
  2. alpha-cell projection algorithm
  3. anomalous skin-effect
  4. approximate solution methods
    1. method of moments (MoM)
    2. weighed residual method (WRM)
  5. aspect ratio, cells
  6. A-stability
  7. automatic mesh generation
    1. generatrices
    2. geometrical objects
    3. looping algorithm
    4. for thin and other objects
    5. triangle to quadrilateral subdivision
  8. auxiliary potentials
    1. electric vector potential F, magnetic scalar potential Phi{m}
    2. magnetic vector potential A, electric scalar potential Phie
  10. backward Euler (BE) integration method
  11. basis functions
  12. boundary conditions
  13. branch impedance
  14. broad-band skin-effect model
  15. building PEEC models
    1. capacitance model
    2. continuity equation
    3. full-wave model
    4. inductance resistance model
    5. simple model assembly
  17. capacitance
    1. charge distribution
    2. coefficient of capacitance
    3. coefficients of potential matrix
    4. computation
    5. current source based model
    6. differential equation capacitance
    7. floating node
    8. flux pattern
    9. meshing related error
    10. model
    11. multiconductor
    12. potential-based model
    13. quasi-static
    14. short circuit capacitances
    15. solution for capacitance
    16. stamp
    17. two-terminal
    18. Y-delta method
  18. capacitor inductance
  19. causal dielectric model
  20. causality
    1. definition
    2. dielectric models
  21. causality (strict)
  22. causality violation
  23. causal model for lossy dielectrics
  24. cells
    1. meshing
    2. quadrilateral
    3. rectangular
  25. charge relaxation time
  26. circuit elements
  27. circuit synthesis
  28. coefficient of potentials
  29. collocation method
  30. combined integral equations
  31. computation of partial inductances
  32. computation of partial potential coefficients
  33. continuity equation
    1. nonorthogonal PEEC models
    2. orthogonal PEEC models
  34. controllability
  35. convolution
  36. coordinate transformations
  37. coplanar quadrilateral potential coefficient
  38. current direction for skin-effect
  40. delay
  41. delay differential equations (DDE)
  42. descriptor system
  43. dielectric
    1. convolution formulation
    2. dispersive
    3. Green's functions dielectric layers
    4. Hilbert transform, consistency
    5. lossy
    6. models
      1. combined
      2. Debye
      3. finite volume model
      4. Lorenz
      5. loss tangent
    7. permittivity
  44. dielectric block
  45. differential equation (DE) based capacitance
  46. digital filter
  47. directed graph
  49. energy model
  50. equivalence principles
  51. equivalent circuits PEEC
  52. equivalent model synthesis
  53. excess capacitance
  55. far-field radiation see radiation
  56. finite dielectric body
  57. finite difference time domain method (FDTD)
  58. finite elements method (FE)
  59. finite integration technique (FIT)
  60. flux, magnetic loop
  61. Fourier transform
  62. FR4 dielectric model
  63. frequency dependent models in time domain
  64. frequency domain
  65. frequency domain retardation
  66. full-wave
  68. Galerkin method
  69. Gaussian integration
  70. Gaussian quadrature coefficients
  71. Gauss' law
  72. generatrices
  73. global coordinates
  74. global surface impedance (GSI) see skin-effect
  75. Green's functions
    1. basic
    2. dyadic
    3. full wave
    4. layered
    5. quasi static
    6. scalar
  77. Helmholtz equation
  78. hexahedral cells
  79. Hilbert consistent
  80. Hilbert transform
  81. Huygen's equivalence theorem
  83. images
  84. impedance equivalent circuit
  85. incident fields
  86. inductance
    1. approximate partial
    2. capacitance
    3. closed loop
    4. coupling
    5. difference cell inductance
    6. loop
    7. meshing
    8. mutual
    9. open loop
    10. parallel plan pair models
    11. partial
      1. accuracy
      2. approximate
      3. computation
      4. definition
      5. difference
      6. flux loop
      7. formulas
      8. loop
      9. long conductor
      10. with retardation
      11. retarded
      12. wire
    12. single loop
    13. transformer
    14. transmission line
  87. initial conditions for time solution
  88. input and output selector
  89. integral equation method (IE)
  90. integral equations (IE)
    1. electric field
    2. magnetic field
    3. numerical solution
  91. internal, external skin-effect model
  93. Kirchoff's current law (KCL)
  94. Kirchoff's voltage law (KVL)
  95. Kramer–Kronig relations
  97. local coordinates, transformations
  98. logical coordinate assignment
  99. loop inductance
  100. loss tangent
  101. lossy dielectrics
  102. L-stability
  104. macromodel delay
  105. magnetic
    1. bodies, magnetic scalar potential
    2. charge
    3. field integral equation
    4. integral equation
    5. magnetization
    6. material, inductive coupling
    7. scalar potential
    8. surface equation
    9. transformer
    10. vector potential
  106. matrix, MNA
    1. element stamps
    2. example
    3. full wave
    4. input-output
    5. Kirchoff's current law
    6. Kirchoff's voltage law
    7. PEEC
  107. Maxwell
    1. auxiliary potentials
    2. boundary conditions
    3. constitutive relations
    4. fundamental
    5. Gauss' law
    6. Helmholtz equation
    7. integral form
    8. Stokes' law
    9. volume equivalence
    10. wave equation A, F
