5:1. See Figure 12-26.

A figure shows a bevel gear. The biggest gear has 54 teeth and the smallest gear has 18 teeth. The gear ratio is derived as 54 over 18 equals 3 over 1.

Figure 12-26

The gear ratio for a worm and worm gear combination is determined by the number of teeth on the worm gear. The cylinder-shaped gear is called a worm, and the round gear is called a worm gear. The worm is assumed to be 1 tooth. If a worm gear is meshed with a worm, and the worm gear has 42 teeth, the gear ratio will be 42:1. See Figure 12-27.

A figure shows a worm gear. The gear has 42 teeth and the worm is considered as 1 tooth. The gear ratio is derived as 42 over 1.

Figure 12-27

Gear Trains

When more than two gears are used in a design the combination is called a gear train. Figure 12-28 shows a gear train that contains four gears: two 20-tooth gears, one 40-tooth gear, and one 60-tooth gear. The speed ratio between the input RPM and output RPM is determined by multiplying the individual gear ratios together. Observe that the 40-tooth gear and one of the 20-tooth gears are mounted on the same shaft. There is no speed ratio between these two gears, as they have the same angular velocity. The speed ratio is

gear train

The combination of more than two meshing gears.

A figure shows gear trains with its sketch.

Figure 12-28


For an input speed of 1750 RPM, the output speed would be

1750(16)=292 RPM

Figure 12-29 shows another gear train that includes six gears: three 20-tooth gears and three 60-tooth gears. The speed ratio between input and output speeds is

A figure shows gear trains with its sketch.

Figure 12-29


For an input speed of 1750 RPM, the output speed would be

175027=64.8 RPM

Gear Direction

Meshing gears always rotate in opposite directions. If gear 1 in Figure 12-29 were to rotate clockwise (CW), then gear 2 would rotate counterclockwise (CCW). Gear 3 would also rotate CCW, driving gear 4 in a CW direction. Gear 5 would rotate in the CW direction and drive gear 6 in the CCW direction. A gear called an idler may be added to a gear train for the sole purpose of changing the direction of the final rotation. Idler gears are usually identical with one of the gears with which they are meshing so as not to affect the final speed ratio. See Figure 12-30.

idler gear

A gear added to a gear train for the sole purpose of changing the direction of the final rotation.

A figure shows gear trains with its sketch.

Figure 12-30

Gears with Keyways

Figure 12-31 shows a hubless spur gear. It is to be joined to a shaft using a square key. A keyway must be added to the gear. The gear has a bore of Ø.5000 in. and a face width of .500 in. Its pressure angle is 14.5, it has 48 teeth, and a diametral pitch of 24. It was drawn using the Gear tools on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab, on a Standard (in).iam format drawing.

A figure shows a gear with 48 teeth, 0.500 gear, 24 diametral pitch, 14.5 degrees pressure angle, and 0.50 face width.

Figure 12-31

Exercise 12-2 Adding a Keyway to a Gear

First, determine the key that will be inserted into the gear. The information about the gear contained in the Content Center will specify the size of the keyway.

One Click the Place from Content Center tool.

See Figure 12-32.

A screenshot displays the rectangular keys window.

Figure 12-32

Image Select a Square key.

See Figure 12-33.

Screenshot of the square window is displayed. The select tab is selected. The shaft diameter (in inch) is set to number 0.4375, width into height is set to 1 over 8 times 1 over 8, and the normal key nominal length (in inch) is set to 0.625.

Figure 12-33

The bore of the gear is Ø.500, so the 0.43752 0.5625 shaft diameter range was selected, yielding a 1/8 × 1/8 width and height for the key. A nominal key length of 0.625 was selected.

Three Click the Table View tab and access All Columns.

See Figure 12-34. The table specifies a Parallel Key Width of 0.125 and a Parallel Key Groove of 0.0625.

Table view of the square dialog box is shown.

Figure 12-34

Image Right-click the Gear callout in the browser box, select the Edit option, create a new sketch plane on the front surface of the gear, and draw a two-point rectangle as shown.

See Figure 12-35. The .3130 value was derived from the bore radius of .250 and the Parallel Key Groove requirement of 0.0625. The width of the keyway is .125 (1/8).

