
Akaike information criterion (AIC), 84, 90

Altman z-score, 297, 300, 306, 307

analysis of variance (ANOVA), 355

Archimedean copulas, 15

ARCH model. See autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic model

Arrow–Pratt risk aversion index, 158, 161, 164, 194

asset allocation. See also portfolio optimization

and regime switching, 7879

and state of the world, 95

asset classes, 181

asset/liability management (ALM), 167182. See also portfolio optimization

asset returns. See also bond returns; stock returns

in credit risk models, 299, 300, 301302

i.i.n.d., 73, 80, 82

and mean absolute deviation, 221

multiple-asset models for, 8587

multivariate normal distribution of, 242

predicting, 78

real-world dynamics of, 7374

and securities class actions, 383, 387, 390, 391, 394, 395

single-asset models for, 7982

three-state estimation for, 8485

and transaction costs, 212, 230231

two-state estimation for, 8284


value of, 7, 10, 312

variance/covariance of, 364

volatility of, 301, 306

asymmetric vector GARCH model, 368, 369, 370

asymptotic single factor structural default model, 7

autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (ARCH) model, 78, 364366

available capital, defined, 223

average value at risk (AVaR), 15

banking stability index, 12


counterparty, 30

and credit contagion, 26

global increase in, 312

and loss cascade, 9

predicting, 300, 305306

and systemic risk, 6


capital calculating by, 298

charge-off rates for, 275

and counterparty credit risk, 2241

and credit risk modeling, 274, 280, 291292, 310

estimating efficiency of, 4757

interdependence of, 8, 15, 1720

risk correlations for, 279

and securities class actions, 373, 391

transaction costs applied by, 235

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)

counterparty credit risk measures under, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30

credit portfolio monitoring under, 313

and credit rating, 304, 305

default under, 315

risk measures under, 12

and stress testing, 273, 274, 280, 281, 293

Bayes information criterion, 90

bear markets, 78, 85, 87

Benter, Bill, 201, 202

bilateral netting, 2930

Black–Scholes–Merton option pricing model, 73, 316

Black–Scholes option pricing model, 7

bond returns

indices for, 283, 284

vs. stock returns, 182, 188192

Branch-and-Fix Coordination (BFC-MS), 137


and transaction costs, 212, 218, 220

VPIN applications for, 361

Buffett, Warren, 201, 202

bulk volume classification (BVC), 341, 342, 343344, 357, 361

bull markets, 8687

buy-and-hold strategies

and stochastic programming, 171172

and transaction costs, 213, 215, 218

CAMEL-based risk management, 312313


allocating, 303

available vs. invested, 223, 231

economic, 29, 31, 34, 42

equity, 373

regulatory, 277, 280, 282, 291

working, 383

capital adequacy assessment process, 280, 315

capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

in collateral considerations, 25

and portfolio optimization, 158

and risk-return payoffs, 75

and Sharpe ratio, 251

and transaction costs, 217

capital gains taxes, 212

capital growth theory, 194

CCAR. See Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review program

CDF threshold in VPIN, 339, 340342, 344, 345, 347, 356, 358, 360, 361

CEO turnover, 374

certainty equivalent method, 160, 206

Cholesky factorization, 57

class actions (CAs). See also securities class actions

prediction methodology, 376378, 394

risk of, 373

settlements of, 372

Clayton copula, 15

coherence, in risk measurement, 277


concentrations of, 35, 36

and counterparty credit risk, 25, 26, 28, 34, 39

decline in value of, 312

for nonperforming loans, 46

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 338

Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) program, 273, 274, 277, 292

concave piecewise linear cost functions, 227229

concentration risk, 3536

conditional value at risk (CoVaR or CVaR)

in asset/liability management, 177

in copula models, 16

in energy sector examples, 133, 134, 143146

in portfolio rebalancing, 220

in risk modeling, 12, 15, 100103, 105

in stress test example, 117121

worst-case, 108

constant correlation model, 367368, 369

contagion index, 14, 17

continuous time modeling, 169

convex piecewise linear cost functions, 225227

copula function, 1520, 26

counterparty close-out, 4041

counterparty credit exposure (CCE), 24, 35

counterparty credit risk (CCR)

