

  • Absolute priority rule 23
  • Accumulation phase 159, 167
  • Actuarial functions 5
  • Actuarial liability 4
  • Annuitization phase 159
  • Annuity 159
    • Equity-linked annuity 33
  • Arbitrage opportunity 40
  • Asset
    • Consumption asset 62
    • Definition 4
    • Investment asset 62
    • Value of assets 521
  • Asset and liability management (ALM) 33, 519, 521
    • Cash-flow matching 521
    • Definition 6
    • Replication 521


  • Bid-ask spread 36
  • Binary option
    • Asset-or-nothing option 126
    • Binary call option 126
    • Binary put option 126
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 411
    • Cash-or-nothing option 126
    • Definition 126
  • Binomial model 185, 397
    • American option 269
    • Approximation of the Black-Scholes formula 405
    • Approximation of the Black-Scholes-Merton model 398
    • Continuation value 270
    • Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model 243, 405
    • Currency option 280
    • Discrete (dollar) dividend 228
    • Dividend-paying risky asset 276
    • Dynamic trading strategy 212, 250
    • Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) 232
    • Holding value 270
    • Investment guarantee 194
    • Jarrow-Rudd (JR) model 243, 402
    • Market completeness 192, 218, 253, 417
    • Multi-period model 239
    • No-arbitrage condition 187, 205, 207, 241
    • One-period model 185
    • Portfolio value process 251
    • Rebalancing 212
    • Recombining tree 204, 241
    • Replicating portfolio 190, 213
    • Risk-neutral pricing formula 196, 221, 260
    • Risk-neutral probability 196, 220, 260
    • Self-financing strategy 215, 252
    • Static trading strategy 212, 250
    • Stochastic interest rate 225
    • Trading strategy 190, 250
    • Two-period model 201
  • Black-Scholes formula 403, 450, 455
    • Asian option 478
    • Black’s formula 460
    • Call option 404
    • Currency option 459
    • Dynamic version 409
    • Equity-indexed annuity (EIA) 466, 468
    • Exchange option 462
    • Futures option 460
    • Guaranteed minimum maturity benefit (GMMB) 471
    • Investment guarantee 464
    • Lookback option 480
    • Price sensitivity 414
    • Put option 406
    • With dividends 457
  • Black-Scholes partial differential equation, see Partial differential equation (PDE)
  • Black-Scholes-Merton model 393, 455
    • Asian option 474
    • Barrier option 482
    • Binary option 411
    • Black’s formula 460
    • Black-Scholes formula 403
    • Black-Scholes PDE 438
    • Currency option 459
    • Delta 422
    • Delta hedging 424
    • Delta-hedging strategy 425
    • Dividend-paying risky asset 455
    • Equity-indexed annuity (EIA) 465
    • Equity-linked insurance and annuity (ELIA) 463
    • Exchange option 461
    • Exotic option 473
    • Forward contract 410
    • Futures option 459
    • Gap option 412
    • Geometric Brownian motion 394
    • Guaranteed minimum maturity benefit (GMMB) 470
    • Investment guarantee 464
    • Lookback option 479
    • Market completeness 418
    • Portfolio value process 418
    • Price sensitivity 414
    • Pricing probability measure 449
    • Replicating strategy 418
    • Risk-neutral probability measure 447
    • Self-financing condition 437
    • Self-financing strategy 418, 426
    • Stop-loss transform 450
    • Variable annuity 470
  • Bond
    • Callable bond 22
    • Corporate bond 22
    • Coupon bond 22
    • Coupons 22
    • Credit risk 90
    • Definition 21
    • Face value 23
    • Fixed-rate bond 77, 81
    • Floating-rate bond 77, 82
    • Initial price 23, 26
    • Maturity 22
    • Municipal bond 22
    • Principal 23
    • Redeemable bond 22
    • Sovereign bond 22
    • Stripping 26
    • Treasury 22
    • Yield 23
    • Zero-coupon bond 22, 23
  • Brownian motion 327
    • Diffusion coefficient 347
    • Distribution of the maximum 480
    • Drift coefficient 347
    • Estimation 357
    • Gaussian process 341
    • Geometric Brownian motion 351, 386, 394
    • Girsanov theorem 446
    • Linear Brownian motion 347, 386, 480
    • Markovian property 342, 349, 354
    • Martingale property 344, 350, 355
    • Maximum likelihood estimator 357
    • Simulation 345, 350, 356
    • Standard Brownian motion 336, 339
    • Volatility coefficient 347, 354


