Aeronautical engineers, 100, 132, 135

Agency-loyalty, 255

Air Force, 251, 256

Airline industry, 134

Airplane, 134

design, 5

prototypes of, 134

visible differences, 5

Air-quality issues, 216

Almost-but-not-quite-finished version, 27

Alternative designs, 31, 86, 95, 107, 111, 203

Aluminium, 266, 267

extension ladders, 18

American Beverage Company (ABC), 35, 56, 57

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 123, 125, 164

wood safety requirements, 194

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 215, 252

codes of ethics of, 253, 255, 262

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code of Ethics, 215, 281, 288, 295, 296

Anisotropic material, 266

Application-specific integrated circuit, 136

Arm support, for CP-afflicted student, designing, 4446

Arrow Impossibility Theorem, 55

ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Code, 22

Assembly drawings, 123, 124, 198, 209


Back-of-the-envelope, 59

model, 59

Balance laws, 171

Bardeen, John, 133

Battery-powered payload cart, modeling, 177

mechanics of moving, 177180

selection of characteristics

battery and battery operating, 181183

motor and motor operating, 184186

Beam, 168, 169, 188, 189, 190, 192

cross-sectional area, 168, 188

equations, 18

model, 191

theory, 188, 189

Bell, Alexander Graham, 133

Best-of-class chart, 110

Beta testing, 27

Beverage container, 93, 94

chemically inert, 108

establishing metrics for, 61

Beverage-filled Mylar container, 133

B. F. Goodrich Company, 256

Big box retailer, 191

Bill of materials (BOM), 198, 199, 209

Black box, 31, 7375

Block lettering, 120

Block tolerances, 285

Boston's code, 259

Bounded design space, 100

Braille printer, 83, 84

Brainstorming, 26, 226

Brass, 268, 271, 272

Brattain, Walter Houser, 133

Brick wall, 12

Budget, 243245

Building objectives trees, 49, 50

logistics of, 50

top-level goal, 50

Building techniques, 267


Capital-intensive, 254

Cap screws, 277

Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), 195, 196, 306

Carpenter's glue, 270

Case studies, 16, 27, 28

design of stabilizer for microlaryngeal surgery, 2734

example of testing, 3435

Cerebral palsy (CP), 35, 44, 45, 46

Challenger's O-rings, 251

Children's beverage, 35

design of a container, 40

Chinese proverb, 129

Cigarette lighter designing, 261

basic functions, 73

secondary functions

required, 73

unwanted, 73

secondary functions, 73

Citicorp Center, 257, 260

Claremont Colleges, 40

Claremont (California) Unified School District, 44

Classic model, 20, 224

five-stage, 224

three-stage, 20

Client, 255

clearer understanding of, 41

design problem, 41

desires, 25

feedback from, 24, 27

goals, 76

intentions, 17

interpretations of, 5

marketing plan, 62

objectives, 21, 25, 29, 47, 49

identifying, 53

rank ordering, 54

representing, 29

obligations with, 150, 255256

original problem statement, 29

project statement, 5, 25

Codes of ethics, 252

Commercial ladders, 13, 18, 194

Communication and design, 1012

fabrication, 1112

for manufacturing, 12

Competitive products, 26

Composite material, 101, 266

Computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) model, 136

Computer-aided-design-and-drafting (CADD), 117, 135, 139, 283

models, 139

packages, 283

Computer-based analysis, 27, 135

Computer-based model, 27

Computer-based packages, 148

Computer spreadsheets, 167

Concept screening, 69

Conceptual design, 5, 2022, 28, 32, 93, 106, 128, 129, 190, 207

Concurrent engineering, 205

Conflicts, 228

basic strategies for resolving, 228

Confusing objectives, 60

Conservation law, 171

Conservation principles, 171

Constraints, 43, 67, 68

Constructive conflict, 227229

idea-based conflict, 227

Contact cement, 270, 274

Contiguous solutions, 97

Controlled tests, 133

Coordinate measurement machine (CMM), 298, 299

Cost categories, 197, 198

indirect costs, 198

labor costs, 198

Cost estimation, 197201, 204, 207

CP-afflicted student, 44

arm support for, 44

Cross-talk, 97

Crosswire support, 32

C-sketch, 98, 99

discussions, 98

method, 98

Cumulative distribution function, 210

Customers' requirements, 41, 86

design attributes, 4143

design objectives, 4143

Cyanoacrylates, 274

Cylindrically symmetric profiles, 267


Dampen motion, 89, 103

Danbury arm support, 62, 69, 8891, 101, 111, 126, 139, 155158

