Actuaries and their environment

Actuaries are professionals using scientific and business methods to quantify and manage risks. They mostly work for insurance companies, pension plans and other social security systems. Actuarial professionals may hold different positions in an organization and perform several functions, such as pricing, reserving, capital determination, risk and asset management. For example, actuaries:

  • determine the cost of protections found in insurance policies and pension plans;
  • analyze how the financial commitments arising from insurance policies and pension plans will affect the solvency of the organization;
  • calculate the appropriate amount of money to set aside to ensure the solvency of the insurance company or the pension plan;
  • find and manage investments that will help meet the company’s short-term and long-term financial commitments.

Therefore, actuaries:

  • deal with assets and liabilities of insurance companies and pension plans;
  • play an active role in insurance and financial markets;
  • need to manage several types of risks whether they occur over the short or the long term, and whether they are systematic or diversifiable.

The main objective of this chapter is to put into context the role of the actuary in an insurance company or a pension plan. The specific objectives are to:

  • differentiate between (actuarial) liabilities and (financial) assets;
  • differentiate between financial and insurance markets;
  • describe the various insurance policies and financial securities available in the markets;
  • compare actuarial and financial risks, short- and long-term risks, diversifiable and systematic risks;
  • analyze various risk management methods for systematic risks.

1.1 Key concepts

In this section, we define several general concepts to better understand the challenges faced by the actuary.

1.1.1 What is insurance?

Insurance is an instrument designed to protect against a (potential) financial loss. Formally, it is a risk transfer mechanism whereby an individual or an organization pays a premium to another entity to protect against a loss due to the occurrence of an adverse event. Insurance in a broad sense thus includes typical insurance policies (life, homeowner’s), pension plans and other social security systems.

Example 1.1.1Homeowner’s insurance

In a basic homeowner’s insurance policy, the insurance company commits to repairing or rebuilding the house, and to buying new furniture, if a fire occurs. Therefore, the homeowner has transferred the fire risk to the insurance company. In exchange, the owner agrees to pay a fixed monthly fee, i.e. an insurance premium. ◼

Instead of taking the risk of making one large and random payment, if for example a fire destroys their house, individuals are willing to make small and fixed payments to an insurance company (or a pension plan sponsor) in exchange for some protection.

Example 1.1.2Pension plan

A pension plan can also be viewed as a risk transfer mechanism set up by an employer, known as the pension plan sponsor, for its employees in order to provide them with revenue during retirement. Each employee faces the risk of having insufficient savings for retirement because one cannot predict investment returns, nor when one will die. The pension plan thus provides protection against these risks and is funded by contributions, similar to fees or premiums, jointly paid by the employer and its employees. ◼

1.1.2 Actuarial liabilities and financial assets

As a result of selling insurance protection, an insurance company or a pension plan sponsor:

  • receives premiums or contributions that are invested in the financial markets;
  • reimburses claims and/or pays out death and survival benefits.

Therefore, insurance companies and pension plans have important assets and liabilities. Generally speaking, an asset is what you own and a liability is what you owe while the equity is the difference between the two, i.e. your net worth. We have the fundamental accounting equation:

(1.1.1)numbered Display Equation

Examples of assets for ordinary people range from a bank account (and other savings) to a house or a car. Typical financial assets for an insurance company mostly consist of investments such as stocks, bonds and derivatives.

Common liabilities for most people are loans, e.g. a student loan, and a mortgage, which is a loan on an asset provided as collateral. Liabilities of an insurance company are contractual obligations tied to the insurance policies sold to its policyholders. For pension plans, the benefits promised to the participants constitute the single most important liability. To differentiate between liabilities tied to insurance contracts and pension plans from other types of liabilities, such as loans or accounts payable, we will refer to insurance and pension obligations as actuarial liabilities.

Accounting and regulatory environment

The role of accounting is to make sure that financial information is disclosed to investors in a trustworthy and consistent manner. Therefore, accounting bodies are responsible for determining rules and assumptions to value the assets and liabilities of companies. Insurance companies and pension plans are no exception and, when reporting the value of their assets and liabilities, they must abide by a set of rules and assumptions specific to them. The accounting environment is driven by what is known as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Regulators closely monitor financial institutions (including insurance companies) to assure their solvency and therefore protect the public’s interests. Like accounting bodies, they set up assumptions and design methods to value assets and liabilities and are therefore more conservative by nature. Each jurisdiction has a regulatory body depending upon where these companies are constituted.

