Engineering basic options

The word engineering usually involves the application of mathematics to study the structure and design of machines, tools, etc. As a result, the term financial engineering became increasingly popular, with the growth of derivatives markets in the 1990s, to designate the study of the structure and design of financial derivatives.

In Chapter 5, we introduced basic (vanilla) options such as call and put options and determined how they can be used for various investment purposes. The focus of this chapter is more on the mathematical structure of payoffs with the goal of designing and replicating simple financial products, and also obtaining parity relationships. Engineering also applies to common life insurance policies (see Chapter 8) where death and maturity benefits are designed using the mechanics of options.

The main objective of this chapter is to understand the basic financial engineering tools, i.e. to understand how to build and relate simple payoffs and then use no-arbitrage arguments to derive parity relationships. The specific objectives are to:

  • use simple mathematical functions to design simple payoffs and relate basic options;
  • create synthetic versions of basic options;
  • obtain parity relationships between stocks, bonds and simple derivatives;
  • understand the payoff structures of binary options and gap options;
  • derive relationships between the prices of binary options, gap options and vanilla options;
  • understand when American options should be (early-)exercised.

6.1 Simple mathematical functions for financial engineering

In this section, we analyze the properties of the maximum function and two of its relatives known as the positive part and the stop-loss functions. We will also look at indicator functions. All these functions determine the mechanics of call and put options payoffs. Some of them have strong roots in actuarial science, e.g. when losses are subject to deductibles and limits in (re)insurance policies. The reader familiar with these simple mathematical functions can easily skip this section.

6.1.1 Positive part function

We define the positive part function1 by

numbered Display Equation

The plot of the function is shown in the top-left part of Figure 6.1. One may recognize the notation ( · )+ as it was introduced in Chapter 5 to shorten the writing of call and put options’ payoffs.

A diagram that shows the maximum function and related functions using a set of four graphs labeled a, b, c and d. Graph a, titled Positive part function, with x on the x-axis and left parenthesis x right parenthesis subscript plus on the y-axis, is a curve starting from a point on the negative x-axis, moves through the x-axis till the origin, then gradually rises splitting the first quadrant into two equal parts, indicating a proportional increase in both x and y values. Graph b, titled Maximum function with parameter a, with x on the x-axis and max left brace x, a right brace on the y-axis, starts in the second quadrant, runs parallel to the x-axis, crosses over to the first quadrant through the point "a" on the y-axis and touches the point whose x and y coordinates are a and a, respectively. From that point, the curve rises gradually, indicating proportional increment in both x and y values. Graph c, titled Stop-loss function at a, with x on the x-axis and left parenthesis x minus a right parenthesis subscript plus on the y-axis, starts from a point on the negative x-axis, moves along the axis till the point "a" on the positive x-axis, and then goes upward showing proportional increase in x and y values. Graph d, titled Reverse stop-loss function at a, with x on the x-axis and left parenthesis a minus x right parenthesis subscript plus on the y-axis, shows a curve that starts in the second quadrant, goes down steadily to touch the x-axis at a, and then runs through the x-axis.

Figure 6.1 Maximum function and related functions

6.1.2 Maximum function

We can generalize the positive part function as follows. For a fixed real number a, we consider the maximum function x↦max {x, a}, defined by

numbered Display Equation

With this notation, a is a parameter of the function while x is the variable. The maximum function is illustrated in the top-right plot of Figure 6.1. Note that if we take a = 0, then we recover the positive part function.

When working with call and put options, one very important property of the maximum function is its behavior with respect to translations. For any real number b, we have

numbered Display Equation

or, equivalently,

numbered Display Equation

These properties are easily deduced by looking at the plot of max {x, a}, as given in Figure 6.1, and shifting it by ± b.

6.1.3 Stop-loss function

We can also generalize the positive part function in another direction. For a fixed real number a, we will call the function x↦(xa)+, the stop-loss function at a. From the definition of the positive part function, we can write

numbered Display Equation

Again, with this notation, a is a parameter of the function while x is the variable.

One should easily recognize from the stop-loss function the structure of a call option payoff. Moreover, the stop-loss function is well known in actuarial science as (xa)+ determines the amount paid by the insurer when a claim x is subject to a deductible a.

It is also possible to look at the reversed version of the stop-loss function. For a fixed real number a, we have

numbered Display Equation

Again, with this notation, a is a parameter while x is the variable. Both the stop-loss and reversed stop-loss functions are illustrated in the bottom panels of Figure 6.1. One should recognize from the reversed stop-loss function the payoff structure of a put option.

Using the above properties of the maximum function, we get that, for any other real number b,

(6.1.1)numbered Display Equation

and, in particular,

(6.1.2)numbered Display Equation

Finally, if we take the difference of a stop-loss function with its reserved version, we get the following simple relationship:

(6.1.3)numbered Display Equation

Indeed, since the functions (xa)+ and (ax)+ are never different from zero at the same time (for the same value of the variable x), we have

numbered Display Equation

The identities in equations (6.1.2) and (6.1.3) are at the core of the upcoming parity relationships between vanilla options and the underlying asset.

