Chapter 26. Adding Video to Your Web Page


  • Creating video for the Web

  • Dreamweaver Technique: Adding Flash Video

  • Including video clips in your Web pages

  • Inserting QuickTime Player movies

  • Using streaming video

In a world accustomed to being entertained by moving images 50 feet high, it's hard to understand why people are thrilled to see a grainy, jerky, quarter-screen-sized video on a Web page. And in truth, it's the promise of video on the Web, not the current state of it, that has folks excited. Many of the industry's major players, including Microsoft and Apple, are spending big bucks to bring that promise a little closer to reality.

In the last number of years, video on the Web has truly come into its own. From online video's humble beginnings as a grainy, jerky, quarter-screen-sized moving image to the full-screen, high-fidelity movie-like imagery of today, video is an essential element for many Web sites.

Adobe Flash video, QuickTime, RealVideo, and Windows Media Player are the most popular formats on the Web, and all are cross-platform. Video can be downloaded to the user and then automatically played with a helper application, or it can be streamed to the user so that it plays while it's downloading.

This chapter describes the many different methods for incorporating video—whether you're downloading an MPEG file or streaming a movie—into your Web pages through Dreamweaver.

Video on the Web

It may be hard for folks not involved in the technology of computers and the Internet to understand why the high-tech Web doesn't always include something as low tech as video. After all, television has been around forever, right? The difficulties arise from the fundamental difference between the two media: Television and radio signals are analog, and computers are pure digital. Sure, you can convert an analog signal to a digital one—but that's just the beginning of the solution.

The amount of information stored on a regular (analog) VHS cassette is truly remarkable. Moving that amount of information about in the ones and zeros of the digital world is a formidable task. For example, storing the digital video stream from any digital video camcorder uses up storage space at the rate of about 1GB every five minutes, and that video is already compressed. Large file sizes also translate into enormous bandwidth problems when you are transmitting video over the Web.

To resolve this issue of mega-sized files, industry professionals and manufacturers have developed various strategies, or architectures, for the creation, storage, and playback of digital media. Each architecture has a different file format, and thus each requires the user to have a playback system—whether a plugin, ActiveX control, or Java applet—capable of handling that particular format.

In an effort to keep file sizes as small as possible, Web videos are often presented in relatively small dimensions. It's not uncommon to display a video at 360 × 240 pixels. Furthermore, you're likely to notice a difference between conventional and Web-based video in terms of quality. Lossy compression can also lead to artifacting—visible flaws introduced by the compression itself.

Although video on the Web is far from perfect, it's currently highly usable. Furthermore, advances are occurring at a rapid rate, both in the development of new video architectures and codecs (a codec is a compression algorithm) and in explosive dissemination of new, higher-speed Internet delivery systems, such as cable and DSL. What you learn in this chapter enables you to include video in your Dreamweaver-built Web pages today and gives you a good foundation for accommodating future enhancements.

The Flash Video Revolution

With the introduction of video in Flash MX, Adobe planted the seeds of a revolution. Suddenly, video on the Web was easy. Although early Flash video did not have the same quality as the more established players like QuickTime, it had one major advantage: ubiquity. With a cross-platform player proliferation of more than 90 percent, Flash video's accessibility outweighed its drawbacks. Adobe built on the intense interest generated by the early player's capabilities and improved the video output and experience with each subsequent release. Video output by the current version, Flash Professional CS3, is certainly as good as video displayed by any other Web method—and, in many ways, superior.

Any Dreamweaver Web designer or developer has the power to easily incorporate high-quality video into any site. Ease of entry is a key factor and Dreamweaver makes it drop-in simple; designers can even gain the majority of benefits of Flash video without incurring the additional expense of a specialized server. For those clients and projects that require a higher-end experience, Flash offers a streaming alternative. As you learn later in this chapter, Dreamweaver's Insert Flash Video feature handles either option easily.

Encoding video

To incorporate Flash video on your site, you'll need to first acquire the video, either by importing it directly from a digital camcorder or by retrieving a file in a video format, like .avi, .mpg, .mov, or .wmv. After you have a video file, you'll need to convert it to a Flash Video file (FLV) in a process called encoding. Encoding a video compresses it using a specific algorithm or codec. The Flash Player can read FLV files encoded with either Sorenson Spark or On2 VP6; FLV files encoded with Sorenson Spark can be played in Flash Player 6 and higher, whereas VP6-encoded FLV files require Flash Player 8 or higher. Many of the special features of Flash video, such as alpha channel transparency, are only available with VP6 encoding.

Numerous paths to encoding FLV files are available, including the following:

  • Flash Video Import Wizard: A feature of Flash Professional CS3, the Flash Video Import Wizard works with all popular video formats, including QuickTime movies, Video for Windows (.avi), Windows Media (.wmv), and video directly retrieved from your camera (.dv or .dvi). The Flash Video Import Wizard works with one video file at a time.

  • Flash 8 Video Encoder: The Flash Video Encoder is a separate program included with Flash Professional CS3 (see Figure 26-1). The key advantage to the Flash Video Encoder is that it allows you to encode many video files (again, from all formats) to an FLV-compatible codec. Encoding a video file can be time intensive: a 35-second video took 23 minutes to encode in On2 VP6 format at medium quality.

    Open the Flash Video Encoder settings to choose the optimal delivery quality for your Flash video.

