Chapter 7
Nonorthogonal PEEC Models

The previous chapter is a prelude to this chapter. The fundamental techniques for constructing the nonorthogonal partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) models are similar to the orthogonal ones. However, the compute time required for nonorthogonal structures can be significantly larger. As we learn in this chapter, the computations of the partial inductances c07-math-001 and coefficients of potential c07-math-002 matrices are much more challenging as well as more time consuming. Further, all nonorthogonal partial inductances are coupled, unlike orthogonal cases where only partial inductances in the same direction are coupled by partial mutual inductances. The circuit matrix will be much more dense. It is clear that a good compromise is the use of orthogonal cells in combination with nonorthogonal cells. Hence, orthogonal cells are used as much as possible. This leads to the situation where orthogonal partial elements are coupled to nonorthogonal partial elements.

Early on in the history of PEEC models, simplified nonorthogonal geometries were approximated by rectangular bars with arbitrary orientations [1–4]. Other approaches have also been proposed for nonorthogonal PEEC models using triangular cells for the problems at hand [5–7]. The quadrilateral or hexahedral PEEC formulation has been shown to work well, for example, Refs [8–10]. The quadrilateral and hexahedral shapes can be used to represent different conductor as well as dielectric cells. Further, quadrilateral surface cells have been used successfully for electromagnetic (EM) antenna type modeling for other integral equation approach [11, 12]. Importantly, large aspect ratio cells can be used for quadrilateral and hexahedral cells. An example of two quadrilateral inductive cells is shown in Fig. 7.1. Two inductance half cells are used in this example.

In this text, we do not consider triangular cell shapes for several reasons. Perhaps the most important one is because of the features of heterogeneous electromagnetic circuit (EM/Ckt) problem, which we want to solve. Using triangular cells may lead to additional unknowns since the aspect ratio of the cells has to be relatively small. This limited aspect ratio can lead to a large number of unknowns for the problems of interest. Each triangular cell has three current directions. Hence, if triangular cells would also be employed, the computational complexity of evaluating integrals increases to three fundamental cell types have to include rectangles, quadrilaterals, and triangles.

It is intriguing to observe that the topology of the orthogonal and quadrilateral PEEC equivalent circuit models is exactly the same since the additional partial mutual inductances are not shown in the schematics. However, the additional inductive couplings must include nonorthogonal partial mutual inductances.

The modeling of nonorthogonal shapes is becoming more important for the large class of higher frequency problems of interest. Many examples are in the signal and power integrity problem area such as the modeling of high voltage towers [13] as well as some printed circuit boards formulations that use nonorthogonal cells [8, 14–16]. Comparisons with measurements and solutions obtained with other techniques have been made in Refs [17, 18]. The validation of such results should be an ongoing process.

“A schematic of an example of two long quadrilateral inductive cells with directions x, y, and z marked.”

Figure 7.1 Example of two long quadrilateral inductive cells.

7.1 Representation of Nonorthogonal Shapes

It is clear that one of the more complicated parts for the nonorthogonal shape modeling is the coordinate system that represents the geometry. This is an important part of this chapter.

A few concepts are fundamental for the treatment of nonorthogonal shapes. First, the global coordinate system determines the location of all objects independent of their local orientation. This global coordinate system is a conventional, orthogonal one where an object c07-math-003 is assumed to be located at a point c07-math-004. How can we then represent an object with an arbitrary orientation? In general, this local object can be an orthogonal, quadrilateral, and/or hexahedral conductor or dielectric block or cell. Hence, we need to define the center point of the c07-math-005th object c07-math-006 and its orientation with respect to the general coordinates.

In the global orthogonal coordinates, a vector from the origin to the point is given by c07-math-007 where the global unit vectors c07-math-008, c07-math-009 and c07-math-010 are position independent. To emphasize the vector c07-math-011 represents always the global coordinate system. However, a typical case has many local coordinates for the many nonorthogonals subsystems that are represented with different orientations in the global system.

It is important to understand that each separate local coordinate system is locally coupled to the global coordinates. Hence, the local coordinates allow the arbitrary orientation of the local objects. We call the local coordinates c07-math-012. We use c07-math-013 to distinguish them from circuit variables such as voltage c07-math-014. It is clear that we need to relate the local coordinates to the global ones.

