Chapter 3
Maxwell's Equations

3.1 Maxwell's Equations for PEEC Solutions

One set of fundamental techniques necessary for partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) models is the circuit techniques in Chapter 2. Furthermore, we require EM techniques that are based on Maxwell's equations presented in this chapter. We give a general overview of the different possible forms of Maxwell's equations and the resultant differential and integral equation formulations. Hopefully, this leads to the understanding of various appropriate solutions. In this chapter, we emphasize existing results and conclusions based on Maxwell's equations instead of derivations of the fundamentals on which they are based. Our aim is to provide essential tools for connecting lumped circuit analysis and electromagnetic modeling. We concentrate on solutions that have practical relevance for PEEC modeling. As an example, we can state that the type of problems we want to solve also requires a c03-math-001 solution since such connections exist in these problems. Hence, it is important that our approaches include c03-math-002 solutions. Hopefully, we include sufficient references for the reader who wants to study the origin of some of the concepts in more details.

3.1.1 Maxwell's Equations in the Differential Form

To start, we choose a general form of Maxwell's equation [1, 2] that includes fictitious magnetic charges c03-math-003 as well as fictitious magnetic currents c03-math-004. We show that this can lead to important solution techniques while it is clear that both quantities do not exist in real-life physical systems. Importantly, these quantities result in a dual formulation in the electric field c03-math-005 and the magnetic field c03-math-006, which has advantages. We need to consider time and frequency domain formulations since they both are important. For this reason, we use the Laplace transform variable c03-math-007 in the frequency domain and the time derivative c03-math-008 in the time domain. With this, Maxwell's equations can be written as

We use the notation c03-math-013 for the electric charge volume density in c03-math-014. However, if a solution does not involve magnetic charges, we simplify the notation to c03-math-015 since the electric charge is obvious. The magnetic volume charge density is c03-math-016 in c03-math-017. If the electric charge is distributed only on the surface, we use the surface charge representation c03-math-018 for the surface charge in c03-math-019. Of course, a magnetic surface charge density is represented by c03-math-020 in c03-math-021.

Names used for the Maxwell's equation (3.1a) is the Faraday's law and (3.1b) represents Ampere's circuital law. Equation (3.1c) is the Gauss' law for electric field and (3.1d) is the Gauss' law for magnetic field. It can be shown that for the above-mentioned four equations, only two are independent. Gauss' law (3.1d) and (3.1c) can both be derived from (3.1b) and (3.1a), respectively.

The notation for current densities is analogous. The volume current density c03-math-022 is the impressed electric current volume density in c03-math-023. The surface current density c03-math-024 is in c03-math-025. The notation for magnetic current densities is similar. The magnetic volume current density is c03-math-026 in c03-math-027. The magnetic surface current density is c03-math-028 in c03-math-029. We should note that for magnetic quantities we always use the magnetic subscript index c03-math-030 for clarity, such as in c03-math-031 and c03-math-032. We always need to be reminded that fictional magnetic quantities can be involved.

The electric field intensity c03-math-033 is in c03-math-034 and c03-math-035 is the magnetic field intensity in c03-math-036. Further, the displacement flux density is c03-math-037 in c03-math-038. The magnetic flux density c03-math-039 is in c03-math-040.

The following constitutive relations are satisfied by c03-math-041, and c03-math-042 for an isotropic media:

3.2a equation
3.2b equation

where c03-math-046 is the permeability in c03-math-047, c03-math-048 is the permittivity in c03-math-049, and c03-math-050 is the conductivity of the material in c03-math-051. Again, we call the conductive current c03-math-052 rather than c03-math-053 for the case without magnetic currents.

Other extremely important relations for our work are the so-called continuity equations. They are based on charge conservation principle and consider the time-dependent charge density variation. The relation between the electric current density and electric charge density is

3.3 equation

Similarly, for the magnetic current density and magnetic charge density, the charge conservation law is given by

3.4 equation

3.1.2 Maxwell's Equations in the Integral Form

For completeness we also list Maxwell's equations in an integral form. This formulation has many applications. An important one is that it forms the basis for the finite integration technique (FIT), which is a differential equation solution technique [3].

The approach is based on the integration of Maxwell's equations (3.1a) and (3.1b) over local surfaces and volumes. We present the Maxwell's equations in the time domain, which is similar to the frequency domain formulation. We use the egg-shaped half volume in Fig. 3.1 to illustrate the formulas.