    Figure 26-1. Open the Flash Video Encoder settings to choose the optimal delivery quality for your Flash video.

  • FLV QuickTime Export plugin: Another utility that comes with Flash Professional 8 is the FLV QuickTime Export plugin. This plugin works with QuickTime 6.1.1 or higher to allow video editing tools to export FLV files directly. Supported video editors include Adobe After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro, Apple QuickTime Pro, and Avid Xpress DV.

  • Third-party applications: A number of third-party batch encoding tools now support the FLV format as well. For example, you can convert video to FLV format with Autodesk Cleaner, Riva VX, or Anystream Agility. As of this writing, these third-party applications are only capable of applying the older Sorenson Spark codec.

When encoding, you'll need to decide which type of video output to use: streaming or progressive. The relative pros and cons are discussed in the next section.


There is a third type of Flash video output to use: embedding. When you embed video in a Flash movie (which would then be inserted into the Web page), you're combining both video and Flash animation in a single movie. This process results in a much larger file and is only really useful for videos lasting 5 seconds or less. It is strongly recommended that your video remain an external file and not be embedded.

Progressive download versus streaming

One of the first questions you'll need to address when adding Flash video to your Web page is: How will the video be delivered? The two core methods available are progressive download and streaming. Both methods are alike in that they use external video files in .flv format in conjunction with a .swf file that acts as a video player.

Progressive download begins playing as soon as the first segment has been received by the site visitor and continues to download while the video is playing. Typically, the delay is relatively short, but there is often a perceived delay. There is, however, a major plus for progressive download over streaming: you can host the files on any kind of server. Because progressive download does not require a specialized server, such as Flash Media Server (formerly Flash Communication Server), it is much less expensive to display.


You'll need to require at least Flash Player 7 if you use the progressive download method; streaming video can use Flash Player 6 or better.

Streaming video, however, can definitely be worth the cost. Video begins playing almost immediately and is more efficient for both the network in general and the viewer's computer specifically. Streaming video is also fully seekable—in other words, the video playhead can be moved anywhere to instantly view video from that point; with progressive download, you can only seek portions of the video that have already been downloaded. The truly advanced features of Web video—live feed, interactive control, video messaging, and so on—are only possible with streaming video.


A couple of hosted streaming services are available for Flash video. Adobe has partnered with a number of content delivery providers under their Flash Video Streaming Service umbrella aimed at enterprise customers; learn more by visiting One of the content providers, VitalStream, has a separate hosting service for small business called VitalStream Small Business Services ( A free extension to insert PlayStream streaming videos is available from WebAssist ( and is included on this book's DVD.

Inserting Flash video

The Flash Video object makes it as easy to add video to your Web page as it is to add any other Flash movie—with even greater flexibility and control. Not only is your video added to the page, but it's accompanied by your choice of built-in controller. Flash detection code is automatically added to your page, and you can even insert a custom message to site visitors if they don't have the required version.

As noted before, your choice of delivery method for your video—either progressive download or streaming—is a key one. The importance of this choice is reflected in the Insert Flash Video dialog box; depending on your choice, different options appear and the steps for including a video object vary. For this reason, instructions for including a Flash Video object of each type are presented separately.

Including progressive download Flash video

To add a progressive download Flash Video object to your page, follow these steps:

  1. Place your cursor where you'd like the Flash Video object to appear.

  2. From the Insert bar's Common category, choose Media: Flash Video.

    The Insert Flash Video dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 26-2.

    Progressive download video can be hosted on any standard Web server.

    Figure 26-2. Progressive download video can be hosted on any standard Web server.

  3. Make sure that Progressive Download Video is selected in the Video Type list.

  4. Click Browse to locate the desired .flv video file or enter the path directly into the URL field.


    If you're working on a Macintosh and your .flv file is two or more levels up from your HTML file, you'll need to use an absolute URL, such as

  5. Choose the type of controller you'd like from the Skin list.

    You have three basic choices (Clear Skin, Corona Skin, and Halo Skin), each in three variations. Each variation within a given style offers a different set of controls and requires a different minimum width. The preview area gives you a clear idea of what to expect and the minimum widths are listed for each entry.

  6. Enter the dimensions of the movie (including controller) either by clicking Detect Size or entering the values directly into the Width and Height fields.

  7. If you'd like the movie to begin as soon as possible when the page loads, select the Auto Play option.

  8. If you'd like the movie to rewind to the beginning after it has played, enable the Auto Rewind option.

  9. If desired, change the alert text displayed to viewers without the proper version of the Flash Player in the Message area.

  10. Click OK when you're done.

You can see your video in action by previewing the page in a browser.

Adding streaming Flash video

To add a streaming Flash Video object to your page, follow these steps:

  1. Place your cursor where you'd like the Flash Video object to appear.

  2. From the Insert bar's Common category, choose Media: Flash Video.

  3. In the Insert Flash Video dialog box, choose Streaming Video from the Video Type list. The options in the dialog box change, as shown in Figure 26-3.

    Streaming video requires a specialized Flash Video server, such as Flash Media Server.

    Figure 26-3. Streaming video requires a specialized Flash Video server, such as Flash Media Server.

  4. Enter the path to the streaming server, application, and instance in the URI field.

    Streaming servers like the Flash Media Server use the Real Time Messaging Protocol, designated by rtmp://. An example of a full URI is rtmp://123.45.678.90/bigVid/bv.