and close-out, 4041

and collateral, 39

and concentrations, 3536

concept of risk in, 4143

definition of, 26

function of, 2225, 27

limits on, 3839

metrics for, 3435

and model validation, 3940

supervisory requirements for, 2534

and wrong-way risk, 38


in ARCH-type modeling, 364368

in CCR measurement, 22

empirical analysis, 368370

credit approval, 315

credit contagion, 26

credit default models, 8. See also credit risk models

credit default swaps (CDSs), 2326, 312

credit limits, and stress testing, 281

CreditMetrics, 274, 281, 293, 297, 299300, 303, 304

CreditPortfolioView (CPV), 297, 299, 300, 304

credit rating

classes of, 317, 330

and counterparty credit risk, 23, 24

internal vs. external, 313

migration matrix, 285

as ordinal, 318

pros/cons of, 303305

credit rating agencies (CRAs), 296298, 313, 314

credit rating models/systems

attributes in, 315316

credit risk role in, 313314

development process for, 316317

empirical analysis of, 325330

functions of, 315

MCDA approach to, 317325

credit risk

defined, 312, 315

predictors of, 316

credit risk management

factors influencing, 312

integrated approach to, 331

MCDA methodology in, 314, 330331

systems for, 312313

credit risk models

accounting-based, 297, 300301, 305307, 309

function of, 296, 310, 312

MCDA approach to, 319320

ratings-based, 296300, 303305, 309, 313314

structural, 297, 301302, 307308, 309, 314, 331

credit risk stress testing (ST)

conceptual issues in, 276277

defined, 277

example, 281291

function of, 277279, 281

purpose of, 273276

supervisory requirements for, 280281

credit scoring, 313, 315323, 330, 378

credit valuation adjustment (CVA), 23, 24, 34, 3638

cross-product netting rules, 30

crowded trades, 35

cumulative mortality rate (CMR), 23

current exposure (CE), 22, 34

current exposure (CEM) method, 32

data envelopment analysis (DEA), 47, 48, 49, 55

data mining, 324

debt. See also asset/liability management

mutual, among banks, 8, 20

and securities class action risk, 392

state-guaranteed, 13

in systemic risk modeling, 78

debt valuation adjustment (DVA), 24, 37

decision models. See also specific models

asset/liability, 167, 169

criteria for, 98

in energy sector, 126128, 132137

multistage, 139, 147

and portfolio optimization, 99, 122

risk quantification in, 99106

robustness concern in, 323324

stress testing for, 110122

worst-case analysis in, 107110


and counterparty close-out, 4041

and counterparty credit risk, 22, 24, 26

point of, 308, 315

probability of (see probability of default)

relative ranking of, 303

structural models for, 710, 301392

systemic, 25

trigger of, 297

default risk (DR), 283289, 314. See also probability of default (PD)

derivatives. See also specific derivative instruments

and counterparty credit risk, 27, 34

and CVA, 36

in energy sector example, 137

inherent risk in, 312

over-the-counter (OTC), 20, 31, 38

deviation functions in risk quantification, 99, 100101, 102103

directional input distance functions, 51

directional output distance function, 47, 48, 51, 65

directional technology distance function, 48

disintermediation, 312

distance to default (DD), 297, 301302, 307, 308

distress barrier in systemic risk modeling, 710

distress dependency matrix, 11


and credit risk stress testing, 279

and estimated portfolio weights, 264

and extreme scenarios, 167

international, 79

and noninstitutional investors, 214

and transaction costs, 217, 218

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 184, 337

dynamic portfolio theory, 194199

economic capital (EC)

