Appendix C

Computation of Partial Inductances

The computation of partial inductances represents a key component for almost all partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) models, perhaps even more than the partial coefficients of potential in the following section. Many lower-frequency high-current problems can be solved with inductance-only models. Some references on this subject are [1–3] and also [4–7].

The evaluation of partial inductances Lp for the most general case involves the evaluation of a sixfold integral of the form (C.1) which is (5.15), or

where the details are given in Chapter 5.

The example formula (C.1) applies to the case where conductors 1 and 2 are bars or cells that are not necessarily parallel to each other. Obviously, for the partial self-inductances c0C-math-002, the conductors 1 and 2 are the same. This case leads to a singularity if the points coincide such that c0C-math-003. An advantage of an analytical solution for c0C-math-004 is that the singularity can be eliminated if two of the integrals for the same surface can be analytically evaluated.

In general, we need to consider a larger class of configurations for the conductors or cells to cover all important cases. The evaluation of partial inductances for nonorthogonal structures is even more challenging. In the frequency domain for very high frequencies and sufficiently large cells, we may need to include the retardation in the integral that makes the analytical integration even more complicated. This issue is considered in Section 5.8.

The most simple and useful configurations are rectangular bars in a rectangular Manhattan-type coordinate system. As is evident from Chapters 5 and 7, it is much more challenging to find efficient formulas for the nonorthogonal case. Still, analytical formulas are very desirable for the larger aspect ratio dimensions that are often used in PEEC models. It is desirable to treat the largest physical dimensions of a cell analytically. This issue is considered in Appendix E. However, analytical solutions may also have limitations if the dimensions are too extreme as shown in Section 5.5.2. Fortunately, the use of double precision arithmetic used in most computers today is helpful for minimizing this problem.

In general, either analytical formulas are exclusively used or, alternatively, a combination of analytical formulas in conjunction with some numerical techniques are employed. This aspect is discussed in Appendix E.Key factors are sufficient accuracy as well as the reduction of compute time. Compute time is of importance since we may need to compute millions of Lp's for large problems.

Most analytical formulations for partial electrical element computations are for Manhattan-type rectangular geometries, which may be parallel to the c0C-math-005 axis and/or being parallel to the c0C-math-006 plane, where c0C-math-007 is the origin. To be able to use the given analytical formula for many situations, it is necessary to rotate or shift the coordinate system so that the placement of the objects agrees with the orientation in the formula. For most situations, rotation and/or shifting is not necessary. We can reposition objects to the required location given by the formulas below in the c0C-math-008, c0C-math-009, and c0C-math-010 coordinates.

We give the rotation matrices for all three cases, where a point c0C-math-011 in space is rotated about an axis to a new location c0C-math-012. Specifically, the rotation occurs about one axis by an angle the axis is left unchanged by the rotation. An example for the rotation about the c0C-math-013-axis is given in Fig. C.1.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.1 Example of rotating a point by the angle c0C-math-014 for c0C-math-015-axis.

The first case considered is the rotation about the c0C-math-016-axis, which is illustrated in Fig. C.1. If the point is rotated by c0C-math-017 degrees, the point will be moved to c0C-math-018 from c0C-math-019 using the matrix

where c0C-math-021.

The coordinates are rotated around the c0C-math-022-axis by the angle c0C-math-023 to the new location c0C-math-024 using

C.3 equation

where c0C-math-026.

Finally, if the coordinate is rotated around the c0C-math-027-axis for c0C-math-028 degrees, the rotated coordinates c0C-math-029 can be obtained from c0C-math-030

C.4 equation

where c0C-math-032. In general, by combining these three steps, we can rotate the coordinates to align with any point in the coordinate system.

The situation is much simpler for the case where we have to shift a point in space in the coordinate direction. We simply add a constant c0C-math-033 in the appropriate direction. For example, we shift a point by c0C-math-034 to new point by simply adding the changes, or

The above rotation and the shifting operations together allow changes to be made for the general case. Hence, it can be used for any one of the formulas given below.

