
Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures

academies (in general) 12, 44

acoustic considerations 52, 155, 164

adapting existing buildings 10525, 152

adjacency 39, 88, 90, 100

age-specific learning areas 35, 39, 46, 91, 912, 100

AHR 89

all age schools 3, 12, 53

Allford Hall Monaghan Morris 53, 789

Archial NORR 42

architect’s role 71, 76, 11516, 119

ArchitecturePLB 54, 56, 601, 86, 97, 109

area allowances 12, 108, 166

Arkitema Architects, 2

Ashperton Primary Academy, Herefordshire 128

assembly spaces 39, 48, 68, 75, 109, 114

Atkins 801

Avanti Architects 57


balconies 56, 79

Barnfield West Academy, Luton 54

Baseline Designs 43, 57, 161, 166

Basic Needs funding 12

BDP 1423

Boarding Schools National Minimum Standards 2013 164

Bond Bryan Architects 623

Bonhill Primary School, Bonhill, Argyll and Bute 1567


bridges 47, 83, 99

briefing issues 245 (see also design issues)

Building Bulletins 164, 165, 166

building footprints 4950 (see also building typologies)

building height 50

building information management (BIM) 136

building layouts see building typologies

building management and maintenance 152

building materials 73, 756, 967

building orientation 52, 95

Building Schools for the Future Programme (BSF) 10, 70, 71, 88, 93

building surveys 113

building typologies 527


campus models 524

capital funding 10, 12, 166

car drop-off 95

car parking 956

Cazenove Architects 106, 117

central ‘heart’ spaces 39, 65, 712, 72, 73, 75

changing requirements 153

Charles Dickens Primary School, Southwark, London 1389

Chobham Academy, Newham 53

Christ’s College in Guildford 146

circulation 55, 56, 75, 77, 121

cladding materials 756

Clapham Manor Primary School, Lambeth, London 1415

client brief 2139, 712

client engagement 26, 712, 73

colour use 77

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) 11

Commonweal Sixth Form, Swindon 135

communication 151 (see also client engagement)