6.1.4 Indicator function

For a fixed real number a, we define the indicator function of {x > a} by

numbered Display Equation

With this notation, a is a parameter of the function while x is the variable. The function takes the value 1 if and only if the variable x is greater than a; otherwise it takes the value 0. The same function can also be written as

numbered Display Equation

In fact, in general, for any interval (a, b), we can define

numbered Display Equation

In other words, if the variable x is in the interval (a, b) then the indicator function is equal to 1, otherwise it is equal to 0. For example, the graph of is given in Figure 6.2. Indicator functions will be used mainly in Section 6.3.

A graph that shows indicator function of the event left brace x greater than a right brace, with x on the x-axis and 1 subscript left brace x greater than a right brace on the y-axis. The graph shows two continuous lines connected by a dashed line. The first continuous line starts at a point on the negative x-axis, passes through the axis till the point "a" on the positive x-axis. From this point, there is a vertical dashed line to a point whose y coordinate is 1. The second continuous line starts at this point and runs parallel to the x-axis.

Figure 6.2 Indicator function of the event {x > a}

6.2 Parity relationships

In this section, we make use of the mathematical properties of simple payoffs to deduce how we can build other financial products.

But first, recall from Section 2.5.2 that two products (or portfolios) having the same cash flows between inception and maturity must have the same (no-arbitrage) price at any time. For most derivatives, it is sufficient to compare the payoffs and premiums, as there are no other cash flows.

inline When manipulating payoffs/prices, we must recognize that a positive (negative) sign in a price equation means that we are taking a long (short) position. For example, if A, B and C are financial assets with time-t prices given by At, Bt and Ct, then

numbered Display Equation

means that, at time t, being simultaneously long asset A and asset B is equivalent to being long asset C.

Therefore, being long asset A can be mimicked by being long asset C and being short asset B.

6.2.1 Simple payoff design

Let us consider the following four assets:

  • a risky asset not generating any income (for example, a non-dividend paying stock) and whose final payout at time T is ST;
  • a call and a put option issued on the above (underlying) asset, both with maturity T and strike price K;
  • a zero-coupon bond with maturity time T and face value K or, equivalently, a risk-free bank account whose accumulated balance with capital and interest is K at time T.

Using the maximum function, we will illustrate how to design two simple payoffs:

  1. STK, which is a payoff similar to that of a forward contract with maturity time T and delivery price K;
  2. max (ST, K), i.e. the payoff of an investment guarantee with maturity time T.

First, using equation (6.1.3) with a = K and x = ST, we can write

(6.2.1)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, the payoff of a strategy which consists in being long a call option and short a put option is equal to the payoff of a strategy consisting in being long one unit of the underlying asset and having a loan worth K, principal and interests included. No matter the scenario, i.e. the value of the random variable ST, the two positions will have the same payoff.

Reorganizing equation (6.2.1), we can write

numbered Display Equation

from which we deduce that a long call option can be replicated by a long put option together with a long position in a contract with payoff STK (or, said differently, one unit of the underlying asset and a loan worth K, principal and interests included). Again, no matter the value of ST, the two positions will have the same payoff. This is a synthetic call. We use the word synthetic because legally we do not own a call. Of course, we can also reorganize equation (6.2.1) to create a synthetic put.

Second, an investment guarantee with payoff max (ST, K), i.e. a product providing the largest value between the asset price ST and the guarantee K at maturity, also plays an important role in life insurance as it forms the basis of many equity-linked insurance and annuity policies (see Chapter 8).

Using the translation property of the maximum function as given in equation (6.1.1), we get

(6.2.2)numbered Display Equation

or, equivalently,

(6.2.3)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, being long an investment guarantee can be mimicked by one of the two following strategies:

  • a long call option together with a risk-free investment;
  • a long protective put, i.e. a long put option together with one unit of the underlying asset.

Those strategies are summarized in the next table.

Position/Scenario STK ST > K
Long call 0 STK
Risk-free investment K K
Long put KST 0
Long stock ST ST

Again, reorganizing equation (6.2.3), we can write

numbered Display Equation

which says that a long put option can be replicated by buying an investment guarantee and shorting the underlying asset. This is another synthetic put. Of course, we can also reorganize equation (6.2.2) to create another synthetic call.

6.2.2 Put-call parity

Using some of the results from the previous section, we will now derive the so-called put-call parity.

Using equation (6.2.1) (or combining equations (6.2.2) and (6.2.3)), we can write

numbered Display Equation

In other words, the payoff of a call option and a risk-free investment (with final value K) is equal to the payoff of a put and one unit of the underlying asset.

By the no-arbitrage principle, since none of these securities generates any cash flows between inception time 0 and maturity time T, their prices at any previous times must also satisfy this relationship: for any 0 ⩽ tT,

(6.2.4)numbered Display Equation

where Ct and Pt are the call and put prices at time t. In particular, at inception, we have

(6.2.5)numbered Display Equation

This is the classical put-call parity relationship.