1.1.3 Actuarial functions

As the actuary is involved in the management of financial assets and actuarial liabilities, typical actuarial functions include:1

  • Pricing: computing the cost of an insurance protection (or of a specific pension plan design), designing policies and protections that are best for the customer (or employee) and the company (or pension plan sponsor), participating in the price determination.
  • Valuation: given the current market conditions (interest rates, returns on financial markets) and a set of assumptions, computing the current value of actuarial liabilities, i.e. of contractual obligations. Valuation is useful to determine the amount of money to reserve, an actuarial function known as reserving, and to determine capital requirements.
  • Investments: designing investment strategies and finding financial assets to mitigate the risks related to the organization’s actuarial obligations. Not as common for property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies.

Example 1.1.3Pricing in P&C insurance

The process of finding the appropriate premium for a property and casualty insurance policy is often known as ratemaking. Actuaries use a large history of claims to better understand the risks. They use factors such as age, sex, characteristics of the car or house, etc. to determine the appropriate premium (rate) for a specific policyholder. P&C actuaries are also involved in the design of insurance policies through determining deductibles, limits and exclusions. ◼

Example 1.1.4Valuation in life insurance

Interest rates affect the value of life insurance policies. The valuation actuary determines the reserve reflecting the company’s current mortality experience and the level of interest rates. If, in the future, interest rates go down significantly, the actuary will have to increase the reserve. ◼

Valuation of actuarial liabilities

Valuation of actuarial liabilities depends upon the body interested in such information and therefore assumptions and valuation techniques will vary accordingly. There are GAAP reserves (accounting purpose), statutory reserves (regulatory purpose, capital requirements), tax reserves (tax purposes) and reserves guided by actuarial practice (e.g. Actuarial Standards Board).

Example 1.1.5Liability-driven investments

One of the roles of the investment actuary is e.g. to find the appropriate allocation between stocks and bonds to meet actuarial obligations in the future. This is known as a liability driven investment (LDI) strategy. The actuary can also manage the investment portfolio on a day-to-day basis or advise the pension plan administrators on appropriate investment strategies. ◼

As time passes, interest rates and financial returns will evolve and so will the company’s claim and/or mortality experience. Therefore, insurance companies and pension plans will make gains or suffer losses. To mitigate the impact of important losses, the actuarial obligations (liabilities) and the investment portfolio (assets) should be aligned, as much as possible. The process of managing assets and liabilities together is known as asset and liability management (ALM). It is a key concept and it will be discussed throughout the book under the wording risk management, replication and hedging.

1.2 Insurance and financial markets

A market is a system in which individuals or organizations can buy and sell goods. In particular, a financial market is where financial securities, currencies and commodities are traded. Similarly, an insurance market is where insurance policies are sold. Therefore, each actuarial function requires knowledge of the insurance market, the financial market, or both. We do not discuss pension plans as they are set up by an employer and an employee obviously cannot shop for her pension plan.

The market for financial securities differs significantly from the market for insurance policies. This has an important impact on how we should price and manage the products sold in each of these markets. This section highlights key aspects of insurance and financial markets.

1.2.1 Insurance market

To enter (buy) an insurance policy, regulations require individuals to have an insurable interest. If you have an accident with a car you own, you suffer losses and therefore you have an insurable interest in that car. You obviously also have an insurable interest in yourself due to the temporary or permanent injuries you might suffer from an accident. But unless you can prove it, you do not have an insurable interest in the life of your neighbor.

The insurance market is tightly regulated. It is composed of competing chartered insurance companies (registered to a government agency) which are the sole sellers of insurance policies. Individuals and organizations buying insurance policies are not allowed to sell them. If you want to get rid of your insurance policy, it is not permitted to (re-)sell it to another individual or company. Insurance policies are not tradable assets. The best a policyholder can do is to terminate the contract and pay the penalty.

Typical insurance policies sold in the insurance market are:

  • Life insurance: a fixed or random benefit is paid, upon the death of the policyholder, to a beneficiary. Classes of policies are permanent and term insurance, universal life, etc.
  • Annuity: contract providing a stream of income until death or until a predetermined date. Classes of policies are life or term-certain annuities, fixed and variable annuities, etc.
  • General insurance: protection covering specific hazards (fire, accident, flood, etc.) to an owned property (car, house, etc.). Includes car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, etc.
  • Health and disability insurance: protection covering the costs of treatments, hospitalization, doctors and/or the loss of income following an injury, disease, etc.
  • Group insurance: life, health and disability insurance sold to a group of employees.

In practice, policies are sold directly by the insurance company or through a broker, i.e. an intermediary between an individual and an insurance company. Even the broker is not allowed to buy back insurance policies from policyholders.

