Introduction to stochastic calculus***

Usually, in most textbooks and research papers, the evolution of the stock price in the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model is given by a so-called stochastic differential equation:

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(see also equation (17.1.8) in Chapter 17). This last equation has an equivalent stochastic integral form:

numbered Display Equation

In other words, in the BSM framework, the dynamic of the stock price S is the sum of two random integrals: the integral of the process {μSt, t ⩾ 0} with respect to the time variable and an integral of the process {σSt, t ⩾ 0} with respect to Brownian motion.

Before making sense of these integrals, recall that we mentioned in Chapter 14 that the stock price in the BSM framework is represented by a geometric Brownian motion. Therefore, the latter two representations, in terms of a stochastic differential equation and of the sum of random integrals, should be two equivalent representations of the same stochastic process, namely a GBM. To better understand these concepts, we will provide below a heuristic introduction to stochastic calculus.

Stochastic calculus is a set of tools, in the field of probability theory, to work with continuous-time stochastic processes, just like we do with functions in classical differential and integral calculus. One of the main mathematical objects is the so-called stochastic integral. Stochastic calculus is widely used in mathematical finance, but also in mathematical biology and physics. Stochastic calculus arises naturally in continuous-time actuarial finance whenever, for example, we need to consider dynamic (replicating) portfolios requiring continuous trading or if we need to determine the dynamic of a stochastic interest rate.

The overall objective of this chapter is to provide a heuristic introduction to stochastic calculus based on Brownian motion by defining Ito’s stochastic integral and stochastic differential equations. This is a rather complex topic so the presentation focuses on providing a working knowledge of the material. We aim at an understanding suitable for the pricing and hedging of options in the Black-Scholes-Merton model. This chapter is intended for readers with a stronger mathematical background and is not mandatory to understand the upcoming chapters.

More specifically, the learning objectives are to:

  • understand the definition of a stochastic integral and its basic properties;
  • compute the mean and variance of a given stochastic integral;
  • apply Ito’s lemma to simple situations;
  • understand how a stochastic process can be the solution to a stochastic differential equation;
  • recognize the SDEs for linear and geometric Brownian motions, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the square-root process, and understand the role played by their coefficients;
  • solve simple SDEs such as those corresponding to linear and geometric Brownian motions, and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

Before we begin, we emphasize there are two types of stochastic integrals that are of interest in line with the specific objectives:

  • stochastic Riemann integrals, i.e. classical Riemann integrals of the path of a stochastic process with respect to the time variable (e.g. ∫T0μStdt);
  • stochastic integrals with respect to Brownian motion, i.e. integrals of a stochastic process with respect to a Brownian motion (e.g. ∫T0σStdWt).

In both cases, the resulting integral will be a random variable, thus the name stochastic integral.

15.1 Stochastic Riemann integrals

Let us consider a stochastic process H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} with continuous trajectories, such as for example a linear Brownian motion or a geometric Brownian motion. If we draw a trajectory of the process H, i.e. if we look at one scenario ω of the underlying experiment, then the corresponding path tHt(ω) is a function of the time variable. For the function f(t) = Ht(ω), we could compute the following Riemann integral:

numbered Display Equation

Since a Riemann integral is obtained as the limit of Riemann sums, i.e.

(15.1.1)numbered Display Equation

where the time points given by ti = it/n partition the interval [0, t], then we can write

numbered Display Equation

Note that even if the notation does not make it explicit, the tis depend on the number of time points n.

For each n, the realization ∑n − 1i = 0Hti(ω) × (ti + 1ti) is the (stochastic) total area of n rectangles, where the (random) height of the i-th rectangle is given by the value and the length of its base by the value ti + 1ti. This is illustrated in Figure 15.1.

A graph illustrating the Riemann integral of a given path of a stochastic process using Riemann sums. On the x-axis are t values from t subscript 1 to t subscript 10. The graph shows a curve that starts at a point on the y-axis and proceeds further in the first quadrant in a fluctuating manner with a peak between t subscript 2 and t subscript 3. It also has a bar diagram comparing the y values at each t value, with the bar between t subscript 3 and t subscript 4 being the tallest.

Figure 15.1 Riemann integral of a given path of a stochastic process using Riemann sums

As we can repeat this for every scenario ω ∈ Ω, we have defined a random variable which we will denote simply by

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In some sense, it is the (random) area under the curves given by the trajectories of H.

It is possible to show that1 the average random area is such that:

numbered Display Equation

i.e. we can interchange the order of the expectation and the Riemann integral (as long as each quantity is well defined). The integral on the right-hand-side is a genuine Riemann integral of the deterministic function .

Example 15.1.1Riemann integral of standard Brownian motion

Let us compute the average random area below a Brownian trajectory over a unit time interval, i.e. the expectation of the random variable ∫10Wtdt.

As Brownian motion starts from zero and is highly symmetrical, we should expect this expectation to be equal to zero. Indeed, we have

numbered Display Equation

as the (deterministic) function is identically equal to zero, i.e. for all values of t.


