Chapter Four. Orthographic Views

Chapter Objectives

  • Learn how to draw orthographic views

  • Learn ANSI standards and conventions

  • Learn about third-angle projection

  • Learn how to draw section and auxiliary views


Orthographic views may be created directly from 3D Inventor models. Orthographic views are two-dimensional views used to define a three-dimensional model. Unless the model is of uniform thickness, more than one orthographic view is necessary to define the model’s shape. Standard practice calls for three orthographic views: a front, a top, and a right-side view, although more or fewer views may be used as needed.

orthographic views

Two-dimensional views used to define a three-dimensional model. (Usually more than one view is needed to define a 3D model.)

Modern machines can work directly from the information generated when a solid 3D model is created, so the need for orthographic views—blueprints—is not as critical as it once was; however, there are still many drawings in existence that are used for production and reference. The ability to create and read orthographic views remains an important engineering skill.

This chapter presents orthographic views using third-angle projection in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) first-angle projections are also presented.

Fundamentals of Orthographic Views

Figure 4-1 shows an object with its front, top, and right-side orthographic views projected from the object. The views are two-dimensional, so they show no depth. Note that in the projected right plane, there are three rectangles. There is no way to determine which of the three is closest and which is farthest away if only the right-side view is considered. All views must be studied to analyze the shape of the object.

A sketch of an object along with its front, top, and right view.

Figure 4-1

Figure 4-2 shows three orthographic views of a book. After the views are projected they are positioned as shown. The positioning of views relative to one another is critical. The views must be aligned and positioned as shown.

A figure shows the orthographic views projected from the book.

Figure 4-2

Normal Surfaces

Normal surfaces are surfaces that are at 90° to each other. Figures 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5 show objects that include only normal surfaces and their orthographic views.

normal surfaces

Surfaces that are 90° to each other.

A figure shows the orthographic views of normal surfaces.

Figure 4-3

Three orthographic views of an object are shown.

Figure 4-4

An illustration of the orthographic views of an object.

Figure 4-5

Hidden Lines

Hidden lines are used to show surfaces that are not directly visible. All surfaces must be shown in all views. If an edge or surface is blocked from view by another feature, it is drawn using a hidden line. Figures 4-6 and 4-7 show objects that require hidden lines in their orthographic views.

Three orthographic views of an object are shown.

Figure 4-6

Figures present the orthographic views of an object along with the hidden lines.

Figure 4-7

Figure 4-8 shows an object that contains an edge line, A-B. In the top view, line A-B is partially hidden and partially visible. The hidden portion of the line is drawn using a hidden-line pattern, and the visible portion of the line is drawn using a solid line.

Figures present the orthographic views of an object with partially hidden lines.

Figure 4-8

Figures 4-9 and 4-10 show objects that require hidden lines in their orthographic views.

Three orthographic projection views of an object are shown.

Figure 4-9

An illustration of the orthographic views of an object along with the hidden lines.

Figure 4-10

Precedence of Lines

It is not unusual for one type of line to be drawn over another type of line. Figure 4-11 shows two examples of overlap by different types of lines. Lines are shown on the views in a prescribed order of precedence. A solid line (object or continuous) takes precedence over a hidden line, and a hidden line takes precedence over a centerline.

The orthographic view of two objects is illustrated.

Figure 4-11

Slanted Surfaces

Slanted surfaces are surfaces drawn at an angle to each other. Figure 4-12 shows an object that contains two slanted surfaces. Surface ABCD appears as a rectangle in both the top and front views. Neither rectangle represents the true shape of the surface. Each is smaller than the actual surface. Also, none of the views shows enough of the object to enable the viewer to accurately define the shape of the object. The views must be used together for a correct understanding of the object’s shape.

slanted surfaces

Surfaces that are at an angle to each other.

The orthographic projection with three standard views is presented.

Figure 4-12

Figures 4-13 and 4-14 show objects that include slanted surfaces. Projection lines have been included to emphasize the importance of correct view location. Information is projected between the front and top views using vertical lines and between the front and side views using horizontal lines.

Three views of a triangular object are presented.

Figure 4-13

A drawing shows a solid model along with dimensions.