1.2.2 Financial market

The financial market is composed of thousands of knowledgable investors, ranging from individuals to institutional investors, such as investment banks, insurance companies and pension plans. In between, there are market makers, i.e. intermediaries selling to investors willing to buy and buying from investors willing to sell.

The financial market is not as tightly regulated as the insurance market. Consequently, investors are allowed to buy and sell securities quite easily. In practice, however, only large institutional investors can easily access the breadth of securities available.

The range of goods traded over the financial market is extremely large. There are securities, i.e. financial assets (such as stocks, bonds and derivatives), commodities (such as aluminum, wheat, gold) and currencies. Even carbon emissions are now traded on specially-designed markets.

Formally, a (financial) security represents a legal agreement between two parties. It can be traded between investors. The most common financial securities traded on the financial market are:

  • Bond: type of loan issued by an entity such as a corporation or government;
  • Stock: share of ownership of a corporation;
  • Derivative: financial instrument whose value is derived from the price of another security or from a contingent event. Examples include futures and forwards, swaps and options.

These financial assets will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 2 for bonds and stocks, in Chapter 3 for forwards and futures, in Chapter 4 for swaps, in Chapter 5 for options and in Chapter 7 for other derivatives.

Other important assets are exchanged on the financial market:

  • Commodity: tangible or non-tangible good such as crude oil, gold, coal, aluminum, copper, wheat, electricity (non-tangible).
  • Currency: money issued by the government of a given country.


Securitization is a process by which non-tradable assets or financial products, such as mortgages, car loans and credit cards, are aggregated to build a tradable security.

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are securities whose cash flows depend on a pool of residential or commercial mortgages. For example, there are special types of bonds based upon the principal or interest payments of the underlying loans. Life insurers and pension plans invest in MBS to manage interest rate risk.

Securitization has led to complex structured products such as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). In CDOs, low-quality (subprime) mortgages and MBS were repackaged into other securities. The collapse of the housing market in the U.S. in 2007–2009 and the financial crisis that followed have confirmed the difficulty of assessing the risk of these complex securities.

1.2.3 Insurance is a derivative

According to its definition, a derivative is a financial instrument whose value is derived from a contingent event. Therefore, insurance can be viewed as a derivative based on the occurrence (or not) of a risk. For example, life insurance is a derivative based on the life of an individual.

Example 1.2.1Homeowner’s insurance

You buy a house for $300,000. The building itself and your belongings are worth $200,000. In the event of a fire, the value of your home would drop considerably. Your homeowner’s insurance policy will restore your home’s value to what it was prior to the fire by providing enough money to repair or even rebuild your house, buy new furnitures and clothes, etc. It can therefore be viewed as a derivative contingent upon the occurrence of a fire and paying the amount of damages, up to a value of $200,000. ◼

Therefore, insurance companies sell actuarial derivatives, i.e. insurance, to individuals in the insurance market, similar to investment banks selling financial derivatives to investors in the financial market. But, as discussed above, there are many aspects in which the insurance market and the financial market differ.

There are two additional differences between insurance policies and typical financial derivatives. Insurance policies have long maturities: decades for life insurance and pension plans, 1–2 years for general insurance, whereas most financial derivatives mature within a few months. Moreover, insurance policies are paid for over the life of the contract with periodic premiums whereas financial derivatives usually require a single premium paid up-front.

In conclusion, pricing actuarial derivatives in the insurance market is different from pricing derivatives in the financial market. We will come back to this topic in Chapter 2.

1.3 Actuarial and financial risks

Insurance companies and pension plans face various types of risks due to the nature of their obligations. In this section, we will divide risks according to two criteria, whether it is a short-term or a long-term risk, and whether it is actuarial or financial.

Long-term risks are found mostly in life insurance and pension plans, as they are arising from commitments taking place over decades.

  • Mortality risk: uncertainty as to when a person or a group of persons will die affects the timing of the benefit payment and, in the case of annuities, the number of payments as well.
  • Time value of money: uncertainty as to the level of future interest rates and the returns on investment portfolios affects the time value of money.
  • Longevity risk: the overall improvement of life expectancy, for the general population or sub-groups, makes it difficult to predict how much longer people will live in the future and therefore has a mostly negative impact on pension plans.
  • Equity-linked death and living benefits: for universal life policies and equity-linked insurance and annuities, the benefits are themselves random and mostly tied to stock market returns.

Short-term risks are typically covered by P&C insurance policies whose maturities are usually 1 or 2 years. In this case, the short-term risk can be decomposed according to its:

  • Frequency: uncertainty as to the occurrence or not of the adverse event;
  • Severity: uncertainty as to how much the loss will be, if the event occurs.