Example 15.1.2Riemann integral of a stochastic process

What is the expectation of the random variable given by ∫1.51W2tdt?

We have

numbered Display Equation

where we used the fact that for all values of t.


Stochastic force of mortality

Stochastic Riemann integrals appear in various areas of actuarial science, actuarial finance and mathematical finance. To quantify longevity risk, there exists a string of literature that models the (stochastic) force of mortality by a stochastic process H = {Ht, t ⩾ 0}. In such models, the remaining lifetime τ of an individual subject to a stochastic mortality intensity H = {Ht, t ⩾ 0} is such that

numbered Display Equation

which involves a stochastic Riemann integral of the stochastic force of mortality H.

In credit risk modeling, the force of mortality is interpreted as the default intensity to represent the time until default (in the class of reduced-form models) and failure/hazard rate in engineering to characterize the time until failure of an object.

15.2 Ito’s stochastic integrals

Now, we want to define the stochastic integral of a stochastic process H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} with respect to Brownian motion, i.e. give a meaning to a random variable denoted by

numbered Display Equation

As in a stochastic Riemann integral, the integrand is a stochastic process H, but now the integrator is a standard Brownian motion. Symbolically, dt needs to be replaced by dWt. Intuitively, we want to compute the area under the trajectories of H using a Brownian motion W, meaning that both the height (Ht) and the width (dWt) of the rectangles will be random.

As for other integrals, a stochastic integral over the time interval [0, t] is obtained as the limit of Riemann sums as the partition of the interval [0, t] becomes finer and finer. More precisely, the random variable called Ito’s stochastic integral of H with respect to Brownian motion is defined by

(15.2.1)numbered Display Equation

where the time points are given by ti = it/n, for each i = 0, 1, …, n. Again, let us keep in mind that the tis depend on n, so they change when n goes to infinity. The limiting random variable is denoted by ∫t0HsdWs because, as we will see below, it behaves like other types of integrals in many ways; see Section 15.2.4.

Example 15.2.1

Fix a real number c. If Ht = c for all t, i.e. if it is not affected by the scenario ω or by the time index t, then

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Since tn = nt/n = t, we have and, by the definition of the stochastic integral given above, we have

numbered Display Equation

In particular, this means that a linear Brownian motion Xt = X0 + μt + σWt can also be written as

numbered Display Equation


Limit of random variables

The limit of a sequence of random variables is a topic often overlooked in a first probability course. But in fact, both the Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem rely on limits of random variables. The results are: given a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables (Xn, n ⩾ 1) with common mean m and common variance σ2, there exists a random variable and a random variable such that

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numbered Display Equation

where is a constant (not affected by the scenario ω) and is a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and variance 1.

Similar conclusions will be obtained for stochastic integrals: the properties of the random variable ∫t0HsdWs, given by the limit of the random variables , will be derived from the properties of those Riemann sums.

15.2.1 Riemann sums

Intuitively, if we fix a scenario ω ∈ Ω, then the corresponding paths Ht(ω) and Wt(ω) are both functions of t and then we can write down the non-random Riemann sum:

numbered Display Equation

For each n, this is the total area of n rectangles, where the height of the i-th rectangle is given by and the width of its base is given by .

Example 15.2.2Realization of a Riemann sum

Let us fix n = 4 and , yielding ti = i/12, and let us choose Ht = |Wt|. Consider a scenario ω in which we have:

numbered Display Equation

Note that W0(ω) = 0 by definition, no matter which scenario ω occurs. Since Ht = |Wt| at any time t, we have

numbered Display Equation

One should remark that in this scenario, the area of the first (non-null) rectangle is negative: |0.382927566| × ( − 0.141739491 − 0.382927566) = −0.2009095.


As we can repeat this for every scenario ω ∈ Ω, then for each n we have a doubly random Riemann sum that we denote by

(15.2.2)numbered Display Equation

It is a random variable that we will call the n-th (random) Riemann sum (of H).

Example 15.2.3Riemann sums of geometric Brownian motion

Let us compute the expectation of the n-th Riemann sum of the process Ht = exp (Wt), i.e.

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Recall that since increments of Brownian motion are independent, we have that is independent of , for each i. Consequently,

numbered Display Equation

as increments of Brownian motion are zero-mean random variables.


15.2.2 Elementary stochastic processes

Depending on the integrand, the limiting procedure involved in defining the stochastic integral as given in (15.2.1) is not always necessary. We have seen such a trivial illustration in example 15.2.1. In this section, we introduce a class of stochastic processes called elementary stochastic processes whose stochastic integrals do not require the limiting procedure. Hence, each such stochastic integral is equal to a Riemann sum.

The simplest stochastic process one can imagine2 is a one-step elementary stochastic process, i.e. a process of the form

(15.2.3)numbered Display Equation

where φ is a random variable3 and where 0 ⩽ t1 < t2T. Here, φ, t1 and t2 specify the elementary process: they are the parameters of H.