Figure 4-14

Compound Lines

A compound line is formed when two slanted surfaces intersect. Figure 4-15 shows an object that includes a compound line.

compound line

A line that is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the X, Y, or Z axis.

The drawing depicts a solid model to depict the compound line.

Figure 4-15

Oblique Surfaces

An oblique surface is a surface that is slanted in two different directions. Figures 4-16 and 4-17 show objects that include oblique surfaces.

oblique surface

A surface that is slanted in two different directions.

The drawing describes the oblique surface orientation to the plane of projection.

Figure 4-16

The orthographic projection of the oblique object is illustrated.

Figure 4-17

Rounded Surfaces

Figure 4-18 shows an object with two rounded surfaces. Note that as with slanted surfaces, an individual view is insufficient to define the shape of a surface. More than one view is needed to define the surface’s shape accurately.

The projection of the object having a curved surface is shown.

Figure 4-18

Convention calls for a smooth transition between rounded and flat surfaces; that is, no lines are drawn to indicate the tangency. Inventor includes a line to indicate tangencies between surfaces in the isometric drawings created using the multiview options but does not include them in the orthographic views. Tangency lines are also not included when models are rendered.

Figure 4-19 shows the drawing conventions for including lines for rounded surfaces. If a surface includes no vertical portions or no tangency, no line is included.

The orthographic views of the three objects are shown.

Figure 4-19

Figure 4-20 shows an object that includes two tangencies. Each is represented by a line. Note in Figure 4-20 that Inventor will add tangent lines to the 3D model. These lines will not appear in the orthographic views.

A solid model with its three-view drawings is shown.

Figure 4-20

Figure 4-21 shows two objects with similar configurations; however, the boxlike portion of the lower object blends into the rounded portion exactly on its widest point, so no line is required.

A figure shows two objects of similar configurations.

Figure 4-21

Orthographic Views with Inventor

Inventor will create orthographic views directly from models. Figure 4-22 shows a completed three-dimensional model. See Figure P4-7 for the model’s dimensions. It was created using an existing file, BLOCK, 3HOLE. It will be used throughout this chapter to demonstrate orthographic presentation views.

A three dimensional model of an object is shown.

Figure 4-22

Exercise 4-1 Creating an Orthographic View

One Start a new drawing, click the Metric tab, and select the ANSI (mm).idw option.

See Figure 4-23. ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute.

A screenshot of the create new file dialog box.

Figure 4-23

Two Click Create.

The drawing management screen will appear. See Figure 4-24.

A screenshot of the drawing management screen is shown. The base tool at the top left corner of the ribbon is selected.

Figure 4-24

Three Click the Base tool located on the Create panel under the Place Views tab.

The Drawing View dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-25.

A screenshot of the drawing view dialog box.

Figure 4-25

Four Click the Open an existing file button.

The Open dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-26.

A screenshot of the open dialog box.

Figure 4-26

Five Select the desired model. In this example, the model’s file name is BLOCK, 3HOLE.

Six Click the Open box.

The Drawing View dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-27.

A screenshot of the drawing view dialog box.

Figure 4-27

Seven Ensure that the Hidden line option is active, and click OK.

Figure 4-28 shows the resulting orthographic view. The selection of orientation will vary with the model’s original orientation.

An orthographic top-view of an object.

Figure 4-28

The screen will include a border and a title block. The lettering in the title block may appear illegible. This is normal. The text will be legible when printed. The section on title blocks will explain how to work with title blocks.

Exercise 4-2 Creating Other Orthographic Views

One The view shown in Figure 4-28 will be defined as a top view. Click and drag the border around the view and move it upward on the drawing screen. Click the Projected View tool on the Create panel under the Place Views tab.

Two Click the view already on the drawing screen.

Three Move the cursor downward from the view.

A second view will appear.

Four Select a location, click the left mouse button to place the view, then click the right mouse button and select the Create option.

Figure 4-29 shows the resulting two orthographic views. The initial view is defined as the Top view. This is a relative term based on the way the model was drawn. The initial view can be defined as the Top view, and the second view created from that front view.

A screenshot of the drawing screen in the AutoCAD illustrates the steps to add centerlines.

Figure 4-29

Exercise 4-3 Adding Centerlines

Convention calls for all holes to be defined using centerlines. The views in Figure 4-29 do not include centerlines.