A figure displays the dimensions for the keyway. The top of the keyway is at a distance of 0.3130 from the center of the hole and its side is at a distance of 0.630 from the center.

Figure 12-35

Five Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

See Figure 12-36.

A screenshot shows the following menus on the window that displays a keyway, and they are, line, two-point rectangle, finish 2D sketch, etcetera. The options displayed below the finish 2D sketch menu are edit dimension, previous view, and home view.

Figure 12-36

Six Use the Extrude tool and cut out the rectangle, producing the keyway.

See Figure 12-37.

A gear with a keyway is shown.

Figure 12-37

Seven Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

Eight Assemble the square key into the gear’s keyway.

See Figure 12-38.

A figure shows a gear with a square key in the keyway.

Figure 12-38


Chapter 10 shows how to draw a keyway in a shaft.

Gear Assemblies

This section shows how to draw gear assemblies. Two meshing gears will be mounted onto a support plate using two shafts. The support plate and gear shafts were drawn using the dimensions shown in Figure 12-39. The Plate, Gear is 15 thick.

A sketch displays a plate gear and a shaft gear.

Figure 12-39

Exercise 12-3 Drawing a Gear Assembly

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Access the Spur Gear tool on the Power Transmission panel under the Design tab.

Three Set the values for the dimensions of the gear in the Spur Gears Component Generator dialog box as shown in Figure 12-40.

A screenshot of spur gears component generator is shown with the values entered.

Figure 12-40

Four Finish the gear drawing.

Figure 12-41 shows the finished gears.

A figure shows a spur gear. In the spur gear, the biggest gear has 40 teeth and the smallest gear has 20 teeth.

Figure 12-41

Image Click the arrowhead next to the Spur Gears:1 heading in the browser box, right-click Spur Gear1:1, and select the Isolate option.

Six Right-click the 20-tooth gear and select the Edit option.

Seven Create a new sketch plane and draw a Ø20.00 circle. Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

See Figure 12-42.

A screenshot shows the following menus on the window that displays a keyway, and they are, line, two-point rectangle, finish 2D sketch, etcetera. The options displayed below the finish 2D sketch menu are edit dimension, previous view, and home view.

Figure 12-42


See Exercise 12-1 for a more detailed explanation of how to draw gear hubs.


Do not select the Finish Edit option. Remember that you are working only on the 20-tooth gear, so you want to stay in that sketch mode.

Image Extrude the Ø20 circle through a distance of 12 mm.

See Figure 12-43.

A window shows the properties dialog box on the left and the figure of the gear on the right. In the behavior menu, the distance is set to 12.00 millimeter and the diameter of the extrusion is 20 units.

Figure 12-43

Nine Create a new sketch plane on the new top surface.

See Figure 12-44.

A figure shows a gear with extrusion in the middle on a work plane. The center point of the extrusion is selected.

Figure 12-44

10 Draw a Ø12.00 hole through the gear.

See Figure 12-45.

A figure shows a gear with a hole in the center.

Figure 12-45

Eleven Create a new work plane tangent to the gear’s hub. Locate a center point for a hole.

See Figure 12-46.

A figure shows a gear on a work plane. The value of the edit dimension dialog box is set to 6.

Figure 12-46

Twelve Draw a threaded hole. Use an M4 × 0.7 metric thread.

See Figure 12-47.

Screenshot of the properties dialog box is shown.

Figure 12-47

Thirteen Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

Image Right-click the mouse and click the Undo Isolate option.

The 40-tooth gear will reappear.

See Figure 12-48.

A figure shows a spur gear with a hole on the smallest gear.

Figure 12-48

Fifteen Isolate the 40-tooth gear and create a hub, bore, and M4 × 0.7 threaded hole using the procedure described for the 20-tooth gear.

See Figure 12-49.

A figure shows a spur gear with extrusion on the biggest gear. Add M4 times 0.7 threaded hole on the 40-teeth gear.

Figure 12-49

Sixteen Save the two gears as Gear Subassembly.

17 Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.


You could have continued to work in the gear drawing and either inserted the existing components or created new components using the Create Component tool.

