
Page numbers with "f" denote figures; "t" tables; "b" boxes.


AddMix node, 110–111, 110f, 111f

AddTimeCode, 300

Adobe After Effects, 3

CS5 timeline with layers compositing, 3f

flare, 182

operations, 323–324

Adobe Photoshop, 3

CS5 window with layers compositing, 3f

flare, 182

Alpha matte, 98, 104, 119f, 122b123b, 134. See also Matte

adjustments, 172–174, 173f

Anaglyph view, 285

Animation, exportation, 275–276, 276f

AppendClip node, 203–204

Artifacts. See Digital video artifacts

Assimilate Scratch, 73–74

Autodesk Lustre, 73–74

AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format, 8, 23

Axis node, 274, 275f


Backdrop, creation of, 17–18, 17f

Background, 134, 149

Backward channel, 163. See also Channels

BasicMaterial node, 263–264

Bilinear filters, 37, 39. See also Filters

Bisecting, 40–41

Bit, 62

Bit depth, 62–65

in Nuke, 62–63

output values, 66–67, 66f

Blend node, 109

Bluescreen, 133–134

Blur node, 121, 122f, 175

Blurring, 174–178

bokeh-based, 175

motion, 178–180, 179f, 180f, 181f

in 3D environment, 277, 278f

time-based, 202

Bokeh, 175

Bounding box, 31, 32f

Box filter, 175. See also Filters

Brightness, 75

B-splines, editing shape using, 113–114, 114f. See also Shapes

BumpBoss filter, 191. See also Filters

Burn tool, 122


Caching, 298

Cameras in 3D environment, importation, 272–273, 273f

CameraShake node, 35–36

CameraTracker node, 280, 282, 281f, 319

Cards node, 257–259, 258f

Card3D node, 36, 36f

Chan file format, 275, 276f

Channels, 5–6, 5t, 42–43, 162–169, 162f

addition of, 162–169, 163f

Backward, 163

copying, 164f, 165

Depth, 162, 169, 171f, 172f, 173f

Forward, 163

Mask, 163

menu, Merge node, 102

merging, 162–169, 170f

Motion, 162–163

removal of, 165

RotoPaint_Mask, 163

set, 162

shuffling, 162–169, 166f, 167f, 168f

Characteristic curve, 68

CheckerBoard node, 191

Chroma keyers, 133. See also Keyers

Chroma keying, 133–148. See also Keying

Cineon format, 8, 71

Clamp, 82

Clone tool, repairing background with, 120–121, 121f


filter, 75–79, 77f, 82–85

grading, 91–96, 73–87

model, 62

primaries, 71

space, 62–63, 65

values, examination of, 90–96, 91f

ColorBars node, 191

ColorCorrect, 77

Colorspace node, 71–73

ColorWheel node, 191

CompareMetaData, 300

Compositing, 97

deep, 313–315, 314f, 315f, 316f

layer-based versus node-based, 3–4

simple composite creation, 13–15

Constant node, 191

Contrast, 75

Convolution filters, 39, 174–178. See also Filters

Convolve node, 177, 177f

CopyMetaData, 300

CopyRectangle node, 111

Corner-pin tracking, 241–253, 242f

Cover composite, 148–150, 148f, 149f

CrosstalkGeo node, 269

Cubic filters, 37–39, 37f. See also Filters

Curve Editor, editing in, 42–47

curve adjustments, 55–59

keyframes transformation, 43–44, 44f, 51–54

overview of, 42–43, 42f

tangents, manipulation, 45, 45f

Custom convolutions filters, creation of, 191–196, 192f


Da Vinci Resolve, 73–74

Damage to a plate, addition of, 222f, 223f, 224f, 221b225b, 243–246

Deep compositing, 313–315, 314f, 315f, 316f. See also Compositing

Defocus node, 175, 176f

DegrainBlue node, 188

DegrainSimple node, 188