To reorient the rectangular coordinate system, we simply exchange the coordinates in a cyclic way. An example is c0C-math-036, c0C-math-037, and c0C-math-038. The issue is more complicated for the nonorthogonal formulas since we also may require to perform translations.

C.1 Partial Inductance Formulas for Orthogonal Geometries

This appendix lists important formulas for the computation of the orthogonal partial inductance values. First, we want to repeat that partial inductance with orthogonal currents do not couple. This results in c0C-math-039.

For clarity, we present all the formulas in the same coordinate system. Some of the formulas may need numerical solutions while others are analytically exact and are complete. Approximate formulas may not be accurate enough for some applications such as skin-effect computations like the volume filament (VFI) model in Chapter 9, where the cells are closely located. For these applications, at least 4–5 digits of accuracy is required. We should be aware that some of the approximate formulas in Ref. [1] have limited accuracy.

For several analytical formulas in this appendices we include very small numbers in the order of c0C-math-040 to c0C-math-041 to avoid possible artificial singularities for some combinations of input parameters. This is a conventional numerical technique to avoid singularity problems.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.2 Partial mutual inductance for two filament wires.

C.1.1 c0C-math-042 for Two Parallel Filaments

A simple important geometry is the wire-to-wire or filament-to-filament problem shown in Fig. C.2. Of course, the result is singular if the wires coincide. Filaments are very important building blocks, which we use for the combined analytical and numerical integration. The current direction in the wires is shown to be along the length.

The partial inductance formula for c0C-math-043 for two current filaments shown in Fig. C.2 reduces to

C.6 equation


C.7 equation

The analytical form of the partial inductance is given for this case by a simple integration step as


C.9 equation
C.10 equation
C.11 equation
C.12 equation
C.13 equation

Note that c0C-math-052 represents the end of the object and c0C-math-053 is used for the start.

Equation (C.8) can also be used as an approximation to the round wire partial inductance especially if the wire diameter is small compared to the spacing. Of course, other cross section can be approximated efficiently with several filaments and numerical integration in the cross-section direction.

C.1.2 c0C-math-054 for Round Wire

We give two formulas for the partial self-inductance for round shapes. The popular equation for the partial self-inductance for the section of round wire shown in Fig. C.3 is

C.14 equation

where c0C-math-056 is the usual distance between the source and observation points. c0C-math-057 and c0C-math-058 are the cross sections.

A schematic of Partial self-inductance for round wire section with directions x, y, and z marked. xs and xe are marked on a cylinder with d marked by arrows .

Figure C.3 Partial self-inductance for round wire section.

The first formula is a simple approximation of a wire partial self- inductance used in Refs [1, 2], which is based on the assumption that the above filament formula can be used to represent a round wire by placing one of the filaments at the center of the wire, and the second one on the surface of the wire at distance c0C-math-059 away. The approximate result for this case is

C.15 equation

where c0C-math-061 is the length of the segment. We could view this approximation technique as the most simple case of numerical integration based on the analytical result for the longitudinal direction.

A second analytical formula is for the partial inductance of a zero thickness cylindrical tube with a radius c0C-math-062 shown in Fig. C.3. The integrals to evaluate are

C.16 equation

by recognizing that symmetry can be used to reduce the fourfold integral to the threefold integral. We were able to analytically solve the integrals for the case of interest where the length c0C-math-064 of the wire is longer than the diameter c0C-math-065 [8]. The result for the tube conductor is given by

C.17 equation

where c0C-math-067. We should note that the equation is also used in equation (9.29) for skin-effect models [9].

C.1.3 c0C-math-068 for Filament and Current Sheet

Another important partial mutual inductance represents the case where one conductor is approximated with a filament and the other with a zero thickness sheet as shown in Fig. C.4. Of course, the current in the sheet is in the same c0C-math-069-direction as in the wire as is shown in Fig. C.4 and the integral is given by

C.18 equation
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.4 Exact partial mutual inductance for filament and sheet.