We start out with the description of the geometrical objects that can be orthogonal and/or nonorthogonal. The more difficult issue is the representation of nonorthogonal geometries. The global coordinate system represents all parts of the geometry. Ultimately, all bodies need to be described in global coordinates such that the interactions can be represented.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.2 Line in global 3D coordinate system.

A simple nonorthogonal example is the case where a straight wire connects between c07-math-015 and c07-math-016, which is shown in Fig. 7.2. For example, we would like to represent the global c07-math-017 coordinate in terms of the local coordinate variable c07-math-018. Then, we can represent all points in c07-math-019 between the two end points c07-math-020 and c07-math-021 as

7.1 equation

by choosing a point c07-math-023 where c07-math-024. It is evident that if c07-math-025, then c07-math-026 and if c07-math-027 then c07-math-028.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.3 Basic quadrilateral element with local and global coordinates.

The local unit vectors are defined as c07-math-029, c07-math-030, and c07-math-031. Details about nonorthogonal coordinate systems can be found in several texts, for example, Ref. [19]. Figure 7.3 shows an example of a zero thickness quadrilateral element with its local coordinate system. For example, we need to be able to specify the location of points on the surface of the quadrilateral. In this text, we assume that all local cell surfaces for all objects such as quadrilateral as well as hexahedrons are planar. From Fig. 7.3, it is clear that the quadrilateral is uniquely defined by the coordinates of four plane corner points. This introduces a linear dependence of some of the coordinates. The global coordinate center point is at the origin of the local coordinates shown in Fig. 7.3.

Next, we present a simple approach for a unique definition of the corners of the local coordinates in the global system. This is accomplished in a clever way by the local variables c07-math-032 where c07-math-033 and c07-math-034 as will be given below. Based on Fig. 7.3, the corner location corresponds to c07-math-035 or c07-math-036 and c07-math-037 or c07-math-038. Hence, it is convenient to use logical variable to identify the corners. We assign a logical zero c07-math-039 to the variable c07-math-040 and a logical c07-math-041 to the variable c07-math-042, and so on. Hence, Table 7.1 can be constructed for the corner representation.

Table 7.1 Local corner specification for quadrilateral surface.

Variable c07-math-043 Variable c07-math-044 Logic c07-math-045 Logic c07-math-046 Corner assigned
c07-math-047 c07-math-048 0 0 0
c07-math-049 1 0 1 1
1 c07-math-050 1 0 2
1 1 1 1 3

From this, it is easy to uniquely assign logical codes to the corners in Fig. 7.3.

With this definition of the corners, we can uniquely relate the location of a point on the quadrilateral surface to a point in the global rectangular coordinate system c07-math-051. This is accomplished by the following conventional mappings:

7.2a equation
7.2b equation
7.2c equation
7.2d equation


7.3a equation
7.3b equation
7.3c equation

where (c07-math-059) is located on the quadrilateral surface and (c07-math-060) is the corresponding point in the global coordinates.

7.1.1 Hexahedral Bodies

It is clear that for many partial inductance and resistance cells and dielectric bodies, etc., we need finite thickness cells. For this case, we need three coordinates (c07-math-061) to describe a point, where c07-math-062 is added to the quadrilateral sheet representation as shown in Fig. 7.4. Clearly, the model is an extension of the quadrilateral case. We only have to add the equations for the three local directions.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.4 Basic hexahedral element or object with local coordinates.

First, the corner assignment for eight corners is shown in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Local corner specification for hexahedral body.

Logic c07-math-063 Logic c07-math-064 Logic c07-math-065 Corner assigned
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7

The coefficients for (7.5) are given by

7.4a equation
7.4b equation
7.4c equation
7.4d equation
7.4e equation
7.4f equation
7.4g equation
7.4h equation

where all the local coordinate variables are between c07-math-074. Because node indices are unique, again we can obtain the mappings to the global coordinates as


At this point, we have a unique mapping between a local point located anywhere in the hexahedral shape to the global coordinates c07-math-076. The combined coordinate systems represent a convenient way to represent nonorthogonal coordinates for the shapes at hand.