“A schematic of an example interface between two different materials. Region 1 and Region 2 are marked with lines across and gray respectively. The Boundary interface between the two regions is pointed out by an arrow.”

Figure 3.1 Example for surface and volume for the integrals.

We start with the first two equations (3.1a) and (3.1b) to obtain

The surface integrals are over the surface c03-math-058 in Fig. 3.1. The second form over the closed contour c03-math-059 is obtained by applying Stokes' theorem given in the following section (3.34).

The second part of the surface formulation of Maxwell's equations is based on the Gauss' theorem in (3.33), which is

3.6a equation

where c03-math-062 is the outward normal in Fig. 3.1 to the surface c03-math-063 of volume c03-math-064. To simplify the notation of the above equations, we did not indicate that the field variables in (3.5a)–(3.6b) depend on the spatial position c03-math-065 and time c03-math-066.

The left-hand side of (3.5a) represents the electromotive force (emf ). Further, the left-hand side of (3.5b) is the magnetomotive force (mmf ). Both equations clearly indicate the coupling between the time-varying electric field and the time-varying magnetic field.

The electric continuity equation in the form of charge conservation is for the electric volume current given by

and for the magnetic volume current as

3.8 equation

3.1.3 Maxwell's Equations and Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws

The fundamental idea of PEEC is to model Maxwell's equations to the circuit domain. Here, we give a general intuitive view. We pursue this issue in great detail in most chapters of this book. Chapter 1 of [1] gives a very detailed derivation and explanation for the contents of this section.

Equation (3.5a) can be interpreted as time-varying magnetic flux c03-math-069 through a closed loop generating an emf, which can be represented as [1]

3.9 equation

where c03-math-071 is an inductance due to a loop area. The relation between magnetic flux and the current c03-math-072 is given by c03-math-073. Inductance concepts are considered in detail in Chapter 5 since they are important elements in the PEEC circuit equations.

As we learned from Chapter 2, we can write the Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) for a resistance, inductance, capacitance (RLC) lumped circuit loop for a simple situation as

3.10 equation

where c03-math-075 may be due to a voltage source, c03-math-076 is the voltage drop due to a lumped resistor, c03-math-077 is the voltage drop from a lumped capacitor, and c03-math-078 is the voltage drop along the lumped inductance. We also can consider that the variation of the magnetic field through a finite circuit loop area represents the KVL as

3.11 equation

From (3.7), the connection with a capacitance can be established by the following derivation

3.12 equation

where c03-math-081 is a capacitance due to the capacitive coupling between a conducting node to the ground.

As an example, a general circuit node may have parallel connected lumped R,L,C elements as well as a source current source c03-math-082 in parallel. Then, the conventional Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) will yield

3.13 equation

Hence, we can see from this example how the continuity equation can be connected to the KCL in the circuit domain. The continuity equation for PEEC is considered in Section 6.3.1.

3.1.4 Boundary Conditions

Boundaries with different properties play an important role in many relevant problems. Hence, it is important to understand how to deal with such boundary conditions in the solution of electromagnetic problems. We consider an interface between two materials as shown in Fig. 3.2, where the normal vector points from the material 2 into material 1. This leads to the following boundary conditions for different materials.

Equation (3.14a) states that the tangential components of the electric field intensity are discontinuous in the presence of a surface magnetic current. Further, (3.14b) states that the tangential components of the magnetic field intensity are discontinuous due to the interface electric current. The third equation (3.14c) states that the normal components of the displacement flux density are discontinuous due to the presence of an interface electric charge density. Equation (3.14d) states that the normal components of the magnetic flux density are discontinuous in the presence of an interface magnetic charge density.

We next consider the case where material 2 in Fig. 3.2 is a perfect electric conductor (PEC) with infinite conductivity c03-math-088. Then, the electric field c03-math-089 is zero inside the conductor. For a solution where we set the nonphysical magnetic current and magnetic charge to zero, the boundary condition at the interface between material 1 and a PEC region 2 reduces to

3.15b equation
3.15c equation

Essentially, (3.15a) states that the tangential component of the electric field at the interface is c03-math-094. Further, (3.15d) states the normal component of the magnetic field at the interface is c03-math-095.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.2 Example interface between two different materials.