constraints for, 69

drawings, 126127

evaluating designs, 111113

final outcome, 158

final report elements for, 155158

functions for, 88

generating designs, 101105

managing, 157

objectives, 62, 63, 64

metrics for, 64

project teams, 138

TSO for, 157

Danbury School, 44, 45, 70, 155

Dartmouth Avenue, 40

Data-driven metric, 62

Datum symbol, 292295

last note on, 294

primary datum, 292

secondary datum, 292

tertiary datum, 293

Datum targets, 293, 294, 297

Decibels (dB), 83, 84

Decision-support techniques, 107

Decomposing complex design spaces, 100

Design activities, open-ended nature, 15

Design alternatives, 18, 103, 216

generation of, 103

long-term consequences of, 216

selection of, 105

short-consequences of, 216

Design-and-construction company, 3

Design communication, 20, 23

sources of information, 23

Design drawings, 122

assembly, 123124

detail, 123, 125126

layout, 122123

pictorial representation, use of, 129

standards, 124125, 129

tolerances, 124

Designed artifacts, concepts for, 132

Designer-client-user triangle, 4, 6, 209

Designer-fabricators, 19

Designer's responsibilities, 214

Design for affordability, 206

Design for assembly (DFA), 207, 208, 218

Design for deflection, 194

Design for manufacturing (DFM), 12, 206, 209

Design for production, 206209

Design for quality, 8688

Design for reliability, 210

Design for sustainability, 215218

Design for use, 209215

Design information, 54, 118, 119, 126

advantage of, 54

Design knowledge, 22, 24, 25

acquiring, 25

processing, 25

Design method, 24, 25, 28, 35

closing remarks on, 35

constraints, 180

criteria, 190

functional analysis, 25, 31

function-means trees, 25, 73

iterative elements of, 23

kinds of drawings, 122

morphological charts, 25

performance specification method, 25

quality function deployment (QFD), 86

requirements matrices, 32

systems-oriented definition of, 24

Design modeling, 162, 186

mathematical habits of thought for, 162

mathematical tools for, 186

Design problem, 12, 19, 25, 26, 76

framing, 28

ill structured, 12

open-ended, 12

solution-independent statement of, 54

Design process, 16, 19, 2427, 223, 224, 226

communication, 19

descriptive models, 19

evaluation, 19

feedback, 27

formal methods for, 24

generation, 19

means, 20

methods, 24

organizing, 224

prescribing, 1924

prescriptive models, 20

social activity, 250

strategies, 24

Design project, 14

managing, 14, 232

end of project, 248249

monitoring and controlling, 245248

scheduling tools (see Team calendar)

tools for managing

project's scope, 234237

project's spending (see Budget)

work breakdown structures, 237241

Design requirements, 12, 14, 20, 41, 129

attaching numbers to, 81

functional requirements, 41

interface performance requirements, 86

nature of, 15

performance requirements, 129

prescriptive requirements, 129

procedural requirements, 129

Design reviews, 145, 149, 150

formal, 27

presentations, 27

Design space, 25, 31, 92, 93, 99, 100

contracting, 101

expanding, 99101

generation, 99

Design specifications, 9, 26, 81, 247

attaching numbers, 8184

interface performance specifications, 8586

performance, 81

prescriptive, 81

procedural, 81

setting performance levels, 8485

Design team, 5, 2628, 35, 41, 223, 226

dynamics, 223227

and design process activities, 226227

organizing, 223224

stages of group formation, 224226

Destructive conflict, 228

personality-based conflict, 228

Detail drawings, 123, 125

Detailed design, 5, 22, 25, 95, 126, 193

remarks on, 193

Dimensions, 284, 285

basic dimensions, 284

location dimensions, 284

orientation of, 284

placement of, 284

reference dimensions, 284

size dimensions, 284

some best practices of, 284

spacing of, 284

stock dimension, 284

Direct analogy, 96, 233

Discipline-dependent differences, 129

kinds of, 129

Double-checked Gerber files, 136

Drawings, philosophical notes, 129

Dress, and protective gear

safety requirements for, 265

Dupuit, Jules, 19th-century engineer, 204


Economic issue, 134

Edison, Thomas, 99

Editor's role, 153

accuracy, 154

consistency, 153

continuity, 153

single voice, 154

Effective designers, 24, 144, 216

Energy-starved world, 216

Engineering design, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 28, 46, 92, 122129, 171, 210, 215, 218, 294

