Appendix B

Modified Nodal Analysis Stamps

B.1 Modified Nodal Analysis Matrix Stamps

The purpose of this appendix is to give a summary of modified nodal analysis (MNA) stamps [1]. They show how to enter circuit elements into the MNA matrix. In this book, we concentrated on linear elements. For most circuit solvers, the linear part is an important subset of a program. Further, details and references on this subject can be found in Refs [1–5]. In general, we attempt to adhere to the basic SPICE language statements [6] as a command language for the overall solution approach. The fundamental MNA concepts are presented in Chapter 2. For the convenience of the reader, we duplicate the circuit element Table B.1. The stamps represent contribution of the circuit elements in the table to the MNA matrix.

Table B.1 Small list of circuit elements for which we need MNA matrix stamps.

Circuit elements Frequency domain Time domain
c0B-math-001 Resistance c0B-math-002 c0B-math-003
c0B-math-004 Capacitance c0B-math-005 c0B-math-006
c0B-math-007 Inductance c0B-math-008 c0B-math-009
Current controlled voltage source (CCVS) c0B-math-010 c0B-math-011
Current controlled current source (CCCS) c0B-math-012 c0B-math-013
Voltage controlled voltage source (VCVS) c0B-math-014 c0B-math-015
Voltage controlled current source (VCCS) c0B-math-016 c0B-math-017

To repeat the key issue, the element-by-element stamping concept is based on the incomplete Kirchhoff's circuit law in Section 2.3.4. Hence, for each node, we stamp a circuit element contribution at the time into the matrix. The Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) is satisfied at each node, as soon as all the elements that belong to the node are stamped into the circuit matrix. The stamps not only add the elements to the MNA matrix, but they also add the entries needed in to the connection matrices A and c0B-math-018. In general, if one of the nodes is connected to ground or reference node, then the contribution of this part in the stamp is eliminated. This usually results in the elimination of a row and a column in the element stamp.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.1 Resistor connected to two nodes in circuit.

Table B.2 Matrix element stamp for resistor c0B-math-019 for c0B-math-020.

Row/column c0B-math-021 c0B-math-022 RHS
c0B-math-023 c0B-math-024 c0B-math-025 0
c0B-math-026 c0B-math-027 c0B-math-028 0

Table B.3 Matrix element stamp for resistor c0B-math-029 with current.

Row/Column c0B-math-030 c0B-math-031 c0B-math-032 RHS
c0B-math-033 c0B-math-034 0
c0B-math-035 c0B-math-036 0
Aux 1 c0B-math-037 c0B-math-038

B.1.1 Resistor

Two different stamps can be used for the resistor shown in Fig. B.1 depending on whether we would like to have the current as an output variable or not. An example of the SPICE statement for the resistor is

           RName Node1Name Node2Name 5 kOhms

where the first character of the name needs to be c0B-math-039 and c0B-math-040 and c0B-math-041 as an example for the notation used below. In our example, the resistance value is 5 kΩ. The first stamp is used if the current through the resistor is not needed as an unknown output. Also, we assume that the value of the resistor is never set to zero since the form of the equation is c0B-math-042 where c0B-math-043. The resistor stamp is given in Table B.2.

The stamp where the current is specified as an unknown is given in Table B.3.

Note that in the stamp that includes the unknown current in Table B.3, we use c0B-math-044 rather than c0B-math-045. Then, the entry does not lead to a singular circuit matrix for the case if c0B-math-046. The additional equation added to the stamp is called Aux.

B.1.2 Capacitor

Next, we consider a capacitor for which we need element stamps for the time as well as the frequency domain. An example for the use of a capacitance stamp is given in Section 2.7. The capacitor circuit element connected between two nodes c0B-math-047 and c0B-math-048 is shown in Fig. B.2. The frequency domain element stamp is closely related to the resistance stamp (Table B.4). To obtain the capacitance stamp we can replace the conductance c0B-math-049 with the admittance c0B-math-050, which leads to the matrix stamp for capacitor as shown in Table B.4.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.2 Capacitance connected between two nodes.

Table B.4 Matrix stamp for capacitor in the frequency domain.

Row/Column c0B-math-051 c0B-math-052 RHS
c0B-math-053 c0B-math-054 c0B-math-055 0
c0B-math-056 c0B-math-057 c0B-math-058 0

The details for the time domain formulation are given in Section 2.4. The time domain element stamp for a capacitor is shown in Table B.5.

Table B.5 Matrix stamp for capacitor in the time domain.

Row/Column c0B-math-059 c0B-math-060 RHS
c0B-math-061 c0B-math-062 c0B-math-063 c0B-math-064
c0B-math-065 c0B-math-066 c0B-math-067 c0B-math-068

B.1.3 Independent Voltage Source

Independent voltage sources are very often used as input sources in circuits. The general case for such a source is shown in Fig. B.3.

An interesting aspect is that the basic stamp is the same for the frequency and the time domains. Only the values of the source itself represent if it is a time or frequency domain source or both. We notice that the stamp automatically has the current of the source as an unknown (Table B.6).