in CCR measurement, 29, 31, 34

and credit risk stress testing, 277278, 291

estimating, 274, 280

stylized representation of, 42

efficiency estimating

calculations for, 4757

Japanese banking application, 5767

efficient frontier. See also portfolio weights

and Sharpe ratio, 251, 261

statistical properties of, 242245, 247, 267

energy sector

case studies, 137147

risk aversion strategies for, 132137

risk modeling for, 126127

spot/forward pricing in, 128132, 137

stochastic processes for, 128

equity capital, 373

equity to total assets (E/TA) ratio

and credit rating, 326, 328

and default probability, 297, 306

and distress barrier, 7

and securities class actions, 382, 392

estimated default frequency (EDF), 300, 308


credit ratings in, 314, 325331

pension system in, 182184

securities class actions in, 375

European Monetary System (EMS), 77

event horizon parameter (VPIN), 341, 342, 345, 347, 357359, 361

exchange rates, and regime switching, 7677

expected exposure (EE), 28, 29, 3032, 39

expected log, in ALM modeling, 169

expected loss (EL), 277, 291, 315

expected negative exposure, 25

expected positive exposure (EPE), 2223, 2833

expected return

errors in, 242243

and estimated portfolio weights, 267

and transaction costs, 217, 219, 232

expected shortfall. See also conditional value at risk

in decision modeling, 105

in energy sector example, 130, 133136

in pension fund example, 192

expected utility, 133, 164, 251255

exposure-at-default (EAD), 23, 2732, 280, 281, 315

false positive rate (FPR)

optimization of, 348353, 354, 357

in VPIN prediction, 340, 341, 345346, 360, 361

financial/banking sector

and securities class actions, 373, 374, 375

systemic risk in, 4, 5

financial system

and credit risk stress testing, 280281

systemic risk in, 6

financial time series modeling, 364365

first-order stochastic dominance (FSD), 103104, 108109, 130, 133, 135137

first-to-default time, 26

Fitch, 296, 297, 313

fixed-mix ALM models, 171174

Flash Crash of 2010, 337339, 342

foreign exchange rates, and regime switching, 7677

futures contracts

in energy sector, 127

and Flash Crash, 338

and VPIN, 339, 340

gain and loss equivalent method, 160, 161, 206207

GARCH model

covariance specifications for, 364, 367370

in energy sector risk modeling, 130, 147

and regime switching, 78, 88

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), 9192, 94

global financial crisis (GFC)

and credit risk management, 273, 274, 296, 297, 303, 304, 312, 313, 314

effects of, 34, 27, 43

and foreign exchange volatility, 77

and securities class actions, 374

stress testing example, 116122

goodwill, and securities class actions, 383, 391392, 395

gross domestic product (GDP), and default risk, 289, 300, 304

Gumbel copula, 15

Hausch, Donald, 160, 161

heteroskedasticity, in asset return statistics, 73, 81, 82, 88

high-frequency trading (HFT), 338, 344


in risk measurement, 4143

and securities class actions, 385, 392

and uncertainty, 276

home bias, in asset allocation, 79

housing bubble (US), 3

human behavior, and economic prediction, 276

IBM OSL stochastic programming code, 187

independently and identically normally distributed (i.i.n.d.) asset returns, 73, 80, 82

index tracking, 218219

industrial sector, securities class actions in, 374375, 391, 394


and default risk, 289

and interest rates, 76

InnoALM pension fund, 184194

Innovest, 185, 193


asset/liability management in, 175176

average value at risk in, 15

and counterparty default, 24

premium calculation, 14

interest rates

and credit risk, 33, 300, 304

and historical analysis, 43

and regime switching, 7576

internal model method (IMM), in CCR

measurement, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3132

International Capital Asset Pricing Model, 79

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), 27

invested capital, 223, 231

Kallberg and Ziemba method, 207208

Kelly capital growth approach, 194199, 202

Kernel Search, 221

Keynes, John Maynard, 201, 202

KMV credit risk model, 297, 300, 301302, 307

kurtosis, in asset return statistics, 79, 81, 82, 88

Lee-Ready trade classification algorithm, 343

leptokurtosis, in asset return statistics, 73, 78, 81


and class actions, 383, 385, 392, 395

in credit rating, 316, 326, 328, 331

and estimated default frequency, 300

and systemic risk, 6, 7

leverage effect, 367

linear cost functions, 224229


and class actions, 383, 385, 389, 390, 394

and counterparty credit risk, 34, 39

in credit rating, 316

and market volatility, 338339

and portfolio optimization, 167

and stress testing, 280

and systemic failure, 5

litigation. See class actions; securities class actions


identifying distressed, 307

nonperforming (see nonperforming loans)