One Click the Annotate tab.

See Figure 4-30.

An illustration of the steps to add centerlines is presented. The annotate tab at the top is selected. Then, the center mark tool at the right corner of the ribbon is selected. The top view and front view are displayed on the drawing screen. The hole's edge in the top view of the object is clicked.

Figure 4-30

Two Click the Center Mark tool located on the Symbols panel under the Annotate tab.

Three Move the cursor into the drawing screen and click the edges of the holes in the top view. Right-click the mouse and select the OK option.

Four Click and drag the individual center lines for each hole in the Top view to create a single center line through all three holes as shown. When the cursor is moved onto a center mark, green-filled circles will appear. Click and drag these circles to form a single center line.

See Figure 4-31.

A screenshot shows the centerline added to the holes. Move the cursor onto the center marks. Green filled circles will appear. Click and drag the lines to form a single horizontal centerline. Extend the center lines beyond the edge of the part as shown.

Figure 4-31

Five Click the Centerline Bisector tool located on the Symbols panel under the Annotate tab.

Six Click each side of the holes’ projections in the front view.

Vertical centerlines will appear. See Figure 4-32.

A screenshot shows the steps to add centerline bisector.

Figure 4-32

Exercise 4-4 Editing the Size of a Centerline

If the centerline patterns are too small or too big for the given feature, they may be edited to create a more pleasing visual picture.

One Click the Styles Editor tool located on the Styles and Standards panel under the Manage tab.

Click the + sign to the left of the Center Mark heading, and select the Center Mark (ANSI) option. See Figure 4-33.

A screenshot shows the steps to edit the size of the centerline.

Figure 4-33

Two Change the center mark values as needed.

Exercise 4-5 Changing the Background Color of the Drawing Screen

One Click the Tools tab at the top of the screen.

Select the Application Options option.

The Application Options dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-34.

A screenshot shows the steps to edit the background color of the drawing screen.

Figure 4-34

Two Click the Colors tab.

Three Click the desired color, then OK.

The background color will be changed. In this example the Presentation Color scheme and 1 Color Background were selected. This format is used throughout the book for visual clarity.

Four Click Apply and OK.

Isometric Views

An isometric view may be created from any view on the screen. The resulting orientation will vary according to the view selected. In this example, the front view is selected.

One Access the Create panel under the Place Views tab and click the Projected View tool.

Two Click the Front orthographic view.

Three Move the cursor to the right of the front view and select a location for the isometric view by clicking the mouse.

Four Move the cursor slightly and click the right mouse button.

Five Select the Create option.

Figure 4-35 shows the resulting isometric view. Isometric views help visualize the orthographic views.

A sketch of the different views of an object.

Figure 4-35

Section Views

Some objects have internal surfaces that are not directly visible in normal orthographic views. Section views are used to expose these surfaces. Section views do not include hidden lines.

section view

A view used to expose an internal surface of a model.

Any material cut when a section view is defined is hatched using section lines. There are many different styles of hatching, but the general style is evenly spaced 45° lines. This style is defined as ANSI 31 and will be applied automatically by Inventor.

Figure 4-36 shows a three-dimensional view of an object. The object is cut by a cutting plane. Cutting planes are used to define the location of the section view. Material to one side of the cutting plane is removed, exposing the section view.

cutting plane

A plane used to define the location of a section view.

Sketch of an object, which is cut by the cutting plane.

Figure 4-36

Figure 4-37 shows the same object presented using two dimensions. The cutting plane is represented by a cutting plane line. The cutting plane line is defined as A-A, and the section view is defined as view A-A.

Figures present the orthographic view and the sectional view of an object.

Figure 4-37

All surfaces directly visible must be shown in a section view. In Figure 4-38, the back portion of the object is not affected by the section view and is directly visible from the cutting plane. The section view must include these surfaces. Note how the rectangular section blocks out part of the large hole. No hidden lines are used to show the hidden portion of the large hole.

A sketch of an object and its sectional view.

Figure 4-38

Exercise 4-6 Drawing a Section View Using Inventor

Figure 4-39 shows the front and top views of the object defined in Figure P3-10. A section view will be created by first defining the cutting plane line in the top view, then projecting the section view below the front view.