A circuit diagram for Independent voltage source connected between two nodes.

Figure B.3 Independent voltage source connected between two nodes.

Table B.6 Matrix element stamp for voltage source.

Row/column c0B-math-069 c0B-math-070 c0B-math-071 RHS
c0B-math-072 1
c0B-math-073 c0B-math-074
Aux 1 c0B-math-075 0 c0B-math-076

B.1.4 Independent Voltage Source with Series Elements

In many cases, voltage sources also include a series resistance or an impedance that represents a typical source. For this case, the element stamp for the source is augmented with an impedance c0B-math-077 that can consist of several elements in the frequency domain. Hence, examples for c0B-math-078 are simple c0B-math-079 or an c0B-math-080 series connection circuit models. Of course, some elements can also be included in the time domain. The interesting aspect is the fact that a single stamp can be used for the combination. The equivalent circuit is given in Fig. B.4.

The stamp for this is given in the frequency domain, which is similar to the zero impedance source (Table B.7).

A circuit diagram for Independent current source connected to two nodes.

Figure B.4 Voltage source connected between one or two nodes.

B.1.5 Independent Current Source

Independent current sources also frequently serve as input sources as shown in Fig. B.5. A short circuit is also used as an element that does not alter the circuit's performance, but it is also frequently used as a way to obtain the output of an additional current that does not appear in the conventional output vector.

A circuit diagram for Independent current source connected to two nodes.

Figure B.5 Independent current source connected to two nodes.

Table B.7 Matrix element stamp for voltage source.

Row/Column c0B-math-081 c0B-math-082 c0B-math-083 RHS
c0B-math-084 1 0
c0B-math-085 c0B-math-086 0
Aux 1 c0B-math-087 c0B-math-088 c0B-math-089

Table B.8 Matrix stamp for current source.

Row/column c0B-math-090 c0B-math-091 RHS
c0B-math-092 c0B-math-093
c0B-math-094 c0B-math-095

The entry into the right-hand side for the matrix system is given for the case when both nodes of the source are part of the circuit. One of the two entries is eliminated for the case when one node of the source is connected to ground. We note that this stamp is entered into the RHS. As we can see, there are no entries into the MNA matrix for a current source (Table B.8).

B.1.6 Short Circuit Connection

For some applications, short circuits are required. An interesting application is the connection of different subparts from different model parts. Figure B.6 shows the equivalent circuit for the short if we set the source voltage to zero. This shows that the voltage source model (Table B.3) can also be used for a short (Table B.9).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.6 Short circuit connected between two nodes.

Table B.9 Matrix stamp for short circuit.

Row/column c0B-math-096 c0B-math-097 c0B-math-098 RHS
c0B-math-099 1 0
c0B-math-100 c0B-math-101 0
Aux 1 c0B-math-102 0 0

As we can see, the stamp for a short also introduces the current through the short. Hence, it also can be used to determine the current through a wire without introducing a series impedance. Hence, it will not change the circuit behavior.

It is clear that the stamp for the short is the same as a voltage source with zero volts.

B.1.7 Coupled Inductances

For most PEEC circuits, inductors are of fundamental importance. Of equal importance is the inclusion of mutual inductances as is evident from Chapter 5. We consider two cases. One is conventional inductances. The second case, with the same type of stamp, includes unconventional mutual inductances that include delays such that (FW)PEEC models can be represented.

The SPICE statements for mutual inductances, unfortunately, involve a coupling factor as an inheritance from the transformer equations for two inductors shown in Fig. B.7. An example for the SPICE representation is given by:

           Lp11 Node1Name Node2Name 0.001uH
           Lp22 Node3Name Node4Name 0.001uH
           KL12 Lp11 Lp22 0.76

where c0B-math-103 represents the coupling factor, which is given by c0B-math-104. The computation of the coupling factor is a costly operation for millions of inductances. This computation is unnecessary, especially for potentially very large inductance matrices.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.7 Equivalent circuit for coupled inductances.

A more appropriate statement for mutual inductance can be used for the mutual inductance input descriptions. Due to the symmetry c0B-math-105, a better statement for the mutual coupling is

           KL12 Lp11 Lp22 0.0005uH TD=0.132ns

We also included a time delay example in this statement. This would be the delay for mutual inductances. The stamp for this case is given in Table B.10. The structure of the stamp is the same for the time domain.

Table B.10 Matrix element stamps for inductances and mutual inductances.

Row/column c0B-math-106 c0B-math-107 c0B-math-108 c0B-math-109 c0B-math-110 c0B-math-111 RHS
c0B-math-112 1
c0B-math-113 c0B-math-114
c0B-math-115 1
c0B-math-116 c0B-math-117
Aux 1 c0B-math-118 c0B-math-119 c0B-math-120
Aux 1 c0B-math-121 c0B-math-122 c0B-math-123

For the time domain, we replace c0B-math-124 with the appropriate numerical integration method in the auxiliary equations.