pricing of, 313, 315

logistic regression (LR), 330, 331


expected, 277, 291, 315

in systematic risk measurement, 1314

unexpected, 277, 281, 291

loss cascades, 9, 14, 20

loss-given-default (LGD), 23, 32, 280, 315

LP computability, 213214, 221, 222

Luenberger productivity indicator, 50

MADS. See Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm

majority voting (MV), 378, 393, 394, 395

market capitalization, in credit rating, 326328, 330, 331

market risk, measuring, 23, 33, 36

markets (financial)

and credit risk models, 304, 305, 306, 307

decision modeling for (examples), 113114, 116122

Flash Crash effect on, 337339

states of, 75, 78, 7984, 87, 9394

transaction costs in, 215, 234237

volatility in, 338, 340, 342, 345, 361, 372

Markov regime switching. See regime switching models

Markowitz model

and portfolio optimization, 155156, 242

standard deviation in, 221

worst-case analysis for, 107108

maximum intermediate return (MIR), as volatility measure, 340, 345

maximum safety portfolio, 235

MCDA. See multicriteria decision aid methodology

mean absolute deviation (MAD), 221, 222

mean-risk efficiency, 105106

mean-variance analysis, 164, 168, 169, 217

Merton credit risk model, 297, 301, 306, 307

Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) algorithm, 348350

MHDIS. See multi-group hierarchical discrimination

modeling. See also specific models

analyzing uncertainty in, 353360

for class action prediction, 375394

for counterparty credit risk, 2732, 3940

for credit risk assessment (see credit rating models/systems; credit risk models)

for decision making (see decision models)

for financial time series, 364365

regime switching (see regime switching models)

scenario generation for, 128130, 147

monetary policy, and interest rates, 7576

Monte Carlo simulation

in credit risk models, 299300

in default calculation, 7


and credit risk models, 296, 297, 299, 300, 303

Default Risk Service, 283, 285

MSVARlib, 82

multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) methodology, 314, 317325, 377, 389

empirical analysis, 325330

multi-group hierarchical discrimination (MHDIS), 377, 387390, 393395

multistage models

in asset/liability management, 164, 169, 170, 173, 175, 178, 194

stochastic solution for, 139, 147

in stress testing, 100, 112, 122


and counterparty credit risk, 3033

legal enforceability of, 36

reporting of, 35

Nikkei Financial Quest, 57

NOMAD. See Nonlinear Mesh Adaptive Direct Search

nominal price of the bar (in VPIN), 342, 343

Nonlinear Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (NOMAD), 340, 348, 349350, 351352, 359

nonperforming loans (NPLs)

and bank efficiency, 4950

banks’ acceptance of, 46

estimating costs of, 47, 65

in Japanese banking example, 5966

shadow prices of, 4849

normal copula, 15

OCC/BOG-FRB Bulletin 2011–2012, 277

OSIRIS Database of Bureau van Dijk, 379, 382

output analysis, 106107, 122

output distance function, 4748

over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, 28, 30, 31, 38

peak exposure, 23, 31, 38

pension funds, ALM model for, 182194

polynomial chaos expansion (PCE), 355, 356

portfolio optimization

and decision models, 99, 122

diversification in (see diversification)

dynamic portfolio theory in, 194199

estimation errors in, 242243

and great investors, 201205

mean estimates in, 163167

parameter estimation in, 242243

pension fund model in, 182194

and regime switching models, 93

risk quantification in, 100, 221

robustness in, 106

static portfolio theory in, 155163

stochastic programming approach in, 167182

transaction costs in (see transaction costs)

portfolio rebalancing

and capital gains taxes, 212

and transaction costs, 214, 215, 217, 220221

portfolio weights

empirical tests of, 255266, 267

for expected utility portfolios, 251255

for maximum Sharpe ratio portfolios, 250251, 261, 267

notation for, 245247

parameters for, 242245, 267

for tangency portfolios, 247250, 256260

potential exposure (PE), 22, 23, 35

potential future exposure (PFE), 28, 38

prediction. See also modeling

of asset returns, 78

feedback effect in, 276

of securities class actions, 373, 374, 375, 376

premium calculation (insurance), 14, 364

principal component analysis (PCA), 129

probability of default (PD)