Figure 15.2 shows four different trajectories of this process H associated to four different scenarios.

Four graphs labeled a, b, c, and d that illustrate the four paths of the same elementary one-step stochastic process H subscript t as defined in (15.2.3) with a random variable phi. Graph a, titled Path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 1, for a given lowercase ω subscript 1 element of uppercase Ω, shows a line that starts from the origin and runs through the x-axis till t subscript 1. At t subscript 1, the graph jumps to a point whose y value is lowercase phi of lowercase omega subscript 1 and then runs parallel to the x-axis till x touches t subscript 2. Then it falls to the x-axis and runs through it. In all four graphs, the graph runs through the x-axis before x reaches t subscript 1 and after x crosses t subscript 2. The position of the line that runs parallel to the x-axis when the x is between t subscript 1 and t subscript 2 changes in all four graphs. In Figure b, which shows the path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 2 for a given lowercase omega 2 element of uppercase omega, the line which runs parallel to the x-axis has a y-value phi of lowercase omega subscript 2 which is lower than the corresponding point in figure a. In figure c, which illustrates the path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 3 for a given lowercase omega subscript 3 element of uppercase omega, the parallel line falls in the fourth quadrant and corresponds to the y value, phi of lowercase omega subscript 3. In figure d, where the path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 4 for a given lowercase omega subscript 4 element of uppercase omega is shown, the parallel line is at a higher position compared to the lines in the other three graphs, with a y value of phi of lowercase omega subscript 4.

Figure 15.2 Four paths of the same elementary one-step stochastic process Ht as defined in (15.2.3) with a random variable φ

As we can see in Figure 15.2, the trajectories of the process H given in (15.2.3) consist of a single step of height φ(ω) when the scenario is ω. Consequently, for such a process, its stochastic integral does not require the limiting procedure: it is directly equal to the Riemann sum . In other words, the stochastic integral of the process H given in (15.2.3), over the time interval [0, T], is given by the following random variable:

(15.2.4)numbered Display Equation

Example 15.2.4

If , with 0 ⩽ t1 < t2T, then it is a one-step elementary process as given in (15.2.3) with a constant. Consequently, the stochastic integral of H is given by

numbered Display Equation

In this case, the stochastic integral is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 3 × (t2t1).


Example 15.2.5

If , with 0 ⩽ t1 < t2T, then it is a one-step elementary process as given in (15.2.3) with . Consequently, the stochastic integral of H is given by

numbered Display Equation

In this case, the stochastic integral is the product of two independent zero-mean normal random variables. In particular, we have

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and consequently

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More generally, a stochastic process H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} is said to be an elementary stochastic process if it is such that

(15.2.5)numbered Display Equation

where 0 = t0 < t1 < … < tn − 1 < tn = T generate non-overlapping time intervals and where, for each i, the random variable φi is completely determined by the Brownian motion up to time ti; this is a mathematical technicality we have to deal with. Note that we have H0 = 0 for any scenario ω.

For a given ω ∈ Ω, the trajectory Ht(ω) is made of steps with various heights determined by the draws of φ1(ω), φ2(ω), …, φn(ω). This is illustrated in Figure 15.3 showing trajectories of Ht(ω) for two scenarios.

Two graphs labeled a and b, showing the different paths of the same elementary stochastic process H with t on the x-axis and H subscript t of lowercase omega  on the y-axis. In graph a, titled the path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 1, the y value remains constant between two successive time points. The graph shows that y value increases initially, then decreases, again increases and decreases as x attains higher values. The y value remains constant between two successive time points in Figure b as well, which shows the path of H subscript t of lowercase omega subscript 2. The graph shows that y value decreases initially, then increases, again decreases and increases as x attains higher values.

Figure 15.3 Two different paths of the same elementary stochastic process H

Again, as we can see in Figure 15.3, since the trajectories of the process H given in (15.2.5) consist of steps of height φi(ω) when the scenario is ω, then its stochastic integral does not require the limiting procedure. The stochastic integral of H given in (15.2.5) over the time interval [0, T] is the extension of equation (15.2.4): it is given by the following random variable:

(15.2.6)numbered Display Equation

Example 15.2.6

For the elementary process , the corresponding stochastic integral is simply

numbered Display Equation

Since increments of Brownian motion over non-overlapping intervals are independent, this is a sum of independent normally distributed random variables. Hence, the stochastic integral is normally distributed with mean

numbered Display Equation

and variance

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As observed in the last example, if H is an elementary stochastic process as in (15.2.5) with non-random φi, then its stochastic integral is normally distributed with mean zero and variance equal to

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Note that in other/most cases, we cannot say much about the distribution of a stochastic integral.