For example, the number of car accidents over the covered period refers to the frequency while the amount of losses of these accidents refers to the severity. The same reasoning would apply for other adverse events such as fire, theft, vandalism, etc. Losses resulting from natural hazards such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc., included in homeowner’s insurance, are also in this category.

In light of the above discussion on long-term and short-term risks, we can now define what is an actuarial risk and what is a financial risk.

  • Financial risk is uncertainty arising from the movements in the level of economic and financial variables such as interest rates, stock market returns, foreign exchange rates, commodity prices, etc.
  • Actuarial risk is uncertainty arising from the occurrence, the timing and the amount of losses tied to adverse events such as death, disease, fire, theft, vandalism, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.

Therefore, life insurance companies and pension plans deal with both financial and actuarial risks that are mainly long-term in nature, whereas P&C insurers mostly manage actuarial risks that are short-term in nature.

1.4 Diversifiable and systematic risks

Insurance policies and pension plan agreements are contracted simultaneously with hundreds or even thousands of people. The obligations toward each policyholder or employee are usually aggregated and managed as a whole. Not all risks behave the same way once pooled together. The purpose of this section is to further classify actuarial and financial risks to determine how they should be managed.

Some risks are said to be diversifiable as opposed to systematic. In what follows, we will illustrate the difference between the two using the following proverb:

“Do not put all your eggs in the same basket.”

1.4.1 Illustrative example

A systematic risk affects many or most individuals, if not all. For example, if we have 100 eggs to carry from point A to point B, then we can make the decision to put them all in a single basket and have one carrier bring them to their destination. In this case, if the carrier drops the basket, many or all eggs may break. However, if the basket is not dropped, they will all be intact. This extreme example is not that far from reality: there are many real-life examples of (close to) systematic risks such as the risk of a stock market crash or the risk of a natural catastrophe in a given region.

At the exact opposite, a non-systematic risk or a diversifiable risk for one individual does not affect the same risk for another individual. For example, if we have instead 100 people each carrying a basket containing one egg, then it is nearly impossible to break all 100 eggs or to bring them all safely to their destination. We can reasonably expect that only a few eggs will be broken, as some clumsy carriers will drop their basket. In this case, the risk of dropping eggs is diversified away over 100 carriers. We can of course imagine other situations such as having 25 people each carrying a basket with four eggs. There is also a wide range of real-life risks that are (close to being) diversifiable that we will discuss later in this section. The benefit of diversification is to reduce the uncertainty of the aggregate outcome. It is at the core of actuarial science.

1.4.2 Independence

One important assumption above was the independence between risks: the clumsiness of an egg carrier does not affect the skills of other egg carriers. In general, risks are independent if they do not influence each other.2 In particular, independent risks do not depend on a common source of risk.

Example 1.4.1Mortality risk

In most cases, death or survival of an individual does not affect the death or survival of other individuals. Therefore, mortality risk is usually assumed to be independent from one individual to another, except in the following circumstances:

  • Epidemics, wars, etc.: those are events that can cause the death of many people in the same period and thus create statistical dependence. Death from these causes is usually excluded in life insurance policies.
  • Family members: spouses often have similar living habits (eating habits, physical activities, etc.) and death can be explained by similar factors. There is also the well-known broken heart syndrome where the death of one of the spouses can accelerate death of the other. ◼

Example 1.4.2Car accidents

Reasons for a car accident are not necessarily related to those of another accident. Most accidents are caused by individual factors: driver distraction or tiredness, speeding, driving while impaired, local weather, mechanical failure, etc. Like many other types of claims in P&C insurance, the risks associated with car accidents are assumed to be independent between policyholders. ◼

Example 1.4.3Natural hazards

In a given region, say a state or a small country, all insureds might be exposed to a natural hazard such as an earthquake or a hurricane. Therefore, losses resulting from these natural catastrophes are not independent.

1.4.3 Framework

In the rest of this section, we will compare diversifiable and systematic risks with (copies of) a generic die. Consider a die with six possible outcomes:

An image that shows all six possible outcomes of rolling a die. Faces of a die with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 dots are shown.

The die is assumed to be well balanced, i.e. outcomes are equally likely. In other words, each outcome has a probability of of appearing on any given throw of the die.