achieving excellence, 12

best practices, 9

challenges, 1213

definition, 78, 10, 12, 14

assumptions, 8

evolution of, 158

learning and doing, 1214

managing, 14

mathematical models, 171

measuring success, 9

practical aspects, 279299

Engineering designers work, 4

engineering services firms, 4

government, 4

not-for-profit organizations, 4

small and large companies, 4

start-up ventures, 4

Engineering economics, 197, 204

Engineering functions, 8, 43, 72

transfer of energy, 72

transfer of information, 72

transfer of materials, 72

Engineering sketches, 117119. See also Sketching technique

Engineering societies, ethics, 7

Environmental issues and design, 215

Environmental life-cycle assessment, 218

Environmentally conscious engineers, 216

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 256

Estimating costs, 198

Ethical behavior, 252, 254

Ethics, 250252, 263

codes of, 252254

ASCE code, 255

IEEE code, 254

engineering practice, 261263

problems, 6

understanding obligations, 250

Evolution of design, remarks, 158

Executive summary, 154

Expansion spaces, 266

External clients, 4

External constraints, 101


Fabrication specification, 10, 11, 122, 127128

assembly, 11

drawings, 11

instructions, 11

kinds of requirements, 128

ways of writing, 129

Fabricator's redesign, 11

Failure, 210

accident-causing, 210

building, 134

catastrophic, 210, 260

distributions, 211

incidental, 210

in-service, 210

strengths, materials properties, 192

Fantasy analogies, 117

Fasteners, 266, 269, 296

double fixed fastener, 276, 297

fixed fasteners, 297

floating fasteners, 276, 296

selecting, 269

Fastening wood, 270

Feature control frames, 287

First-angle projection, 281

Fitzgerald, Ernest, 251

industrial engineer, 251

Five-stage model, 224

Flood-control schemes, 215

Focus groups, 26, 58

Follett, Mary Parker, 227

Foothill Avenue, 40

Ford Motor Company, 256

Ford Pinto, 256

Formal design, review, 27

Formal methods, 8, 248

Form and function, 9, 10

relationship of, 9

Form tolerances, 287, 294

Four-objective ladder design, 54

Frank Lloyd Wright, 257

Fringe benefits, 198, 244

Full-size prototype, 134

Functional analysis, 25, 73

tools for establishing functions, 7381

black boxes, and glass boxes, 7375

dissection/reverse engineering, 7576

enumeration, 7679

function–means trees, 7980

remarks on objectives, 8081

Functional gaging, 298299

Functions, 72, 73

definition, 72

expressing, 7273

Functions-means tree, 31, 79, 80

for a lighter, 80


Gallery method, 98

Gantt chart, 243

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) approach, 125, 268, 277, 285, 287