Example 15.2.7

For the process , its stochastic integral is the random variable given by

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Using the properties of Brownian motion, we can compute its expectation, which is equal to zero. However, the variance is more challenging to compute because W4W2 and W6 are not independent. First, since the mean of the integral is 0, we have

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We then need to expand the square within the expectation, which yields three expectations. The first expectation is

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The third expectation is

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since we are taking the expectation of independent random variables (Brownian increments over non-overlapping intervals). The second expectation is more complicated. We have

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which is the expectation of the product of three random variables, some of them being dependent. However, since we can write

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numbered Display Equation

and its expectation is equal to zero. Combining everything, we obtain

numbered Display Equation


15.2.3 Ito-integrable stochastic processes

We would like to analyze the stochastic integral of a more general class of stochastic processes, which we will call Ito-integrable stochastic processes. Such processes need to have the following properties.

First, the process H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} should be an adapted stochastic process, that is a stochastic process such that for each time t, the random variable Ht is completely determined by the Brownian trajectory up to time t, i.e. by the random variables Ws, for all 0 ⩽ st. In some sense, an adapted process follows the flow of information provided by the Brownian motion W: it does not look into the future. Second, the process H also needs to be sufficiently integrable for the variance of its stochastic integral to be finite; more on this below. These are mathematical technicalities we have to deal with, but we will not say more than we already have on this matter. Elementary stochastic processes defined in (15.2.5) are Ito-integrable processes by definition.

The stochastic integral of an Ito-integrable process H, as defined in (15.2.1), requires the limiting procedure, meaning that

numbered Display Equation

is obtained as the limit of the Riemann sums where ti = it/n, for each i = 0, 1, …, n. We can also say that each n-th Riemann sum is the stochastic integral of an elementary stochastic process given by

numbered Display Equation

implying that

numbered Display Equation

Said differently, the stochastic integral of a process H is obtained by approximating H with elementary stochastic processes having an increasing number of time steps n. This is illustrated in Figure 15.4.

Four graphs labeled a, b, c, and d that show a sample path H subscript lowercase t of lowercase omega approximated by different step functions. All four graphs has lowercase t values on the x-axis and H of lowercase omega on the y-axis. The first graph shows a sample path of an adapted stochastic process H, the second shows the path H subscript lowercase t of lowercase ω approximated with a 4-step function, the third shows the path H subscript lowercase t of lowercase omega approximated with a 10-step function, and the fourth shows the path H subscript lowercase t of lowercase omega approximated with a 20-step function. For large n, the path of the step function gets closer to the path H subscript t of lowercase omega.

Figure 15.4 A sample path Ht(ω) approximated by different step functions. For n large, the path of the step function gets closer to the path Ht(ω)

Example 15.2.8Stochastic integrals of functions of Brownian motion

First, let us have a look at the following stochastic integral: ∫t0WsdWs. In this case, we have H = W and then, by definition,

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Similarly, the stochastic integral ∫t0exp (Ws)dWs is obtained by the following limiting procedure:

numbered Display Equation

Recall that these last Riemann sums have been studied in example 15.2.3.


Convergence in quadratic mean

The type of convergence involved in the definition of the stochastic integral given in (15.2.1) is the convergence in quadratic mean. Mathematically, it means that

numbered Display Equation

In other words, as n increases, the mean-square error between the Riemann sums and the stochastic integral gets closer to zero.

15.2.4 Properties

Let us now analyze some of the properties of Ito’s stochastic integral. It must be noted that since a stochastic integral is a random variable, there will be two types of properties:

  1. properties related to its random nature, i.e. its mean and variance, and whenever possible its probability distribution;
  2. properties related to its integral nature, i.e. its approximation by Riemann sums and its linearity.

As mentioned before, the properties of stochastic integrals are mostly inherited from those of the approximating Riemann sums.

Let H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} and G = {Gt, 0 ⩽ tT} be Ito-integrable stochastic processes and let α1, α2 be real numbers. Then, for any time T > 0, we have:

  1. Stochastic integrals are zero-mean random variables:
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Stochastic integrals have a variance given by:
    (15.2.7)numbered Display Equation
    which is also known as Ito’s isometry.
  3. If H is a non-random function of time, i.e. if it is not affected by the scenario ω, then
    numbered Display Equation
  4. Stochastic integrals are linear:
    numbered Display Equation

Let us show all these properties and how they are inherited from the Riemann sums. For any Ito-integrable process H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT}, its n-th Riemann sum

numbered Display Equation

where ti = iT/n for each i, is a zero-mean random variable. Indeed, we have

numbered Display Equation

where in the second last equality we used the fact that, for each i, the random variable is independent of the random variable ; this is because is completely determined by the Brownian trajectory up to time ti.

Given that the mean of the Riemann sum is equal to zero, its variance is such that

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Distributing the square and using the linearity property of the expectation, we get

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When i = j, again by independence, we have

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When i < j, using the formula of iterated expectations, we get

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where, once more, we used the independence properties of Brownian increments. Of course, changing the role played by i and j, we get a symmetric result when j < i. In conclusion,

(15.2.8)numbered Display Equation

Informally speaking, since by definition

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we can expect that4

numbered Display Equation

Therefore, using the above discussion, we can conclude that

numbered Display Equation

where the last equality comes from the definition of the (deterministic) Riemann integral of the function , as defined in (15.1.1).