An illustration of the steps to draw a section view using inventors.

Figure 4-39

One Click the Section View tool on the Create panel under the Place Views tab, then click the top view.

The cursor will change to a +-like shape.

Two Define the cutting plane by defining two points on the top view.

See Figure 4-39. Note that if you touch the cursor to the endpoint of one of the hole’s centerlines, a dotted line will follow the cursor, assuring that the cutting plane line is aligned with the holes’ centerlines.

Three Right-click the mouse and select the Continue option.

The Section View dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-40.

An illustration of the steps to draw a section view using inventors.

Figure 4-40

Four Set the Label letter for A, the Scale for 1:1, and Style for Hidden Lines.

Five Move the cursor so as to position the section view below the front view.

Six Click the section view location.

Seven Add the appropriate centerlines using the Centerline Bisector tool.

Figure 4-41 shows the resulting section view. Notice that the section view is defined as A-A, and the scale is specified. The arrows of the cutting plane line are directed away from the section view. The section view is located behind the arrows.

A figure shows the section view of an object.

Figure 4-41

Offset Section Views

Cutting plane lines need not pass directly across an object, but may be offset to include several features. Figure 4-42 shows an object that has been cut using an offset cutting plane line.

An illustration of the offset section lines.

Figure 4-42

Exercise 4-7 Creating an Offset Cutting Plane

Figure 4-43 shows the front and top views of an object. The views were created using the Create View, Projected View, and Centerline tools.

Sketch of an object along with its section view.

Figure 4-43

One Click the Section View tool, and click the top view.

Two Draw a cutting plane across the top view through the centers of each of the three holes.

When drawing an offset cutting plane line, show the line in either horizontal or vertical line segments.

Three Locate the section view below the front view and add the appropriate centerlines.

Aligned Section Views

Figure 4-44 shows an example of an aligned section view. Aligned section views are most often used on circular objects and use an angled cutting plane line to include more features in the section view, like an offset cutting plane line.

A sketch of an object and its aligned section view.

Figure 4-44

An aligned section view is drawn as if the cutting plane line ran straight across the object. The cutting plane line is rotated into a straight position, and the section view is projected.

Figure 4-45 shows an aligned section view created using Inventor.

A sketch of an object and its aligned section view.

Figure 4-45

Detail Views

Detail views are used to enlarge portions of an existing drawing. The enlargements are usually made of areas that could be confusing because of many crossing or hidden lines.

detail view

An enlarged view of a portion of a model.

Exercise 4-8 Creating a Detail View

One Click the Detail View tool on the Create panel under the Place Views tab, then click the view to be enlarged.

In this example, the top view was selected.

The Detail View dialog box will appear. See Figure 4-46.

An illustration shows the detail view of an object and the detail view dialog box.

Figure 4-46

Two Set the Label letter to D and the Scale to 2:1, then pick a point on the view.

Three Move the cursor, creating a circle.

The circle will be used to define the area of the detail view.

Four When the circle is of an appropriate diameter, click the left mouse button and move the cursor away from the view.

Five Locate the detail view and click the location.

Six Use the Center Mark tool to add a center mark to the circle in the Detail drawing.

Break Views

It is often convenient to break long, continuous shapes so that they take up less drawing space. Figure 4-47 shows a long L-bracket that has a continuous shape; that is, its shape is constant throughout its length. Figure 4-48 shows an orthographic view of the same L-bracket.

A sketch of a long L bracket is presented. The vertical section of the L-shaped plate consists of two holes near the corners. 

Figure 4-47

An illustration to display the long L-bracket with a break at the center.

Figure 4-48

Exercise 4-9 Creating a Broken View

One Click the Break tool located on the Create panel under the Place Views tab, then click the orthographic view.

The Broken View dialog box will appear.

Two Select the orientation of the break and the gap distance between the two portions of the L-bracket.

In this example, the gap distance is 1.00. Do not click the OK box. Define the break with the Broken View dialog box on the drawing screen.

Three Click a point near the left end of the L-bracket, then move the cursor to the right and click a second point near the right end of the L-bracket.

Figure 4-48 shows the resulting broken view.

Multiple Section Views

It is acceptable to take more than one section view of the same object to present a more complete picture of the object. Figures 4-49 and 4-50 show objects that use more than one section view.