in accounting risk models, 306

in counterparty credit risk measurement, 23, 27

in credit rating, 313, 315, 317, 318

and regulatory requirements, 280

in structural risk models, 297, 301, 307

and systemic risk, 1011

and wrong-way risk, 38

probability of informed trading (PIN), 342

productivity, and class actions, 383, 391


as credit rating factor, 326328, 331

and securities class actions, 383, 390, 391, 394

profit risk, 133137

case studies, 137147

proportional cost with minimum charge (PCMC), 229, 234, 235, 237

pure fixed cost (PFC), 224, 225, 234236

pure proportional cost (PPC), 224, 225, 234236

quadratic form, in efficiency calculations, 48, 49, 55, 57, 65

quantiles, in systemic risk measurement, 1415

quantitative easing, 43

quantitative stability analysis

mean-risk efficiency in, 105

and portfolio optimization, 122

stress testing in, 107

quote stuffing, 338

recession. See also global financial crisis 2008–09, 3

and credit risk stress tests, 280

regime switching models

and asset allocation, 7879

assumptions of, 87

in energy sector models, 129

and exchange rates, 7677

function of, 7475

implementing, 8995

and interest rates, 7576

intuitive attractions of, 8789

multiple-asset, 8587

single-asset, 7982

and stock returns, 7778

three-state, 8485

two-state, 8284

regularization principle, 324

regulatory capital (RC), 277, 280, 282, 291

relative prices, 65

repo transactions, 27, 30, 36

risk. See also specific types

of class action litigation, 373

defined, 168

in energy sector, 127

extreme, 304

individual vs. interrelated factors, 15

quantification of, 6, 99106

vs. uncertainty, 4143

risk aggregation, 277278, 293

risk appetite

in portfolio weight calculations, 246, 251253, 259265, 267

and stress testing, 279

risk aversion

absolute, 158, 161, 231

energy sector examples, 132137

estimating, 206208

measuring, 161162

and risk/probability premiums, 159

RiskCalc, 297, 300

risk models, formulating, 6, 99106. See also specific models

risk premia, 364

risk-return trade-offs, 75, 95

risk tolerance

of banks, 3334

equation, 158

and stress testing, 279

robustness. See also stress testing

of companies facing SCAs, 391, 394

and MCDA, 323325

robust stochastic dominance, 108110

Rubinstein risk aversion measure, 161, 162

Russell-Yasuda Kasai stochastic programming model, 171, 175182

sample average approximation (SAA), 106

S&P. See Standard & Poor's

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, 372, 394

second-order stochastic dominance (SSD)

in decision modeling, 103104, 109110

energy sector example, 133, 136137

in expected utility analysis, 164


number in portfolio, 217

transaction costs for, 212, 215

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, 379

securities class actions (SCAs)

empirical analysis, 378394

factors in, 373374

frequency of, 372

legal framework for, 375

prediction methodology, 376378, 394

by sector, 380

targets of, 383, 390392, 394

securities financing transactions (SFTs)

and counterparty credit risk, 28, 30, 36

and wrong-way risk, 38

securities fraud, 372

semi mean-absolute deviation (semi-MAD), 214, 217, 218, 221222, 223, 234236, 237

shadow prices

calculations for, 5354

of nonperforming loans, 4849, 65

Sharpe ratio

and great investors, 201202

in portfolio weight estimations, 246, 250251, 261, 267

Shepard output distance functions, 4748, 55

Shiller, Robert, 81, 82

Siemens InnoALM pension fund, 182194

Simons, Jim, 201, 202


in ALM modeling, 169

Monte Carlo, 7, 299300

single-asset Markov regime switching models, 7982


in asset return statistics, 79, 81, 82

in portfolio weight distributions, 267

slippage, 199

Sobol senstivity indices, 356, 357, 358

special purpose entities (SPEs), and credit risk, 35

stagflation, 291

standardized method (SM), in CCR measurement, 27, 32

Standard & Poor's (S&P), 296, 297, 298, 299, 303, 314

Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500, 337, 338

static portfolio theory, 155163

statistical learning, 324

Stein's lemma, 242, 246

stochastic control, in ALM modeling, 169, 170

stochastic dominance (SD)