  5. Enter the name of the .flv file you'd like to display in the Stream Name field. (You can leave off the .flv file extension if you like; it's understood by the server.)

  6. Choose the type of controller you'd like from the Skin list. There are three basic choices (Clear Skin, Corona Skin, and Halo Skin), each in three variations. Each variation within a given style offers a different set of controls and requires a different minimum width. The preview area gives you a clear idea of what to expect and the minimum widths are listed for each entry.

  7. Enter the dimensions of the movie (including controller) either by clicking Detect Size or entering the values directly into the Width and Height fields.

  8. If you're broadcasting live video, click the Live Video Feed option.

  9. If you'd like the movie to begin as soon as possible when the page loads, select the Auto Play option.

  10. If you'd like the movie to rewind to the beginning after it has played, enable the Auto Rewind option.

  11. Enter the number of seconds of video you'd like to buffer before it begins playing. The default buffer value is 0, which means the video will be available for playing immediately after the page loads. Extend the buffer value if your video is encoded at a higher bit rate than the site visitor's connection speed or if connectivity problems persist.

  12. If desired, change the alert text displayed to viewers without the proper version of the Flash Player in the Message area.

  13. Click OK when you're done.

You'll need to publish your files to the server, as described in the next section, before you can view the streaming video in your Web page.

Publishing Flash video files

A Flash Video object actually requires three files to be viewed on the HTML page. In addition to the encoded video file with the .flv extension, it requires a container file either called FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf or FLVPlayer_Streaming.swf, depending on your choice of delivery method; this container file is the actual Flash movie called by the Flash Player. A file holding the video controls or skin is also used; for example, Clear_Skin_1.swf. Both of these support files are created for you by the Insert Flash Video object in the same folder as the HTML page the video is inserted in. Streaming video also requires that another generated file, main.asc, be placed in the Application folder of your Flash Media Server or Flash Communications Server. Finally, because Dreamweaver automatically writes the Flash code to handle Internet Explorer's active content requirements with an external JavaScript file, you'll also need to upload the AC_RunActiveContent.js file found in the Scripts folder of your site root.


If you'd like to learn more about Dreamweaver's fix for Internet Explorer's Active Content requirements and Flash media, see Chapter 25, "Inserting Flash and Shockwave Elements."

Publishing the files to the server for either type of Flash video delivery can be accomplished in a simplified operation. If you're publishing a progressive download video, make sure that Dreamweaver Preferences are set to prompt you to upload dependent files when your page is put or checked in. Both .swf support files and the .flv video file are considered dependent files by Dreamweaver and will be published to their correct locations when you click OK to upload dependent files.


If you don't rely on Dreamweaver's capability to publish dependent files, make sure that you publish all the associated files or your video will not be visible to your site visitors.

A similar publishing ability is available for streaming Flash videos, but in a totally different way. When you select the inserted streaming video object, a custom Property inspector is displayed. In addition to permitting the modification of most Flash Video object attributes, the Property inspector also contains an Upload Media button. When you click Upload Media, the two created .swf files for the container and the skin are uploaded to the specified Web server; as noted by a Dreamweaver alert, you will be required to publish the main.asc and the .flv file to your streaming server Applications folder.


Should you choose not to take advantage of the Upload Media feature, you can select the Show Required Files link in the Property inspector to see what files need to go where for your streaming video.

Modifying Flash video parameters

Each of the different types of Flash Video object has its own Property inspector. Both allow easy modification of most previously set attributes; only the type of delivery, progressive video or streaming, is omitted. If you need to change a movie from one delivery type to another, you'll need to delete the inserted object and re-select Insert Flash Video to choose a different type.

With a streaming Flash Video object, you have the option of altering the dimensions, the skin, the options to Auto Play or Auto Rewind, and, most importantly, the video source (see Figure 26-4). Because the .flv video source file is external to the video container, database-driven applications can even set the source dynamically.

Once a progressive download video object has been inserted into the page, you can alter almost all the parameters through the custom Property inspector.

Figure 26-4. Once a progressive download video object has been inserted into the page, you can alter almost all the parameters through the custom Property inspector.


As noted earlier, the Insert Flash Video object stores the additional dependent files it creates in the same location at the current Web page. If you want to move either the skin .swf or the source .flv to a more appropriate folder, you'll have to adjust the inserted code. Although Dreamweaver will ask if you want to update the .swf and Web page, the <object> and <embed> tags that compose the Flash movie are not changed. If you move the skin .swf file, change the Skin value in the FlashVars param statement of the <object> tag and equivalent flashvars attribute of the <embed> tag. Likewise, if you move the source .flv file, change the streamName value in both tags.

Mainstream Streaming Media

Technologies—and the companies that create them—come and go on the Internet. Over the past few years, quite a few different streaming media solutions have presented themselves and then faded away, leaving us with the current Big Three: RealMedia, QuickTime, and Windows Media. These three technologies together represent almost the entire streaming media market—outside of the already covered Flash video—and the vast majority of Internet users have at least one of the corresponding players; many have two or even all three.