18 Use the Place Component tool and insert a gear support plate, two shafts, and the gear subassembly.

See Figure 12-39 for dimensioned drawings of the plate and shafts.

See Figure 12-50.

A figure displays the gear shafts, gear plate, and gear subassembly.

Figure 12-50

19 Use the Constrain tool and assemble the gears, shafts, and support plate.

See Figure 12-51.

A figure shows the assembled structure of the gears, shafts, and support plate.

Figure 12-51

20 Click the Place from Content Center tool located under the Assemble tab.

Right-click the mouse and access the Content Center, click the Set Screws option, and select a DIN EN 24766 Set Screw with a point that has an M4 thread and is 4 long.

See Figures 12-52 and 12-53.

A window displays the category view section on the left. Click the plus sign of the fasteners that display all the menus inside it. Then click the set screws. The set screws are displayed on the right and DIN EN 24766 is selected.

Figure 12-52

Screenshot of the DIN EN 24766 window is displayed. The screw is displayed on the right and the M4 is selected in the thread description and 4 millimeters is selected in the nominal length.

Figure 12-53

Image Click OK.

Add two setscrews to the assembly drawing. See Figure 12-54.

A figure shows the set screws and gear hubs separately.

Figure 12-54

22 Insert the setscrews into the gear hubs.

Figure 12-55 shows the finished assembly.

A figure shows the finished assembly in which the set screws are inserted in the gear hubs.

Figure 12-55


Use work planes and work axes if necessary to insert the setscrews into the hubs. Remember to assemble in the assembly drawing and not on individual components.

Bevel Gears

Bevel gears are conical-shaped gears that have intersecting axes. Spur gears have parallel axes. Figure 12-56 shows a set of meshing bevel gears.

bevel gears

Conical-shaped gears that have intersecting axes.

Screenshot of DIN 6885-1 B is displayed. The table view tab is selected. All columns are displayed. The hub depth in millimeters is 1.8 and it is labeled, "Depth of groove in gear hub."

Figure 12-56

Exercise 12-4 Drawing Bevel Gears

Draw a set of bevel gears with 15 and 30 teeth, respectively. Define the module as 3.000, the shaft angle as 90°, the pressure angle as 20, and the face width as 20.00.

One Start a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab, and click the Gear tool located on the Power Transmission panel.

See Figure 12-57.

A screenshot displays the bevel gears component generator.

Figure 12-57

Three Click the Bevel Gear tool.

The Bevel Gear option is a flyout from the Spur Gear tool. The Bevel Gear Component Generator dialog box will appear. See Figure 12-57.

Four Enter 15 teeth for the small gear, 30 teeth for the large gear, and a Module value of 3.00.

Five Click Calculate.

Six Click OK.

The File Naming box will appear.

Seven Click OK.

The gears will appear on the screen.

Exercise 12-5 Adding Hubs to Bevel Gears

One Rotate the gears so that the bottom surface of the small gear is in view.

Two Click the arrowhead to the left of the Bevel Gears:1 heading in the browser box, right-click on the Bevel Gear1:1 heading, and select the Edit option.

See Figure 12-58.

In the screenshot the bevel gears:1 is selected. In that, the bevel gear is right-clicked and the edit option is selected.

Figure 12-58

Three Create a new sketch plane on the bottom surface of the smaller gear.

See Figure 12-59.

A figure shows a gear of inner diameter 24 units on a sketch plane. Here, a new sketch plane is created at the bottom of the gear.

Figure 12-59

Four Draw a Ø24 circle on the new sketch plane.

Five Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

See Figure 12-60. Do not click the Finish Edit option. You are still working on the smaller gear, so continue working on the sketch.

A figure displays various options on the figure and they are, line, two-point rectangle, finish 2D sketch, etcetera and the right-click are performed on finish 2D sketch and the menus edit dimension, previous view, home viewer, and how to appear.

Figure 12-60

Six Extrude the circle 12 mm.

Seven Right-click the mouse and create a new sketch plane on the top surface of the hub.

Eight Create a Ø12.00 hole Through All.

Nine Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option. Click the Isometric tool.

See Figure 12-61.

A figure shows a bevel gear. A hole of diameter 12 units is on the smallest gear.