Finally, if H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} is a non-random function of time, then the s are no longer genuine random variables: they are simple real numbers. Therefore, the n-th Riemann sum

numbered Display Equation

is a linear combination of independent normal random variables given by the increments . This means that the Riemann sum itself is normally distributed. We have already checked that the mean is equal to zero and now the variance becomes

numbered Display Equation

because the expectation of a constant is equal to the constant itself. If we summarize, we have: if H is deterministic, then

numbered Display Equation

The normality of the Riemann sums is not affected by the limiting procedure, so if H is deterministic, then ∫T0HtdWt is indeed normally distributed with mean 0 and variance given by:

numbered Display Equation

Finally, since Riemann sums are clearly linear (they are sums) and since limits are themselves linear, it should be clear that stochastic integrals are linear with respect to their integrands. The details are left to the reader.

Example 15.2.9Stochastic integral of a Brownian motion

In Example 15.2.8, we considered the stochastic integral of a standard Brownian motion, namely the random variable ∫T0WtdWt.

By the above properties, we have that . Note that, in Example 15.2.3, we had already verified that the corresponding n-th Riemann sums were also zero-mean random variables. By Ito’s isometry given in (15.2.7), the variance is given by

numbered Display Equation

Note that since the integrand is W, i.e. a stochastic process (as opposed to a function), we do not know the distribution of ∫T0WtdWt.


Example 15.2.10.Linearity of stochastic integrals

In example 15.2.8, we also considered the stochastic integral ∫T0exp (Wt)dWt.

Let us now consider the following stochastic integral:

numbered Display Equation

We know that it has a zero mean and that its variance can be computed using Ito’s isometry.

Moreover, by the linearity property of stochastic integrals, we can write

numbered Display Equation

where the two stochastic integrals on the right-hand-side have been defined in example 15.2.8.


15.3 Ito’s lemma for Brownian motion

As we now know, a stochastic integral is a random variable with an expectation equal to 0 and an easy-to-compute variance (using Ito’s isometry). We also discovered that in most cases its probability distribution is unknown.

On the other hand, because stochastic integrals are also integrals, we would like to be able to simplify their expressions, in the spirit of the fundamental theorem of calculus in classical calculus.

Before going any further, let us emphasize some differences between stochastic calculus and classical calculus. In classical calculus, we have that

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and, more generally,

numbered Display Equation

if f is differentiable and such that f(0) = 0. We used the fact that for a differentiable function, we have .

The analog stochastic integral is given by

numbered Display Equation

Unfortunately, we cannot write something like because the trajectories of Brownian motion are not differentiable functions. Even if we know that this stochastic integral has a mean equal to zero and a variance equal to T2/2 (see Example 15.2.9), we can wonder whether a simpler expression can be obtained or not.

As alluded to above, in classical calculus, one of the main results is the fundamental theorem of calculus: if f is a differentiable function, then

(15.3.1)numbered Display Equation

The proof of this result is based on a first-order Taylor expansion of f.

There is a similar result in stochastic calculus whose simplest version is as follows: if f is a twice differentiable function, then

(15.3.2)numbered Display Equation

for all 0 ⩽ tT. This result is known as Ito’s lemma and its proof is based on a second-order Taylor expansion of f.

Note that there are two types of integrals in Ito’s lemma of equation (15.3.2):

  1. the stochastic integral of f′(Ws);
  2. the stochastic Riemann integral of f′′(Ws).

Both types have been studied above.

Example 15.3.1

Let us go back to the following stochastic integral:

numbered Display Equation

In order to use Ito’s lemma, we must find a function f( · ) such that Wt = f′(Wt). If we choose f(x) = x2/2, then f′(x) = x and f′′(x) = 1. By Ito’s lemma in (15.3.2), we have

numbered Display Equation

where we used the linearity property of stochastic integrals.

In conclusion, if we reorganize the above equation and since W0 = 0, then we can write

numbered Display Equation

As , we can obtain the probability density function of W2T (by using the change-of-variable formula as seen in an elementary probability course) and then the distribution of this stochastic integral.


Example 15.3.2

Let us use Ito’s lemma to simplify .

For f(x) = ex, we have f′(x) = f′′(x) = ex. Using Ito’s lemma in (15.3.2), we can write

numbered Display Equation

Since , we can write

(15.3.3)numbered Display Equation

Somehow, the expression on the right-hand-side is simpler:

  • there is no stochastic integral left, only a stochastic Riemman integral;
  • the distribution of is known: it is a lognormal distribution.


A glimpse at the proof of Ito’s lemma

Note the similarities between equation (15.3.1) and equation (15.3.2). To gain more intuition as to why they are similar but yet different, consider the following second-order Taylor expansion of f around x:

numbered Display Equation

where the quality of this approximation is linked directly to the size of h. For standard Riemann integrals, the second-order term is negligible. However, this term does play an important role for stochastic integrals. The reason is that standard Brownian motion has a non-zero quadratic variation: for each T > 0, we have

numbered Display Equation

where ti = iT/n, for each i = 0, 1, …, n.