RealNetworks released the first streaming media system—RealAudio—in 1995. Over the years, RealAudio has evolved into RealMedia and now supports video, images, text, Flash movies, and standard audio types such as AIFF and MP3. All these media types can be combined into a single presentation using Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL). The three primary software components of RealMedia are:

  • RealPlayer: This is the newest client software for viewing RealMedia content. RealPlayer is free and offers a full set of basic RealMedia viewing features. RealPlayer Plus is an enhanced player available for around $20 or bundled with a subscription service called SuperPass that costs about $15 per month. RealPlayer is available at The RealPlayer interface is shown in Figure 26-5.

    RealPlayer's interface enables the user to forego a Web browser completely when browsing for streaming media.

    Figure 26-5. RealPlayer's interface enables the user to forego a Web browser completely when browsing for streaming media.

  • RealProducer: This encoding software converts most types of audio and video (MPEG, QuickTime, and so forth) files to RealMedia (.rm) files. You can get Helix Producer Basic for free or the full-featured Helix Producer Plus for around $200. Read all about it at

  • Helix Server: This server software serves up RealMedia over Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). Helix Server Basic, which is free, is limited to 1 Mbps throughput. For a larger throughput, move up to one of the commercial versions of the Helix Universal Server (available as Advanced, Edge, or Relay, depending on your needs). For more information, go to


You can still offer RealMedia to your users over the Web's regular HTTP without any special server software. HTTP streaming is, however, far more limited than RTSP streaming.

RealNetworks has led the way in cross-platform authoring and playback. Versions of RealPlayer are available for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and the full range of available mobile devices. The previous version of the player is also available for Macintosh OS 9, Unix, Linux, and even OS/2. MSN TV even plays RealAudio 3.0. By contrast, QuickTime is limited to Windows and Macintosh, and Microsoft's streaming video solution is basically Windows-only.

RealNetworks has also led the way in terms of users; for years it was the only option for large-scale streaming media sites. Even now, when it faces the stiffest competition it's ever had, its market share is very high. RealPlayer is included with major browsers, as well as with Windows and Red Hat Linux.


See for examples of RealMedia content.


What QuickTime refers to is widely misunderstood. Some people mix up the video format QuickTime Video with QuickTime itself. But QuickTime Video is just one of the things a QuickTime movie might contain. Sometimes the high-profile QuickTime Player is confused with QuickTime, but it is just one dependent application.

The best way to explain QuickTime is to say that it's a multimedia operating system, enabling applications such as CD-ROM titles to run on top of it and use the features it provides. These features include support for audio, video, images, 3D objects, MIDI music (including a software wavetable synthesizer), streaming video, Flash movies, and MP3 audio. After you have QuickTime 4 or greater installed on your computer, Adobe Director can access digital video, Flash can export complete QuickTime presentations, and otherwise pedestrian applications can play synthesized music.

With the inclusion of streaming video in QuickTime, Apple dressed up the QuickTime MoviePlayer with an eye-catching brushed metal look and changed its name to QuickTime Player. QuickTime movies have a .mov filename extension.

Like RealMedia, QuickTime streaming has three main software components:

  • QuickTime and QuickTime Player: All the viewing goodness of QuickTime and QuickTime Player (see Figure 26-6) is free and available for Macintosh and Windows at QuickTime is also included with all Macintosh computers, and installed on Windows by CD-ROM titles. Just as with RealPlayer, users can spend more time in QuickTime Player and less in a browser because of the favorites storage and Flash navigation elements in many streaming presentations.

    The QuickTime player offers a slick interface with retractable controls.

    Figure 26-6. The QuickTime player offers a slick interface with retractable controls.

  • QuickTime Pro and QuickTime Player Pro: For about $30, Apple sells you a key code that unlocks the content creation features of QuickTime and turns it into QuickTime Pro, enabling QuickTime-dependent applications to create a vast range of QuickTime content. QuickTime Player becomes QuickTime Player Pro: a great piece of software that provides easy content conversion and cut-and-paste video compositing, although the interface is spartan and sometimes hides functionality. Apple has a directory of third-party QuickTime authoring resources at

  • QuickTime Streaming Server: QuickTime Streaming Server delivers video over the Web using the standard RTSP, just like RealPlayer. Apple released QuickTime Streaming Server as open source software, and it is available completely free—no per stream charge, either for Mac OS X 10.4 and higher. See


You can find examples of QuickTime streaming content on the QuickTime home page at

Windows Media

Microsoft has released a succession of media technologies over the years in an effort to gain some sort of foothold in content creation and delivery. The history of Microsoft multimedia is an incredible story of acquisitions, rebranding, orphaned technologies, and outright copying of everybody else.

With Windows Media, however, Microsoft has gone all out, providing a solid solution with lots of partners. Still, Windows Media's greatest asset is its automatic inclusion with every Windows PC, virtually guaranteeing it a huge installed base as time goes on. Windows Media files have filename extensions of .asf or .asx. The software involved in Windows Media includes the following:

  • Windows Media Player: The supercharged Windows Media Player (see Figure 26-7) received a complete face-lift when it evolved from version 6 to version 7—and with the new changeable skins feature, it's quite the literal face-lift. Now, at version 10, it's even more powerful. In addition to Web streaming, the Windows Media Player accesses many other media types, including audio CDs, Internet radio, and portable devices. It supports many file extensions, including .asf, .asx, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp3, .qt, .aif, .mov, and .au. The Windows Media Player home page is at Macintosh users can find it at

    The Windows Media Player offers instant access to many media types as well as switchable skins (shown here is the sexy Raptor skin).