Figure 12-61

10 Repeat the procedure for the larger gear. Make the hub 15 mm high with a Ø15 hole.

See Figure 12-62. Figure 12-63 shows the finished bevel gears.

A figure shows the larger gear of the bevel gear with an extrusion that is 15 units high with a hole of diameter 15 units.

Figure 12-62

The finished bevel gear with holes on both the gear is shown.

Figure 12-63

Exercise Adding Keyways to Bevel Gears

Before we can draw keyways, we must determine the size of the key. In the previous section, the gears were given bore diameters of Ø12 and Ø15, so keys must be selected to match those diameters.

One Click the Assemble tab and click the Place from Content Center tool.

Two Select the Shaft Parts option, Keys, Keys – Machine, and Rectangular.

Three Select the DIN 6885 1B square key.

See Figure 12-64.

A window displays the category view section on the left. Click the plus sign of the shaft parts that displays all the menus inside it. Then click the rectangular option. The rectangular keys are displayed on the right.

Figure 12-64

Four Select the 10 - 12 shaft diameter input.

This will generate a key size of 4× 4.

Five Select a 20 nominal length.

See Figure 12-65.

A screenshot is depicted for adding the keyways to the gear.

Figure 12-65

Six Click the Table View tab.

See Figure 12-66.

The table view tab of DIN 6885 B square key is shown.

Figure 12-66

Seven Scroll the table to determine the recommended Hub Depth.

In this example, the value is 1.8.

Eight Close the Content Center and return to the bevel gear drawing.

Nine Select the smaller gear, right-click the mouse, and select the Edit option. Create a new sketch plane on the top surface of the gear.

See Figure 12-67. Create a 2D view of the sketch plane if necessary.

Figure of the small gear is shown. The small gear is shown on the work plane with a rectangular keyway on the top. The length of the rectangle is 4 units and it ends at a distance of 7.8 units from the center.

Figure 12-67

10 Draw a rectangle as shown.

The width value of 4 matches the key width of 4 (no tolerances were factored in). The 7.8 value was derived from adding the bore’s radius (6.0) to the Hub Depth value given in the table (1.8). The keyway depth in the shaft is 2.5, for a total key size of 4.3, or slightly larger than the key height of 4. These values will vary when tolerances are considered.

Eleven Right-click the mouse, click the Finish 2D Sketch option, click the Extrude tool, and cut the rectangle through the gear, producing a keyway.

Twelve Repeat the procedure for the larger gear.

Thirteen Right-click the mouse and select the Finish Edit option.

Figure 12-68 shows the finished keyways in the bevel gears.

The isometric view of the two bevel gear in the mesh is shown. One of the gears is kept 90 degrees apart.

Figure 12-68

Supports for Bevel Gears

Figure 12-69 shows a dimensioned drawing of the bevel gears created in the previous section. The drawing was created using the ANSI (mm).idw format. The two distances, 50.66 and 36.80, are needed to position the holes in the support structure.

The dimensioned drawings of the bevel gears in different views is illustrated.

Figure 12-69

Exercise 12-7 Designing a Support Structure

One Draw an L-shape bracket.

In this example, the horizontal portion of the bracket is 120 × 120 × 10, and the vertical portion is 100 × 120 × 10.

Two Draw a Ø40 circle located as shown.

See Figure 12-70. The 55.66 value is derived from the 50.66 center distance and an additional 5 for a boss.

A figure depicts the design of an L-bracket on grid.

Figure 12-70

A boss is a raised area used to add additional support for gears and shafts. It also saves machining time, as only the surface of the boss is machined, not the entire surface.


A raised area used to add additional support for gears and shafts.

Three Draw a boss 5 high with a Ø15 hole.

See Figure 12-71.

A figure shows an L-shaped bracket with a hole of diameter 15 in its center. The boss 5 high is generated with the hole. 

Figure 12-71

Four Draw a boss 5 high with a Ø12 hole on the vertical portion of the bracket.

See Figures 12-72 and 12-73.

A figure depicts the design of an L-bracket on grid.

Figure 12-72

A figure illustrates an L-shaped bracket. This bracket features two mounting holes intended for adding bevel gears.

Figure 12-73

Five Add any fillets required.