We also want to consider the important case where material 2 is a good but nonperfect conductor. For this case, another boundary condition connecting the tangential electric field and magnetic fields is frequently used. This leads to what is called the impedance boundary condition defined as

3.16 equation

where c03-math-097 is called the surface impedance relating to the tangential components of the electrical and magnetic fields, c03-math-098 and c03-math-099, respectively. This condition has an assumption that the incident filed is close to orthogonal to the surface.

3.2 Auxiliary Potentials

3.2.1 Magnetic Vector Potential c03-math-100 and Electric Scalar Potential c03-math-101

An important indirect approach for the solution of Maxwell's equations is based on the definition of auxiliary vector potentials. From (3.1d) we have c03-math-102. Then from the vector identity

3.17 equation

we find that we can define c03-math-104 such that it obeys the above identity. From this, it is evident that we can have

where c03-math-106 is derived from the vector potential c03-math-107. Substituting (3.18) into (3.1a), we obtain for the source-free single harmonic case

3.19 equation

Collecting the terms with the cross product, we get

We note that both terms inside the parentheses should be electric fields. Next, we use the vector identity

Comparing (3.20) and (3.21), we see that we can write

where c03-math-112 is the scattered field due to all sources. c03-math-113 is the electric scalar potential. If an external incident field c03-math-114 is enforced, equation (3.22) can be rewritten as

Inside a lossy medium, the total field is related to the conducting current by (3.2c). Hence,

3.24 equation

For this case, (3.23) becomes

This is also called the electric field integral equation (EFIE). We note that this is one of the foundation formulas for the PEEC method.

3.2.2 Electric Vector Potential c03-math-118 and Magnetic Scalar Potential c03-math-119

Analogous to the last section, the definition of an electrical vector potential c03-math-120 helps the formulation of additional solution methods. This is part of the efforts in providing a dual formulation.

We start with electric displacement flux density c03-math-121 that is solenoidal in a source-free region. We again use the vector identity

3.26 equation

Hence, we can in the same way define the electric vector potential c03-math-123 with c03-math-124, or

3.27 equation

At the sourceless region, (3.1b) can be written as

3.28 equation

Using the definition of c03-math-127, we can reduce this to

3.29 equation

This leads to the important equation

where c03-math-130 is the magnetic scalar potential.

In (3.30), c03-math-131 is the scattered magnetic field due to all sources. If an external incident magnetic field c03-math-132 is applied, the total field is the sum of the incident field c03-math-133 and the scattered one. Hence, it is

3.31 equation

In the absence of an external applied magnetic field, the final formulation for the magnetic field is

3.32 equation

This is the basic magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) that is directly corresponding to the EFIE in (3.25).

3.2.3 Important Fundamental Relationships

Several important theorems can be used to facilitate the derivation and the solution of the electromagnetic wave equations. It is important to understand the mathematical formulation as well as physical meaning. Our summary of these electromagnetic theorems does not include details since many excellent textbooks exist today on the fundamentals of electromagnetics, e.g., [1].

The important Gauss' law states that the integration of the divergence of a field variable is equal to the total flux of the field variable through the surface enclosing that volume. If c03-math-136 is a field vector, the mathematical representation of this theorem is

A second important law is Stokes' theorem, which states that the total curl flux of a field through a given surface is equal to the field's loop integration over the closed boundary of that surface. Its mathematical representation is

We note that we will extensively use Stokes' law in Chapter 5.

A form of Gauss' theorem considers the relationship between two scalar functions c03-math-139 and c03-math-140 in terms of the Laplacian operator c03-math-141. It is generally represented as

3.35 equation

This theorem is frequently used for wave equations as well as integral equations.

3.3 Wave Equations and Their Solutions

3.3.1 Wave Equations for c03-math-143 and c03-math-144

The vector wave equations can be derived from Maxwell's equation for the electric field c03-math-145 and the magnetic field c03-math-146. In an isotropic region, using (3.1a) and applying the curl operation on both sides results in

Using the fundamental vector Laplacian identity [4], we get

and replacing c03-math-149 in (3.36) with (3.1b), we obtain

3.38 equation

Hence, using (3.1c), the wave equations in terms of the electrical field in an isotropic region results in

Using the Duality Principle of Maxwell's equations, we can directly obtain the wave equation for the magnetic field to be

Of course, a derivation similar to (3.39) can be employed to obtain (3.40).