Sketch of an object with multiple section lines is shown along with the section views.

Figure 4-49

Sketch of an object with multiple section lines is shown along with the section views.

Figure 4-50

Auxiliary Views

Auxiliary views are orthographic views used to present true-shape views of slanted surfaces. Figure 4-51 shows an object with a slanted surface that includes a hole drilled perpendicular to the slanted surface. Note how the right-side view shows the hole as an ellipse and that the surface A-B-C-D is foreshortened; that is, it is not shown at its true size. Surface A-B-C-D does appear at its true shape and size in the auxiliary view. The auxiliary view was projected at 90° from the slanted surface so as to generate a true-shape view.

auxiliary view

An orthographic view drawn perpendicular to a slanted or oblique surface.

Diagrams present the auxiliary view of an object.

Figure 4-51

Figure 4-52 shows an object that includes a slanted surface and hole.

A figure denotes a solid model. The object consists of a ramp, and the center of this ramp consists of a hole. This hole is perpendicular to the slanted surface. The sides adjacent to the slanted surface are in the shape of a right triangle.

Figure 4-52

Exercise 4-10 Drawing an Auxiliary View

One Create a drawing using the ANSI (mm).ipt format. Click the Base View and Projected View tools on the Create panel under the Place Views tab, and create a front and a right-side view as shown in Figure 4-53.

An illustration to draw the auxiliary view of an object.
A screenshot of the auxiliary view dialog box is shown.

Figure 4-53

Click the Auxiliary View tool, then the front view.

Two The Auxiliary View dialog box will appear.

Three Enter the appropriate settings, then click the slanted edge line in the front view.

In this example, a scale of 1:1 was used.

Four Move the cursor away from the front view and select a location for the auxiliary view.

Image Click the left mouse button and create the auxiliary view.

ASME Y14.3-2003

Drawing Standards

There are two sets of standards used to define the projection and placement of orthographic views: the ANSI and the ISO. The ANSI calls for orthographic views to be created using third-angle projection and is the accepted method for use in the United States. See the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) publication ASME Y14-3-2003. Some countries other than the United States use first-angle projection. See ISO publication 128-30.

This chapter has presented orthographic views using third-angle projections as defined by ANSI. However, there is so much international commerce happening today that you should be able to work in both conventions, just as you should be able to work in both inches and millimeters.

Figure 4-54 shows a three-dimensional model and three orthographic views created using third-angle projection and three orthographic views created using first-angle projection. Note the differences and similarities. The front view in both projections is the same. The top views are the same, but are in different locations. The third-angle projection presents a right side view, whereas the first-angle projection presents a left side view.

Diagrams present the third-angle projection of an object.
Diagrams present the first-angle projection of an object.

Figure 4-54

Figure 4-55 shows the drawing symbols for first- and third-angle projections. These symbols can be added to a drawing to help the reader understand which type of projection is being used. These symbols were included in the projections presented in Figure 4-54.

A symbol for the first and third angle projection is shown.

Figure 4-55

Third- and First-Angle Projections

Figure 4-56 shows an object with a front orthographic view and two side orthographic views: one created using third-angle projection, and the other created using first-angle projection. For third-angle projections, the orthographic view is projected on a plane located between the viewer’s position and the object. For first-angle projections, the orthographic view is projected on a plane located beyond the object. The front and top views for third- and first-angle projections appear the same, but they are located in different positions relative to the front view.

Diagrams present the first and third angle projections of an object.

Figure 4-56

The side orthographic views are different for third- and first-angle projections. Third-angle projection uses a right side view located to the right of the object. First-angle projections use a left side view located to the right of the object. Figures 4-57 and 4-58 show the two different side view projections for the same object. For third-angle projection, the viewer is located on the right side of the object and creates the side orthographic view on a plane located between the view position and the object. The viewer looks directly at the object. For first-angle projection, the viewer is located on the left side of the object and creates the side orthographic view on a plane located beyond the object. The viewer looks through the object.

An illustration of the third-angle projection of an object.

Figure 4-57

An illustration of the first-angle projection of an object.