7.1.2 Derivatives of the Local Coordinates

Hopefully, it is clear now that local coordinates pertain to a specific body. The local variables are valid only on the surfaces or inside the volume of the body. The main purpose of the local coordinates is to facilitate the evaluation of PEEC circuit elements the nonorthogonal partial inductances, potential coefficient, and the resistances. For these computations, we notonly need relations between the global coordinate vector c07-math-077 and its local coordinates but also local derivatives for the local coordinates and other information.

For example, for a quadrilateral shape in Fig. 7.3, we can simply find the general derivatives

7.6b equation
7.6c equation

Based on (7.3), we can obtain the desired derivatives using (7.6a)–(7.9)

7.7a equation
7.7b equation
7.7c equation

where the other two sets of derivatives with respect to c07-math-085 and c07-math-086 are specified by replacing c07-math-087 by c07-math-088 or c07-math-089. We finally have all the components for the evaluation of the important tangential vector with respect to the local coordinates that are

7.8 equation

The importance of these derivatives is evident in the following section.

7.2 Specification of Nonorthogonal Partial Elements

The derivations of the vectors in the previous section provide the foundation for the formulation of the nonorthogonal partial elements. For the partial coefficients of potential c07-math-091, zero thickness rectangular or quadrilateral shapes are used since the charge is a surface quantity. For resistances c07-math-092 and partial inductances c07-math-093, rectangular or hexahedral boxes are used. As a practical solution for uniform thin partial inductances or resistance, we can utilize quadrilateral shapes with a uniform thickness without having to resort to more complex hexahedral representations. It is clear that we want to use nonorthogonal coordinates only where it is necessary. For example, for the coupling between a rectangular and a nonorthogonal shape, we represent each shape with the appropriate coordinates. Of course, we can adhere to the global rectangular coordinates for the rectangular Manhattan object.

We use a zero thickness or very thin quadrilateral conductive sheet shown in Fig. 7.5 to motivate the derivation of the next step. An inductive/resistance half cell between nodes 0 and 2 is illustrated on the quadrilateral shape with the current density vectors. Further, the crosshatched area attached to node 1 is an example of a capacitive quarter cell. We recognize that in both cases, full cells can be formed by attaching other sheets to the same nodes forming larger bodies. As an example, two inductive half cells from two different quads can be connected between nodes 0 and 2 and four capacitive quarter cells may be connected to node 1 to form full capacitive cell.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.5 Quadrilateral patch with four inductive half cells.

The direction of the current flow in Fig. 7.5 from node 0 to node 2 is given by a vector that changes direction with position on the half cell. We can compute the tangential direction vectors c07-math-094, c07-math-095, c07-math-096 from the tangential vector by first forming the magnitude of the vectors

7.9 equation

The unit vectors are found by dividing the vectors by the magnitude, or

7.10 equation

These unit vectors give the direction of the current anywhere on the cells.

For completeness, we also want to introduce that the square of the magnitude is also called the metric coefficient [19]. For example,

7.11 equation

7.2.1 Discretization of Conductor and Dielectric Geometries

Chapter 3 shows the integral equation representing the solution to be discretized, for example, (3.54) for orthogonal structures whose solution is given in Chapter 6.

The basic hexahedral element or object for the nonorthogonal element is shown in Fig. 7.4 and an example for the connection between quadrilateral and orthogonal surface elements is shown in Fig. 7.6. As we do for rectangular coordinates, we set up the inductive and capacitive meshes. For example, we see how the quarter cells connected to the c07-math-100 node form the capacitance plate. However, it is clear that the total cell potential coefficients are also computed by combining the quarter cell values. The inductive cells are formed by half cells or by combining two half cells into a full cell. To represent thecurrent flow in the orthogonal cells, we use the conventional current density or weighting function c07-math-101, where c07-math-102 and c07-math-103 are the current and current density while c07-math-104 and c07-math-105 are the cell width and thickness, respectively.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.6 Geometry with rectangular and quadrilateral elements.

For the nonorthogonal case, we assume that the conductor thickness is also subdivided into cells. As an example, the thickness divisions take the skin effect into account as considered in Chapter 9. This leads to the hexahedral elements in Fig. 7.4 for the nonorthogonal case. It directly leads to a nonorthogonal version of the volume filament (VFI) skin-effect model presented in Section 9.3 especially for conductors with a constant thickness.