More precisely, we will denote by X the result of a throw, i.e. the number of points appearing on the face of the die (inline). Said differently, X = 1 when the outcome is inline, X = 2 when the result is inline, and so on. Clearly, X is a random variable uniformly distributed on {1, 2, …, 6}. We can easily verify that

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

1.4.4 Diversifiable risks

Understanding diversifiable risks and their impact in insurance can be illustrated with dice. Suppose there are n policyholders each throwing their own die. Each die behaves as the generic one described above. More precisely, let Xi be the result for policyholder/die number i = 1, 2, …, n. As we also assume that the throws do not influence each other, the random variables X1, X2, …, Xn are independent and identically distributed. In particular, for each i = 1, 2, …, n, we have

numbered Display Equation

Let us now look at the average of the n throws:

numbered Display Equation

Under the above assumptions, we know that

numbered Display Equation

This means that, no matter how many die we consider, the expectation of will always be 3.5. Yet the variance of will decrease if the number of die increases, which means that the possible values of will be more and more concentrated around 3.5. In fact, according to the law of large numbers, if n is large enough, then

numbered Display Equation

i.e. the average of the n throws will be almost equal to the expected result of a single throw, with a very high probability.

For the sake of illustration, assume that the i-th policyholder faces a loss amount of Xi for a given event. Of course, this is an over-simplified situation as the loss can only take the values 1, 2, …, or 6 (e.g. hundreds or thousands of dollars). For each policyholder, the loss amount Xi is unknown at the beginning of the year or, said differently, it is random.

From the perspective of each policyholder, it is a risky situation. Indeed, no one knows in advance whether the loss they will suffer will be zero, small or large. Consequently, a risk-averse person would prefer to transfer this risk to an insurance company in exchange for the payment of a non-random premium.

From the point of view of the insurance company, if the number of policyholders is large enough, then the realization of its average loss over the whole portfolio will be close to 3.50, no matter which policyholder suffers large or small losses. By aggregating a large number of individual risks, the insurance company has diversified away the risk of suffering large losses. This is how pure diversification works for the benefit of individuals, and for the company as well. In this setting, the insurer could charge each policyholder the value of this pure premium of 3.50 and break even,3 with a very high probability.

Diversification is the cornerstone of traditional insurance and, as we have seen, it is based upon the law of large numbers. It does not really matter who exactly claims a small or a large loss, what matters is the number of insureds in the portfolio so that approaches 3.50 as much as possible. As highlighted in Examples 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, typical actuarial risks such as mortality, fire, theft, vandalism, etc. are independent and as such are considered diversifiable risks.

However, in practice, there is a lot of heterogeneity in insurance portfolios, i.e. policyholders represent different risks with different probability distributions. For example, in example 1.4.1, a 55-year-old male smoker does not represent the same mortality risk as a 25-year-old non-smoker female. Even if those two lives can be considered independent, they are not identically distributed. Similarly, for car insurance risk as in example 1.4.2, the probability of a car accident in any given year depends on individual risk factors such as age and sex of the driver. Again, even if the independence assumption is reasonable, car accident risk is not identically distributed from one insured to the other.

Insurance companies use several characteristics to distinguish between individuals. In fact, they use buckets of insureds, in which policyholders represent similar risks. Those sub-portfolios are known as risk classes. Even if there are fewer policyholders in a given risk class, in many cases the diversification principle described above still applies within a risk class. Whenever the number of policies within a class is not large enough, margins for adverse deviations are added to the premium.

Finally, it might not always be possible to add more people in a portfolio. Take the case of a pension plan. The capability of the pension plan to diversify mortality risk depends on the size of the plan, which in turn depends on the number of employees of the sponsor. Therefore, some significant mortality risk might remain in the portfolio.

1.4.5 Systematic risks

When dealing with diversifiable risks, if we have more policyholders (assumed to be independent and representing similar risks), then the diversification benefit is stronger, i.e. aggregated losses are closer to the expected value. Things are drastically different for systematic risks.

In this direction, let us look at an entirely different setup. Suppose now that we draw a single die and that the random variables X1, X2, …, Xn are all linked to this unique throw. More precisely, let X be the result of this throw. Then, we set X1 = X2 = ... = Xn = X. This is illustrated in Figure 1.1.

A diagram that illustrates systematic risk. A die with two dots appears on top from which individual arrows lead to four other similar dice arranged horizontally below it. In the horizontal row, after the first die, there are three dots indicating that more similar dice exist in between.

Figure 1.1 Systematic risk

In this situation, the average of the n throws is

numbered Display Equation

The average number of points is always (in all scenarios) equal to X, no matter how small or large n is. This means that has a uniform distribution over {1, 2, …, 6}. This is completely different from the situation in Section 1.4.4.