Six Use the Constrain tool and add the bevel gears to the support bracket.

See Figure 12-74.

An L-shaped support structure holding bevel gears wherein the tooth-bearing faces of the gears intersect each other at 90 degrees angle.

Figure 12-74

Worm Gears

Figure 12-75 shows a worm and a worm gear. Worm gear ratios are based on the fact that the worm has a value of 1. If the worm gear has 40 teeth, the gear ratio is 40:1.

A figure depicts the gear arrangement in which the worm meshes with a worm gear. The worm is cylindrical in shape and worm shaped like a sphere.

Figure 12-75

Exercise 12-8 Drawing a Worm and a Worm Gear

One Create a new drawing using the Standard (mm).iam format.

Two Click the Design tab, then click the Worm Gear tool on the Power Transmission panel.

The Worm Gear tool is a flyout from the Spur Gear tool.

See Figure 12-76.

Two screenshots are depicted to set the required parameters for designing a worm and worm gear.

Figure 12-76

Three Enter the values shown in Figure 12-76 and click OK.

In this example, the default values were accepted.

The File Naming dialog box will appear.

Four Click OK.

Figure 12-77 shows the finished worm gears.

The finished gear arrangement of worm and worm gear is shown. The gears have sliding contact with each other.

Figure 12-77

Five Click the arrowhead to the left of the Worm Gears:1 heading in the browser box, right-click the Worm:1 heading, and select the Edit option.

See Figure 12-78.

The drop-down shows a hierarchal view of various options under model. In that, the arrowhead is clicked to reveal the sub-items and the option worm 1 is right-clicked from it. The edit option is selected from the list of the displayed pop-up menu.

Figure 12-78

Six Right-click the end plane of the worm, create a new sketch plane on the end of the worm, and draw a Ø20 circle.

See Figure 12-79.

Figure of a worm gear is shown on a work plane. On the worm, a circle of diameter 20 units is shown.

Figure 12-79

Seven Right-click the mouse and select the Finish 2D Sketch option.

Eight Extrude the Ø20 circle a distance of 24 to create a hub. Create a new sketch plane on the top surface of the hub and create a Ø12.0 hole.

Nine Create a work plane tangent to the extruded hub.

See Figure 12-80.

Figure of a worm gear is shown on a work plane. On the worm, a threaded hole of diameter 12 units is added to the hub 10 from the top edge.

Figure 12-80

10 Add a threaded hole to the hub 10 from the top edge of the hub.

In this example, an M4 thread was added.

Eleven Right-click the worm and select the Finish Edit option.

Twelve Add a Ø40 hub with a height of 20 and a Ø20.0 hole to the worm gear using the same procedure as was used for the worm. Create an M4 hole 10 from the top edge of the hub.

See Figure 12-81.

A figure shows two holes labeled "M4" that are drilled on the top edge of the worm gear and worm. The gears have sliding contact with each other.

Figure 12-81

Supports for Worm Gears

Figure 12-82 shows orthographic views of a worm and worm gear drawn using the ANSI (mm).idw format. The Dimension tool was used to determine that the distance between their centers is 100.00 mm. A three-sided corner bracket was drawn. Each side of the bracket is 200 × 200 × 10, and the holes were located to match the 100.00 worm center requirement. Remember, the worm and the gear can be moved along the shafts to ensure correct alignment.

A figure shows a worm gear and a worm separately. The center of the worm is at a distance of 100 units from the center of the gear.

Figure 12-82

The corner bracket shown was created for clarity. It would be better to support the shafts at both ends with a boxlike structure.

Exercise 12-9 Drawing Worm Gear Supports

One Draw a corner bracket with two holes 100.00 apart.

Figure 12-83 shows two plates with two holes 100.00 apart vertically. Each side of the bracket is 200 × 200 × 10.

The drawing shows a corner bracket with two holes that are 100.00 apart vertically. The diameter of the two holes measures 12 and 20, respectively. Each side of the bracket is 200 cross 200 cross 10.

Figure 12-83

Two Add the appropriate shafts.

See Figure 12-84.

The drawing displays a corner bracket with two holes of diameter 12 and 20, respectively. Using the constraint tool, the gears are placed in the hole. This figure omits the two front plates of the gears for clarity. So it only shows the shafts.