Heuristically speaking, we could replace x + h by Wt + h and replace x by Wt, while keeping in mind that h = (x + h) − x. Then, we can write symbolically

numbered Display Equation

With h = T/n and n large, if we sum up and take the limit:

numbered Display Equation

15.4 Diffusion processes

An important class of processes, applied in various areas including mathematical and actuarial finance, is known as diffusion processes. A diffusion process X = {Xt, 0 ⩽ tT} is a continuous-time stochastic process that can be written in the following form:

(15.4.1)numbered Display Equation

where a( · ) and b( · ) are deterministic functions5 and where is the initial value of the process X. The function a(x) is usually known as the drift coefficient whereas b(x) is typically called the diffusion or volatility coefficient.

In some sense, diffusion processes are generalizations of linear Brownian motions. Indeed, recall from example 15.2.1 that a linear Brownian motion Xt = X0 + μt + σWt can also be written as

numbered Display Equation

In other words, such a linear Brownian motion is a diffusion process as defined in (15.4.1), with a constant drift coefficient a(x) = μ and a constant volatility coefficient b(x) = σ. Note also that the terminology is the same as the one used in Chapter 14. Diffusion processes also extend the commonly used GBM to create richer and more realistic dynamics for asset prices and interest rates.

15.4.1 Stochastic differential equations

In many actuarial and financial models, the dynamics of a financial variable over time (e.g. the stock price) is expressed with a stochastic differential equation. Such an equation specifies the desirable behavior of this quantity over the next infinitesimal period of time.

Symbolically, a stochastic differential equation (SDE) is a stochastic equation: for given functions a( · ) and b( · ), we are looking for a process X such that

(15.4.2)numbered Display Equation

with initial condition X0 = x0. More rigorously, we are looking for a diffusion process X such that

numbered Display Equation

as already defined in (15.4.1). The stochastic differential equation in (15.4.2) is also called the differential form whereas the expression in (15.4.1) is known as the integral form of a diffusion process.

Intuitively, a SDE can be interpreted as follows: given that we know the value of Xt at time t, the future value of the process one millisecond after is explained by two components:

  • a component a(Xt)dt: a change of magnitude a(Xt) in the direction of the infinitesimal increase in time dt;
  • a component b(Xt)dWt: a change of magnitude b(Xt) in the direction of the infinitesimal increment of the Brownian motion dWt.

As a SDE describes the evolution of a quantity Xt as time passes, we are interested in finding an explicit expression for Xt: this is what we will mean by solving the SDE. But recall that a SDE of the form given in (15.4.2) has no meaning by itself: it is rather a symbolic representation for the integral equation given in (15.4.1). Hence, solving a SDE and studying the underlying stochastic process means analyzing its corresponding integral form and its existence. Most of the time, this is a difficult task.

Example 15.4.1Examples of diffusion processes

Let us consider the following SDEs: for given numbers μ and σ,

  1. , with initial value X0 = −1;
  2. , with initial value X0 = 2.

For the first SDE, according to the general form given in (15.4.2), we have a constant drift coefficient a(x) = μ and a constant volatility coefficient b(x) = σ. Therefore, the integral form is given by

numbered Display Equation

and we have recovered a linear Brownian motion issued from − 1. Note also that for this SDE, there is clearly a solution (we found it).

For the second SDE, according to the general form given in (15.4.2), we have a drift coefficient given by a(x) = μx and a volatility coefficient given by b(x) = σx. Therefore, the integral form is given by

numbered Display Equation

For this SDE, it is not clear whether there exists a solution X that verifies this equality.


15.4.2 Ito’s lemma for diffusion processes

In the last example, we were not able to obtain an explicit expression for the diffusion process solving

numbered Display Equation

with initial value X0 = 2. In order to solve such SDEs, we will need a generalized version of Ito’s lemma for diffusion processes. Indeed, in Section 15.3, we saw the simplest form of Ito’s lemma; the most general form, still known as Ito’s lemma, applies to deterministic transformations f(t, Xt) of a diffusion process X.

Let f(t, x) be a function of two variables, i.e. of time and space respectively, such that ∂f/∂t and ∂2f/∂x2, i.e. the first partial derivative in time and the second partial derivative in space,6 are both continuous functions. If X = {Xt, 0 ⩽ tT} is a diffusion process solving the general SDE given in (15.4.2), then the process Yt = f(t, Xt) solves the following SDE:

(15.4.3)numbered Display Equation

Before going any further, we need to make two clarifications. First, the terms and must be understood as follows:

  1. Compute the partial derivatives , and of the function f(t, x).
  2. Evaluate each partial derivative at (t, Xt).

Second, the expression (dXt)2 must be understood as follows: it can be shown that

numbered Display Equation

This is an application of the product rule; see the box below for more details. Hence, substituting dXt by its expression given in (15.4.2) and reorganizing equation (15.4.3), we get

(15.4.4)numbered Display Equation

This last SDE is equivalent to the one in (15.4.3). They are both referred to as Ito’s lemma for diffusion processes.