community use 44, 46, 61, 92, 96, 101

component-based solutions 623

configurations see building typologies

consulting staff and students 323

Contents Design 1389

cost effectiveness 113, 115

Cottrell & Vermeulen Architecture Client: 345

courtyard models 17, 545, 83, 156

Creates Hubs 141

cross-curricular activity 57, 100

Curl La Tourelle Architects 989

curriculum groupings 45

curriculum provision 901, 93

Cwmclydach Primary School, Clydach Vale, Rhondda Valley 36 367

cycle storage 95


Darwen Vale High School, Darwen, Lancashire 1001

daylighting see natural lighting

decor 29, 77, 1334, 142

Design Council review 2005 11

design for change 155

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) 80, 81

design guidance 165

design issues 4452

educational 446

physical 4952

social 479

design performance 1112, 33

design process 268, 716

design quality indicators 11, 90, 115, 119

design requirements 1645

design stages 11516

design standards 1645

design team 150, 151

design test rooms 312, 36

design user groups (DUG) 31

desking 7, 131

dining areas 48, 57, 75, 91

direct funding 44

diversity of schools 434, 44, 456

drivers for change 148

dRMM 1415


early years 912, 164

ecology 94

Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010/14 164

Education (Schools) Act 1992 10

education consultants 28

education design brief (EDB) 245

Education Funding Agency (EFA) 12, 166

Baseline Designs 43, 57, 161, 166

Education Reform Act 1988 9, 44

educational context 44

educational performance 1112, 33, 69

Elm Court School, Lambeth, London 1223

entrepreneurial spaces 141

environmental control 1512

Ercall Wood Technology College, Wellington, Shropshire 1545

ethos of school 44, 52

examination areas 46, 114

exemplars 28, 71

existing buildings 10525, 152

extended use see community use

extensions 51, 10525, 110

external drivers 148

external furniture 97

external learning see outdoor learning

external noise 52

external spaces see outdoor environments


facades 15, 71, 756, 78, 79

facilities output specification (FOS) 1645

Facilities Output Specifications 43

faith rooms 49

FaulknerBrowns Architects Client: 1545

FCB Studios 823

Fir Vale & Watermead Primary Schools, Sheffield 623

fittings, furniture and equipment (FFE) 12743

flexible spaces 31, 46, 132, 152, 1556, 157, 161

Forest Park School, Totton, Hampshire 1617

‘forest’ schools 801, 99

free schools 12, 44

funding 10, 12, 166

furniture 37, 12743 (see also desking)


gardens 81, 90, 91, 97, 101, 157

Gateacre School, Belle Vale, Liverpool 1423

Gloucester Academy, Gloucestershire 389

Goose Green Primary School, Southwark 106, 117

Gove, Michael 12

government policy 12, 43, 44

gradient of site 51

grant-maintained status 9

graphic design 77

Grounds for Learning 1023

group-based learning 45, 100, 123, 150

Gumuchdjian Architects 114


Hampshire County Architects Department 10, 1617

Happyhansel Primary School, Walls, Shetland 1023

Haverstock 1589

Hawkins|Brown 111

Hayes Primary School, Croydon 109

Hayhurst and Co 109

headteacher’s role 26, 289, 33

health and safety regulations 164

Hellerup School, Copenhagen 2

Henley Halebrown Rorrison 114

Henrietta Barnett School, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London 1201

Hilden Grange Preparatory School, Tonbridge 111

Hillview School for Girls, Tonbridge, Kent 1245

historical perspective 413

HOK 1401

Hopkins Architects 1201

house logos 77

house structure 71

hub and spokes models 55, 61, 72, 735, 155


independent schools 43

indoor comfort 63, 151

informal and social areas see social settings

information and communications technology (ICT) 25, 36

interior design 12743 (see also decor)

internal streets 55, 159

Isaac Newton Academy, Ilford, London 823


James Review of Education Capital 2011 43

JCB Academy 117

Jestico + Whiles 6777

jmarchitects 1223

Jo Richardson Community School, Dagenham 56

John Madejski Academy, Reading 47

John McAslan Partnership 1001


Kensington Creates, Kensington Aldridge Academy, London 1401

key stage learning areas 46, 47, 63, 83


landscape masterplan 95

landscaping 8890, 94, 97, 101 (see also gardens)

Le Murier School, Guernsey 97

leadership 150

learning performance 1112, 33, 69

learning styles 96

legacy furniture 1356

legislation 164

LHC Architecture 117

Lime Tree Primary School, Sale, Manchester 801

Liverpool Schools Model 64

lockers 49

long-term thinking 14559

LOOP. bz 2


masterplans 15, 73, 93, 94, 95, 149, 151

materials see building materials

Michael Faraday Community School, Southwark 42

modular assembly 80, 81

multifunction spaces 39, 55, 118, 152, 159

multi-storey buildings 15, 18, 50, 51, 56, 57, 61, 79, 83, 99, 100, 142, 155


national curriculum 44

natural environment 94

natural lighting 567, 63, 75, 79

natural ventilation 57, 75

needs assessment 11011

New Labour 2005–10 1011

Nicholas Hare Architects 389, 45

Nightingale Architects (IBI Group) 94

noise infiltration 52, 155

Notre Dame Catholic College, Everton, Liverpool 645

Notre Dame RC Secondary School, Southwark, London 289, 345

nursery and reception spaces 46, 63, 912


Ofsted 10

open-plan spaces 567, 65 (see also hub and spokes models)

orientation of site see building orientation

outdoor environments 85103, 88, 156

outdoor learning 801, 901, 923, 99, 101

out-of-hours use 46, 49, 61 (see also community use)

outside spaces see outdoor environments


parking areas 82, 956

participative design see client engagement

partnering contracts 76

Partnerships for Schools (PfS) 10

Passmores Academy, Harlow 6777

pastoral arrangements 46, 47, 48, 71, 83

pavilions 43, 45, 47, 65, 81, 125

pedagogical styles 44, 45, 96

Penoyre & Prasad 51

performance measures 1112, 33

performance spaces 48, 82, 83, 101, 109, 114

perimeter security 52

phased development 51, 121, 149

physical context 4952, 75, 79

planning for change 2832, 14953

play areas 91, 99

playing fields see sports accommodation

Plincke 86, 89, 94, 97

prefabrication 8 (see also modular assembly)