B.1.8 Ideal Transformer Model

The ideal transformer is an important element in circuit theory that finds use for circuit synthesis and other applications. Importantly, this circuit element does not contribute to the states of the MNA descriptor system and it is also lossless. We can write the conventional circuit equations in terms of the ratio of the primary to secondary voltage ratio c0B-math-125 with the current ratio of c0B-math-126 such that power is conserved (Fig. B.8).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.8 Equivalent circuit for ideal transformer with two windings.

The stamp for the ideal two winding transformer is given in Table B.11.

Table B.11 Matrix element stamps for two winding ideal transformer.

Row/column c0B-math-127 c0B-math-128 c0B-math-129 c0B-math-130 c0B-math-131 c0B-math-132 RHS
c0B-math-133 1 0
c0B-math-134 c0B-math-135 0
c0B-math-136 1 0
c0B-math-137 c0B-math-138 0
Aux 0 0 0 0 1 c0B-math-139 0
Aux c0B-math-140 c0B-math-141 1 c0B-math-142 0 0 0

The ideal transformer stamp for multiple windings is a straightforward extension of the two winding model given here.

B.2 Controlled Source Stamps

Controlled sources are required for a large class of circuit solutions. For PEEC models, current controlled current sources (CCCSs) are used as well as voltage controlled voltage sources (VCVSs). We consider the four combinations between current and voltage sources in the following section.

B.2.1 Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS)

The first controlled source stamp we consider is the current controlled voltage source (CCVS). The equation for the voltage is c0B-math-143, where c0B-math-144 represents the individual name assigned to the c0B-math-145 factor (Fig. B.9).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.9 Equivalent circuit for current controlled voltage source.

Table B.12 Matrix stamp for current controlled voltage source.

Row/column c0B-math-146 c0B-math-147 c0B-math-148 c0B-math-149 c0B-math-150 c0B-math-151 RHS
c0B-math-152 1 0
c0B-math-153 c0B-math-154 0
c0B-math-155 1 0
c0B-math-156 c0B-math-157 0
Aux 1 c0B-math-158 0
Aux 1 c0B-math-159 c0B-math-160 0

As can be observed, the stamp is given for the case where the current is measured between nodes c0B-math-161 and c0B-math-162 is for the case of a short current measuring connection. The stamp can be simplified if we use a branch current as the measuring element. This part is clearly borrowed from the current measuring in the short stamp in Table B.12.

B.2.2 Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS)

Next, we consider the matrix stamp for a VCVS. The auxiliary equation for this case is c0B-math-163. This leads to the matrix stamp of Table B.13 (Fig. B.10).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.10 Equivalent circuit for voltage controlled voltage source.

Table B.13 Matrix stamp for voltage controlled voltage source.

Row/column c0B-math-164 c0B-math-165 c0B-math-166 c0B-math-167 c0B-math-168 RHS
c0B-math-171 1
c0B-math-172 c0B-math-173
Aux c0B-math-174 c0B-math-175 1 c0B-math-176

B.2.3 Current Controlled Current Source (CCCS)

Next, we consider the matrix stamp for a CCCS (Table B.14). The current c0B-math-177. Here, c0B-math-178 is the current of the source from node c0B-math-179 to node c0B-math-180 (Fig. B.11).

Table B.14 Matrix stamp for current controlled current source.

Row/column c0B-math-181 c0B-math-182 c0B-math-183 c0B-math-184 c0B-math-185 RHS
c0B-math-186 1
c0B-math-187 c0B-math-188
c0B-math-189 c0B-math-190
c0B-math-191 c0B-math-192
Aux 1 c0B-math-193
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.11 Equivalent circuit for current controlled current source.

B.2.4 Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS)

The matrix stamp for a voltage controlled current source (VCCS) is used to represent some devices (Fig. B.12, Table B.15). The voltage controlled current is given by c0B-math-194. These stamps, together with Chapter 2, should yield a good understanding on how to form the appropriate circuit equations.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure B.12 Equivalent circuit for voltage controlled current sources.

Table B.15 Matrix stamp for VCCS.

Row/column c0B-math-195 c0B-math-196 c0B-math-197 c0B-math-198 RHS
c0B-math-201 c0B-math-202 c0B-math-203
c0B-math-204 c0B-math-205 c0B-math-206


  1. 1. C. Ho, A. Ruehli, and P. Brennan. The modified nodal approach to network analysis. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 22(6):504–509, June 1975.
  2. 2. J. Vlach and K. Singhal. Computer Methods for Circuit Simulation. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1983.
  3. 3. A. Ruehli Ed. Circuit Analysis, Simulation and Design, Part 1. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, 1986.
  4. 4. L. Pillegi, R. Rohrer, and C. Visweswariah. Electronic Circuits and System Simulation Methods. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1995.
  5. 5. F. N. Najm. Circuit Simulation. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2010.
  6. 6. L. W. Nagel. SPICE: a computer program to simulate semiconductor circuits. Electronics Research Laboratory Report, ERL M520, University of California, Berkeley, CA, May 1975.
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