While the last expression in (15.4.4) can be tedious, the one in (15.4.3) is more intuitive: it is more or less a Taylor expansion, of order one in time and order two in space. Then, one only needs to be familiar with the product rule to further simplify the expressions.

Product rule

Whenever we need to multiply two SDEs, there exists a convenient and symbolic tool (backed by rigorous mathematics) known as the product rule. It is described in the following table:

× dWt dt
dWt dt 0
dt 0 0

More precisely, if we have two SDEs

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

In particular,

numbered Display Equation

as used in Ito’s lemma (15.4.3) above.

Example 15.4.2Simple geometric Brownian motion

Using Ito’s lemma, let us verify that the following simple geometric Brownian motion, i.e. the process

numbered Display Equation

is a diffusion process. We must show that S satisfies an SDE as given in (15.4.2), that is we must find the SDE coefficients.

Clearly, we have St = f(t, Wt), with f(t, x) = ex − t/2, and S0 = 1. First, we compute the partial derivatives:

numbered Display Equation

Second, we replace x by Wt and we use Ito’s lemma (15.4.3) to f(t, Wt) = exp (Wtt/2), noticing that . We get

numbered Display Equation

since . Substituting f(t, Wt) by St, we see that exp (Wtt/2) is a solution to the SDE given by

numbered Display Equation

with S0 = 1. In conclusion, we have indeed verified that the simple geometric Brownian motion

numbered Display Equation

is a diffusion process with drift a(St) = 0 and diffusion b(St) = St.


Note that if we consider a transformation f(Xt) in space only, all partial derivatives simplify to ordinary derivatives and then Ito’s lemma of (15.4.3) and (15.4.4) simplify respectively to:

(15.4.5)numbered Display Equation

and, equivalently,

(15.4.6)numbered Display Equation

15.4.3 Geometric Brownian motion

We saw in example 15.4.1 that an SDE of the form

numbered Display Equation

is that of a linear Brownian motion with drift μ and diffusion/volatility σ. In other words, Xt = x0 + μt + σWt is a diffusion process.

In this section, we are interested in obtaining a similar characterization, as a diffusion process, for geometric Brownian motions. We want to extend what we did in example 15.4.2 and thus solve the second SDE in example 15.4.1.

We know from Chapter 14 that a geometric Brownian motion S is obtained as the exponential of a linear Brownian motion X. As this is a simple deterministic transformation of a diffusion process, then, using Ito’s lemma, we should be able to find its corresponding SDE.

Let us apply Ito’s lemma to St = exp (Xt), where Xt = x0 + μt + σWt. Here, as f(x) = ex, we will use the version of Ito’s lemma in (15.4.5). First, we have

numbered Display Equation

Consequently, as St = f′(Xt) = f′′(St), using Ito’s lemma we can write

numbered Display Equation

where . Since, by the product rule,

numbered Display Equation

we further have

numbered Display Equation

with . By analogy with Example 15.4.1, this is an SDE with drift coefficient given by a(x) = (μ + σ2/2)x and volatility coefficient given by b(x) = σx. In other words, a geometric Brownian motion is indeed a diffusion process.

It is important to realize that if we consider instead the GBM S given by

numbered Display Equation

then it will be the solution to the following SDE:

numbered Display Equation

This representation corresponds to the SDE in Equation (17.1.8) of Chapter 17.

In summary, we have obtained Table 15.1, for converting a geometric Brownian motion from its SDE representation to its exponential representation, and vice versa.

Table 15.1 Equivalence of representations for geometric Brownian motions (with S0 = 1)

SDE representation Exponential representation
St = exp ((μ − σ2/2)t + σWt)
St = exp (μt + σWt)

15.4.4 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

In this section, we analyze the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process, which is widely used in actuarial finance, especially to model mortality/longevity risk and interest rates in continuous-time short rate models.

First, let us look at a simple version of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE, namely

(15.4.7)numbered Display Equation

with an arbitrary initial condition X0 = x0. We know this SDE means that

numbered Display Equation

for all t ⩾ 0. Unfortunately, this cannot be considered as an explicit expression: the process X itself appears on both sides of the equation.

To find the solution to the SDE in (15.4.7), we can use Ito’s lemma along with the function f(t, x) = xet. The partial derivatives of this function are

numbered Display Equation

Thus, using the version of Ito’s lemma in (15.4.3), we can write

numbered Display Equation

with f(0, x0) = x0, which is equivalent to

numbered Display Equation

If we move things around, we get

(15.4.8)numbered Display Equation

In other words, is a solution to . This is now an explicit expression for the OU process X.