in energy sector example, 133, 135136

in risk quantification, 103104

worst-case, 108110

stochastic programming (SP)

advantages of, 167170

applications for, 170171

code for, 187

in energy sector modeling, 128, 137141, 147

and fixed-mix models, 171174

in pension fund model, 186

Russell-Yasuda Kasai model for, 175182

stock returns

vs. bond returns, 182, 188192

and exchange rates, 77

and regime switching, 7778

and risk, 183184

and securities class actions, 373, 375

stress testing (ST)

and concentration management, 3536

via contamination, 111122

in credit risk modeling (see credit risk stress testing)

effect on outcomes, 42

function of, 110

and risk quantification, 100, 106107

support vector machines (SVMs), 313, 377, 393, 394

support window parameter, in VPIN, 341, 342, 344, 357, 358, 359, 361

systematic risk

in credit risk assessment, 313

defined, 4

systemic risk

copula models for, 1520

defined, 45

for interdependent banks, 17, 1920

measuring, 1015, 20

modeling, 710

tangency portfolios, 243, 247250, 256260

Thorp, Ed, 201, 202, 204

tick rule, 343

Tobin's separation theorem, 156

too big to fail, 12

too interconnected to fail, 12

trading. See also volume synchronized probability

of informed trading (VPIN)

buys vs. sells in, 343

in energy sector, 127

high-frequency, 338

and risk exposure, 2324, 27, 31, 35, 36, 39

transaction costs in (see transaction costs)

transaction costs

in ALM modeling, 199201

fixed vs. variable, 214, 217218, 223224

function of, 212

literature on, 215221

in portfolio optimization models, 223, 230234

in real-life portfolio optimization, 234237

step-increasing, 220

structure of, 223229

translog functional form, 48, 49, 55


decision making under, 98

defined, 276

in energy sector, 126, 128, 142

as market condition, 75

vs. risk, 4143

Uncertainty Quantification Toolkit (UQT), 341

uncertainty quantification (UQ), 353360, 361

unexpected loss (UL), 277, 281, 291

United States

credit ratings agencies in, 314

equity vs. bond returns in, 189

monetary policy in, 76, 77

securities class actions in, 375, 379

stock market in, 8182

UQTK, 355356

US Federal Reserve System (FRS)

Board of Governors (BOG), 25

CCAR program, 273, 274, 277, 292

policy regimes of, 77

US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), 25

US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 338

Utilités Additives Discriminantes (UTADIS), 376, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392395

utility function

in class action modeling, 376, 377

in decision models, 103104, 122

in energy sector examples, 133, 138

estimating, 206207

in portfolio selection, 245246

in static portfolio theory, 156, 158162, 194

validation sample, 317

value at risk (VaR)

in asset/liability management, 177

in asset return prediction, 94

and coherence, 277

and credit risk models, 297, 299, 300, 303, 304

and credit risk stress testing, 281

in CVA measurement, 3738

in energy sector example, 133

in portfolio optimization, 220

in risk functions, 100

in securities financing transactions, 28

in systemic models, 12, 14

for top 200 banks, 275

worst-case, 108

variable neighborhood seach (VNS), 350353, 354


in CCR measurement, 22

modeling of, 366

vector GARCH model, 368, 369, 370


in bear markets, 79

and credit rating, 283, 285

and default rate, 289, 301, 306

of energy prices, 137

of exchange rates, 76, 77

and high-frequency trading, 338

and market risk measurement, 23

modeling, 364366

and securities class actions, 372

time-varying, 73, 85

of US bonds, 191

of US stocks, 192

during VPIN events, 340, 342, 345

volume synchronized probability of informed trading (VPIN)

computational cost of, 346347

defined, 339340

FPR optimization in, 348353, 354, 361

introduction of, 338, 342

parameters for, 340341, 342346, 358360, 361

uncertainty quantification in, 353360

VPIN event, 339340, 344346

worst-case analysis, 107110

wrong-way risk (WWR), 34, 38

Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Yasuda Kasai), 171, 175182

z-score, 297, 300, 306, 307

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