The generalization of the current distribution weighting for nonorthogonal hexahedral cell shapes is given by

where c07-math-107 and c07-math-108 can easily be found by permuting the indices. We call the quotient in (7.12) the weight c07-math-109 so that it is simplified to c07-math-110. We shall note that all the above quantities are a function of the local position coordinates c07-math-111.

Next, we use an integral or inner product operator that essentially implements c07-math-112c07-math-112a for the nonorthogonal case, or

Where c07-math-114 is the c07-math-115 field term to be integrated. In fact, we need to apply the inner product to each term of (3.54) to transform each term to a voltage drop across a PEEC circuit element in the Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) equation.

The first element on the right-hand side terms (3.54), equivalent to the derivation for rectangular coordination in Section 6.1, leads to the series resistance term in the form

To give a specific example of a resistance case, if we consider the cell between corners 0 and 2 in Fig. 7.5. The resistance connected to corners will be

7.15 equation

where we assign a uniform thickness to the layer in the c07-math-118 direction.

The second right-hand side term of (3.54) yields the partial inductance corresponding to (5.17). The orthogonal Manhattan case is repeated here for convenience:

7.16 equation

For the nonorthogonal case, after applying (7.13) becomes the generalization of the partial inductance concept for nonorthogonal problems, or

where the Green's function c07-math-121 still is evaluated with the same global coordinates c07-math-122 and c07-math-123. This clearly makes the analytical evaluation of the integral more difficult in the nonorthogonal coordinates. We also want to give a specific example for the evaluation of the integral for the quad sheet in Fig. 7.5. In this case, also assume a small thickness in the c07-math-124 direction where we compute the partial mutual inductance between the half cells with corners (0,2) and (1,3), which is

The dot-product c07-math-126 in (7.18) can be evaluated in several different ways depending on the details of the integration techniques used in Appendix C. Also, as an approximation we may evaluate the unit vectors at the center of each of the half cells.

The charge density is of a similar form as (7.12). Of course, the charge does not have a directional dependence. The volume charge density c07-math-127 is given by

where c07-math-129 is the total charge in the volume cell. For conventional conductors, the charge is located on the surface cells only. The gradient of the potential in the c07-math-130 direction is evaluated to be

To maintain the symmetry for the circuit elements or coefficients, we approximate the derivative using an integrated average over the two corner cells corresponding to the derivative where the spacing is the projection in the c07-math-132 direction for the center-to-center distance c07-math-133. This approximation implies that (7.20) can be simplified to

where c07-math-135 is a surface in the appropriate surface direction.

Finally, by substituting for the potential c07-math-136 as in (3.58b) into (7.21) and by canceling the appropriate terms, we get for the normalized coefficients of potential

7.22 equation

where the global coordinates c07-math-138 and c07-math-139 are evaluated on the cell related to the cell of interest.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.7 PEEC model for quad with four nodes in Fig. 7.5.

We also want to give an example for the evaluation of a c07-math-140. In Fig. 7.5, we chose the capacitive quarter cells, one is the crosshatched attached to corner 1 and to the quarter cell attached at corner 2.

7.23 equation

The PEEC circuit for a quadrilateral element is shown in Fig. 7.7. It consists of basic KVL loops. Specifically, a KVL loop involves two nodes with a partial inductance and a resistance in series that is closed by the capacitances to infinity. As is evident from Fig. 7.5, the part of the model represented by Fig. 7.7 includes the inductive half cells and the capacitive quarter cells.

Of course, we can simplify neighboring quads with some partial elements that are connected to the same nodes in parallel. Specifically, the two inductive half cells connected to c07-math-142 and c07-math-143 in Fig. 7.6 could be combined. Again, the PEEC circuit topology for the orthogonal and the nonorthogonal cases are the same, with the exception of the circuit element values and the additional partial mutuals. Importantly, the same modified nodal analysis (MNA) circuit solver can be used for all cases.

Using the excess capacitance model in Section 10.4.6, we can also treat dielectric hexagonal blocks. The fundamental formulation is same for both situations. Similar to the orthogonal case, the dielectrics are represented with the same circuit elements. Using the nonorthogonal excess capacitance of a dielectric cell that is equivalent to (10.68) as

where c07-math-145 is the dielectric constant of the dielectric cell. The equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 7.8 for the dielectric excess capacitance model is copied for convenience from Fig. 10.18. Importantly, we simply can take the nonorthogonal partial inductance in (7.17) and the series resistance in (7.14). The details of the derivation are given in Section 10.4.6.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.8 Model for volume capacitance from Section 10.4.6.