3.3.2 Wave Equations for c03-math-153, c03-math-154, and c03-math-155

Based on the Laplacian identity (3.37), the magnetic vector potential satisfies the following expression:

Based on (3.18) and taking curl operation on both sides, we have

Because of (3.30), by combining (3.41) and (3.42), we have

3.43 equation

We can enforce the Helmholtz equation, if the Lorenz gauge (or Lorenz condition) [1] is used, which is

for the magnetic vector potential

It is possible to express the potential c03-math-161 in terms of the charge density following the same steps, which leads to the Helmholtz equation for the electric scalar potential, or

Using a similar process, we could derive the Helmholtz equation for the electric vector potential c03-math-163

and also

3.48 equation

3.3.3 Solution of the Helmholtz Equation

In the time domain, the Helmholtz equation for the magnetic vector potential c03-math-166 is

For a homogeneous medium, (3.49) has a closed-form solution for the magnetic vector potential c03-math-168 due to an electric current c03-math-169 in the volume c03-math-170 as

Equation (3.46) can be written for a homogeneous material in the time domain as

Another important closed-form solution can be obtained for an electric scalar potential c03-math-173 due to the charge distribution. This formula takes into account the charge c03-math-174 residing on the exterior surface of the conductors. For a homogeneous medium the solution of (3.46) is given by

In (3.50) and (3.52), c03-math-176 denotes the time at which the current and charge distributions, c03-math-177 and c03-math-178, act as sources for c03-math-179 and c03-math-180, respectively. The source of the difference between c03-math-181 and c03-math-182 is the finite value of the speed of light in a homogeneous medium, which is c03-math-183. Hence, they can be related as

3.53 equation

as considered in Section 2.11. The derivation of the relations (3.50) and (3.52) are based on Maxwell's equations as well as the Lorentz gauge (3.44).

We should note that both potentials (3.52) and (3.50) are of importance throughout this book as is evident from the following section.

3.3.4 Electric Field Integral Equation

A formula that is fundamental to the PEEC method is the integral equation derived in this section. If we write an equation for the sum of electric fields in a conductor based on (3.50) and (3.52) into (3.25) and add a possible external incident electric field c03-math-185, we obtain the important EFIE

where we consider a lossy, nonperfect conductor. The electric charge is assumed to be on the surfaces of the conductors. It is represented by the potential (3.52).

Hence, the integral equation includes (3.54) and (3.52). In addition to (3.52), we also have to enforce the conservation of charge with the continuity equation (3.7), or

Since the charge is located only on the surface of conductors, inside conductors equation (3.55) reduces to

3.56 equation

However, for the charge on the surfaces on a conductor, we find using the surface divergence that

3.57 equation

where c03-math-190 is the outward normal to the surface c03-math-191. Finally, we can summarize the relevant equations as

3.58b equation
3.58c equation

The unknowns of such a problem are represented by the current density c03-math-196 in the interior of the conductors, the charge density c03-math-197 on the surface of the conductors, and the electric scalar potential distribution c03-math-198 of conductors, which can be directly expressed as a function of the charge density for c03-math-199.

Equations (3.58a)–(3.58d) can be rewritten using the Laplace variable c03-math-200 as

3.59b equation
3.59c equation
3.59d equation

where c03-math-205 and c03-math-206 is the Laplace variable. Again, both the time and frequency domain formulations for the EFIE are fundamental to the PEEC method.

3.4 Green's Function

The Green's function is the basic solution of the wave equation for a local source, which is a point source for 3D. A solution using Green's function with respect to space variables such as c03-math-207 can best be compared with the equivalent in the time domain convolution with an impulse response considered in the circuit analysis in Chapter 2. The Green's function can be compared to an impulse response in the time domain.

Two different classes of Green's functions can be defined – static and dynamic – depending on the type of wave equations for which they are a solution. Further, the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Green's functions are defined depending upon the medium environment. Specifically, inhomogeneous Green's function represents different media.

Observe that homogeneous Green's function can be used to solve inhomogeneous problems. For example, the Poggio-Miller-Chang-Harrington-Wu-Tsai (PMCHWT) integral equation method in Section 11.4.2 can be based on homogeneous Green's functions while the solution applies to nonhomogeneous problems. Also, it is important to observe that delayed static Green's functions are used in full-wave time domain PEEC models.