Figure 4-58

To help understand the difference between side view orientations for third- and first-angle projections, locate your right hand with the heel facing down and the thumb facing up. Rotate your hand so that the palm is facing up—this is the third-angle projection orientation. Return to the thumb up position. Rotate your hand so that the palm is down—this is the first-angle view orientation.

To create first-angle projections using Inventor:

One Start a New drawing using the ISO.idw template.

This template will automatically create first-angle projection drawings.

Two Click the Base tool.

Three Select the appropriate file.

Four Select the orientation.

Image Use the Projected View tool to select and position the views (Figure 4-59).

Screenshots illustrate the steps to create the first-angle projection.

Figure 4-59

Chapter Summary

This chapter introduced orthographic drawings using third-angle projection in accordance with ANSI standards. Conventions were demonstrated for objects with normal surfaces, hidden lines, slanted surfaces, compound lines, oblique surfaces, and rounded surfaces.

Inventor creates orthographic views directly from models. The tools on the Create panel and the Annotate panel were introduced for managing orthographic presentation views. Isometric views can also be created from models.

Section views are used to expose internal surfaces that are not directly visible in normal orthographic views. Cutting planes were used to define the location of section views. Offset and aligned section views also were created.

Techniques for creating detail views, broken views, and auxiliary views were demonstrated as well.

Chapter Test Questions

Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not one of the three views generally taken of an object?

a. Front

b. Top

c. Left

d. Right

2. In the precedence of lines, a hidden line covers a(n) _____ line.

a. continuous

b. center

c. compound

d. oblique

3. Which of the following is used to define a section view?

a. A cutting plane

b. A section line

c. A centerline

4. Section lines are used to define which of the following on a section view?

a. The outside edges of the section cut

b. The location of the section view

c. The areas where the section view passes through solid material

5. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-1, which is the correct top view?

Three top-views are presented for an object.

Figure MC4-1

a. b. c.

6. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-1, which is the correct front view?

a. b. c.

7. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-2, which is the correct top view?

Three right-side views are presented for an object.

Figure MC4-2

a. b. c.

8. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-2, which is the correct right-side view?

a. b. c.

9. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-2, which is the correct top view?

a. b. c.

10. Given the model shown in Figure MC4-2, which is the correct front view?

a. b. c.


Given the drawing shown in Figure MC4-3, identify the types of lines used to create the drawing.

Sketch of an object is presented with its specified dimensions.

Figure MC4-3

Column A

Column B

a. _____________

1. Centerlines

b. _____________

2. Cutting plane line

c. _____________

3. Continuous line

d. _____________

4. Section line

e. _____________

5. Hidden line

True or False

Circle the correct answer.

1. True or False: Orthographic views are two-dimensional views used to define three-dimensional models.

2. True or False: Normal surfaces are surfaces located 90° to each other.

3. True or False: Hidden lines are not used in orthographic views.

4. True or False: A compound line is formed when two slanted surfaces intersect.

5. True or False: An oblique surface is a surface that is slanted in two different directions.

6. True or False: Center points cannot be edited; they can be used only as they appear on the drawing screen.

7. True or False: A section view can be taken only across an object’s centerline.

8. True or False: Aligned section views are most often used on circular objects.

9. True or False: A detail view is used to enlarge portions of an existing drawing.

10. True or False: Break views are used to shorten long continuous shapes so they can fit within the drawing screen.

Chapter Project

Project 4-1

Draw a front, a top, and a right-side orthographic view of each of the objects in Figures P4-1 through P4-24. Make all objects from mild steel.

A sketch of an object with the specified dimensions in millimeters.


A sketch of a setter bracket with the specified dimensions in millimeters.


A sketch of an S-clip with the specified dimensions in millimeters.


A sketch of an object with the specified dimensions in millimeters.


A sketch of the key clip with the specified dimensions.

Figure P4-5 INCHES

A diagram shows the isometric view of a positioner block.

Figure P4-6 INCHES

An illustration of an object is shown with the dimensions.


An illustration of a cylindrical key is shown with the dimensions.


An illustration of an object is shown with the dimensions in millimeters.


A 3D model is illustrated in a diagram.


A diagram presents a complex model along with the specified dimensions.


The isometric view of an object is presented.


A 3-dimensional model is presented.


A diagram of a rectangular plate bent near the top and bottom ends.