In other words, at time 0, buying a call and investing Ke− rT at the risk-free rate r will generate the same payoff as buying a put and buying the underlying asset.

Example 6.2.1Call and put prices

A stock currently trades at $25 and a 3-month at-the-money European call option on that stock sells for $2. If the annual interest rate is 2.7% (continuously compounded), what is the current (no-arbitrage) price of an otherwise equivalent put option?

We have C0 = 2, S0 = K = 25, r = 0.027 and T = 0.25. To avoid arbitrage opportunities, the put-call parity in (6.2.5) must hold. Therefore, we must have

numbered Display Equation

from which we deduce that P0 = 1.8318.


Example 6.2.2Risk-free rates

A 2-month European call currently sells for $2 whereas a European put option sells for $3. Their common strike price is $53 and the stock trades for $51. Let us determine the risk-free rate you can lock in by trading in the stock, the call and the put.

Using the put-call parity of equation (6.2.5), we can replicate the payoff of a long bond with capital K (i.e. a risk-free investment) using a long put, a long stock and a short call:

numbered Display Equation

where K = 53 and T = 1/6. Therefore, the annual risk-free rate (continuously compounded) that we can lock in by trading in the other assets is

numbered Display Equation


Example 6.2.3Arbitrage opportunities arising from the put-call parity

With a strike price of $50, a 1-month European call currently trades for $3 whereas the corresponding European put option sells for $2.50. The stock currently trades for $51. Assume the 1-month rate is 0%. Let us determine whether there are arbitrage opportunities between the four assets and, if so, let us describe how to exploit this opportunity.

First of all, we verify whether the put-call parity of equation (6.2.5) holds or not. Since we have

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

the put-call parity is violated. Therefore, there are arbitrage opportunities. Indeed, in the current situation, a long put with a long stock is overpriced compared with a long call and an investment at the risk-free rate. In order to benefit from this mismatch, we can buy the cheapest portfolio (call and bond) and sell the costliest one (put and stock). Hence, we short-sell/write a put and short-sell the stock, and we buy the call and invest at the risk-free rate. This strategy generates an immediate cash amount of 0.50 and, as we saw above, at maturity all positions will offset each other. We have thus identified one arbitrage opportunity arising from the (violated) put-call parity.


In conclusion, the put-call parity in equation (6.2.4) links four financial assets through a no-arbitrage relationship: a call, a put, a stock and a zero-coupon bond (risk-free investment). Therefore, it is always possible to replicate one of these assets using the other three: to replicate a

  1. long call: we need a long put, a long stock and a short bond (i.e. a loan);
  2. long put: we need a long call, a long bond and a short stock;
  3. long stock: we need a long call, a long bond and a short put;
  4. long bond: we need a long put, a long stock and a short call.

6.3 Additional payoff design with calls and puts

We saw in Section 6.2.1 how to build simple financial payoffs/products with calls and puts using the mathematical properties of their payoff functions. It allowed us:

  • to design a contract known as an investment guarantee;
  • to synthetically replicate a forward contract;
  • to derive no-arbitrage relationships between a risk-free bond, a risky asset, a call and a put issued on that asset.

We will now illustrate how to engineer two additional payoffs, namely those of binary (or digital) options and gap options.

6.3.1 Decomposing call and put options

Using indicator functions we can rewrite the payoff of a call as

(6.3.1)numbered Display Equation

and the payoff of a put as

(6.3.2)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, a call option is the combination of two simple products (a similar decomposition can also be obtained for the put option):

  • a long position in a derivative that pays ST, if ST > K, and 0 otherwise;
  • a short position in a derivative that pays K, if ST > K, and 0 otherwise.

It turns out that these two derivatives exist and are collectively known as binary (or digital) options.

6.3.2 Binary or digital options

A binary or digital option is a basic derivative in which, at maturity, the holder receives an amount of money or the underlying asset, if the underlying asset price at maturity is small/large enough, or nothing otherwise. Two elements define binary options: the condition under which money is received and what is paid in that case (cash or asset).

A binary call option is based upon the condition that ST > K, i.e. the option is activated if and only if ST > K (at maturity), while a binary put option is based on the condition ST < K, i.e. the option is activated if and only if ST < K.

Then, for both binary calls and binary puts, the amount received at maturity is either fixed or calculated with the underlying asset price. For an asset-or-nothing option, the buyer receives the cash equivalent of the stock price at maturity when the condition is activated and for a cash-or-nothing option, the buyer receives $1. Therefore, most binary options are settled in cash, but it is possible to opt for a physical delivery of the asset in an asset-for-nothing binary option.

To summarize, the payoffs of binary options are given by

  • asset-or-nothing call: ;
  • asset-or-nothing put: ;
  • cash-or-nothing call: ;
  • cash-or-nothing put: .

They are illustrated in Figure 6.3.