It is usually difficult to find closed-form solutions for inhomogeneous Green's functions for complex structures. As an example, the Green's function for the full-wave Helmholtz equation in the homogeneous medium is defined by the following wave equation for a point source:

where c03-math-209 is the field point location and c03-math-210 is the source point position. The wave number c03-math-211 for nonzero frequencies is considered in the following section.

3.4.1 Notation Used for Wave Number and Fourier Transform

It is noted that for the regular physical wavenumber c03-math-212 in the frequency domain and c03-math-213 using the Laplace transform. In many books and papers, c03-math-214 is also used to represent the wave number. Further, c03-math-215 is also used for the phase constant, which is different from the wave number that is determined by the medium property and the frequency. The phase constant is determined by the guided wavelength. To be specific, c03-math-216, where c03-math-217 is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in an infinite homogeneous medium for the given frequency. c03-math-218 where c03-math-219 is the guided wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in the specific structure at the given frequency.

Table 3.1 Notation used for propagation parameters.

Representation Transmission line notation Physics notation
Lossless material, propagation constant c03-math-220 c03-math-221
Lossy material, propagation constant c03-math-222 c03-math-223
Lossy material, attenuation constant c03-math-224 c03-math-225
Lossy material, phase constant c03-math-226 c03-math-227 or c03-math-228

To make the issue more complicated, for a lossy medium, c03-math-229 is complex. For this case, it is usually written as c03-math-230. The real part c03-math-231 corresponds to the wavelength while the imaginary part corresponds to the loss. The different usages of c03-math-232 and c03-math-233 can cause confusions if they are not properly distinguished. The comparison between the two notations is shown in Table 3.1. In this book, we use c03-math-234 as the wave number as is done in Ref. [1] since it is a clear notation. It is also the conventional transmission line notation.

In the electromagnetic analysis, Fourier transform and its inverse are frequently used. The Fourier transform using the wave number c03-math-235 from the space domain c03-math-236 for c03-math-237 is

3.61 equation

Correspondingly, the inverse Fourier transform is

3.62 equation

Other forms are also in use besides the conventional notations. The Fourier transform is used in Section 5.8.2.

3.4.2 Full Wave Free Space Green's Function

The solution of (3.60) is called the full-wave free-space Green's function

3.63 equation

When the frequency is zero, Helmholtz equation degrades to Poisson's equation.

Its solution is called the static Green's function:

3.65 equation

It is noted that the lowercase c03-math-243 is used exclusively for scalar Green's functions. But other types of Green's functions in this book employ the uppercase c03-math-244 as the Green's function symbol.

If the vector wave equation for the electric field is established based on Maxwell's equations, we have

3.66 equation

then the corresponding Green's function is defined as the dyadic Green's function by the following equation:

3.67 equation

where c03-math-247 is the dyadic Green's function and c03-math-248 the unitary dyad. As a result, the electric field solution is

where the dyadic Green's function is

3.69 equation

In the implementation, the dyadic Green's function is expanded as a c03-math-251 matrix. Its element composition is shown as follows:

3.70 equation

Substituting it into (3.68), we have

3.71 equation

3.5 Equivalence Principles

Equivalence principles are very useful for solving problems with regions of different materials. They will be used for both volume- and surface-type integral equation formulations. Here, we present the so-called volume equivalence principle that we use in Chapter 10 to solve combined conductor and dielectric problems. The fundamental derivation of the method is given in the following section, while the derivation for the PEEC method is given in Section 10.4.5.

The second approach is based on the surface equivalence principle. Its basic principle is presented in Section 3.5.2 and a PEEC implementation is presented in Section 11.4.2. The formulation includes geometries with dielectric and magnetic materials where c03-math-254 and c03-math-255.

3.5.1 Volume Equivalence Principle

For a region that can consist of dielectric materials with position-dependent permittivity c03-math-256 and permeability c03-math-257, the field can be solved using the volume equivalence principle. In general, an external field excitation can come from a current density c03-math-258 somewhere in the region of interest. Maxwell's equations for c03-math-259 (3.1a) and c03-math-260 (3.1b) are

3.72a equation
3.72b equation

If the same source is placed at the same position of a free space with c03-math-263 and c03-math-264, we have

3.73a equation
3.73b equation

The scattered field can be computed by subtraction, or c03-math-267 and c03-math-268. The results are

3.74a equation
3.74b equation

where c03-math-271 and c03-math-272 are the electric and magnetic volume current densities.