The analytical solution for the above integrals is

C.19 equation


C.20 equation
C.21 equation
C.22 equation
C.23 equation

This formula is useful for the case where the two conductors are of a different shape. Other conductor shapes can be taken into account by combining this formula with numerical integration for the cross-section dimension of one or both inductive cells.

C.1.4 c0C-math-076 for Rectangular Zero Thickness Current Sheet

Fortunately, the analytical c0C-math-077 for a zero thickness rectangular sheet shown in Fig. C.5 leads to a relatively simple formula.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.5 Single zero thickness conductor sheets.

The result is

C.24 equation

where c0C-math-079 and c0C-math-080.

We note that this relatively simple formula is very useful for semianalytical solutions in layered models. Importantly, it eliminates the singular behavior problem for the partial self-inductance.

C.1.5 c0C-math-081 for Two Parallel Zero Thickness Current Sheets

Two zero thickness parallel current sheets are shown in Fig. C.6. Fortunately, several analytical formulas are available, for example, Ref. [2]. The integral to be solved is

The closed solution of integral (C.25) is

C.26 equation


C.27 equation
C.28 equation
C.29 equation
C.30 equation
C.31 equation

where we added c0C-math-089 to the equation as a very small number.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.6 Two parallel zero thickness conductors example.

C.1.6 c0C-math-090 for Two Orthogonal Rectangular Current Sheets

As is shown in Fig. C.7, two zero thickness sheets are at an angle of c0C-math-091 while the current flow is in the c0C-math-092-direction for both sheets. This formula is again very useful. Of course, the currents in the sheets as indicated in Fig. C.7 need to be parallel to each other for a nonzero partial inductance.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.7 Two zero thickness conductors at a c0C-math-093 angle.

Its original definition is

C.32 equation

where the final result for c0C-math-095 for the two orthogonal current sheets is

C.33 equation


C.34a equation
C.34b equation
C.34c equation
C.34d equation


C.34e equation

C.1.7 c0C-math-102 for Rectangular Finite Thickness Bar

The partial self-inductance of a rectangular bar shown in Fig. C.8 represents an important building block for many problems. The equation for this case is given by

C.35 equation

where the cross-section area is given by c0C-math-104 and c0C-math-105 and c0C-math-106 . The solution of this sixfold integral is in general obtained by introducing new variable differences for c0C-math-107. The closed form expression [4] is


C.37 equation
C.38 equation
C.39 equation
C.40 equation


C.41 equation

The evaluation of (C.36) should for accuracy reasons be performed by summing from top to bottom, where the new terms are added to the sum of the previous terms. Test results show that the errors become large for very large values of c0C-math-114 and for small values of c0C-math-115 as considered in Section 5.5.2.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.8 c0C-math-116 for rectangular bar with thickness.

A possible solution for this is the computation of c0C-math-117 by breaking the length into several segments as is illustrated in Section 5.6.1. This is required only for very long conductors.

The accuracy problem for this case has also been observed in Ref. [10]. It is also pointed out that neighboring partial mutual inductances can be computed by using only partial self-inductance computations. Two neighboring block cells are shown in Fig. C.9. The partial self-inductance of the two neighbors cells shown can be computed using formula (C.36).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.9 Partial inductance for two rectangular conductors.

If we also compute the partial self-c0C-math-118 for a combined block 1,2, then the result is

C.38 equation

Hence, we can compute c0C-math-120 totally based on partial self- inductance only, or

C.39 equation

This can be very helpful for skin-effect models where the accuracy is an issue due to the closely located neighbors. Hence, three partial self-inductance computations are required. This helps, since we can more accurately compute a partial mutual inductance c0C-math-122 for some geometries. We want to point out that this technique can also be applied to conductors in parallel as shown in Fig. C.9 (b). We leave the computation of c0C-math-123 as an exercise to the reader.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.10 Partial inductance for two rectangular conductors.