    11. wave equation E, H
  108. mesh
    1. capacitance
    2. inductance
    3. resistance-inductance
  109. mesh generation
    1. alpha projection algorithm
    2. boundary node adjustment
    3. contacts
    4. general aspects
    5. generatrices
    6. hexahedral cells
    7. impact on capacitances
    8. Laplace factor
    9. logical variables
    10. multiblock meshing
    11. node relaxation
    12. nonuniform meshing
    13. rectangular
    14. tolerancing
  110. method of moments (MoM)
  111. microstrip, dielectric model
  112. microstrip line
  113. multi-function technique
    1. numerical integration
    2. singularity
  114. multi-pole Debye model
  115. multi port model
  116. model order reduction (MOR)
  117. modified nodal analysis (MNA)
    1. capacitor stamp
    2. current controlled current source (CCCS)
    3. current controlled voltage source (CCVS)
    4. ideal transformer
    5. incomplete current source law
    6. inductor stamp
    7. parallel planes
    8. PEEC solution
    9. voltage controlled current source (VSCS)
    10. voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS)
  119. narrow band skin-effect model
  120. nonorthogonal
    1. capacitance
    2. coordinates
    3. current
    4. PEEC models
    5. potential coefficient
    6. resistance
  121. nonparallel inductance
  122. non-passive example circuit
  123. numerical damping
  124. numerical integration methods
    1. backward Euler (BE)
    2. forward Euler (FE)
    3. Gaussian quadrature
    4. Gauss–Legendre
    5. Gear 2 (BD2)
  125. numerical integration methods (Continued)
    1. Newton–Cotes
    2. stability
    3. Theta method
    4. trapezoidal (TR)
  127. observability
  128. observation high frequency resonances
  129. open circuit stability
  130. orthogonal meshing
  131. overlapping cells
  133. parallel plate
    1. mesh reduction
    2. parallel plate PEEC model (PPP)
  134. partial element equivalent circuit method (PEEC)
    1. external incident fields
    2. including magnetic bodies
    3. nonorthogonal
    4. quasi static
    5. solution
    6. VFI skin-effect models
  135. partial element evaluation, non-orthogonal
  136. passivity
    1. assessment
    2. enforcement
    3. enhancement
      1. skin-effect
    4. limited
      1. example
    5. port
    6. time domain
  137. patch antenna
  138. permittivity
  139. planes model
  140. PMCHWT surface integral equation method
  141. pole
  142. port
    1. definition
    2. multiport models, frequency domain
    3. port passivity check
  143. positive real function
  144. potential coefficients, partial
  145. power/energy model
  146. printed circuit board
  147. proximity effect study
  149. quadrilateral cells
  150. quadrilateral patch with four inductive half cells
  151. quasi-static capacitance model
  153. radiated electric field sensor
    1. inductive coupling
    2. potential coefficient coupling
  154. radiated fields approximate
  155. radiated magnetic field sensor
    1. frequency domain
    2. time domain
  156. radiation general formulation
  157. recursive convolution
  158. reflection coefficient
  159. reluctance, magnetic
  160. residue
  161. resistance-capacitance model
  162. resistive damping
  163. resistor
    1. and inductance cells
    2. MNA stamp
    3. nonorthogonal
    4. in PEEC model
  164. retardation
    1. mutual coupling
  165. retarded
    1. mutual coupling
    2. partial inductance
  167. scaled units
  168. scattering
    1. checking
    2. S-parameters
  169. simple full-wave circuit implementation
  170. single, multiple plates
  171. singular self-coefficient
  172. skin-effect
    1. 1d current flow model
    2. 2d current flow model
    3. 3d current floe model
    4. anomalous
    5. equivalent circuits
    6. example models
    7. physics-based macromodel
    8. rough surface
    9. skin depth
    10. surface model
    11. thin conductor skin-effect
    12. volume filament model (VFI)
    13. wire
  173. smoothing
  174. solver enhancement
  175. solver stability
  176. SPICE
    1. circuit analysis
    2. geometry description
    3. shorting nodes for adjoining bodies
  177. stability
    1. example
    2. time domain, definition
  178. stamps
    1. capacitor
    2. current controlled current source (CCCS)
    3. current controlled voltage source (CCVS)
    4. ideal transformer
    5. impedance
    6. inductance
    7. resistor
    8. voltage controlled current source (VCCS)
    9. voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS)
  179. state space representation
  180. state-space system
  181. Stokes' theorem
  183. TEM
  184. testing function
  185. thin wire skin-effect circuit model
  186. time domain
  187. time integration method stability impact
  188. transfer function
  189. transformer
    1. equivalent circuits
    2. inductance computation
    3. magnetic paths
    4. magnetic reluctance
  190. transmission line model
    1. finite length
    2. semi-infinite length
  191. transmission line modeling method (TLM)
  192. trapezoidal rule see numerical integration methods
  194. units
    1. microelectronics
    2. MKS
  195. unit vectors for tangential half cells
  197. vector fitting
  198. volume equivalence principle
  199. volume filament model (VFI)
  201. wave equation A, F
  202. wave equation E, H
  203. wave number
  204. weighted residual method (WRM)
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