3.75a equation
3.75b equation

In this general form, additional equivalent volume magnetic current and equivalent volume electric current sources are used. We only consider the electrical integration formulation with the electric current density c03-math-275. This current density can be interpreted as the source of the scattered field generated in this formulation. Adding this equivalent source into the electric field equation (3.59a), the result is

3.76 equation

If we insert the source current density into the equation, we get

3.77 equation

We should mention that we apply this volume equivalence formulation in Chapter 10.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.3 Illustration of surface equivalence principle for closed-surface two-region problem.

3.5.2 Huygens' Equivalence Principle

The Huygens' equivalence principle is one of the key surface equivalence principles of interest. All surface equivalence principles originate from the uniqueness theory, which states that the matching tangential field components are sufficient to guarantee a unique solution of the field. The tangential field at the surface of the region boundary must be matched inside a closed dielectric or conductor region as shown in Fig. 3.3. Potential external incident electric and magnetic fields are indicated by c03-math-278 and c03-math-279, respectively. Surprisingly, the fields inside the closed boundary can be arbitrarily chosen since they do not impact the tangential fields.

A set of equivalent surface currents with any choice of the internal field c03-math-280 and c03-math-281 will appear based on the fundamental boundary conditions.

3.78a equation
3.78b equation

We observe that the flexible choice of the internal field will result in different equivalent surface currents. These equivalent currents reproduced the field outside the closed region. This is Huygens' equivalence principle.

We set the internal field c03-math-284 and c03-math-285. The resultant equivalent current is named the Love's equivalent current. Importantly, the outside field is regenerated by the equivalent electric current c03-math-286 and magnetic current c03-math-287. Due to (3.45) and (3.22), the contribution from c03-math-288 to the c03-math-289 field can be taken into account by the magnetic vector potential c03-math-290 and the scalar potential c03-math-291.

Because of (3.47) and (3.30), the contribution from c03-math-292 to the c03-math-293 field can be counted by the magnetic vector potential c03-math-294 and scalar potential c03-math-295. As a result, the c03-math-296 field can be represented by the equivalent sources as follows:

3.79 equation

Consequently, the magnetic field can be derived to be represented using the equivalent sources as follows:

3.80 equation

Thus, c03-math-299 can be obtained from (3.49). Also, c03-math-300 can be obtained from the similar representations. c03-math-301 shall be obtained from (3.51) using the electric charge distribution on the surface. c03-math-302 shall be obtained similarly using the magnetic charge distribution on the surface.

3.6 Numerical Solution of Integral Equations

A fundamental step in the practical solution of Maxwell's equations is the discretization into finite size cells. The numerical technique used for the approximations represents an important issue. In this section, we give a general outline for integral equation techniques. PEEC is a member of this class.

All solution techniques must result in a finite but sufficiently large number of unknowns such that an accurate numerical solution can be obtained. Of course, we also want to keep the number of unknowns and the compute time as small as possible. Basically, all solution methods are based on the so-called Weighted Residuals Method (WRM), as discussed in Chapter 1 [5]. It was originally called the Method of Error Distribution Principles [6], which is also a good descriptive name since we have to make approximations in several places that introduce errors in comparison to the exact Maxwell's equations.

How the general WRM approach is employed for different formulations was illustrated in Ref. [7]. It was also illustrated how the WRM approach is applied to solve different formulations based on differential as well as on integral equations. Sometimes, the method of moments (MoM) name is also considered to be a WRM [8] technique. The problem with this is that different meanings have been associated with this name. Some researchers assume that the name is limited to integral equations, while others assume that MoM is generally same as WRM [7, 9]. Also, we should point out that MoM has no relation to the moment matching method in the macromodeling area [10, 11].

Fundamentally, the WRM solution technique consists of several steps. The first step is the discretization of objects, including conductors and dielectrics, into finite blocks, bars, or surfaces cells for which we locally preassign fixed current directions or charge distributions areas. For example, one conductor or dielectric block can be partitioned into a collection of cells. The fixed current or field distribution assigned within the cell is called the basis function. Hence, each cell has its own fixed basis function and a conductor is represented by a set of fixed basis functions for each of the cell. With this, the current direction is fixed on each cell. However, the strength of the current on each cell is unknown.