C.1.8 c0C-math-124 for Two Rectangular Parallel Bars

An important structure for rectangular PEEC models is the case of two parallel rectangular bars as is shown in Fig. C.10. The analytical formula for the mutual inductance between two rectangular bars is given in Ref. [3]. In our coordinate system setup, the formula is

C.40 equation


C.41a equation
C.41b equation
C.41c equation
C.41d equation
C.41e equation
C.41f equation
C.41g equation


C.41h equation

We added this formula for completeness. Unfortunately, even using double precision arithmetic leads only to limited accuracy for reasonably large parameters in this formulation. For this reason, using thin layer approximations in Section C.1.5 with numerical integration along the thickness leads to more stable results.

C.1.9 c0C-math-134 Kernel Integral for Parallel Rectangular Sheets

Partial elements are of importance for other formulation such as the ones in Chapter 11 so that other material properties can be taken into account. In some of these formulations, integrals with a higher order Green's function need to be solved. Specifically, the integral for a c0C-math-135 kernel is important. Here, we consider the geometry to be two rectangles shown in Fig. C.11.

C.42 equation

where, c0C-math-137.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.11 Zero thickness conductors example.

Then the final formulation of c0C-math-138 for two orthogonal current sheets is

C.43 equation

where the subscripts are for

C.44 equation
C.45 equation
C.46 equation
C.47 equation

C.1.10 c0C-math-144 Kernel Integral for Orthogonal Rectangular Sheets

A second important integral with a c0C-math-145 Green's function is for two orthogonal rectangles shown in Fig. C.12. For this case, we want to give a solution for the following integral

C.48 equation

where, c0C-math-147.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.12 Two parallel zero thickness conductors.

Then the final mutual high order coupling formulation c0C-math-148 for two orthogonal current sheets is

C.49 equation

where the subscripts are for

C.50 equation
C.51 equation
C.52 equation
C.53 equation



C.2 Partial Inductance Formulas for Nonorthogonal Geometries

This section is dedicated to the computation of nonorthogonal partial inductance values.

The general integrals for the computation of partial inductance for nonorthogonal such as nonorthogonal hexahedral elements are derived in Chapter 7, equation (7.18) as

C.54 equation

It is clear that analytical solutions are even more challenging for nonorthogonal geometries. Still, analytical integration needs to be used as much as possible, especially for the longer dimensions of the cells. Since many problems are in this class, we want to efficiently solve problems with relatively long cells such as a thin wire-type structure. To accomplish this, we pursue a mixed solution using analytical results wherever possible. Few formulas will provide a simple, complete answer but rather are important building blocks that lead to a combined analytical/numerical solution as is shown in Appendix E.

C.2.1 Rotation for Different Nonorthogonal Conductor Orientations

The formulas for the translation and rotation of the coordinate systems are given at the beginning of this chapter in (C.2)–(C.5).

Many models given in this section are constructed using non-orthogonal wire models. In these cases we need to rotate the orientation of the structures. The problem at hand has to be rotated into the orientation of the solution given in this text. To achieve this, we have to use the following steps:

  • The coordinate system is shifted such that one wire is placed at the right distance from the origin. Next, find the angle c0C-math-155 of the second wire's projection on the c0C-math-156 plane, where c0C-math-157 is the origin.
  • Rotate the original coordinate system around the c0C-math-158 axis by the angle c0C-math-159 such that the second wire is placed on the c0C-math-160 plane of the new coordinate system.
  • Shift the coordinate system along the c0C-math-161 axis so that one end of the first wire is moved the right distance from the c0C-math-162 plane.

C.2.2 c0C-math-163 for Arbitrary Oriented Wires in the Same Plane z = 0

We provide several solutions for filaments since wire filaments are useful basic elements for non-orthogonal Lp's. These filaments are used for non orthogonal cells in conjunction with numerical integrations in the cross section.

The first situation consists of two wires in the c0C-math-164 plane as shown in Fig. C.13.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.13 Partial mutual inductance for two non-orthogonal filament wires in plane.