    Figure 26-7. The Windows Media Player offers instant access to many media types as well as switchable skins (shown here is the sexy Raptor skin).

  • Content creation and server software: You can find a directory of tools for working with Windows Media at Most are from Microsoft, and all are Windows-only.


The Windows Media home page is located at and includes sample content.

Working with Video Clips

If you have short video clips you'd like to put on the Web, you may not need the industrial strength—or the hassle and expense—of a streaming media solution. Short video clips can be included in a Web page just by linking to them or embedding them.

Depending on the viewer's software setup, video clips either download completely and then start playing right away; or start playing as soon as enough of the video has arrived to make uninterrupted playback possible, as shown in Figure 26-8.

Video clips come in a few common formats, described in Table 26-1. In addition to the video format itself, what codec (encoder/decoder) a particular video clip uses is also important. A codec provides video compression, and it is required for decompression at playback time. Many codecs are included with Windows and with QuickTime, so codecs are not usually a problem unless you're authoring for platforms other than Windows and Macintosh.

QuickTime Player starts playing video clips when it has downloaded enough to ensure that playback is uninterrupted.

Figure 26-8. QuickTime Player starts playing video clips when it has downloaded enough to ensure that playback is uninterrupted.

Table 26-1. Video Clip File Formats

Video Format

Typical Filename Extension



.mpg, .mpeg, .mpe

The MPEG video format is the work of the Motion Picture Experts Group. Windows computers usually play MPEG video clips with Windows Media Player or another, older Microsoft player. Macintosh systems play MPEG clips with QuickTime.



QuickTime movies can contain a multitude of media types and usually require QuickTime for playback.

QuickTime Video


A QuickTime movie that contains plain video only and can be played by almost any video player on a machine that doesn't have QuickTime installed, as long as the right codec is available.

Video for Windows (AVI)


The popular (but now officially unsupported) format used by Microsoft's Video for Windows (also known as ActiveMovie or NetShow). As with QuickTime Video, clips can be played in almost any player, as long as the right codec is installed.


One codec to watch for if you're making cross-platform movies is the Intel Indeo Video codec, sometimes used for Video for Windows (AVI) files. The Indeo codec for Macintosh is not included with QuickTime and must be installed manually by Macintosh users.

MPEG, QuickTime Video, or AVI clips are good candidates for linking or embedding because a wide variety of players on multiple platforms can play them. QuickTime movies are best aimed squarely at the QuickTime Player because of the multiple media types that they contain.

Linking to video

To keep 21st-century TV/movie-addicted users interested in your site, you might want to spice things up by including a (low-bandwidth!) video or two. To add a video clip to your Dreamweaver Web page, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text, image, or dynamic element that you want to serve as the link to the video file.


    If you use an image as a link, you might want to use a frame from the video clip in order to provide a preview.

  2. In the Property inspector, enter the name of the video file in the Link text field or click the Folder icon to browse for the file. To choose a dynamic source, choose the Select File Name From Data Sources option in the Select File dialog box. Be sure your selected data source contains either relative or absolute links to a video file.

  3. Because video files can be quite large, it's also good practice to note the file size next to the link name or enter it in the Alt text field, as shown in Figure 26-9.

    You can insert any video file for user-download by creating a link to it, as if it were a simple Web page.

    Figure 26-9. You can insert any video file for user-download by creating a link to it, as if it were a simple Web page.

Embedding video

You can gain more control over the way your video clip plays by embedding it in the Web page with the <embed> tag. Modifying the attributes of the <embed> tag enables you to modify how the video is presented. Video clips inserted this way play back in whatever players are available, just as linked video clips do.

The Assets panel includes a Movies category that holds QuickTime movies, MPEG videos, and Windows Media file types. As with all the other Assets panel categories, you must click the Refresh Site List button (the curved arrow at the bottom of the Assets panel) to initially populate the panel with all the movies in the current site. The preview pane includes a Play button for displaying the movies before they are inserted in the page.

To embed a simple video clip in a Web page, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Insert

    Embedding video
  2. If you inserted a Plugin object, select the video file in the Select File dialog box. Movies dragged onto the page from the Assets panel already include the source path. The Plugin placeholder is displayed as a 32 × 32 icon.

  3. In the Plugin Property inspector, enter the dimensions of your video clip in the width and height boxes, marked W and H, respectively, or size the Plugin object directly by dragging one of its selection handles.

Playing Videos in Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver can access and use Netscape plugins to display video right in the Document window at design time. These plugins can be installed in Netscape's Plugins folder, in Internet Explorer's Plugins folder, or in Dreamweaver's own Plugins folder. Dreamweaver checks all three every time it starts up. Many plugins come with browser-specific installation programs. You can maintain your plugins more easily if you install the correct plugins into Netscape and enable Dreamweaver to use them from there.

Whenever a file is embedded for playback via a plugin, a green Play button appears in the Property inspector. To play a particular video in Dreamweaver's Document window, all you have to do is select the Plugin placeholder and click the Play button. The video begins playing, and the green Play button becomes a red Stop button. To stop playback, just click the Stop button.


How can playing a video during the design phase be useful? I've used this capability to sample the background color of the page from the background of a video's title or ending frame so that the video clip fits seamlessly into the page.