Geometric tolerances, 168, 268, 287, 288, 294, 298, 299

system, 287

George Washington Bridge, 78

German proverb, 129

Glass box method, 91

Global warming, 217

Goal-directed activity, 99

Goal-directed design generation, 248

Goal-oriented activity, 248

Green wood, 266

Group development, 224

adjourning phase, 226

forming stage of, 224

norming phase, 225

performing phase, 225

storming phase, 224

Group formation, stages of, 224

Gut-level feelings, 103


Hand-built prototypes, 267

Hand-held cigarette lighter, 261

Hard-to-measure objective, 60

Hartford Coliseum, roof bracing of, 128

Harvey Mudd College, 28, 35, 126, 283, 297

first-year design class, 35

first-year design course, 35

student-machined tools, 198

Hex-head cap screws, 277

High-level objectives, 22, 54

High-speed production machines, 207

Hot-melt glue, 270

House of quality (HoQ), 8688

Hyatt Regency Hotel, 11

Hyatt Regency Hotel, walkway, 11


Identification-loyalty, 255

Ill structured process, 12

Implied solutions, 40

Inch dimensioning metric, 282

Industrial accidents, 265

fatigue, 265

intoxication, 265

Informal interviews, 26

Informing, design process

acquiring design knowledge to inform, 2526

analysis and testing, 2627

with formal design methods, 2425

getting feedback to inform, 27

by thinking strategically, 24

Initial problem statement, clarifications, 4041

Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), 252

code of ethics, 253

Interface performance requirements, developing, 86

Internal feedback loops, 23

Interval scales, 53


John Hancock Center, 257


Kahn's large X-frames, 257

Keynes, John Maynard, 36

case study, 36


Ladder design problem, 13

Ladder rung, 186, 188, 193196

design modeling, 186187

design criteria, 190192

as elementary beam, 188190

elementary beam, 188

preliminary design for, 193196

for stiffness, 194195

for strength, 195196

Ladder's design, 18

build and analyze, 18

Law of diminishing returns, 98

common-sense dictum of, 115

Layout drawings, 122

Leading design teams, 229. See also Design team

leadership, and membership, 229230

personal behavior, and roles, 230231

Legal requirements, 17

LeMessurier, William J., 256261

Citicorp design, 257, 259

conceptual design, 256257

triangles, 257

Level of abstraction, 23

behavioral requirements, 23, 25

functional requirements, 23

Levels of abstraction, 23

Life-cycle assessment (LCA), 215, 218

impact analysis, 218

improvement analysis, 218

inventory analysis, 218

Light-emitting diode (LED) lenses, 136

Linear elastic spring, 163

Linear models, 170

Line types, 283

center lines, 284

dimension lines, 283

extension lines, 283

hidden lines, 283

leader lines, 283

Lists of objectives, 41, 49

Literature reviews, 25

Load-deflection behavior, 163

Low-cost ladder, 60

Low-rise industrial warehouse buildings, 100

Low-weight ladder, 58

Lumped element model, 163


Machine screws, 267, 272273

Macro scales, 163

Maintainability, 214

Management, 1415, 244

controlling, 245

leading, 229

major functions, 20

controlling, 20

leading, 20

organizing, 20

planning, 20

organizing, 249

planning, 249

Managing design activities, 243

Managing engineering design projects, 1415

3S model of management, 14

Manufacturing business, 12

Manufacturing-cost issues, 135

Marketing experts, 223

Market research, 26

Mars lander, gas-filled shock absorbers, 133

Mass-produced items, 136, 267

Material condition modifiers, 289

least material condition (LMC), 290

maximum material condition (MMC), 290

regardless of feature size (RFS), 290

Material selection, remarks, 213

Materials requirements planning (MRP), 209

Materials selection chart, 196

Mathematical approximations, 169

Mathematical modeling, 162, 164

abstraction, 162

basic principles of, 162

lumped elements, 163

scaling, 163

Mathematical tools, for design modeling, 163164

conservation and balance laws, 171172

dimensional analysis, 167169

dimensions and units, 164166

mathematical approximations, 169171

mechanical–electrical analogies, 176

physical dimensions in design, 164

physical idealizations, 169171

series and parallel connections, 173176

significant figures, 166167

Mathematics, closing remarks, 196

Mechanical design drawings, principal kinds, 124

Member-by-member calculation, 259

Metal fasteners, 274

permanent, 274

temporary, 274

Metaphor, 95

6-3-5 Method, 95

Metric, 9, 26, 30, 58, 6062, 64, 65, 82, 108110, 210, 277

caution, 56

closing comments, 61

development of, 57

solution-independent, 61

Microlaryngeal instruments, 28

Microlaryngeal surgery, 27, 29

Microlaryngeal surgical stabilizer, design, 27

Micro scales, 163

Mild steel, 138, 267

Model-based prediction, 161

Model-building project, 141

margin for error, 141

Model process, 131142, 161165

atomic bonds, 163

building, 134

construction, 138

common materials for, 138

Monitoring and controlling, 245

tools for, 245

Moral authority, 250, 252

Morphological chart, 25, 31, 32, 79, 92, 93, 95, 100

Morphological chart, creating, 31

Mortise-and-tenon joint, 270

Morton-Thiokol company, 251, 256

Mylar bag, 107109

Mylar containers, 133


Nails, 271

box nails, 271

finishing nails, 271

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 133

shuttle program, 251, 256

National Beverage Company (NBC)