The integrals for two filaments are

C.55 equation

where c0C-math-166 and c0C-math-167 are the two wire segments shown in Fig. C.13 and the dot product between the tangential vectors is c0C-math-168. This first result is derived from [1, 2]. The partial inductance between the filaments 1 and 2 is given by

C.56 equation


C.57 equation

The following definitions are used for the two filaments:

C.58 equation
C.59 equation
C.60 equation
C.61 equation
C.62 equation
C.63 equation
C.64 equation
C.65 equation
C.66 equation

The translations for the start of the wires are given by

C.67 equation

were we use the notation for the angle c0C-math-181:

C.68a equation
C.68b equation

where c0C-math-184 (like in equation C. 79).

Again, this filament-to-filament partial mutual inductance is used in combination with numerical integration for different cross-sections, for example, [16].

This equation should be used if the wires are located in the same plane since this formula is simpler than the ones in the next sections. Please note that we did add a small number of the orientation of the wire such that parallel wires can be treated by this formula.

C.2.3 c0C-math-185 for Wire Filaments with an Arbitrary Direction

In this section, the filaments are oriented in any mutual orientation as shown in Fig. C.14. This allows an arbitrary relative orientation of the filaments. Using the rotation and translation operations in (C.2) to (C.5), we can place the two wires in any location in the global rectangular coordinate system. Hence, this result will be ideally suited for the filament representation of non-orthogonal quadrilateral and hexahedral shapes.

The integral for this case can be set up as

where the angle c0C-math-187 is defined as in [1] for the dot product and the vector is

C.70 equation

where c0C-math-189 and c0C-math-190 are the start and end point of filament 2, respectively, in the global coordinate system.

It is important to minimize the number of divisions and multiplications. For this reason, we present the formulation in a more compute friendly form

C.71 equation


C.72 equation

The following definitions are used for the arbitrary filaments:

C.73 equation
C.74 equation
C.75 equation
C.76 equation
C.77 equation

The translations for the start of the wires are given by

C.78 equation

Another definition from Grover we use is

C.79 equation

were we use the notation for the angle c0C-math-200:

C.80a equation
C.80b equation

Again, this filament-to-filament partial mutual inductance is used in combination with numerical integration for different cross-sections, for example, [16]. Please note that a small number could be added to the coordinates for parallel wires as we did in the formula for the in plane case in the previous section.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.14 Partial mutual inductance for two wires in arbitrary relative directions.

C.2.4 c0C-math-203 for Two Cells or Bars with Same Current Direction

In this example, we assume that all the current filaments are in the same direction, even if conductor cross sections are not parallel to the c0C-math-204c0C-math-205 coordinates as shown in Figure C.15. In this case, the unit vectors are the same or, c0C-math-206. Hence, the wire-to-wire formula (C.8) or the sheet-to-wire inductance in Section C.1.3 can be utilized.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.15 Arbitrary oriented rectangular bars.

Then, we can represent the partial inductance in the form

C.81 equation

where c0C-math-208. In this specific example, conductor 1 is in orthogonal coordinates and conductor 2 is in local coordinates.

Of course, if we apply the partial inductance for a sheet and a wire in (C.69), then the numerical integration for the sheet results in the numerical integration in the c0C-math-209-direction for conductor 1 and in the c0C-math-210 and c0C-math-211 direction for conductor 2.

C.2.5 c0C-math-212 for Arbitrary Hexahedral Partial Self-Inductance

Progress in this area is also based on the Gauss law (3.33). Specifically, it was shown in Ref. [11] that the result is similar to quadrilateral surfaces (Section D.2.2). The resultant surface integral is obtained by starting with

C.82 equation

With this, the integration over the surface of the hexahedral shape replaces the integration over the volume as in Refs. [12] and [13] similar to (7.34) for surfaces

C.83 equation

where in this case, c0C-math-215 is the normal to the surface c0C-math-216. We should note that the dot product between the current directions for the partial self-terms is given by currents in the same direction.