You can also use the menus and the corresponding keyboard shortcuts to control the digital video in the Document window: View

Playing Videos in Dreamweaver


Unsupported plugins are listed in the UnsupportedPlugins.txt file in Dreamweaver's Configuration/Plugins folder. As of this writing, no plugins are listed in this file. If you continue to have problems playing plugins in Dreamweaver, check the file for compatibility.

Inserting QuickTime Movies

The HTML command for incorporating a QuickTime movie (or any other medium that requires a plugin) is the <embed> tag. Because so many different types of plugins exist, Dreamweaver uses a generic Plugin inspector that enables an unlimited number of parameters to be specified. If you regularly work with QuickTime movies, try using a custom QuickTime Dreamweaver object such as the one shown in Figure 26-10 from Brendan Dawes. This object, available on the DVD that comes with this book, can streamline the process. Although you must still add some parameters by hand, having easy access to the most common ones can be a real timesaver.

Only three <embed> tag parameters are absolutely required for a QuickTime movie: the source of the file, the movie's width, and the movie's height. The QuickTime Plugin, however, also offers an amazing array of additional <embed> tag attributes to enable you to fine-tune the way content is presented.


The QuickTime Plugin is used by both Netscape and Internet Explorer on both Windows and Macintosh to enable the browser to interface with QuickTime.

Add a third-party QuickTime object to Dreamweaver to simplify embedding QuickTime movies.

Figure 26-10. Add a third-party QuickTime object to Dreamweaver to simplify embedding QuickTime movies.

To insert a QuickTime movie in your Web page, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Insert

    Add a third-party QuickTime object to Dreamweaver to simplify embedding QuickTime movies.
  2. If you insert a Plugin object, select the QuickTime movie file in the Select File dialog box. If you drag the movie file from the Assets panel, the Plugin's Src attribute is automatically set to the QuickTime movie file pathname.


    If you're working on a Macintosh and your QuickTime movie doesn't have a filename extension, add .mov to the end of its name before embedding it or placing it on the Web.

  3. In the Plugin Property inspector (shown in Figure 26-11), enter the dimensions of your QuickTime movie in the width (W) and height (H) fields, or size the Plugin object directly by dragging one of its selection handles.


    If you don't know the dimensions of your QuickTime movie, open it in the QuickTime Player, choose Movie

    Add a third-party QuickTime object to Dreamweaver to simplify embedding QuickTime movies.
  4. In the Plg URL text field, enter This is the Web address to which users who don't have QuickTime are directed by their browser.

  5. Click the Parameters button in the Plugin Property inspector to open the Parameters dialog box (see Figure 26-12), where you can enter additional <embed> tag attributes: the name in the left column and the value in the right column. Use Tab to move between the columns. Table 26-2 lists the most commonly used <embed> tag parameters for QuickTime movies. Use this list to add any parameters, and click OK when you're done.

    When inserting a QuickTime movie, specify the properties and values in the Plugin Property inspector.

    Figure 26-11. When inserting a QuickTime movie, specify the properties and values in the Plugin Property inspector.


Any of the parameters or their values can be linked to a data source by clicking the lightning-bolt icon in the value field and choosing an appropriate data field from the Dynamic Data dialog box that opens.

Use the Parameters dialog box to enter attributes for any plugin. Dynamic values can be entered by clicking the lightning-bolt icon and choosing a field from a defined recordset.

Figure 26-12. Use the Parameters dialog box to enter attributes for any plugin. Dynamic values can be entered by clicking the lightning-bolt icon and choosing a field from a defined recordset.

Table 26-2. QuickTime Plugin Parameters

QuickTime Plugin Parameter

Possible Values



True or false; default set by user in QuickTime Plugin Settings

When this is set to false, a movie won't play until the user clicks Play in the controller. Otherwise, it starts playing as soon as enough data is downloaded to ensure uninterrupted playback.


RGB colors in hexadecimal, such as "#FFFFFF"; or valid HTML color names, such as "red"

Specifies the color of the space set aside by the width and height attributes but not taken up by the QuickTime movie. Add a border to a QuickTime movie by setting the appropriate bgcolor and increasing the width and height attributes by a few pixels.


True or false; default set by user in QuickTime Plugin Settings

Specifies whether the browser should store the movie in its cache for later retrieval. Doesn't work in IE.


True (default for most movies) or false (default for QuickTime VR, Flash, and image files)

Displays the controller panel attached to the bottom of the movie.


(does not take a value)

When included, using the Save As QuickTime option on the QuickTime Plugin's controller menu saves the movie without resolving references (not self-contained).


30-frame SMPTE time-code—hours:minutes:seconds:frames (30ths of a second)

Indicates the point in the movie where playback should stop.


A value in pixels; usually the height of the movie

Reserves a space in the page for the QuickTime movie.


(does not take a value)

Tells the QuickTime Plugin not to show the movie. Audio is played, however.



A link to go to when the movie is clicked. You can supply either an absolute or a relative URL. QuickTime movies replace the current movie in-place; Web pages open in the browser.


True or false (default)

Eliminates the QuickTime Plugin's controller menu when set to true.


True, false (default), or palindrome

Causes the movie to loop continuously when set to true. The palindrome value causes the QuickTime Player to play alternately forward and backward.


A number

A number identifying the movie so that another wired sprite movie can control it.


A name

A name identifying the movie so that another wired sprite movie can control it.