  • Cash-flow matching 521
  • Catastrophe (CAT) derivative
  • Central Limit Theorem 369
  • Collateralized debt obligation (CDO) 8
  • Commodity
    • Cost of carry 61
  • Commodity swap 33
  • Convexity
    • Definition 528
    • Duration-convexity matching 531
    • Macaulay convexity 529
    • Modified convexity 529
  • Credit default swap (CDS) 22, 33
    • Cash flows 91
    • Definition 77, 90
    • Premium 90, 92
    • Protection buyer 90
    • Protection seller 90
    • Spread 92
    • Trinomial model 315
    • Valuation 92
  • Credit risk 29
  • Currency rate 59
  • Currency swap 33


  • Delta hedging 526, 535
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 424, 425
  • Delta-gamma hedging, see Hedging
  • Delta-rho hedging, see Hedging
  • Delta-vega hedging, see Hedging
  • Derivative
    • Attainable derivative 298
    • Catastrophe derivative 16, 33, 152
    • Definition 8, 32
    • Delta 422
    • Event-triggered derivative 33, 141, 150
    • Exotic option 33
    • Forward contract 33, 49
    • Futures contract 33, 49
    • Insurance 8
    • Longevity derivative 16, 33, 153
    • Option 33
    • Payoff 51
    • Swap 33, 75
    • Underlying asset 32
    • Weather derivative 33, 150
  • Diffusion process, see Stochastic calculus
  • Digital option, see Binary option
  • Diversifiable risk 10, 11
  • Diversification 10
  • Dividend
    • Definition 30
    • Ex-dividend date 31
    • Ex-dividend price 31
    • Reinvesment 31
    • Yield 30, 31
  • Domestic currency 59
  • Duration
    • Definition 527
    • Dollar duration 527
    • Duration matching 529
    • Duration-convexity matching 531
    • Macaulay duration 528
    • Modified duration 528
  • Duration matching, see Hedging
  • Duration-convexity matching, see Hedging


  • Early exercise
    • American call option 134
    • American put option 135
    • Binomial model 270
    • Early-exercise premium 273
  • Equity
    • Definition 4
  • Equity-indexed annuity (EIA) 161
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 465
    • Compound periodic ratchet 163, 467
    • High watermark indexing 164
    • Insurer’s loss 171
    • Participation rate 162, 465, 469
    • Point-to-point indexing 162, 465
    • Ratchet indexing method 163
  • Equity-linked insurance and annuity (ELIA) 33, 159
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 463
    • Equity-indexed annuity 161
    • Guarantee 161
    • Insurer’s loss 171
    • Roll-up rate 161
    • Variable annuity 165
  • Event-triggered derivative 33, 141, 150
  • Exotic option 33, 141
    • Asian option 147, 474
    • Average price Asian option 148
    • Average strike Asian option 148
    • Barrier option 141, 482
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 473
    • Down-and-in option 142
    • Down-and-out option 142
    • Exchange option 148, 461
    • Fixed strike lookback 146
    • Floating strike lookback 146
    • Knock-in option 142
    • Knock-out option 142
    • Lookback option 146, 479
    • Monitoring frequency 146, 147, 473
    • Up-and-in option 142
    • Up-and-out option 142


  • Financial position 37
    • Long position 37
    • Short position 37
  • Foreign currency 59
  • Foreign exchange rate 59
  • Forward contract 33
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 410
    • Default risk 62
    • Definition 49
    • Delivery date 50
    • Delivery price 50
    • Initial price 53
    • Long forward 51
    • Maturity date 50
    • Payoff 51
    • Pricing formula 54
    • Replication 52, 58
    • Short forward 51
    • Synthetic forward 52
  • Forward exchange rate 60
  • Forward price 37
    • Binomial environment 283
    • Equivalence with the futures price 66
    • Foreign currency 60
    • Stock 55
    • Stock paying dividends 57
  • Function
    • Indicator function 121
    • Maximum function 120
    • Positive part function 119
    • Stop-loss function 121
  • Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing 308
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 380
  • Futures contract
    • Definition 33, 49
    • Delivery date 50
    • Delivery price 50
    • Futures option 282, 459
    • Futures price 63
    • Initial margin 68
    • Maintenance margin requirement 68
    • Margin account 62
    • Margin call 68
    • Marking to market 64
    • Maturity date 50
  • Futures price 37, see Forward price


  • Gap option 128
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 412
    • Gap call option 128
    • Gap put option 128
    • Trigger price 128
  • Greek letters, see Hedging
  • Guaranteed minimum maturity benefit (GMMB), see Variable annuity
  • Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits (GMWB), see Variable annuity


  • Hedging 15, 33, 519
    • Asset and liability management (ALM) 519
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 424
    • Definition 519
    • Delta hedging 526, 535
    • Delta-gamma hedging 526, 538
    • Delta-rho hedging 542
    • Delta-vega hedging 545
    • Duration matching 526, 529
    • Duration-convexity matching 526, 531
    • First-order hedging strategy 526
    • Full immunization 532
    • Greeks 533, 541
    • Hedging error 424
    • Hedging strategy 519, 523
    • Immunization 532
    • Rebalancing 546
    • Redington immunization 532
    • Relative hedging error 536
    • Second-order hedging strategy 526
    • Self-financing strategy 546
    • Sensitivity matching 525


