Further Reading and Resources

Schools and Early Years Design, UK

Achieving well designed schools through PFI. Client guide (CABE, 2002)

Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments (Routledge, 2000)

Being Involved in School Design. A guide (CABE, 2004)

Better Buildings, Better Design, Better Education (DfES, 2007)

Building for Sure Start: A Design Guide (DfES, 2004)

Children’s Spaces (Routledge, 2006)

Creating Excellent Primary Schools. A Guide for Clients (CABE, 2010)

Creating Excellent Secondary Schools. A Guide for Clients (CABE, 2007)

England’s Schools. History, Architecture and Adaptation (English Heritage, 2010)

Evidence of the Impact of Sustainable Schools (DCSF, 2010)

Joined Up Design for Schools (Merrell, 2012

Learning Environments for Pupil Referral Units (HMSO, 2007)

New from Old: Transforming Secondary Schools Through Refurbishment (CABE, 2009)

Nurseries: A Design Guide (Routledge, 2012)

Our School Building Matters (CABE, 2010)

Picturing School Design. A visual guide to secondary school buildings and their surroundings using the Design Quality Indicator for schools (CABE, 2005)

Primary Ideas: Projects to enhance primary school environments (DfES, 2006)

Primary school case studies. Five schools (CABE, 2009)

Refurbishing Historic School Buildings (English Heritage, 2010)

Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual (Birkauser, 2007)

Spaces for Young Children: A Practical Guide to Planning, Designing and Building the Perfect Space (National Children’s Bureau Enterprises Ltd, 2012)

SureStart, Every Building Matters (CABE, 2008)

The Design of Learning Spaces (Continuum, 2010)

21st Century Schools: Learning Environments of the Future (Building Futures: CABE/RIBA, 2004)

Schools and Early Years Design, International

The Best School in the World, Seven Finnish Examples from the 21st Century (Museum of Finnish Architecture, 2011)

Contemporary Educational Facilities (Links International, 2013)

Contemporary School Architecture in Slovenia 1991–2007 (Springer, 2008)

Designing the Sustainable School (Images Publishing Group, 2007)

Evidence-Based Design of Elementary and Secondary Schools: A Responsive Approach to Creating Learning Environments (Wiley, 2010)

Modern Schools: A Century of Design for Education (Wiley, 2011)

New School (Design Media Publishing Limited, 2012)

School (Reaktion Books, 2008)

School Builders (Wiley-Academy, 2003)

School Buildings (Design Media Publishing Limited, 2013)

School Buildings: Construction & Design Manual (DOM, 2014)

Schools: Educational Spaces (Braun, 2009)

Schools Innovation & Design (Links International 2014)

Sustainable School Architecture: Design for Elementary and Secondary Schools (Wiley, 2010)

The Third Teacher (Harry N Abrams, 2010)

Landscape and the External Environment

A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning (National Foundation for Educational Research/Kings College London, 2004)

Childhood and Nature: A Survey on Changing Relationships with Nature Across Generations (England Marketing/Natural England 2009)

Children in the Outdoors: A Literature Review (Sustainable Development Research Centre, 2009)

Curriculum for Excellence Through Outdoor Learning (Learning & Teaching Scotland, 2010)

Engaging and Learning with the Outdoors: The Final Report of the Outdoor Classroom in a Rural Context Action Research Project (National Foundation for Educational Research, 2005)

Every Child Outdoors (RSPB, 2010)

Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder (Atlantic Books, 2010)

Learning Outside the Classroom: How Far Should You Go? (Ofsted, 2008)

Out-of-Classroom Learning: Practical Information and Guidance for Schools and Teachers (RSPB, 2006)

The Outdoor Classroom ages 3 – 7: Using Ideas from Forest Schools to Enrich Learning (Routledge, 2012)

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