design teams, 56

National Beverage Company (NBC), 35

National Fire Protection Association, safety code, 125

Navigating design spaces, 99100

complications, 100

morphological chart, suited to, 100

small/bounded space, 100

Newtonian mechanics, 172

Newton's equilibrium law, 181

Newton's law of motion, 164

New York City, 256

building code, 258

Building Commissioner, 261

Nicaraguan farmers, 8

Non-economic objectives, 68

Number of significant figures (NSF), 166

Numerical evaluation matrices, 107109


Objectives, 43, 49, 53, 54, 57, 62, 111, 118

achievement, 5760

establishing metrics, 5865

applying metrics to, 106107

best-of-class chart, 110111

numerical evaluation matrices, 107109

priority checkmark method, 109110

reminders, for design evaluation, 111

caution, 111

measurement issues, 53

rank ordering, with pairwise comparison charts, 5457

trees, 4953

Old-fashioned butcher's scale, 175

One-time activity, 51, 107

Open-ended activity, 158

Opportunity costs, 201

Oral presentations, 145, 227

design reviews, 149150

knowing audience, 145146

practicing, 148149


outline, 146147

as visual events, 147, 148

Ordinal scales, 53

Orthographic views, 279

OSHA standards, 43, 68


Pair-by-pair basis, 25

Pairwise comparison chart (PCC) process, 25, 30, 5457

Pairwise comparison charts, 5457

Parallel system, 212

Patents, 100

intellectual property, 76, 100

People-intensive, 254

Percent-complete matrix (PCM), 245, 249

Performance fabrication specification, 129

Performance specification method, 25

Personality-oriented criticism, 150

Physical box, 75

Physical dimensions in design (I), 164

dimensions, 164

units, 164

Physical dimensions in design (II), 166

significant figures, 166

Physical dimensions in design (III), 167

dimensional analysis, 167

Physical idealizations, 169, 170, 171

Physical quantities, 164

Physics, 196

closing remarks on, 196

Physiological surgical tremors, 28

Pilot-scale oil refinery, 136

Pliers, 269

Polyethylene bottle, 107, 108

Polymer fastening, 273

permanent, 273

temporary, 274

Position tolerance, 287, 295

Post-consumer disposal, 217

Power drill, 73

top-level black box analysis, 74

Premature commitments, 24

Prescriptive model, 19, 20

Presentation, unique type, 149

Prevent physical pain, 89, 90

Primary quantities, 164

Probability density function. (See Cumulative distribution function)