Primary Capital Programme (PCP) 10

Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP) 12, 43, 1645

Priory School, Upper Norwood, London 989

project costs 113, 115, 118

project leaders 150

project team 278

project-based learning 301, 150

pupil performance see learning performance


radial plans see hub and spokes models

refurbishment 10525

regulations 1645

Residential Special Schools National Minimum Standards 2013 164

Rimon Jewish Primary School, Barnet 133

roof spaces 50, 51, 83, 99, 111, 114

room sizes 116, 152

Royal Greenwich University Technical College, London 1819

Ryder Architecture 1567


Safe Routes to School 95

Salford University study 2012 11

sample classrooms and equipment 134

sanitary facilities 49, 75, 76

school grounds see outdoor environments

school inspections 10

School Premises (England) Regulations 2012 164

school specific design brief (SSDB) 24

Schools for the Future Series 165

‘schools within a school’ 44, 83, 159

Scott Brownrigg 1245

security considerations 52, 92, 95

sense of place 95

service connections 52, 155

Sheffield UTC 130

Sheppard Robson 645, 132, 137

Shoreham Academy, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex 601

site access 49, 95, 99

site areas 4950

site characteristics 501, 73, 945

site planning diagrams 90

site security 52, 95

site-wide surveys 11213

sixth forms 46, 48

‘sky walk’ bridges 99

Smarte East 70

social context 479, 723

social settings 48, 49, 88, 89, 90, 912, 96

software for space planning 131

space planning 12743

Spacezero 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137

spatial layouts see building typologies

special educational needs (SEN) 12, 16, 43, 44, 46, 166

specialisms 45 (see also technology specialism)

specialist status 44

Sport England publications 165

sports accommodation 51, 83, 92, 95

St. Ambrose Barlow RC High School 89, 132, 137

St. Benedict’s School, Ealing 114

St. Marylebone School, Westminster 114

St. Marys Catholic College, Blackpool 94

St. Matthew Academy, Lewisham 86

staff participation 312, 71

staff work and social areas 46, 49, 14950

stakeholders 323

standard specifications 11

Standard Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions Series (SSLDs) 165

standardised designs 12, 43, 161

standards 164

Standards for School Premises 2013 164

Stanley Park High, Carshalton, London 1589

Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy in Greenwich 45

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2012 164

storage walls 134

street and fingers models 55

Studio E Architects 136

studio schools 44

studio spaces 159

superblock model 567

surveys 94, 11213

sustainable design 73, 79, 94

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) 94


teaching lecterns 131

teaching spaces 456

teaching styles 44, 52, 96

technology specialism 1819, 71, 72, 1545

thermal comfort 63, 151

Thomas Fairchild Community School, Hackney 57

threshold spaces 92, 100 (see also site access)

Tottenham UTC 22, 27, 30, 32

travel plans 95

typologies, building 527


UCL Academy, Camden 51

university technical colleges 18, 2930, 44

urban versus rural sites 50

UTC Cambridge 59

utilities 52


value 115

visits to other schools 28, 71


Walters & Cohen Architects 1819

Walthamstow School for Girls, Waltham Forest 109

Warren Benbow Architects. 128

Westminster Academy, London 789

WilkinsonEyre Architects 47

Witton Park Academy, Blackburn 136

workspaces 141


year 7 zones 35, 39, 46, 91, 100

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