Still interpreting Xi as the amount of loss for the i-th policyholder, we deduce that there is absolutely no diversification benefit from pooling risks together. Indeed, even if n is large, still has a uniform distribution over {1, 2, …, 6}. Sometimes, it will be equal to 2, with probability 1/6, while in other scenarios it will be equal to 6, with the same probability. It will not get closer to 3.5, with a high probability, even for a very large value of n. In this case, adding more policies to the (sub-)portfolio will not generate diversification as risks are systematic.

In the portfolio of policyholders of an insurance company or in a pension plan, the most important systematic risk is usually financial risk. Indeed, all premiums and employee contributions are managed and invested in the financial market with different kinds of investments. The returns earned on the company's or plan’s investments are the same for all policyholders and employees. Therefore, uncertainty tied to the time value of money and thus the returns required to meet the company’s commitments are systematic risks. Having more insureds or employees will not diminish the overall risk.

Example 1.4.4Interest rates

For many years after the financial crisis of 2007–2009, interest rates have reached levels close to zero in many industrialized countries, including the United States, Canada, Germany, France and Japan. This has significantly increased the present value of cash flows tied to life insurance and annuities (including pension), increasing in turn required premiums and pension contributions of millions of savers.

Because the interest rate level is common to all contracts, again the insurance company clearly does not benefit from underwriting more policies. Interest rate risk is therefore a systematic risk. ◼

Example 1.4.5Natural catastrophes

A local Californian P&C insurer offers earthquake risk protection in its homeowner’s insurance policies. If an earthquake occurs, it is exposed to an important systematic risk. Indeed, in this case, many policyholders may claim simultaneously a random amount according to their losses.

Earthquake risk is thus a systematic risk for this local insurance company and the insurer clearly does not gain by underwriting more policyholders in the same region. The insurer's solvency can even be at stake if an earthquake occurs, so it should manage this risk appropriately. There are several possibilities and reinsurance is a popular one. ◼

Another very important example of actuarial risk that is systematic is longevity risk. Reasons that explain increased human longevity are common to all: overall quality of the healthcare system, medical research, better living habits, etc. The uncertainty as to how many years humans will live in the long run is a systematic risk that life insurance companies and pension plans need to bear.

1.4.6 Partially diversifiable risks

In reality, most risks fall somewhere between being purely diversifiable or purely systematic. In these situations, there are benefits to diversification but they will be limited. To illustrate how partially diversifiable risks behave, we will use dice once more.

Suppose we have n + 1 dice. Let Yi be the number of points on the throw of the i-th die for i = 1, 2, …, n and let Z be the number of points on the extra die. Then, define:

numbered Display Equation

for i = 1, 2, …, n. In other words, Xi is the sum of an individual component Yi and a common element Z. Clearly, the Xis are not independent random variables, but they have the same probability distribution.

Increasing the number n in the portfolio, we can diversify the individual components away but not the common shock Z. If Z is small (large), it will be small (large) for all Xs, potentially generating small (large) losses for all Xs. Figure 1.2 shows for example that when Z = 6, then most Xs will be relatively large: we have Xi ≥ 7. The factors that are common to many risks (Z in this illustration) are known as the systematic components whereas the individual parts are known as the diversifiable or idiosyncratic components.

A diagram that illustrates Partially diversifiable risks. A die face with six dots is shown on top with an encircled plus symbol below it. Individual arrows from the plus symbol lead to a row of four dice with 5, 3, 4, and 2 dots, arranged horizontally below the plus symbol. There are three dots between the first and second dice in this row, indicating the presence of more dice in between. There is another horizontal row with four sets of dice, each set having two dice each, forming a series, below the first row. In the second row, corresponding to each dice in the first row, there are four sets of dice with 5 and 6, 3 and 6, 4 and 6, and 2 and 6 dots. There are 3 dots between the first two sets of dice in the second row, which indicates that there are more sets of dice in between.

Figure 1.2 Partially diversifiable risks

Let us now analyze which actuarial and financial risks are partially diversifiable. Risks tied to natural hazards can be systematic or partially diversifiable depending on the insurer’s ability to geographically diversify its risks. As discussed in Example 1.4.5, a company that operates in a U.S. state does not have the same diversification capabilities as a large global insurer. Natural hazards are better diversified globally as earthquake risk in for example California is not related to earthquake risk in the Middle East. The same applies for hurricanes in the North Atlantic (East Coast of the U.S.) and West Pacific (typhoons in Asia).