Problem definition, 26, 39, 40

clarifying client's objectives, 4749

constraints identification, 6770

establishing functions, 7173

objectives trees, 4950

Problem statements, revised, 4344

Procedural fabrication, specification, 129

Process of questioning, 1619

Process router, 137, 198

Product standards index, 125

Project end game, managing, 152

Project framing, 41

Project management process, 14, 15, 233, 243

definition, 241

framework, 241

road map of, 146

scheduling, 241

tools, 14, 15, 32, 243, 247

tracking, 241, 244

Project post-audits, 248

Project report, 150, 154, 155

audience for, 150, 151

final report, 154155

first draft, 153154

process of writing, 150

purpose for, 150, 151

rough outlines of, 151152, 155

structuring, 150, 151

topic sentence outline (TSO), 152, 153

Proof-of-concept test, 26, 132134, 146, 241

Prototype, 132140

building, 135

development, 26

practical aspects, 264278

Public, and the profession, 256261

John Hancock Center, architectural design, 258

LeMessurier's Citicorp design, 256257, 259

quartering wind, effects, 258259

sketch, 260

Public hearings, 27

Public statements of design project, 4344

Published performance requirements, 84

Pugh selection chart, 113


Quality function deployment (QFD), 86

Quebec Bridge, 78


Radio, 75, 85

three inputs, 73

top-level function, 74, 75, 79

Radio frequencies (RF), 85

Rank-ordered objectives, 57

Rate equation, 172

Rational equations, 164, 165

Real-world environments, 133

Recycling, 61, 217

Redundant system, 212

Regularly scheduled meetings, 27

Reliability, 210214

Resisting forces, means, 95

Resisting shocks, means, 95

Resisting temperature, means, 95

Respect-based behavior, 226

Restricting functions, 103

Reverse engineering, 26, 73, 75, 76

Reverse S-curve, 83, 85

Richardson's Manual, 200

Rivets, 275

blind rivets, 275

solid rivets, 275

Round-head machine screw, 268, 272

Row-by-row fashion, 25

R. S. Means Cost Guide, 200

Rule of thumb, 284, 297

Rung's midpoint deflection, 192, 193


Safe ladder, 16, 48, 49

Safety warnings, 264

Sample presentation, elements, 146

Scaling, 162163

Screwdrivers, 126, 140, 198

S-curve, 8385

Sears Tower, 99, 100

Seed-like detritus, 61

Series system design, 211

Setting performance levels, 84

Setting requirements, 67

Shockley, William Bradford, 133

Short-lived prototypes, 270

Simon, Herbert A., 10

Simon's definition, 10

Sketching technique, 98, 117122, 119

Skilled practitioners, 14

Skyscrapers, 5, 13, 100

Social security, 98

Software design, 4, 27

Soldering and brazing, 274

Solid-state electronic valve, concept, 133

Solution-independent metrics, 61

Solution-oriented technique, 80

Solvent-based adhesives, 266

Source of power, 73

battery, 95, 118

diesel, 95

gasoline, 95

LNG, 95

steam, 95

Sources of information, 22

design codes, 22

handbooks, 22

Space of engineering designs, 9299

C-sketch method, 98

defining, by generating morphological chart, 9395

gallery method, 9899

guiding thoughts, 99

6–3–5 method, 9798

thinking metaphorically, and strategically, 9597

Spot welding, 274

Spring formula, 189

Spring-mass-damper sketch, analogy, 129

Stabilization system, 28

Stakeholder, 12, 41, 46

Stand-alone device, 76

St. Peter's Church, 257

Structured interview, 26

Stubbins, Hugh, 256, 257, 260

Successful design, 23, 31

endpoint of, 127

Sullivan, Louis, 257

Super-safe ladder, 16, 18

Supply-chain management, 209

Surrogate metrics, 58, 61

Symbolic analogies, 98

System-level design, 5


Team-based projects, 227

Team calendar, 241243

Team charters, 234

Team writing, 154

Technical communication, guidelines, 143145

Technical decisions, 134, 135

responsibilities for, 134

Technical drawings, 125

Technology, 140, 198, 212

Testing outcomes, 24

Testing prototypes and models, 133

building prototype, 134

factors depend on, 134135

principles and guidelines, 135141

proof of concept testing, 133134

Third-angle projection, 280, 281

Thomas Register, 100, 137

Thoughtful process, 7, 8, 11

Threads per inch (TPI), 277

Three-dimensional object, 118, 163

Three-stage model, 20

Thrower's nervous system, 14

Tight-tolerance items, 136

Time management tools, 150

Time to market, 206

Time value of money, 201203

design choices, 201

Tolerance zone shape, 289

datum feature, 292295

virtual conditions, 299

Topic sentence outline (TSO), 151, 152, 153, 157

Top-level design goal, 25

Top-level objectives, 54, 56, 190

Top-level tasks, 239

Traditional specifications, 11

Transformation functions, 72

Transparent boxes, 25, 73, 74

Tree-building issue, 50

Tree-like structures, 25

Tremor, 2832

Tremor-inducing muscle tension, 31

Truss Opsit®, 270

self tapping left-handed thread screw, 270

Tube concept, 257

Twist-off cap, 108110

Types of sketches, 119, 120

axonometric sketches, 119

oblique sketches, 119

perspective sketches, 119


U-channels, 266, 267

Unanticipated side effects, 73

Unit-dependent versions, 165

Universal motor, 75, 77

Unweighted design objectives, 107

U.S. Department of Defense, 135

U.S. Department of Transportation regulations, 256

User needs, interpretations, 5

User questionnaires, 26

User surveys, 26

Use-value analysis, 5961

U.S. Patent Office (USPTO), 101

design patents, 101

utility patents, 101

Utility values, 83


Variate, 210

Velcro fastener, 96

Verbal communication, 97

Verb-noun combination, 73

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), 254

Verne, Jules, 96

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in, 96

Visual aids, 147, 148

tips and pointers, 147

Visual events, 147

Vocal cord surgery, surgeons, 28


Walkway connections, 128

Weakest-link phenomenon, 211, 212

Welding, 274

arc, 274

spot, 274

Welfare of the public, 261263

Wellington, Arthur M., 204

location theory, 204

Whats vs. Hows section, 87

Wheelchair design, visible differences, 5

White glue, 268, 270

Who vs. Whats section, 87

Wooden extension ladders, 18

Wooden rail-road tie, 125, 217

Wood fasteners, temporary, 270

Wood joining, common adhesives, 270

Wood screws, 270273

flat-head, 273

oval-head, 272

round-head, 272

Work breakdown structure (WBS), 237, 240

Work-energy principle, 172

Working engineer, 3

World-class companies, 206

World's major bodies of water, 216

World Wide Web, 83

Wright's mentor, 257


Young's modulus, 168

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