Figure 12-84

Three Use the Constrain tool and insert the worm gear assembly.

Figure 12-85 shows the finished worm gear assembly support.

The drawing shows a worm that is fitted to a shaft. This worm is in mesh with a worm gear below which is fixed with the shaft. The entire assembly is made in a corner bracket.

Figure 12-85

Chapter Summary

This chapter explained the differences among three types of gears: spur, bevel, and worm. Gear terminology, formulas, and ratios were explained. The addition of hubs, splines, and keyways to gears was illustrated, and gears were assembled into gear trains.

Chapter Test Questions

Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. What are the two components needed to create a worm gear assembly called?

a. Worm gear and spur gear

b. Worm and worm gear

c. Rack and worm gear

2. If a spur gear with 20 teeth is meshed with another spur gear with 50 teeth, what is the gear ratio?

a. 2:1

b. 1.75:1

c. 2.5:1

d. 3:1

3. If a worm is meshed with a worm gear that has 46 teeth, what is the gear ratio?

a. 46:1

b. 23:1

c. 192:1

d. 11:1

4. If four gears are meshed together and the first gear is turning clockwise, the fourth gear is turning

a. Clockwise

b. Counterclockwise

c. Dwelling

5. The hole in the center of a gear is called the

a. Center hole

b. Dedendum

c. Bore

d. Root diameter

6. The height of a tooth above the pitch diameter is called the

a. Face width

b. Dedendum

c. Addendum

d. Module

7. The diameter used to define the spacing of gears is called the

a. Pitch diameter

b. Diametral pitch

c. Preferred pitch

d. Center distance

8. A gear train is

a. A group of at least six gears

b. Any group of two or more meshing gears

c. A group of gears with different pitches

9. The portion of a gear that protrudes from the gear’s center and includes a bore is called the gear’s

a. Face

b. Hub

c. Backlash

d. Root fillet

10. A listing of setscrews and keys used with gears is found in the

a. Design tab

b. Assemble panel

c. Content Center


Match the terms in column A with the definition in column B.

Column A

Column B

a. Backlash ____________

1. The angle between the line of action and a line tangent to the pitch circle

b. Circular thickness ____________

2. The pitch diameter divided by the number of teeth

c. Module ____________

3. The distance across a tooth as measured along the pitch circle

d. Pressure angle ____________

4. The distance from front to back along a tooth as measured perpendicular to the pitch circle

e. Face width ____________

5. The difference between a tooth width and the engaging space on a meshing gear

True or False

Circle the correct answer.

1. True or False: A library of gears is included in the Content Center.

2. True or False: Gears must have the same pitch to mesh properly.

3. True or False: The term pitch, as used with gears manufactured using English units, is called module for gears manufactured using metric units.

4. True or False: Diametral pitch is the outside diameter of a gear.

5. True or False: Gear ratios are determined by the number of teeth on each gear.

6. True or False: The axes of beveled gears are located at 90° to each other.

7. True or False: Bevel gears can mesh with spur gears.

8. True or False: Worms have a ratio value of 1 when meshing with worm gears.

9. True or False: A boss is a turretlike shape usually added to castings.

10. True or False: The face width of a gear is its thickness.

Chapter Projects

Project 12-1: Inches

Draw two spur gears based on the following parameters. Locate the two threaded holes 90° apart as shown. On both gears the threaded hole is located halfway up the hub height.

See Figure P12-1.

A figure shows the isometric view of two spur gears. The gears have straight teeth and are mounted on parallel shafts.

Figure P12-1

Project 12-2: Inches

A. Draw two spur gears based on the following parameters. On both gears the threaded hole is located halfway up the hub height.

B. Design Exercise

Create a support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on gear assemblies. Create two shafts, Ø.500 and Ø1.000, with .05 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least .25 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the bottom surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create a plate .375 thick. Size the plate so that it extends at least .25 beyond the edges on either gear. Mount the shafts in SKF Series RLS ball bearings, and create holes in the plate that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

See Figure P12-2.

A figure shows the isometric view of two spur gears. The gears have straight teeth and are mounted on parallel shafts.