Returns in a portfolio of stocks are also an example of a partially diversifiable risk. Stock returns are affected by macroeconomic (e.g. economic growth), country- and sector-specific factors. For example, oil companies, auto makers and software companies can be affected by the general growth of the economy but the crude oil price will not affect oil drilling companies in the same way as auto makers, and certainly will have a negligible impact on most tech firms. Again, due to the presence of common factors explaining stock returns, there is an important limit to diversification benefits we can achieve by increasing the number of stocks in a portfolio.

1.5 Risk management approaches

Depending on whether an actuarial or a financial risk is diversifiable, partially diversifiable or systematic, risk management will not rely upon the same tools. This section mostly describes risk management of systematic risks as this will be a recurrent topic in this book.

As discussed, whenever a risk is diversifiable or partially diversifiable, a solution to reduce the overall aggregate risk is to diversify over additional (independent) individuals or geographically over additional countries and continents. This applies to traditional insurance policies such as term life insurance, car insurance, etc. Tools from short-term (non-life) and long-term (life) actuarial mathematics are used to price, reserve and manage these risks on a day-to-day basis.

But how do we manage systematic risks? Whenever interest rates, stock prices (and indices), exchange rates, etc. affect the value of actuarial obligations for all or most policyholders, the (investment) actuary uses one of the following two strategies:

  • Trade in the financial markets to reproduce the (behavior of) cash flows of liabilities. This approach is generally costly but there is very small insolvency risk. This is also known as replication or hedging.
  • Manage a balanced portfolio of financial securities with the objective of increasing returns, thus lowering the time value of money. However, it comes with the risk that investments are insufficient to meet obligations. Portfolio managers focus on reducing this last risk while trying to maximize returns.

Both approaches are illustrated in the next example.

Example 1.5.1Life insurance

Suppose an insurance company has issued the following life insurance contract to a very large number, say n, of individuals:

  • It pays $100 in 1 year if the individual survives;
  • It pays $105 in 1 year (to the beneficiaries) if the individual dies within the year.

Based upon mortality tables and other experience data, the actuary has determined that the expected loss per policy is $101. Following the law of large numbers, the average loss, which is a random quantity, will be close to $101 if it is a large portfolio and if we assume that individual mortality risks are independent and identically distributed. We will now illustrate how the actuary can manage the systematic risk tied to the time value of money (investment returns).

The aggregated financial commitments of the insurer, in 1 year from now, will be close to n × 101. The first strategy would be to find securities in the financial market that allow to lock in a value of n × 101 in a year, with (almost) certainty. Assume a risk-free zero-coupon bond, trading for $97, will pay $100 in a year. Therefore, buying 101n/100 zero-coupon bonds for a total cost of

numbered Display Equation

perfectly matches the liability of the insurer.

If the investment actuary believes she can earn a return of 6% over the year, then she could instead set aside

numbered Display Equation

and invest it in the financial market. However, if the returns earned over the year are less than 6%, then the invested amount will not be enough to cover future benefits. This is why a conservative discount rate is usually assumed to make sure the company meets its financial commitments. ◼

As mentioned above, another way of mitigating the impact of systematic risks for an insurance company is to use reinsurance. Reinsurance can be viewed as insurance for insurers. Reinsurance contracts specify the risks that are covered and how losses are distributed between the insurer and the reinsurer (proportional, stop loss, excess of loss). Just like individuals with typical insurance policies, insurers need to pay regular premiums to the reinsurer in exchange for protection.

One case where reinsurance works very well is natural hazards. For example, one can think of earthquake risk being systematic for a given region but being highly diversifiable at the international level. Reinsurance can also be used to limit longevity risk for life insurance companies and pension plans. Reinsurance companies diversify internationally and across many risks as well. For example, earthquake and longevity risks can be considered independent.

Finally, recent financial innovations, such as longevity derivatives or catastrophe derivatives (see Chapter 7, Section 7.2), are providing additional tools to manage these two systematic risks.

1.6 Summary


  • Professional using scientific and business methods to quantify and manage risks.
  • Works for insurance companies, pension plans and other social security systems.
  • Typical tasks include:
    • – Determine the cost of protections;
    • – Analyze how financial commitments affect solvency;
    • – Calculate how much to set aside (reserve, capital requirements);
    • – Find and manage investments to meet financial commitments.

Key concepts

  • Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism.
  • Assets: what you own.
  • Liabilities: what you owe.
  • Financial assets: securities, investments.
  • Actuarial liabilities: commitments from insurance policies and pension plans.
  • Fundamental accounting equation: .

Insurance and financial markets

  • The insurance market is tightly regulated: insurable interest, insurance policies are not tradable assets.
  • Main financial securities: bonds, stocks, derivatives, commodities and currencies.
  • The financial market is not very regulated: investors can almost freely buy and sell financial securities.