7.2.2 Continuity Equation and KCL for Nonorthogonal Geometries

The continuity equation for the rectangular PEEC models is considered in Section 6.3.1. The continuity equation must also be satisfied for the nonorthogonal case at the cell level for the currents and charges. Its differential form is given by (3.3) or c07-math-146 where again c07-math-147 is the current density and c07-math-148 is the surface charge density. The continuity equation needs to be applied at the location of each node corresponding to Figs. 7.37.5.

“Schematic of Corner of cell for continuity equation with Ia

Figure 7.9 Corner of cell for continuity equation.

Unlike in Fig. 6.3, for the model we only show a quarter of the area in Fig. 7.9 for which the continuity equation is applied. Here, we show only one quarter of the centre cell unlike in Fig. 6.3, which shows the cell for rectangular coordinates. Since only one quarter of the elements surrounding the node is shown, we assume that the surface element in Fig. 7.9 may be connected to other similar surfaces along the c07-math-149c07-math-150 and the c07-math-151c07-math-152 surfaces. Hence, the volume for which the continuity equation is applied consists of the corners that are involved in the geometry surrounding the node(s). It is sufficient to consider only the corner elements by ignoring the internal surfaces shown in Fig. 7.9 for simplicity.

Integrating the continuity equation over the corner yields

7.25 equation

where the divergence theorem (3.33) [20] is used in the last step and the vector c07-math-154 is normal to the surface c07-math-155. The volume integral part pertains to the charge on the top and bottom c07-math-156 surface corners connected to nodes 1 and 0, which are charged as indicated with c07-math-157 in Fig. 7.9. If the nodes 0 and 1 are shorted, then the charge density consists of two c07-math-158-functions at the surfaces of the conductors with the surface charge c07-math-159 and the contributions at c07-math-160 are

and where the surface charge can be found from (7.19) as c07-math-162. Substituting this into (7.26) yields the charges c07-math-163 on the corner surfaces.

Similarly, the currents associated with the corner nodes 0,1 are flowing through the cross-sectional areas indicated by c07-math-164 in the c07-math-165 direction and c07-math-166 in the c07-math-167 direction. The current through the section of conductor cross section for c07-math-168 is given by

Where c07-math-170 is given by (7.12).

Again, the same relationship holds for the equation for the c07-math-171 coordinate. Adding all terms pertaining to the continuity equation, we get for one corner only

7.28 equation

which can be recognized as the Kirchhoff's current law (KCL). It is evident that the continuity equation is satisfied since the admittance part of the MNA [21] formulation method is based on summing up all the current contributions at a node. Since the partial inductances extend from one node to a neighbor node, we need to subdivide the partial inductances into two halves where the part at the node is instantaneous and where the second part which belongs to a neighboring cell must include retarded partial mutual inductances.

7.3 Evaluation of Partial Elements for Nonorthogonal PEEC Circuits

For nonorthogonal geometries, the partial element evaluations are more challenging. In all cases, the singular Green's function is more difficult for the partial self-terms. Of course, the singularity can be eliminated if an analytic integration is possible.

The nearest neighbor results in coupling elements that are largest in magnitude. Therefore, these coefficients usually require more care. The magnitude sensitivity decreases with the distance between the cells for the partial elements. However, this is not the case for the radiation or phase sensitivity that is almost the same for all distances between the cells.

The partial element evaluation represents an important part of the overall solution. For this reason – and for the efficient evaluation of all elements – the so-called multifunction approach was devised, which is outlined in Appendix E. Issues of importance are both the accuracy and speed for the partial element evaluation. A general evaluation of partial elements for nonorthogonal structures consists of the combination of analytic and numerical techniques. Some of the formulations are presented in Appendices C and D.

We consider an example for partial element evaluation using a mixed numerical–analytic combination. The example involves a quadrilateral cell problem where the thickness c07-math-173 is represented by a set of layers or sheets as shown in Fig. 7.10. In this example, the thickness of the 3D hexahedral structure is assumed to be thin compared to the other cell dimensions. Hence, the numerical integration is applied in the thin c07-math-174 direction as shown with the sheets in Fig. 7.10.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.10 Example for numerical solution of c07-math-175 direction layered representation.