For a fixed time t, since the integrand is deterministic, the stochastic integral in (15.4.8) is normally distributed (see Section 15.2.4) with

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

In conclusion, for each fixed time t, we have

numbered Display Equation

More generally, the simple OU SDE in (15.4.7) can be extended to get the following general OU SDE:

numbered Display Equation

for parameters α, β, σ > 0, and initial value X0 = x0.

This OU dynamic is said to be mean reverting:

  • if Xt < β, then the drift is positive, pushing the process upward (toward β);
  • if Xt > β, then the drift is negative, pushing the process downward (toward β).

Note that this is a desirable feature for interest rate modeling. We interpret β as an equilibrium level whereas α is the speed of mean reversion, thus amplifying or mitigating the effect of the gap between Xt and β. This version of the mean-reverting OU process is used in the Vasicek model for the short rate.

It is also possible to find an explicit expression for the general OU process. Again, using Ito’s lemma with f(t, x) = xeαt, we obtain

numbered Display Equation

As a consequence, we have, for each fixed time t > 0, that

numbered Display Equation

15.4.5 Square-root diffusion process

A general OU process can take both positive and negative values. Indeed, since the random variable Xt is normally distributed, it has a non-zero probability of being negative. This can be a major impediment for some actuarial and financial modeling.

This is not the case for the square-root diffusion process. A simple version of this other process can be obtained as the square of a specific OU process. Let X be given by the SDE in (15.4.7), i.e.

numbered Display Equation

Set Yt = X2t. If we use Ito’s lemma with the function f(x) = x2, for which the first two derivatives are

numbered Display Equation

then, after a few manipulations, we get

numbered Display Equation

The general mean-reverting square-root process is defined as the solution of

numbered Display Equation

for parameters α > 0, β > 0, σ > 0, and initial condition X0 = x0. In general, there is no closed-form expression for the solution of this SDE.

This version of the square-root dynamic is used for interest rate modeling, e.g. in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model, and for volatility modeling, e.g. in the Heston model.

15.5 Summary


  • Stochastic processes:
    • W = {Wt, 0 ⩽ tT} is a standard Brownian motion;
    • H = {Ht, 0 ⩽ tT} is a continuous-time stochastic process.
  • Partition of the time interval [0, t]: for each i = 0, 1, …, n, set ti = it/n.

Stochastic Riemann integrals

  • Definition:
    numbered Display Equation
  • Important property:
    numbered Display Equation

Ito’s stochastic integrals

  • Definition:
    numbered Display Equation
    where is the n-th Riemann sum.
  • Elementary stochastic process:
    numbered Display Equation
    where the φis are random variables.
  • Stochastic integral of an elementary process:
    numbered Display Equation
  • Important properties:
    1. Mean:
      numbered Display Equation
    2. Variance (Iso’s isometry):
      numbered Display Equation
    3. If H is a non-random function of time, then
      numbered Display Equation
    4. Linearity:
      numbered Display Equation

Diffusion processes

  • Diffusion process: a continuous-time stochastic process X verifying
    numbered Display Equation
  • Drift coefficient: a(Xs).
  • Diffusion coeffcient: b(Xs).
  • Stochastic differential equation (SDE) representation:
    numbered Display Equation
  • Linear Brownian motion: Xt = X0 + μt + σWt solves
    numbered Display Equation
  • Geometric Brownian motion: Xt = S0exp ((μ − σ2/2)t + σWt) solves
    numbered Display Equation
  • Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process: solves
    numbered Display Equation
    and is such that
    numbered Display Equation
  • Square-root diffusion process:
    numbered Display Equation

Ito’s lemma

  • Ito’s lemma for Brownian motion: if f is a twice differentiable function, then
    numbered Display Equation
  • Ito’s lemma for diffusion processes (simple version): if X is a diffusion process and if f(x) is twice differentiable, then
    numbered Display Equation
  • Ito’s lemma for diffusion processes (general version): if X is a diffusion process and if f(t, x) is twice differentiable in x and differentiable in t, then
    numbered Display Equation
  • From the product rule: .

15.6 Exercises

  1. Compute the expected value of the following stochastic Riemann integrals:

    1. T0(Wt)2dt;
    2. T0(Wt + t)dt;
    3. .
  2. Find the distribution of the following random variables:

    1. ;
    2. T0Wtdt (hint: use the definition of the Riemann integral as a limit).
  3. Let S = {St, t ⩾ 0} be a geometric Brownian motion given by . Let Yt = f(t, St) be a two-variable transformation of S. Derive the SDE of the following transformations and determine the SDE of which Y = {Yt, t ⩾ 0} is a solution:

    1. Yt = e− rtSt;
    2. Yt = (St)α.
  4. Use Ito’s lemma to show that is a stochastic integral.

  5. Compute for a mean-reverting square-root diffusion process X given by

    numbered Display Equation

    Hint: consider the process Yt = eαtXt.

  6. Consider the stochastic process

    numbered Display Equation

    Verify that Xt is the solution to the following SDE:

    numbered Display Equation


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