True or false (default)

When set to true, forces the movie to play every frame, even if it must do so at a slower rate than real time. Disables audio and QuickTime Music tracks.


Where users who don't have QuickTime should be sent to get it.



Specifies a movie as being n in a sequence of movies. The movie specified in the src attribute is movie 0 (zero).



Tells the QuickTime Plugin to open movie n in an already specified sequence of movies.



Tells the QuickTime Plugin to open this URL instead of the one specified by the src attribute. This is a way to open files that don't have a .mov filename extension—such as MP3 files—with the QuickTime Plugin, regardless of how the user's system is set up. Use a dummy movie in the src attribute.


Movie-rate, or a number in bytes per second

Downloads the movie specified in the qtsrc attribute in chunks; movie-rate indicates to use the movie's data rate.


tofit, aspect, or a number (default is 1)

Resizes the QuickTime Player movie. By setting scale to fit, you can scale the movie to the dimensions of the embedded box as specified by the height and width values. Setting scale to aspect resizes the movie to either the height or the width, while maintaining the proper aspect ratio of the movie. Set to a number; the size of the movie is multiplied by that number.


30-frame SMPTE time-code—hours:minutes:seconds:frames (30ths of a second)

Indicates the point in the movie where playback should start.


Name of a valid frame or window (_self, _parent, _top, _blank, or an explicit frame/window name) or QuickTimePlayer

Enables the link specified in the href attribute to be targeted to a specific frame or window. The value QuickTimePlayer causes the movie specified in the href attribute to be opened in the QuickTime Player.


true or false (default)

Same as the cache attribute but for the movie called by a poster movie using the href attribute. (Poster movies are discussed later in this chapter in the sidebar entitled "Using a Poster Movie.")


0 to 100 (default)

Controls the volume of the audio track(s). 0 is softest; 100 is loudest.


A value in pixels; usually the width of the movie

Reserves a space in the page for the QuickTime movie.


Dreamweaver's Plugin Property inspector enables you to enter several additional attributes generally used with other objects, such as images. These include Align (alignment), V Space (vertical space), H Space (horizontal space), and Border (border). You can also enter a name in the Plugin text field if you plan to refer to your QuickTime movie in JavaScript or another programming language.

QuickTime versions

Before inserting a QuickTime movie into a Web page, it's helpful to know what version of QuickTime your movie requires. Because QuickTime movies can contain a variety of track types, each with a different type of medium, some movies may play back with QuickTime 6, whereas others require QuickTime 7 or higher.

You can identify the different tracks in a QuickTime movie by opening it in QuickTime Player and choosing Movie

QuickTime versions
In addition to the streaming video track, this QuickTime movie has a Flash track that provides the opening titles and closing credits.

Figure 26-13. In addition to the streaming video track, this QuickTime movie has a Flash track that provides the opening titles and closing credits.

Playing QuickTime VR

QuickTime VR (QTVR) enables the user to look around in a virtual space created from a panoramic image or to rotate an object around its center point in three dimensions (object movies). The QuickTime VR author can also designate certain areas in the movie as hotspots that, when selected by the user, activate a link to another page or another movie. Although purists argue that QTVR is not really virtual reality, the technology is a low-bandwidth, quick-and-dirty virtual reality that makes sense on today's Web. QTVR is commonly used to show homes, cars, and other products to potential buyers.

When you view a QuickTime VR movie, the QuickTime Player provides Zoom buttons (– and +), as shown in Figure 26-14, and a custom mouse pointer pans the image left and right.

QuickTime VR <embed> tag attributes are entered in the same manner as other QuickTime Plugin attributes: Click the Parameters button in the Plugin Property inspector to open the Parameters dialog box and enter attributes and values. As with a regular QuickTime Player movie, the only required parameters for a QTVR movie are the source file, movie width, and movie height.

Table 26-3 lists the QuickTime Plugin <embed> tag attributes that work with QuickTime VR only.

QuickTime VR's panoramic views enable the user to look around in a panoramic picture by moving the cursor right, left, up, and down.

Figure 26-14. QuickTime VR's panoramic views enable the user to look around in a panoramic picture by moving the cursor right, left, up, and down.

Table 26-3. Additional Parameters for QTVR Movies

QuickTime VR Parameter

Possible Values



None or full (default)

Applies the correction filter.


0 (default) to 360

Specifies the initial field-of-view angle, in degrees.



Defines the URL for any designated hotspot. Replace n with the identification number given the hotspot during QTVR authoring.


A number less than or equal to the number of nodes in the movie

Specifies which node of a multinode movie is opened first.


0 (default) to 360

Sets the initial pan angle in degrees.


_self, _parent, _top, _blank, a frame or window name

Targets the URL of the similarly numbered hotspot at a specific frame or window.


−42.5 to 42.5 (0 is the default)

Sets the initial tilt angle in degrees.


Some parameters, meaningful to regular QuickTime Player movies, are not appropriate for QuickTime VR movies. These include autoplay, controller, hidden, href, loop, playeveryframe, target, and volume.

Streaming with RealMedia

If you've ever downloaded a few minutes of digital video over a slow modem connection, you know the reason why streaming video was invented. In an age when immediacy rules, the wait until the complete video file is transferred and then loaded into the video player can seem to last an eternity. Streaming, on the other hand, enables the multimedia content to begin playing as soon as the first complete packet of information is received, and then to continue playing as more digital information arrives. Video is just one form of media to get the streaming treatment: You can also stream audio, animation, text, and other formats.