If we use local coordinates, the c07-math-176th sheet is specified by c07-math-177, c07-math-178, and c07-math-179. The values of the c07-math-180 are the values obtained from the Gaussian quadrature rule for the c07-math-181 levels. Hence, each inductive cell is represented by four sheets as is shown in Fig. 7.10. There are thus a total of four c07-math-182 sheets for each inductive cell shown in Fig. 7.10. The value of c07-math-183 determines the accuracy for a given aspect ratio of the cell and the accuracy required.

For the inductance computation, the partial inductance of each sheet cell is required with respect to all the other sheet cells. Importantly, the integral (7.17) is reduced to the evaluation c07-math-184 fourfold integrals of the following form

7.29 equation

where c07-math-186 is the product of the number of layers represented by each of the two cells. The partial inductance problem is reduced to a fourfold integral with the surface subdivisions that is easier to evaluate even if numerical integration is used.

As an example, we can use rectangular or triangular subcells to compute the self- or mutual value for two cells. The important issue is that at the PEEC level, we still want to use rectangular, quadrilateral, or hexahedral cells. Assuming that we subdivide a local coordinate sheet c07-math-187 into subcells, then we have subdivisions that are chosen to maintain a reasonable aspect ratio as well as the required accuracy. Fortunately, analytical formulas also exist for the evaluation of quasistatic triangle surface integrals such that the singularity can be avoided [24]. The integral over the smaller of the two cells can be performed numerically.

As another example, the integration in (7.17) with respect to c07-math-188 and c07-math-189 can be performed by using a nine-point sixth-order accurate product Gaussian quadrature rule. Once we have obtained an approximation c07-math-190 to the integral (7.17) using this method, we divide each cell into twice as many c07-math-191 layers as before, by doubling c07-math-192, and repeat the procedure, obtaining another approximation, c07-math-193. Then, we can use a second- order Richardson extrapolation to obtain our final estimate c07-math-194 [22, 25].

Analytical formulas are available for rectangular shapes. Therefore, it is always desirable to use as many rectangular cells as possible. But it is also possible and actually convenient to use Gaussian quadrature for rectangles when accuracy is not critical. For example, for the far distance interaction for the static field, the Gaussian quadrature rule can achieve convenience and satisfactory accuracy without excessive compute time.

If triangles are used, most calculations are performed in the numerical regime. Gaussian quadrature rules as shown in Appendix E will be a convenient facility to handle the integrals.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.11 Example for subdividing quadrilateral sheet with triangles or rectangles for evaluation of integral for quadrilateral external shapes.

The overall integral can lead to a time-consuming evaluation for too many subdivisions. Hence, we would like the number of subareas as small as possible. The compute time and accuracy are the key issues why this is such an important issue. Hence, the evaluation of the integrals is predominantly performed analytically, given the techniques in Appendices C and D. In the example in Fig. 7.11, results in a partial self (c07-math-195 or c07-math-196) double integral, which leads to the following two integrations over the subareas

Assuming that we want to compute a self c07-math-198 or c07-math-199 for the example in Fig. 7.11, we set c07-math-200. We want to point out that the practical evaluations of (7.30) can be simplified due to the symmetry of the subintegrals and other issues if some shapes are the same. If we have to compute the partial mutual c07-math-201 or c07-math-202, we can take advantage of the symmetry of the coefficients.

We note that the subdivision of the cells into subcells allows the additional refinement of the phase by the assignment of the local retardation in the time and frequency domains. Only a small amount of additional compute time results since the subcells are located on the same cell without introducing additional element in the MNA unknown vector. This serves as phase refinement that is used in the passivity enhancement techniques as presented in Section 13.5.2.

The techniques presented in this chapter results in a refined solution for nonorthogonal shapes with large aspect ratio cells.

