Updating an issue

Finally, let's check out how to update issues. To open the issue update form, you need to click on the Edit link, which is located in the top-right corner of the issue page (in the contextual menu). This will open the following form below the last history entry:

Updating an issue

Most of the fields of this form should already be known to you. The missing text area for the Description field is hidden to save space and can be revealed by clicking on the Edit link (with the pen Updating an issue icon).

A new element in this form is the Notes box. As you can see, the text area inside this box supports Wiki formatting (like the one for the Description field). This is the text area where you can enter your comments on the issue. If the Private notes checkbox is checked, such comments will be visible only to those project members who have the View private notes permission.

When added, issue comments are rendered as history entries, as shown in the following screenshot:

Updating an issue

Private comments have a red stripe to the left and are marked with the Updating an issue label.

Note the two icons to the right of each comment. The pen Updating an issue icon can be used to edit the comment (if you have the Edit own notes permission, of course), and the chat Updating an issue icon should be used if you want to quote it. By the way, quoting the issue description is also easy. To do this, you just need to click on the Quote link with the same icon that can be found to the right of the issue description.

But what if you need to make the same change to several issues?

Bulk update

Let's go back to the issue list. Right-click on any issue and you will see this contextual drop-down menu:

Bulk update

This menu provides you with a quick way of setting one value at a time for the Status, Tracker, Priority, Target version, Assignee, or % Done fields of several issues (you can select multiple issues in the list and then right-click on one of them).


However, it's not, recommended to make one change at a time, unless it's really going to be the only one. If you make multiple single changes separately, all of them will be represented as separate issue history entries and notifications about them will be sent in separate emails.

If you need to change several fields of multiple issues at a time, you should use the Edit item of this contextual menu. This item activates the following bulk edit form:

Bulk update
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