  • Immunization, see Hedging
  • Insurance
    • Definition 4
    • Derivative 8
    • Equity-linked insurance 33
    • Insurance market 6
  • Insurance-linked security 150
  • Interest rate
    • Forward rate 27
    • Interest rate swap 76
    • London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) 86
    • Real interest rate 29
    • Risk-free rate 22
    • Spot rate 26
    • Stochastic interest rate 225
    • Term structure 23
  • Interest rate swap 33
    • Cash flows 78
    • Definition 76, 77
    • Notional 77
    • Valuation 80
  • Investment guarantee
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 464
    • Payoff 123
  • Ito’s lemma, see Stochastic calculus
  • Ito’s stochastic integral, see Stochastic calculus


  • Law of Large Numbers 369
  • Leverage 110
  • Liability 520
    • Definition 4
  • Loan
    • Fixed-rate loan 77
    • Floating-rate loan 77
  • Lognormal distribution 330
    • Cumulative distribution function 331
    • Mean 331
    • Multiplicative property 331
    • Probability density function 330
    • Stop-loss formula 450
    • Stop-loss transform 333
    • Truncated expectation 332
    • Variance 331
  • Long-term risk 8
  • Longevity derivative 153
    • Longevity bond 153
    • Longevity forward 153
    • Longevity swap 153
    • Survivorship index 153


  • Market
    • Bear market 112
    • Bond market 22
    • Bull market 112
    • Complete market 298, 417, 418
    • Exchange-traded market 35, 62
    • Financial market 6, 7
    • Foreign exchange market 35
    • Frictionless market 38
    • Frictions 37
    • Incomplete market 298
    • Insurance market 6, 316
    • Market completeness 192
    • Market incompleteness 291, 316
    • Market maker 7
    • Over-the-counter 62
    • Over-the-counter market (OTC) 35
    • Primary market 35
    • Secondary market 35
  • Market price of risk 453
  • Marking to market 50, 62
    • Futures contract 64, 68
  • Maximum likelihood estimator, see Brownian motion
  • Mean reversion 388
  • Monte Carlo simulation, see Simulation
  • Mortgage-backed security (MBS) 8


  • No-arbitrage pricing 42
  • Normal distribution 328
    • Additive property 329
    • Cumulative distribution function 328
    • Lognormal distribution 330
    • Moment generating function 329
    • Probability density function 328
  • Normal random number, see Simulation


  • Option
    • American option 101, 133
    • Asian option 147
    • At the money 102
    • Barrier option 141
    • Bermudan option 101
    • Binary option 126
    • Bounds on option prices 129
    • Box spread 112
    • Butterfly spread 112
    • Call option 100, 102
    • Cap 108
    • Cash settlement 103
    • Collar 114
    • Definition 33, 100
    • Elasticity 535
    • European option 101
    • Exchange option 148
    • Exercise price 101
    • Exercise value 134
    • Exotic option 141
    • Floor 108
    • Futures option 282
    • Gap option 128
    • In the money 102
    • Intrinsic value 102, 134
    • Long call 103
    • Long put 105
    • Lookback option 146
    • Maturity 101
    • Moneyness 102
    • Out of the money 102
    • Path-dependent option 141
    • Payoff 101
    • Physical settlement 103
    • Premium 101
    • Profit/loss 101
    • Protective put 108
    • Put option 100, 105
    • Ratio spread 112
    • Short call 105
    • Short put 107
    • Simple option 141
    • Spread 110, 112
    • Straddle 112
    • Strangle 113
    • Strike price 101
    • Synthetic call 123, 124
    • Synthetic put 123, 124
    • Underlying asset 100
    • Vanilla option 102
    • Vertical spread 112
    • Zero-cost ratio spread 112
  • Ordinary differential equation, see Partial differential equation (PDE)


  • Partial differential equation (PDE)
    • Black-Scholes PDE 438, 534
    • Boundary conditions 435
    • Definition 434
    • Feynman-Kač formula 435
    • Ordinary differential equation (ODE) 434
  • Partially diversifiable risk 14
  • Path-dependent option, see Exotic option
  • Price
    • Ask price 35
    • Bid price 35
    • Black-Scholes formula 403
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 414
    • Exercise price 101
    • Fair price 42
    • Forward contract 53
    • Forward price 37, 55
    • Futures price 37
    • No-arbitrage price 42
    • Spot price 37
    • Strike price 101
  • Probability measure
    • Change of probability measure 443
    • Definition 441
    • Equivalent martingale measure 447
    • Equivalent probability measure 442
    • Girsanov theorem 446
    • Pricing probability measure 449
    • Radon-Nikodym derivative 443
    • Risk-neutral probability measure 447
  • Put-call parity 124
    • No dividends 124
    • With dividends 132