7.3.1 Analytic Solution for Quadrilateral Cells in a Plane

In this section, we present the analytical evaluation of the zero thickness integrals for quadrilateral cells located on a plane. This derivation would be too lengthy for the Appendices C and D. In addition, there are other results that are useful such as the integral over filament with the kernel c07-math-203. The integrals are complicated in spite of the fact that they do not have singularities in the integrand. Remember that the original integrals have c07-math-204 singularities for the self-terms. In this section, we are using global coordinates for the evaluation of the integrals since an analytic result can be obtained in global coordinates for this case.

The original work was presented in Ref. [23], whereas the new solution was led by D. Romano in a recent work. The evaluation of the partial potential coefficient using local coordinates is given by (7.24). A self-term for a quadrilateral cell is shown in Fig. 7.12 and the coupling situation for two quadrilateral cells is given in Fig. 7.13.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.12 Orthogonal quadrilateral for partial self-potential term.

We observe that the key difference between the partial coefficients of potential and the partial inductances is a different multiplication factor as well as the dot-product between the current directions. We have to approximate the dot-product for partial inductances by using average current directions. However, the accuracy is reduced if the current direction changes considerably over at least one of the cells. This may require further subdivisions of the cells.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.13 Orthogonal coplanar quadrilateral for partial mutual term.

The geometry of the problem of interest is shown in Fig. 7.13 for the general case for two quadrilaterals, whereas Fig. 7.12 represents the special case for the self-term. In this computation, we have to assume that both surfaces are located in the c07-math-205 plane in the general coordinate system c07-math-206. The two zero thickness quadrilateral cells 1 and 2 are specified using the local corner coordinates 0–3, with the associated global coordinates c07-math-207 with the surfaces c07-math-208 for quadrilateral 1 and c07-math-209 for 2 corresponding to the primed coordinates. The integral to be evaluated for the zero thickness c07-math-210 or c07-math-211 is


where c07-math-214 and c07-math-215 denote the source and observation points on c07-math-216 and c07-math-217. For the two generic quadrilaterals c07-math-218 and c07-math-219, the following identity holds [24]:

7.32 equation

where c07-math-221 and c07-math-222 are the surface operators, and where the second one operates on the primed coordinates, respectively. By means of the surface gradient and the surface divergence theorem [19], (7.31a) is transformed to

where c07-math-224 and c07-math-225 represent the circumferences of the quadrilateral shapes. We should repeat that they are in the c07-math-226 plane. Also, c07-math-227 and c07-math-228 are the outward vectors normal to c07-math-229 and c07-math-230 as shown in Figs 7.12 and 7.13. They are related to the unit vector tangential to the quadrilateral sides c07-math-231 and c07-math-232 and they are normal to their surfaces unit vector c07-math-233, by means of

7.34a equation
7.34b equation

Application of (7.33) to c07-math-236 and c07-math-237 gives a 16-term sum of line integrals

Since the sides of the quadrilaterals are straight lines c07-math-239 for each pair of sides c07-math-240 and c07-math-241, then each term of (7.35) becomes

The analytical integration of integrals c07-math-243 depends on the configuration of two sides c07-math-244 and c07-math-245.

If the two sides are perpendicular where c07-math-246, then the computation of c07-math-247 is zero. Hence, removing the evaluation saves compute time. Of course, the c07-math-248 and c07-math-249 axes are exchanged if the integration is set up in the wrong direction. The analytical evaluation of c07-math-250 is considered in the following section for the general case as well as the special case when two sides coincide is considered.

7.3.2 General Case for Evaluation of Integral c07-math-251

It is clear from the previous section that to evaluate c07-math-252, we have to solve the integrals c07-math-253 between two segments c07-math-254 and c07-math-255 as shown in Fig. 7.14. Hence, the integrals involve two lines c07-math-256 with the end points c07-math-257, c07-math-258 and c07-math-259 with the end points c07-math-260 and c07-math-261, which can substitute from (7.35) in the global reference system c07-math-262 for c07-math-263 as

and for c07-math-265 as

Substituting (7.31b), (7.37), and (7.38) in (7.36) one obtains

In (7.39), the internal integral is solved by using the formula (7.56a)

where it is defined that

Substituting (7.40) in (7.39) one has

The integrals c07-math-271 for c07-math-272 on the right-hand side of (7.42) refer to the four terms shown in (7.40). These four integrals are evaluated next.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 7.14 Relevant geometry for the double-line integrals.