A diagram that shows four graphs labeled a, b, c, and d, illustrating asset-or-nothing and cash-or-nothing binary options with S subscript T on the x-axis and Payoff on the y-axis. In all four graphs, there are two solid lines connected by a dashed line. In graph a, titled Asset-or-nothing call option, the first solid line starts at the origin and passes through the x-axis till the point "K" on the positive x-axis. From this point, there is a vertical dashed line to a point whose y coordinate is also K. The second solid line starts at this point and goes upward gradually showing a proportional increase in both x and y values. In graph b, titled Asset-or-nothing put option, the first solid line starts at the origin and ends at a point whose x and y coordinates are K and K, respectively. From this point, there is a vertical dashed line to a point K on the x-axis. The second solid line starts at this point and runs through the x-axis. In graph c, titled Cash-or-nothing call option, the first solid line starts at the origin and passes through the x-axis till the point "K" on the positive x-axis. From this point, there is a vertical dashed line to a point whose y coordinate is 1. The second solid line starts at this point and runs parallel to the x-axis. In graph d, titled Cash-or-nothing put option, the first solid line starts at the point 1 on the positive y-axis and runs parallel to x-axis and ends at a point whose x coordinate is K. From this point, there is a vertical dashed line to a point K on the x-axis. The second solid line starts at this point and runs through the x-axis.

Figure 6.3 Asset-or-nothing and cash-or-nothing binary options

Example 6.3.1Payoff of binary options

Three-month binary options are issued on the stock of ABC inc. For a strike price of $50, compute the payoffs of the four binary options in the scenario where the final stock price is equal to $52 (after 3 months).

In the scenario where ST = 52, we get:

  • asset-or-nothing call: the condition ST > K is met because 52 > 50. Therefore, the holder receives $52;
  • asset-or-nothing put: the condition ST < K is not met because 52 > 50. Therefore, the holder receives nothing;
  • cash-or-nothing call: the condition ST > K is met because 52 > 50. Therefore, the holder receives $1;
  • cash-or-nothing put: the condition ST < K is not met because 52 > 50. Therefore, the holder receives nothing.


Finally, from equation (6.3.1), the payoff of a standard call option is equal to being long one unit of an asset-or-nothing call and short K units of a cash-or-nothing call, all options having the same strike price K. Similarly, from equation (6.3.2), the payoff of a standard put option is equal to being long K units of a cash-or-nothing put and short one unit of an asset-or-nothing call, all options having the same strike price K.

Example 6.3.2Financial engineering with binary options

Consider the following assets:

  • a non-dividend paying stock whose current price is $45;
  • a standard put option on that stock with a strike price of $41 currently sells for $2;
  • a cash-or-nothing put option on that stock with a strike price of $41 sells for $0.27.

Let us find the current price of an otherwise-equivalent asset-or-nothing put.

As a standard put option with strike price 41 is equivalent to being long 41 units of a cash-or-nothing put also with strike price 41 and short one unit of an asset-or-nothing call with strike price 41, at time 0, we must have

numbered Display Equation

where x is the initial price for an asset-or-nothing put. We find that x = 9.07.


6.3.3 Gap options

A gap call option (resp. gap put option) is an option to buy (resp. to sell) the underlying asset for K if the stock price at maturity ST is greater than (resp. less than) a predetermined trigger level H. Here, K is known as the strike price whereas H is the trigger price.

Therefore, the payoff of a gap call option is equal to

numbered Display Equation

whereas the payoff of a gap put option is equal to

numbered Display Equation

Figure 6.4 illustrates the payoff of both the gap call and put options. Clearly, if H = K, then a gap option is equivalent to its otherwise-equivalent standard vanilla option.

A diagram that shows the gap call and put options using two graphs labeled a and b with S subscript T on the x-axis and Payoff on the y-axis. Graph a, titled Gap call option, starts from the origin, runs through the positive x-axis, passes the point K, and ends at the point H on the same axis. Another line starts at a point in the first quadrant whose x and y coordinates are H and H minus K, respectively, and goes upward showing proportional increase in both x and y values. The distance between the point H on the x-axis and the point from where the second line starts is marked as "gap." Graph b, titled Gap put option, starts at a point K on the positive y-axis and decreases gradually to end at a point whose x and y coordinates are H and K minus H, respectively. Another line starts from the point H on the x-axis, passes the point K on the axis and continues to run through the axis. The distance between the point H on the x-axis and the point where the first line ends is marked as gap.

Figure 6.4 Gap call and put options

inline It is important to note that, depending on the relationship between K and H, it is possible that the payoff of a gap option takes on negative values. Indeed, for a gap call, if H < K and if at maturity the final underlying price is such that H < ST < K, then in this scenario . There is a similar possibility for a gap put.

Note that we can engineer the payoffs of gap options as follows:

numbered Display Equation

Therefore, we deduce that a gap call is equivalent to being long one unit of an asset-or-nothing call (with strike price H) and being short K units of a cash-or-nothing call (also with strike price H). Similarly, a gap put is equivalent to being long K units of a cash-or-nothing put (with strike price H) and being short one unit of an asset-or-nothing put (also with strike price H).

Example 6.3.3Payoff of a gap put option

The strike price of a gap put option is $74 whereas its trigger price is $70. Compute the payoff of this gap put option in the scenario that the stock price is equal to $72 at maturity.