Regardless of which streaming video protocol you use, the procedure for incorporating the file on your Web page is basically the same, although the details (such as filename extensions) differ. In order to demonstrate the general technique and still offer some specific information you can use, the next section shows you how to include streaming RealMedia clips with Dreamweaver. Check with the developer of the streaming video format you plan to use to get the precise installation details. Typically, a great deal of information is available for free on the developers' Web sites.

Creating RealMedia metafiles

When incorporating RealMedia into your Web pages, you have a variety of playback options. You can set the video so that a free-floating RealPlayer is invoked, or you can specify that the video appears inline on your Web page. You can also customize the controls that appear on your Web page so that only the ones you want—at the size you want—are included.

RealMedia uses its own specialized server software called RealServer to transmit encoded video files. Rather than call this server and the digital video file directly, RealMedia uses a system of metafiles to link to the RealMedia server and file. A metafile is an ordinary text file containing the appropriate URL pointing to the RealServer and video file. The metafiles are distinguished from the media files by their filename extensions:

  • RealMedia files: .rm, .ra, .rp, .rt, .swf

  • Metafile that launches the independent RealPlayer: .ram

  • Metafile that launches the RealPlayer Plugin: .rpm

To create the metafile, open your favorite text editor and insert one or more lines pointing to your server and the video files. Instead of using the http:// locator seen with most URLs, RealMedia files address the RealServer with an rtsp:// (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) indicator. The contents of the file should take the following form:


where hostname is the domain name of the server on which the RealMedia files are stored, path is the path to the file, and file is the name of the RealMedia file. For example, to display a training video, the metafile contents might look like the following:


You can include multiple video clips by putting each one on its own line, separated by a single return. RealMedia plays each clip in succession, and the user can skip from one clip to another.

Inserting RealMedia in your Web page

After you've created both the encoded RealMedia file and the metafiles, you're ready to insert them into your Web page. You have two basic techniques for including RealMedia: as a link or by using the <embed> tag.

Using a link

Generally, if you want to invoke the free-floating RealPlayer, you use a link; the href attribute is set to an address for a metafile, as follows:

<a href="videos/howto01.ram">Demonstration</a>

When the link is selected, it calls the metafile that, in turn, calls the video file on the RealServer. As the file begins to download to the user's system, the RealPlayer program is invoked and starts to display the video as soon as possible through the independent video window. The link can be inserted in Dreamweaver through either the Text or Image Property inspector.

Using <embed>

If, on the other hand, you'd like to make the video appear inline with the Web page's text or graphics, you use Dreamweaver's Plugin object to insert an <embed> tag. Position the pointer where you want the RealMedia to be displayed, and either choose Insert

Using <embed>

When the Plugin object representing the RealMedia clip is selected, you can enter values for the <embed> tag in the Property inspector. The only attributes required for a RealMedia clip, as with the QuickTime Player object, are the file source and the width and height of the movie. Similarly, as you can with QuickTime Player, you can control your RealMedia movie with a healthy number of attributes. Enter attributes by clicking the Parameters button on the Plugin Property inspector and entering attributes and their values in the Parameters dialog box (shown earlier in Figure 26-9). RealMedia parameters are listed in Table 26-4.

Table 26-4. Parameters for RealMedia Movies

RealMedia G2 Parameter

Possible Values


Autostart content is available.

True or false (default)

Tells RealPlayer to start playing as soon as


name, _master, _unique

Determines the console name for each control in a Web page that has multiple controls. Force controls on a page to refer to the same file by giving them all the same name. A value of _master links to all controls on a page, whereas _unique connects to no other instances.


All (default), controlpanel, imagewindow, infovolumepanel, infopanel, playbutton, positionslider, positionfield, statuspanel, statusbar, stopbutton, statusfield, volumeslider

Enables the placement of individual control panel elements in the Web page. You can use multiple controls in one attribute or multiple <embed> tags to build a custom RealMedia interface.


True or false (default)

Suppresses the Title, Author, and Copyright labels in the Status panel. If you set nolabels to true, the actual data is still visible.


Digital video on the Web is in its infancy. Bandwidth is still too restricted to enable full-screen, full-motion movies, no matter what the format. However, you can include downloadable as well as streaming video content through Dreamweaver's Plugin object and Plugin Property inspector. If you're considering adding video to your Web pages, keep these points in mind:

  • Even with compression, digital video has steep storage and download requirements.

  • Flash Video is an easy-to-use, comprehensive solution now immediately available in Dreamweaver in either progressive download or streaming delivery modes.

  • You can include a digital video movie to be downloaded in your Web page by linking to it as if it were a Web page.

  • Use Dreamweaver's Plugin object when you want your video to be presented inline on your Web page. The Plugin Property inspector then enables you to alter the video's parameters for any video architecture.

  • QuickTime is a cross-platform, multimedia architecture that offers much more than just video. QuickTime movies can include QuickTime VR, MIDI music, 3D objects, Flash movies, and more.

  • To enable your visitors to view your digital video clips as soon as possible, use a streaming video technology such as RealMedia, QuickTime, or Windows Media. Streaming video files can be displayed in a separate player or embedded in the Web page.

In the next chapter, you learn how Dreamweaver helps you incorporate sound and music into your Web pages.

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