For c07-math-273 which is

by substituting in the first and the last equations of (7.37)


The integrals in (7.44) are solved by using the formulas (7.56 a) and (7.56 b).

Following the same steps, an expression for c07-math-277 is obtained, which is the same as c07-math-278 in (7.44). The only difference is in the expressions for the coefficients c07-math-279, and c07-math-280, which are equal to the ones in (7.45) if c07-math-281 is substituted by c07-math-282.

For c07-math-283

7.46 equation

by substituting in the first and the last equations of (7.37)


In the above expressions, the coefficients c07-math-287, c07-math-288, and c07-math-289 are given in (7.45). In order to further simplify the analytical solutions of the integrals of (7.47), it is possible to set c07-math-290 that can be written as

7.49a equation
7.49b equation
7.49c equation


7.50 equation

We should exclude from the solution for c07-math-295, which results for the case when the two segments are perpendicular. For this case, the evaluation of c07-math-296 is eliminated as mentioned in Section 7.3.2. The analytical solution for the integrals c07-math-297, c07-math-298, and c07-math-299 is given in (7.56) and (7.58).

Following the same steps, the expression for c07-math-300 is obtained: it is completely equal to that for c07-math-301 in (7.47). The only difference is in the expressions of the coefficients c07-math-302, c07-math-303, and c07-math-304 that are equal to those in (7.45) and (7.48) with c07-math-305 substituted by c07-math-306.

7.3.3 Evaluation of Integral c07-math-307 When Two Sides c07-math-308 Coincide

For two sides c07-math-309 coincident, equation (7.38) can be written as

7.51 equation

Hence, the coefficients c07-math-311, c07-math-312, and c07-math-313 in equation (7.41) can be written as

7.52 equation

In this case, c07-math-315. This implies that equation (7.40) turns into

7.53 equation

Hence, equation (7.42) turns into

7.54 equation

The expression of c07-math-318 is the same as that of equation (7.43) with

7.55 equation

The solution of the integrals required is given next. If we define c07-math-320, then the first and the second integrals are with the solution given as

7.56b equation
7.57a equation
7.57b equation
7.57c equation

where the definitions used are

It is clear that the analytic solutions are not trivial to implement. However, it was found that they are much faster for closely located conductors. Also, the singularity for self-terms is automatically taken care of. The above equation is best used for very close cells while approximate solutions are more efficient for cells which are further apart.


  1. 7.1 Conversion of coordinates

    Coordinate conversion is required for nonorthogonal, global coordinates to a quadrilateral element shown in Fig. 7.3. Show that points c07-math-327 on the quadrilateral element can be converted into a point in the local c07-math-328 by the formulation in Section 7.1 to a point on the surfaces of the quadrilateral shape. We note that the quadrilateral surface is bounded by the cornerpoints points 0 to 3. Show that the points (a, b) in the −1, +1 range correspond to global coordinate points (x, y, z) by using equation (7.3).

  2. 7.2 Continuity equation

    Explain the function of the continuity equation in relation to the equivalent circuit in Fig. 7.7. Show that equation (7.27) is based on the continuity equation for the nonorthogonal geometry shown.

  3. 7.3 Resistance for nonorthogonal geometries

    Prove equation (7.14) for the resistance of the nonorthogonal geometries. Also, we don't consider possible resistive couplings due to the nonorthogonal overlap of resistive cells. Find a formula for the resistive coupling between overlapping cells, which is an extension of (7.14). An example for resistive coupling in Fig. 7.3 for two overlapping inductance half cells which are connected between nodes 0 and 2 and the other one is connected between nodes 0 and 1. Of course the quadrilateral is not rectangular.

  4. 7.4 PEEC inductance circuit model for coupled current strips

    This problem is very similar to the first problem in Chapter 6. However, the conductor shape is trapezoidal rather than rectangular. The thickness c07-math-329 and the corner point is c07-math-330 and the width c07-math-331 for the trapezoidal strip in Fig. 7.15. The same way as in the first problem in Chapter 6, split the strip in the middle into two pieces that are connected at the ends. These two half-cell pieces are coupled to each other. Build an inductance–resistance c07-math-332 PEEC model for the strip two partial. Make an c07-math-333 equivalent circuit for the problem. Is the model an open-loop model?

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 7.15 Orthogonal quadrilateral for partial self-potential term.


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