The gap put option’s payoff is activated if the stock price at maturity is below the trigger price, otherwise it is worthless. In this scenario, since ST = 72 > 70 = H, the payoff is equal to 0.


Example 6.3.4Price of a gap call option

The price of an asset-or-nothing call option with a strike price of $30 is $9 and the price of a cash-or-nothing call option also with a strike price of $30 is $0.25. Find the price of a gap call option with a trigger price of $30 and a strike price of $25.

As we saw before, the payoff of this gap call can be written as

numbered Display Equation

This payoff is the same as being long one unit of the asset-or-nothing call and being short 25 units of the cash-or-nothing call.

Therefore, the actual price of the gap call option is

numbered Display Equation


6.4 More on the put-call parity

Now let us have a second look at the put-call parity. First, we will obtain bounds on option prices with the help of the put-call parity obtained earlier, and second, we will extend the put-call parity to dividend-paying assets.

6.4.1 Bounds on European options prices

Let us establish bounds on the price of call and put options. Simply said, price bounds are values that a no-arbitrage price cannot exceed. The main focus will be on the financial arguments needed to obtain those bounds rather than their sharpness, i.e. how close they are from the true value. In fact, as we will see in the examples below, most of those bounds are not very informative. The bounds are perhaps more useful to better understand the design of call and put options and the behavior of American options, as we will see in Section 6.5.

Again, unless stated otherwise, the calls and puts are written on the same underlying asset S not generating any cash flows/dividends, have the same strike price K and maturity date T.

Let us start by looking for lower bounds. As the payoff of a call and the payoff of a put option are always (in all scenarios) non-negative, we must have C0 ⩾ 0 and P0 ⩾ 0, or clearly there is an arbitrage opportunity.

We can say more. From the put-call parity in equation (6.2.5), we have P0 = C0 + Ke− rT − S0 and, since P0 ⩾ 0, we then have

numbered Display Equation

from which we deduce that

numbered Display Equation

Finally, since we must also have that C0 ⩾ 0, we conclude with the following:

(6.4.1)numbered Display Equation

Using similar arguments, we can also obtain the following lower bound for a put option’s initial price:

(6.4.2)numbered Display Equation

Example 6.4.1Lower bounds on call and put prices

The stock of ABC inc. currently trades at $34. If the 3-month rate is 1% (continuously compounded), identify lower bounds on at-the-money call and put options prices both maturing in 3 months.

From equation (6.4.1), we have

numbered Display Equation

and from equation (6.4.2), we have

numbered Display Equation

Therefore, for a strike price of $34, if we find a call trading for less than 8.49 cents, there is an arbitrage opportunity. On the other hand, the bound on the put option price is not informative.


Let us now look for upper bounds. First, using arbitrage arguments, we will show that C0 < S0. To do so, let us assume the opposite, i.e. let us assume that S0C0. We consider the following portfolio:

  • sell the call;
  • buy the underlying asset;
  • lend C0S0 at the risk-free rate.

This portfolio does not require any investment at time 0. Therefore, if it yields a non-negative payoff at maturity, it is an arbitrage opportunity and the inequality S0C0 cannot be true.

At maturity, the payoffs are depicted in the following table.

Position/Scenario STK ST > K
Short call 0 − (STK)
Long stock ST ST
Total ST K

Selling a call and buying the underlying asset yields the strictly positive final payoff min {ST, K}. Moreover, our investment at the risk-free rate yields (C0S0)erT ⩾ 0 at maturity. Overall, the total value of the portfolio at maturity is given by the strictly positive payoff

numbered Display Equation

This is an arbitrage opportunity. Consequently, we must have C0 < S0.

For the put, using the put-call parity together with the newly obtained inequality C0 < S0, we get

numbered Display Equation

yielding P0 < Ke− rT.

In conclusion, we have obtained the following lower and upper bounds on the initial prices of European call and put options (on an underlying that is not generating cash flows, i.e. a non-dividend-paying asset):

numbered Display Equation

Example 6.4.2Bounds on call and put options

Recall example 6.4.1. We now compute the upper bounds on those call and put prices. The present value of the strike price is . Therefore, the bounds on the call option premium are

numbered Display Equation

whereas the bounds on the put option premium are

numbered Display Equation

Any call or put option (with these features) traded for a price outside these bounds will generate an arbitrage opportunity.


Since these relationships will hold at any other time t in between inception and maturity, we have: for all 0 ⩽ tT,

(6.4.3)numbered Display Equation

(6.4.4)numbered Display Equation

6.4.2 Put-call parity with dividend-paying assets

We already know that holding a stock or having a long position in a forward contract is quite different when dividends are paid by the stock. This is also the case for options. When holding a dividend-paying stock, the shareholder receives the dividends (cash flows between time 0 and time T). However, when holding a call option on this stock, no dividends are received during the life of the option.

Suppose now that St is the ex-dividend time-t price of a stock, i.e. after payment of dividends. We know that the payoff of a call (or a put) is calculated on the ex-dividend price. From equation (6.2.1), which says that

numbered Display Equation

we know that being long a call option and short a put option is equal to the payoff of a long forward contract with delivery price K (not the forward price, as it is the convention on the market). We obtained, in Chapter 3, the value of such a contract.