  • Quantile function, see Simulation


  • Random walk 398
    • Markovian property 335
    • Martingale property 335
    • Non-symmetric 334
    • Symmetric 333
  • Reinsurance 14, 16
  • Replication 15, 521
  • Riemann integral, see Stochastic calculus
  • Risks
    • Actuarial risk 9
    • Counterparty risk 38, 523
    • Credit risk 22, 29, 368, 523
    • Default risk 38, 62
    • Diversifiable 10, 11
    • Financial risk 9
    • Interest rate risk 8, 13
    • Investment risk 8
    • Liquidity risk 29
    • Long-term risk 8
    • Longevity risk 9, 14, 153, 368
    • Market risk 174
    • Model risk 548
    • Mortality risk 8, 174
    • Partially diversifiable 14
    • Short-term risk 9
    • Systematic 9, 12


  • Securitization 316
    • Definition 7
  • Security
    • Definition 7
  • Segregated fund, see Variable annuity
  • Sharpe ratio 453
  • Short selling
    • Definition 37
    • Margin 37
  • Short-term risk 9
  • Simulation
    • Antithetic variates estimator 504
    • Antithetic variates technique 502, 503
    • Box-Muller method 490
    • Brownian motion 345
    • Control variates estimator 510
    • Control variates method 508
    • Definition 487
    • Exponential distribution 489
    • Geometric Brownian motion 356
    • Importance sampling 513
    • Inverse transform method 488, 489, 502
    • Linear Brownian motion 350
    • Monte Carlo estimator 491
    • Monte Carlo simulation 490
    • Normal distribution 490
    • Normal random number 490
    • Option pricing 492, 501, 505, 510
    • Pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) 488
    • Quantile function 488
    • Quasi Monte Carlo methods 513
    • Random numbers 488
    • Seed 488
    • Statified sampling 497
    • Statified sampling estimator 501
    • Strata 499
    • Uniform distribution 488
    • Uniform random number 488
    • Variance reduction technique 497
  • Speculation 33, 109
  • Stochastic calculus 365
    • Adapted stochastic process 374
    • Diffusion coefficient 382
    • Diffusion process 382
    • Drift coefficient 382
    • Elementary stochastic process 370, 372
    • Feynman-Kač formula 435
    • Geometric Brownian motion 386
    • Ito’s isometry 377
    • Ito’s lemma 380, 384
    • Ito-integrable stochastic process 374
    • Linear Brownian motion 386
    • Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process 387
    • Product rule 384
    • Riemann sums 370
    • Square-root diffusion process 388
    • Stochastic differential equation (SDE) 365, 382
    • Stochastic integral 365, 368
    • Stochastic Riemann integral 366
    • Volatility coefficient 382
  • Stochastic mortality 368
  • Stock
    • Definition 30
    • Shareholder 30
    • Stock index 30
  • Swap
    • Commodity swap 33, 77, 93
    • Credit default swap (CDS) 22, 33, 77, 90
    • Cross-currency basis swap 87
    • Currency swap 33, 76, 87
    • Deferred swap 77
    • Definition 33, 75
    • Equity swap 77
    • Fixed for floating 76
    • Fixed leg 76
    • Floating leg 76
    • Foreign exchange swap 87
    • Interest rate swap 33, 76, 77
    • Prepaid swap 77
    • Swap rate 85
    • Swap term 76
    • Tenor 76
    • Total return swap 77
    • Variable leg 76
  • Systematic risk 9, 12


  • Taylor expansion 380, 524
    • Bivariate approximation 542
    • First-order approximation 524
    • Second-order approximation 524
  • Trinomial model 292
    • Attainable derivative 298
    • Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing 308
    • Martingale condition 308
    • No-arbitrage condition 294
    • Risk-neutral condition 308
    • Sub-replicating portfolio 300, 304
    • Super-replicating portfolio 301, 303
    • Trading strategy 296


  • Uniform random number, see Simulation
  • Unit-linked contract, see Variable annuity


  • Variable annuity 165
    • Binomial model 232
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 470
    • Fee rate 166, 473
    • Guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) 175
    • Guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) 175
    • Guaranteed minimum maturity benefit (GMMB) 167, 168, 470
    • Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) 167, 168
    • Insurer’s loss 172
    • Management and expense ratio 165
    • Separate account policy 165
    • Sub-account 165, 166
  • Variance reduction technique, see Simulation


  • Weather derivative
    • Cooling degree days (CDD) 151
    • Definition 150
    • Heating degree days (HDD) 151
  • Wiener process, see Brownian motion


  • Yield
    • Bond yield 23
    • Convenience yield 62
    • Yield to maturity 23
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