Figure P12-2

Project 12-3: Millimeters

Draw two spur gears based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.

See Figure P12-3.

A figure presents the assembly of two spur gears. The gears have straight teeth and are mounted on parallel shafts.

Figure P12-3

Project 12-4: Millimeters

A. Draw two spur gears based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.

See Figure P12-4.

A figure presents the assembly of two spur gears. The gears have straight teeth and are mounted on parallel shafts.

Figure P12-4

B. Design Exercise

Create a support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on gear assemblies. Create two shafts, Ø8.0 and Ø16.0, with 0.50 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least 5.0 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the bottom surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create a plate 10 thick. Size the plate so that it extends at least 5.0 beyond the edges on either gear. Mount the shafts in DIN 1854-4 M plain bearings and create holes in the plate that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

Project 12-5: Inches

A. Draw two bevel gears based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.


Gear 1

Gear 2

Shaft angle



Pressure angle



Helix angle



Number of teeth



Face width



Diametral pitch



Hub Ø



Hub height






Threaded hole



B. Design Exercise

Create an L-bracket support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on supports for bevel gears. Create two shafts, Ø.50 each, with .05 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least .25 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the bottom surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create an L-bracket .375 thick. Size the bracket so that it extends at least .25 beyond the edges on either gear. Make the outside diameters of the bosses at least .025 greater than the outside diameter of the bearings. Make the bosses .25 high.

Mount the shafts in SKF Series RLS ball bearings, and create holes in the plate that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

Project 12-6: Millimeters

A. Draw two bevel gears based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.


Gear 1

Gear 2

Shaft angle



Pressure angle



Helix angle



Number of teeth



Face width



Tangential module



Hub Ø



Hub height






Threaded hole



B. Design Exercise

Create an L-bracket support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on supports for bevel gears. Create two shafts, Ø12.0 and Ø20.0, with 0.50 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least 5.0 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the bottom surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create an L-bracket 10 thick. Size the plate so that it extends at least 5.0 beyond the edges on either gear. Make the outside diameters of the bosses at least 5 greater than the outside diameter of the bearings. Make the bosses 5.00 high.

Mount the shafts in DIN 1854-4 M plain bearings, and create holes in the plate that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

Project 12-7: Inches

A. Draw a worm and a worm gear based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.

Worm gear: Number of teeth = 48



Worm: Number of threads = 1





Worm Gear

Face width



Diametral pitch



Pressure angle



Worm length



Hub Ø



Hub height






Threaded hole



B. Design Exercise

Create a corner-bracket support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on worm gear supports. Create two shafts, Ø.375 and Ø.500, with .05 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least .25 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the back surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create a corner bracket .375 thick. Size the bracket so that it extends at least .25 beyond the edges on either gear. Mount the shafts in SKF Series RLS ball bearings and create holes in the sides that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

Project 12-8: Inches

A. Draw a worm and a worm gear based on the following parameters. The threaded hole on both gears is located halfway up the hub height.

Worm gear: Number of teeth = 60



Worm: Number of threads = 1





Worm Gear

Face width






Pressure angle



Worm length



Hub Ø



Hub height






Threaded hole



B. Design Exercise

Create a corner-bracket support plate and shafts for the two gears drawn in part A of this project. See the section on worm gear supports. Create two shafts, Ø8.0 and Ø10.0, with .50 chamfers at each end. The shafts should be long enough to allow for at least 5.0 clearance between the gears and the support plate. The shafts should extend from the back surface of the plate to the top surface of each gear’s hub.

Create a corner bracket 8.0 thick. Size the bracket so that it extends at least 6.0 beyond the edges on either gear. Mount the shafts in DIN 1854-4 M plain bearings, and create holes in the sides that will accommodate the outside diameters of the bearings.

Project 12-9: Inches

A. Prepare an assembly drawing of the 2-Gear Assembly shown in Figure P12-9. The gears have the following parameters:

Center distance = 3.00




Gear 1

Gear 2

Number of teeth



Face width



Diametral pitch



Pressure angle



Hub Ø



Hub height






B. Prepare a presentation drawing.

C. Animate the presentation drawing.

D. Prepare an exploded isometric drawing with assembly numbers and a parts list.

E. Prepare a detailed dimensioned drawing of each part.

The drawing of gear assembly is shown with their parts numbered 1 through 8. It shows a gear, housing numbered 1, bushing numbered 2, bushing numbered 3, gear assembly numbered 4, shaft, gear numbered 5 and 6, cover, gear numbered 7, and screws numbered 8.