The Gauss law was applied in the local coordinate domain in Ref. [14] and good results have been obtained using the Gauss law as well as other results using approximate shapes for some of the integrals yielded very good results in Ref. [13].

C.2.6 c0C-math-217 for Arbitrary Hexahedral Partial Mutual Inductance

The partial self- and mutual inductances for arbitrary hexahedral shapes are more challenging. We can use local coordinates to compute the partial mutual inductance for two arbitrarily placed hexahedral elements. An example for such elements is given in Refs [15, 16].

Figure C.16 shows two volume conductor cells. We assume that the local coordinate system for the first conductor is c0C-math-218 and c0C-math-219 for the second one. A vector in the global coordinates located on the first conductor is c0C-math-220 for the first hexahedral element, and another one is c0C-math-221. The current directions are indicated by dashed line are pointing in the c0C-math-222 and c0C-math-223 directions as is shown in Fig. C.16 and

C.84 equation

where c0C-math-225 is the scalar Green's function

C.85 equation
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.16 General nonorthogonal hexahedral elements.

From the local coordinate system, we can determine a set of filaments in the global coordinate using the transform equations in section (8.2.6) to find the end points of each wire filament. Section D.2.2 can be used together with the numerical Gaussian integration. In Appendix E, the numerical integration is discussed which can be applied to the cross-sections to yield the partial inductance of interest.

To give more details, the local coordinate system presented in Chapter 8 is used to represent the hexahedral element shown in Fig. C.16. The purpose of the local coordinates is to identify the location of the points for the filaments in terms of the variables c0C-math-227, c0C-math-228, c0C-math-229 where c0C-math-230 and where c0C-math-231 can represent c0C-math-232. The purpose is to uniquely map a point c0C-math-233, c0C-math-234, c0C-math-235 into a point in the global coordinates c0C-math-236. The local coordinates for the filament are used to map them to the global c0C-math-237, c0C-math-238, c0C-math-239 coordinates. Mapping a point in the above hexahedron from a local coordinate point c0C-math-240, c0C-math-241, c0C-math-242 to a global coordinate point c0C-math-243, c0C-math-244, c0C-math-245 is described by

which is applied for c0C-math-247. The coefficients in (C.86) are repeated here as

C.87a equation
C.87b equation
C.87c equation
C.87d equation
C.87e equation
C.87f equation
C.87g equation
C.87h equation

where c0C-math-256 and again c0C-math-257. The close relation to the binary variables has been given before.

With this, we are in a position to also express the tangential vectors with respect to the local coordinates as

C.88 equation

where the derivatives are found from (C.86). Finally, the magnitude of the tangential vector c0C-math-259 where the position–dependent unit vectors can be determined from c0C-math-260 where again c0C-math-261.

With this transformation, we can simplify the sixfold integration into a two-area integration over the current directions c0C-math-262 and c0C-math-263, respectively

C.89 equation

where c0C-math-265 and c0C-math-266 represent the two filaments. This is the partial mutual inductance between the two filaments pointing in c0C-math-267 and c0C-math-268 directions. Hence, for the volumes of the two conductors, the total partial mutual inductance between two hexahedrons is

C.90 equation

where the integration over the cross sections is performed with Gaussian numerical integration. This section is added to point out the difference between the local and global coordinates. Compute time can be saved if the numerical integration is mostly used for the smaller dimensions of the cell sides. Local coordinates are efficient for the mapping of the dimensions to the normalized units used for numerical integration methods.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure C.17 Combined rectangular and quadrilateral cell example.

Local coordinates are only required for nonorthogonal conductor cell dimensions such as quadrilateral or hexahedral shapes. For the example in Fig. C.17, we can use mixed coordinates. Global coordinates are used for conductor cell 1 while local coordinates are used for conductor 2. The integrals are

C.91 equation

Besides the change in the coordinate systems, the filament representation is the same as for the case in previous section. Representation is the same as for the case in the previous section. More details on nonorthogonal systems is given in Chapter 7.


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