To be specific about the second approximation used, we consider the computation of capacitances where we need to match the potential on a surface as illustrated in Fig. 4.1. Similar to the basis function, the equipotential on a conductor is matched with an approximating function usually called a testing function. For example, it is quite common to match the potential at a single point only on a cell leading to the so called collocation method. However, as we see, in PEEC we want to have symmetric circuit elements. All elements such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors are fundamentally symmetrical. This requires that both the basis function and the testing functions to be the same for PEEC circuits. This condition is also called a Galerkin-type method, which has its general origin in Ref. [12].

The third key step of the WRM method pertains to the way the resultant matrix system of equations is solved [7]. In the PEEC method, this consists of solving circuit equations based on the approximated system from the first two steps. Other members of the WRM family include techniques such as least squares solutions. Further, techniques such as the Generalized Multipole Technique [13] and multipole approaches [14] should be included in the class of solutions. Since the PEEC solution is circuit oriented, its connection to WRM may not be obvious. The solution step uses a circuit solver that is more like a SPICE tool [15]. Today, numerous techniques are used to solve the resultant matrix solution faster.

We next formulate the above discussion in a symbolic operator form. In general, we can write both differential and integral equations this way.

where c03-math-304 is a differential or integral equation operator. An example of a differential equation in this form is given by (3.64), and an integral equation operator example is given in (9.44). Here, c03-math-305 is the unknown function of the spatial coordinate c03-math-306. We assume that the time or frequency for which the equations are solved and also c03-math-307 is known. The solution with the WRM method is given next. If we subdivide the problem into N cells, we can name the fixed known basis function assigned to the jth cell to be c03-math-308. Then, if we subdivide the problem into c03-math-309 cells, we can represent the solution as

We now can substitute the solution (3.82) into the operator equation (3.81) to get

where the unknowns now are the c03-math-312 coefficients c03-math-313. As an example, in most PEEC models the function c03-math-314 is a constant pulse function.

We can view (3.83) as a row of a matrix representing the problem. The next step with the testing function is to set up a system of equation based on an averaging integration process of the equation. Mathematically, the averaging or testing function for the c03-math-315th row of the matrix yields

3.84 equation

while c03-math-317 represents a volume, but it can also be an area c03-math-318 or even a length c03-math-319. Here, c03-math-320 is a weighting function that is the same as c03-math-321 for the circuit and the Galerkin-type solution.

Once the basis and weighting or expansion functions are chosen, we can proceed to the third WRM step, which will solve the resultant system of equations.

Since the book is based on PEEC circuit techniques, we do not use the above mathematical formulation for the solutions. Fortunately, the circuit-oriented approach used yields a clear way to present the techniques.


  1. 3.1 The independence of Maxwell's equations

    Derive Gauss' law for the electric field and also Gauss' law for the magnetic field from Ampere's law (3.1b) and Faraday's law (3.1a), respectively.

  2. 3.2 The static and dynamic fields

    Assume the field is static (no time-dependent variation), rewrite Maxwell's equations and the corresponding wave equations. Point out key differences between the static field you derived and the dynamic field based on the Helmholtz equation.

  3. 3.3 Green's function

    Let us assume the wave equation


    where c03-math-322 is the Dirac delta function with zero value everywhere except at point c03-math-323 and where its volume integral over the whole space equal to 1. Show that, for three-dimensional (3D) space, the solution of c03-math-324 is


    Use the conventional c03-math-325 as the time dependency reference.

  4. 3.4 Magnetic field generated by currents

    Assume a square conducting loop has the side length c03-math-326. The conductor is assumed to have a diameter c03-math-327 where (c03-math-328). Assume that a uniform c03-math-329 current c03-math-330 is applied. Calculate the total magnetic flux created at the center of the loop.

  5. 3.5 The electric field generated by charges

    Two large zero thickness square plates with a side length c03-math-331 are totally overlapping. They are spaced by a small distance c03-math-332. A dielectric material is placed between the two plates with permittivity c03-math-333. We assume that the top plate is charged with a (nonphysical) uniformly distributed positive charge and an equal and opposite uniformly distributed negative charge is on the bottom plate. Assume that the nonuniform field at the plate edges can be ignored. Calculate the capacitance between the plates.


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