Figure P12-9A

A table of parts lists is shown.

Figure P12-9B

The drawing named "gear housing" with the model number P/N ENG-453-A is shown.

Figure P12-9C

The diagram shows a shaft gear of the length of 3.00 units having a diameter of 0.625 units. The dimension of the chamfer on both ends of the shaft is 0.06 times 45 degrees. In the side view, the diameter of the shaft gear varies between 0.6230 and 0.6240. The shaft gear is made up of steel. The model number is labeled P/N AM-314.

Figure P12-9D

The diagram shows a shaft gear of the length of 3.00 units having a diameter of 0.625 units. The dimension of the chamfer on both ends of the shaft is 0.06 times 45 degrees. In the side view, the diameter of the shaft gear varies between 0.4980 and 0.4990. The shaft gear is made up of steel. The model number is labeled P/N AM-3145.

Figure P12-9E

Dimensioned drawings of each part of a gear assembly are shown.

Figure P12-9F

The end of the shaft is magnified whose side is 0.63 and the dimension of the chamfer on both ends measure 0.06 times 45 degrees. In the side view, three concentric circles are shown. The outer diameter is 0.6250 with a tolerance of plus 0.0015 and minus 0.0005. The diameter of the third inner hole is 0.5000 with tolerance plus or minus 0.0005.

Figure P12-9G

Dimensioned drawings of each part of a bushing are shown.

Figure P12-9H

A figure shows the enlarged isometric view of the gear cover.

Figure P12-9I

Project 12-10: Millimeters

A. Prepare an assembly drawing of the 4-Gear Assembly shown in Figure P12-10. The gears have the following parameters:

Center distance = 3.00




Gears 1, 3

Gears 2, 4

Number of teeth



Face width






Pressure angle



Hub Ø



Hub height






B. Prepare a presentation drawing.

C. Animate the presentation drawing.

D. Prepare an exploded isometric drawing with assembly numbers and a parts list.

E. Prepare a detailed dimensioned drawing of each part.

A figure depicts the isometric view of the four gear assembly.

Figure P12-10A

The presentation drawing of a four gear assembly is shown.  It illustrates all parts of the assembly and how they fit together. 

Figure P12-10B

A table of parts lists is depicted.

Figure P12-10C

Different views of gear housing with its dimension is depicted.

Figure P12-10D

The four gear assembly and its parts are illustrated in a figure.

Figure P12-10E

The dimensioned drawing of a gasket is shown.

Figure P12-10F

The drawing presents the dimensions of gear subassembly in two views.

Figure P12-10G

The front view of the output shaft with the model number P/N SH-4003 shows a rectangle with a smaller rectangle of length 85.00 placed at a distance of 25.00 on the left and 40.00 on the right of the outer rectangle. The side view of the output shaft shows two concentric circles of diameter 30.00 or 29.98 and 20.01 or 20.00. The right edge of the rectangle is chamfered to a dimension of 1 times 45 degrees. The material is made up of steel.

Figure P12-10H

The front view of the input shaft with the model number P/N SH-4004-A shows a rectangle whose length is reduced at a distance of 45.00 and the remaining length measures 60.0. The ends are chamfered at 45 degrees. The side view of the input shaft shows two concentric circles of diameter 25.00 or 25.48 and 20.00 or 20.01. The material is made up of steel.

Figure P12-10I

The front view of the neutral shaft with the model number P/N SH-4002 shows a rectangle with a length of 40.00 placed at a distance of 25.00 on the left and 40.00 on the right of the outer rectangle. The side view of the neutral shaft shows three concentric circles of diameter 20.00 or 20.01, 25.00 or 24.98, and 30.00 or 29.98. The material is made up of steel.

Figure P12-10J

The exploded isometric drawing of gear assembly is shown.

Figure P12-10K

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