Classifications of risks from an actuarial perspective

  • Actuarial risk vs. financial risk:
    • – Actuarial risk: uncertainty arising from the occurrence, timing and loss tied to adverse events.
    • – Financial risk: uncertainty arising from economic and financial variables.
  • Short-term risk vs. long-term risk:

    • – Short-term risk: mostly in P&C insurance policies.
    • – Long-term risk: mostly in life insurance policies and pension plans.
  • Diversifiable risk vs. systematic risk:

    • – Diversifiable risk: independent of other risks, i.e. not affected by nor affecting other risks.
    • – Systematic risk: common to many or most individuals or investors.
    • – Partially diversifiable risk: partly diversifiable, partly systematic (most common type of risk).

Risk management

  • Diversification: reduces (some of) the uncertainty of aggregated (partially) diversifiable risks by adding more risks.
  • Hedging, replication: trade in the financial market to reproduce, as much as possible, cash flows of liabilities.
  • Investment strategy, speculation: trade in the financial market to increase returns and lower the time value of money.

1.7 Exercises

  1. For each of the following events, explain its impact on the assets and liabilities of a pension plan:

    1. The stock market drops by 7%.
    2. The Treasury rate increases by 1%.
    3. A hurricane hits a region, affecting 10% of your portfolio.
    4. A great medical discovery cures two of the deadliest cancers.
    5. A massive heat wave increases mortality by 3%.
    6. The economy enters into a recession and many corporations go bankrupt.

    Repeat the exercise for a life insurance company, a P&C insurance company and an investment firm.

  2. According to each partial description, determine whether the corresponding security is a stock, a bond/loan or a derivative.

    1. Difference between the current stock price and its mean over the last week, only if this difference is positive.
    2. 2% of the voting rights in the management of ABC inc.
    3. U.S. Treasury promises to pay 1.5% annually on $100.
    4. $1 if rain accumulates to more than 50mm during the week of August 1st at LAX airport.
    5. $1 if more than 95% of a reference population survives.
  3. For each of the following situations, identify all diversifiable, systematic and partially diversifiable risks.

    1. You lend $10 each to 100 different people working for the same company. You want to assess the risk that some people will not pay you back. Repeat the experiment if the 100 people work for 100 different firms but in the same city/country.
    2. You work for an insurer selling health insurance policies that reimburse hospital fees and loss of income in case the policyholder gets cancer.
    3. Autonomous and semi-autonomous cars are vulnerable to problems in their respective softwares. You sell policies to individual drivers (policyholders) covering damage in case of a car accident (including fully and semi-autonomous cars). What happens in this insurance market if there are only 3 or there are 20 major autonomous automakers?
  4. Your insurance company assumes the risks tied to X1, X2, …, Xn. For each of the following situations:

    1. Analyze the distribution of X1, X2, …, Xn and determine whether the risks are diversifiable, systematic or partially diversifiable. Explain why.
    2. Describe mathematically the behavior of .
    3. Determine the behavior of when n → ∞ and compare the results with your intuition in (a).

    • Situation # 1 Let Xi|Θ be represented by an exponential distribution with mean Θ. Suppose that Θ is itself a random variable with mean μ and standard deviation σ. Given Θ, the Xi are independent.
    • Situation # 2 Let Xii be represented by an exponential distribution with mean Θi. Suppose that Θi, i = 1, 2, …, n are independent and all distributed as another random variable Θ with mean μ and standard deviation σ. Given Θi, the Xi are independent.
    • Situation # 3 Let Yi, i = 1, 2, …, n and Z be independent and identically distributed random variables. Suppose that Xi = min (Yi, Z) for each i.
  5. A customer purchases a special kind of life insurance policy. The policyholder first invests $100 in an investment portfolio composed of 20 stocks. The insurance company adjusts the death and maturity benefits according to the returns of that portfolio, subject to a minimum return. The insurer sells such a policy to 10,000 policyholders. From a risk management point of view, what is the impact of increasing/decreasing the number of stocks in the portfolio? And what is the impact of increasing/decreasing the number of policyholders?

    1. For the policyholder.
    2. For the life insurance company.

  6. Let the probability distribution of a set of risks Xi, i = 1, 2, …, n be described by the following joint cumulative distribution function:

    numbered Display Equation

    where θ ≥ 1.

    Are these risks diversifiable, systematic or partially diversifiable:

    1. if θ = 1;
    2. if θ > 1, but is relatively small;
    3. if θ is very large, converging to infinity?

    First, consider the case n = 2, and then consider the general case.


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