An illustration of an object along with the specified dimensions.


A diagram of an object in which a vertical block placed over a horizontal block is shown.

Figure P4-16 INCHES

An illustration of a 3-dimensional model.


An isometric view of a cylindrical object is shown.


The isometric view of a hollow cylindrical object is shown.


The isometric view of an object formed by a solid cylinder is shown.


A drawing shows an object with the specified dimensions.


A drawing shows an object with the specified dimensions.


An illustration of an object with the dimensions is presented.


A drawing shows an object along with the dimensions.


Project 4-2

Draw at least two orthographic views and one auxiliary view of each of the objects shown in Figures P4-25 through P4-36.

An illustration of an object is presented with the specified dimensions.


An illustration of an object along with the specified dimensions.


A figure presents the three-dimensional view of an object.

Figure P4-27 INCHES

The isometric view of an object is illustrated in a diagram.


A three dimensional sketch of an object along with the dimensions.


A 3-dimensional model is presented.


An illustration of an object with the specified dimensions.


A diagram illustrates a model in a hexagonal shape.


The isometric view of a hexagonal object is shown in a figure with its dimensions marked.


An illustration of a 3-dimensional model.


A 3D model is shown.

Figure P4-35 INCHES

A diagram presents a complex model along with the specified dimensions.


Project 4-3

Define the true shape of the oblique surfaces in each of the objects shown in Figures P4-37 through P4-40.

A 3D model is shown.

Figure P4-37 INCHES

A solid model of an object with an inclined top surface is shown.


A drawing shows an object along with the dimensions.

Figure P4-39 INCHES

A drawing shows an object along with its dimensions.


Project 4-4

Draw each of the objects shown in Figures P4-41 through P4-44 as a model, then draw a front view and an appropriate section view of each.

A sectional view of a composite model is shown.


An isometric view of an object is shown along with its specific dimensions.


A 3-dimensional view of a composite model is shown along with its dimensions.


An isometric view of a complex object is shown along with its specific dimensions. 

Figure P4-44 INCHES

Project 4-5

Draw at least one orthographic view and the indicated section view for each object shown in Figures P4-45 through P4-50.

A top view of a composite model is shown.


The top view of a composite model is shown.


A top view of a composite model is shown.

Figure P4-47 INCHES

A sketch of an object with the specified dimensions.

Figure P4-48 INCHES

A sketch of an object with the specified dimensions.


A sketch of an object with the specified dimensions.


Project 4-6

Given the orthographic views in Figures P4-51 and P4-52, draw a model of each, then draw the given orthographic views and the appropriate section views.

A figure presents the different views of an object.

Figure P4-51 INCHES

Figures present the orthographic views of an object.


Project 4-7

Draw a 3D model and a set of multiviews for each object shown in Figures P4-53 through P4-60.

A set of three drawings shows different views of an object.

Figure P4-53 INCHES

A set of three drawings shows the different views of an object.


A set of three drawings shows the different views of an object.


A set of three drawing shows the different views of an object.


A set of three drawing shows the different views of an object.


A three-dimensional drawing of an object.


A three-dimensional drawing of an object.


A three-dimensional drawing of an object.

Figure P4-60 INCHES

Project 4-8

Figures P4-61 through P4-66 are orthographic views. Draw 3D models from the given views. The hole pattern defined in Figure P4-61 also applies to Figure P4-62.

An orthographic view of an object is presented.


Figures present the orthographic view of an object.


Sketch of an object is presented with its specified dimensions.

Figure P4-63 INCHES

Sketch of an object is presented with its specified dimensions.

Figure P4-64 INCHES

A sketch of a circular object is shown.


An illustration of a rectangular object.

Figure P4-66 INCHES

Project 4-9

Figures P4-67 through P4-71 are presented using first-angle projection and ISO conventions.

  1. Create a solid model from the given orthographic views.

  2. Draw front, top, and right-side orthographic views of the objects using third-angle projection and ANSI conventions.

Diagrams present the first angle orthographic projections of an object.


Diagrams present the first angle orthographic projections of an object.


Diagrams present the first angle projections of an object.


The orthographic views of an object in first angle projection are shown in a figure.


The first angle orthographic projection of an object.


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