By the no-arbitrage principle, this relationship also holds at any prior time t, even for dividend-paying assets, because neither the call, the put nor the forward generates any cash flows between inception and maturity. Consequently, using the same notation as in Chapter 3, we have that, for any time t such that 0 ⩽ tT:

  • If dividends are paid discretely (cash dividends) and reinvested at the risk-free rate for a total accumulated amount of DT, then
    (6.4.5)numbered Display Equation
    where we used the fact that the time-t value of a (long) forward contract on a discrete-dividend paying asset is given by StKe− r(T − t) − Dt (see Chapter 3). In particular, at time 0, we have
    numbered Display Equation
    This is the put-call parity relationship when the underlying asset is paying discrete dividends.
  • If dividends are paid continuously at rate γ (dividend yield) and reinvested in the asset, then
    (6.4.6)numbered Display Equation
    where we used the fact that the time-t value of a (long) forward contract on an asset paying continuous dividends is given by . In particular, at time 0, we have
    numbered Display Equation
    This is the put-call parity relationship when the underlying asset is paying continuous dividends.

Again, if one of these relationships is violated, then there is an arbitrage opportunity.

Example 6.4.3Put option on a stock paying discrete dividends

A dividend-paying stock currently trades at $35 and a $1 dividend is expected in a month. An at-the-money 2-month call option on that stock trades at $4 and the risk-free rate is 3% (continuously compounded). To avoid arbitrage opportunities, what should be the price of a 2-month at-the-money put option?

Using the put-call parity of equation (6.4.5), we get

numbered Display Equation

and deduce that P0 = 4.8229.


Example 6.4.4Put-call parity on a stock index

The S&P 500 index is currently at 1000. A 6-month option to sell the index for 990 currently trades for 25 whereas a similar option to buy the index trades for 50. You also know that the (average) dividend yield generated by the stocks in the index is 3% (continuously compounded). What is the price of a 6-month Treasury zero-coupon bond?

Let B0 be the initial price of a 6-month zero-coupon bond (with face value 1). Using the put-call parity of equation (6.4.6), we get

numbered Display Equation

We get B0 = 0.9698.


6.5 American options

As discussed in Chapter 5, European and American options differ on when the investor is allowed to exercise its option, i.e. when she can buy or sell the underlying asset. In an American option, the holder has the right to exercise at any time before or at maturity time T whereas an European option can be exercised only at the expiration date.

In practice most traded stock options are American. Moreover, many equity-linked insurance policies have American-like riders, i.e. insureds have additional rights that can be exercised at any convenient date for the policyholder.

A very important question that arises is when an option buyer should exercise. Unfortunately this is not an easy question to answer; we will come back to it later in the book when assuming a dynamic for the stock price. The focus of this section is rather to determine whether or not an American option should be exercised before maturity, and how early exercise affects an option price.

6.5.1 Lower bounds on American options prices

We will first compare European and American options that are otherwise identical, i.e. they are written on the same underlying asset, have the same strike price and maturity. To simplify the comparison, let us denote by PAt and PEt the time-t value of an American put and a European put, respectively. Also, let us denote by CAt and CEt the time-t value of an American call and a European call, respectively. We will use this notation temporarily, until the end of this section.2

Comparing European and American option prices

Intuitively, an American option should be worth at least as much as its European counterpart because an American option holder is able to exercise any time prior to or at maturity. As it gives more flexibility, it should have more value; otherwise there would be an arbitrage opportunity because a rational investor should not lose from having the possibility to exercise early. This is the case for both call and put options.

Indeed, assume instead that the European call is worth more than its American counterpart, i.e. assume CA0 < C0E. In this case, we buy the American option, sell the European option and invest the (positive) difference CE0C0A at the risk-free rate. We hold on to the American call until maturity, i.e. we do not exercise early, so both options will offset each other at maturity. We will thus end up with the profits generated by the risk-free investment. The same strategy works for put options and for any other time t between inception and maturity.

In conclusion, we have obtained the following relationships:

(6.5.1)numbered Display Equation

for all 0 ⩽ tT.

Comparing with the exercise value

The (early-)exercise value or intrinsic value of an American option is the amount received upon exercise. Take, for example, an American put struck at K with expiration date T. The holder can decide at any time 0 ⩽ tT to receive K in exchange for delivery of an asset worth St: the (early-)exercise value of this put is then KSt.

From equation (6.4.3) and equation (6.5.1), we have that

(6.5.2)numbered Display Equation

for any 0 ⩽ tT. In particular, we have CAtStK. In other words, at any time t during its life, the price of the American call option is larger than its exercise value StK.

This is also true for American put options: for any 0 ⩽ tT, we have PAtKSt. If, at some time t, we observe PAt < KSt, then there is an arbitrage opportunity: we buy the American put and exercise it right away, making an immediate risk-less profit of KStPAt > 0.

Note that we have not said that American option prices are strictly greater than their early-exercise values, as they could be equal. Those (random) times when the American option price equals its early-exercise value play an important role in the timing of early exercise. As the latter question will only be answered later, we now focus our attention on whether a rational investor should early-exercise an American call or put.

6.5.2 Early exercise of American calls

In equation (6.5.1), we have verified that an American call is always worth at least as much as its European counterpart, i.e. CAtCtE. It would be natural to think/believe that this last inequality is in fact a strict inequality. The idea behind this belief is that the underlying stock S may reach its maximum value at some point in time during the life of the option, so that early exercise would be optimal at that time. In fact, this is never the case for American calls written on non-dividend-paying stocks:

It is never optimal to early-exercise an American call written on a non-dividend-paying stock.

Indeed, even if an investor believes the stock price has reached its peak value at some time t, then the American call price CAt still is larger than its early-exercise value, as obtained above. Mathematically, for all t, we have

numbered Display Equation

(see also equation (6.5.2)) no matter how large St is. This means that if the underlying stock S reaches a lifetime maximum, then the American call option price CA will also contain this information and be worth more. Consequently, early-exercising an American call option at any time t is sub-optimal in the sense that we replace a financial position worth CAt by another position worth less, that is StK.

To summarize, getting rid of an American call (on a non-dividend-paying asset) by exercising it before maturity is never a good idea. This would be equivalent to exchanging an asset that is worth more (the American call) with something of a lesser value (the exercise value). As shown by the bounds, selling the American call yields a greater income than exercising it.

Finally, note that if dividends are paid by the underlying asset S, then it could be optimal to early-exercise an American call option. For example, if dividends are discrete, then early exercise would occur right before the dividend payment.

6.5.3 Early exercise of American puts

Whether we should exercise an American put option early or not is more complicated. Using the put-call parity in equation (6.2.4), we get easily that

numbered Display Equation

for all 0 ⩽ tT. The objective is to compare PEt with the exercise value KSt.

In this case, since CEt ⩾ 0 and K(1 − e− r(T − t)) ⩾ 0, we cannot deduce that CEtK(1 − e− r(T − t)) is always positive or always negative. In fact, it is sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Therefore, we cannot say if the European put is always worth more than its exercise value as we did for the European call.

If we were to exercise the American put option at time t, we would receive KSt. However, the European put option price PEt might be worth more or less than the exercise value. The same can be said about the American put option price PAt. In conclusion: it is not always optimal to early-exercise (or not) an American put option on a non-dividend-paying stock.

Early exercise of an American put on a non-dividend-paying stock

With the above analysis, we see that it will be optimal to early-exercise an American put at (random) time τ as soon as

numbered Display Equation

because, in this scenario, we will have

numbered Display Equation

which is a strict inequality. Holding on to the contract (which is here given by the European put value) is worth less than the exercise value KSτ, which at that time is equal to the American put value PAτ. Note that time τ is a random time, as we do not know if and when such a scenario will occur.

If the stock price drops dramatically (approaches 0), then the call option price will also get closer to zero. If this is the case at another (random) time τ, then the European put option is worth

numbered Display Equation

since then CEτ ≈ 0 whereas the exercise value of the corresponding American put is approximately K.

6.6 Summary

Simple mathematical functions

  • Positive part function: (x)+ = max {x, 0}.
  • Stop-loss function: (xa)+.
  • Reversed stop-loss function: (ax)+.
  • Indicator function: , if x ∈ (a, b), and , otherwise.

Relationships between simple payoffs

  • Investment guarantee: max (ST, K).
  • Synthetic contracts:
    • (STK)+ − (KST)+ = STK;
    • max (ST, K) = (STK)+ + K;
    • max (ST, K) = ST + (KST)+.

Binary (or digital) and gap options

  • Binary/digital options:
    • asset-or-nothing call: ;
    • asset-or-nothing put: ;
    • cash-or-nothing call: ;
    • cash-or-nothing put: .
  • Long one call = long one asset-or-nothing call + short K cash-or-nothing calls:

    numbered Display Equation

  • Long one put = long K cash-or-nothing puts + short one asset-or-nothing put:

    numbered Display Equation

  • Gap call option:

    numbered Display Equation

  • Long one gap call = long one asset-or-nothing call with strike price H + short K cash-or-nothing calls with strike price H.
  • Gap put option:

    numbered Display Equation

  • Long one gap put = long K cash-or-nothing puts with strike price H + short one asset-or-nothing put with strike price H.
  • When H = K, gap call/put options are equivalent to regular call/put options.

Parity relationships

  • Ct is the time-t price of a European call.
  • Pt is the time-t price of a European put.
  • If S does not pay dividends, then the put-call parity is
    numbered Display Equation
  • If S pays discrete dividends (reinvested at the risk-free rate), then the put-call parity is
    numbered Display Equation
  • If S pays dividends continuously at rate γ (reinvested in the stock), then the put-call parity is
    numbered Display Equation
  • To replicate a
    • long call: we need a long put, a long stock and a short bond (i.e. a loan);
    • long put: we need a long call, a long bond and a short stock;
    • long stock: we need a long call, a long bond and a short put;
    • long bond: we need a long put, a long stock and a short call.

Bounds on European options prices

  • Bounds always hold because otherwise there would be arbitrage opportunities.
  • Call options:
    numbered Display Equation
  • Put options:
    numbered Display Equation

American options

  • Options that can be exercised anytime before or at maturity.
  • Exercise/intrinsic value: amount received upon exercise.
  • It is never optimal to early exercise an American call written on a non-dividend-paying stock.
  • It could be optimal to early exercise an American put written on a non-dividend-paying stock.

6.7 Exercises

  1. Find the value of the strike price K for which a call and a put, written on the same underlying, with the same maturity date and strike price K, will have the same initial price, i.e. C0 = P0.

  2. A financial market is composed of the following four assets:

    • A share of stock paying quarterly dividends sells for $47. The next dividend is due in 1 month.
    • A 45-strike 6-month call option on that stock sells for $3.25.
    • A put option having similar characteristics trades for $2.79.
    • The term structure of interest rates is flat at 3% (continuously compounded).

    Find the value of the quarterly dividend.

  3. You hold a long forward position on a stock. A call option currently trades for $4.50 whereas a similar put option sells for $4. The call, the put and the forward have been issued at the same time and share the same delivery/strike price. How much will you receive or pay today to clear your long forward position in the markets?

  4. The 3-month forward price for a barrel of crude oil is currently $60. An option to buy a barrel for a price of $62 in 3 months currently sells for $4. A 3-month Treasury zero-coupon bond trades at 98 (face value of 100). Find the price of the corresponding put option to avoid arbitrage opportunities.

  5. The risk-free rate is continuously compounded at a rate of 3%. A share of a non-dividend paying stock sells for $54. Compute upper and lower bounds on prices of at-the-money call and put options maturing in 6 months.

  6. A share of a non-dividend-paying stock sells for $18 and a 6-month zero-coupon bond trades for $95 (face value of $100). Two options are issued in this market: an at-the-money 6-month call option sells for $3 and a put option with similar characteristics trades for $2. Is there an arbitrage opportunity in this market and if this is the case, show how to exploit it.

  7. A share of stock currently sells for $10 and can take two possible values in a year: $12 or $9. An at-the-money put option on that stock sells for $0.50.

    1. Calculate the payoff (at maturity) of an investment guarantee and the profit from the latter in each possible scenario.
    2. Calculate the possible returns in each scenario from the investment in (a) (profit over initial investment).
    3. Calculate the possible returns from investing in the stock only.
    4. Compare and comment on the latter two investment products: (i) investing in a stock, (ii) buying an investment guarantee.
  8. Early exercise of American options

    1. The stock price of ABC inc. has been plunging for the last couple of days. It now trades at 50 cents. European call and put options issued 1 month ago with a strike price of $10 currently trade for $0.02 and $9.25. Options expire in 2 months. Determine whether it is optimal to exercise an American put option on the latter stock.
    2. The stock price of ABC inc. has been surging for the last couple of days and you believe it can only fall over the next weeks. Stock trades for $125 and you hold a 90-strike American call option. Explain whether you should exercise or not your American call option.
  9. Bull and bear spreads

    In Chapter 5, we built bull spreads using calls and bear spreads using puts. Using the put-call parity, show how to build:

    1. a bull spread using put options and other assets available in the market;
    2. a bear spread using call options and other assets available in the market;

    In all cases, write the payoff table and compare with Chapter 5.

  10. Using binary options, describe how to build the following strategies:

    1. bull spread;
    2. bear spread;
    3. straddle;
    4. strangle;
    5. collar.
  11. As of today, you can find the current price of the following binary options:

    K = 40 K = 42
    Cash-or-nothing call option 0.648 0.5176
    Asset-or-nothing call option 29.87 24.53
    Cash-or-nothing put option 0.332 0.4624
    Asset-or-nothing put option 12.13 17.47

    Compute the price of the following assets or strategies:

    1. a share of stock;
    2. zero-coupon bond having the same maturity as the binary options;
    3. gap call option with strike price of 40 and trigger price of 42;
    4. a bull spread with strikes 40 and 42;
    5. a bear spread with strikes 40 and 42;
    6. a strangle with strikes 40 and 42;
    7. a collar with strikes 40 and 42.
  12. Bounds on options prices

    In this chapter, we have determined bounds on call and put option prices when the underlying asset does not pay dividends. Using the appropriate put-call parity relationship, derive lower and upper bounds on options prices using similar steps than when the asset does not pay dividends.

    1. dividends are discrete and reinvested at the risk-free rate;
    2. dividends are paid continuously and also continuously reinvested in the stock.
  13. Early exercise of an American call option on dividend-paying stocks

    A share of stock trades for $40 and a dividend of $5 will be paid 1 week prior to maturity. Using the bounds derived in exercise 6.12 and the put-call parity, explain whether the following American options should be exercised and when such exercise should occur.

    1. American call option;
    2. American put option.


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