Deinterlacing, 325–326

Depth channel, 162, 169, 171f, 172f, 173f. See also Channels

Depth-of-field effect, 169, 171f, 174–175

Destination Grid, 207–209, 207f, 208f, 209f, 213–215

Difference node, 134, 135f

Diffuse shader, 260, 264, 264f

Digital video artifacts, 174–189

dust removal, 188–189

grain addition, 185–187

grain removal, 188–189

light effects, 181–185

light wrap, 185

motion blurring, 178–180, 179f, 180f, 181f

noise addition, 185–187

sharpening, 181

Dilate node, 172–173

DirBlur node, 177–178, 178f

Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 4

Direct light, 259, 259f

DiskCache node, 298

Dissolve node, 109

Dodge tool, 122

Dope Sheet, 47–49, 47f

keyframes manipulation, 48, 48f

read nodes adjustment, 48–49, 49f

Downrez menu, 295–296

DPX (Digital Picture Exchange) format, 8, 71

DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera, 8

DustBust node, 188, 189f


EdgeBlur node, 172, 173f

Eizo ColorEdge, 66

Emboss filter, 191. See also Filters

Emission shader, 260

Environment, 260

Eraser tool, 121

Erode node, 174

EXIF (exchangeable image file format), 299–300

Existing shape, editing, 117. See also Shapes

Exposure, 82–83

Expressions, 303–311, 310f

defined, 303

node, 311–313, 311f, 312f

Extreme positions, for characters, 39–40


FBX file format, 260, 265

File Browser window, nuke interface, 6–9, 6f, 7f

FillMat node, 263

FilterErode node, 174

Filters, 36–39

bilinear, 37, 39

Box, 175

BumpBoss, 191

convolution, 39, 195–196, 174–178, 191–196, 192f

cubic, 37–39, 37f

Emboss, 191

Gaussian, 175

Keys, 38

Laplacian, 175, 181, 191

Median, 191, 192f

Mitchell, 38

nearest neighbor, 37

Notch, 38, 38f

parameter, 36–37, 37f

Parzen, 38

Quadratic, 175

Rifman, 38, 38f

Sharpen, 181

Simon, 38

stylistic, 191

test, 191

Triangle, 175

Flare node, 182

Flipbook, 1–2, 24–25

Floating-point formats, 67–68

writing, 70–71

Foreground, 134

Forward channel, 163. See also Channels


aperture. See Resolutions

ranges, 20

rates, 21

FrameBlend node, 202

FrameCycler, playing back with, 24–29

FrameHold node, 203

FrameRange node, 204, 204f

FurnaceCore plug-in set, 122b123b, 189b190b, 202b


Gain, 76

Gamma, 65–66, 75

correction, 65

native, 65

Gamut, 62

Garbage mask, 143. See also Mask

Garbage matte, 117–118. See also Matte

Gaussian filter, 175. See also Filters


shaders, 260–264, 261f, 262f, 263f, 264f

in 3D environment, 265–272, 265f, 266f, 275–276, 276f

Gizmo, 302

reading, 302

writing, 302

Glint, 181–182

node, 182, 183f

Glow, 181–182

node, 182, 183f

GodRays node, 184, 184f

Grade, 77–78

Grain node, 185

Greenscreen, 133–134, 150–160, 193–196

GridWarp node, 207–210, 207f, 208f, 209f, 213

Groups, creation of, 301–302, 301f


Hair_Edge, 149

Halation, 181–182

Help boxes, update of, 303

High dynamic range imaging (HDRI), 261–262, 277–279, 279f, 280f

HistEQ, 83

Histogram, 74–75

Input Range, 86–87

Output Range, 86–87

Holdout mask, 143. See also Mask

HP DreamColor, 66

Hue, 72–73

HueCorrect, 79–82

HueKeyer node, 138–139, 139f, 140f

HueShift, 76, 78, 78f


IBKColour node, 137, 138f

IBKGizmo node, 137, 138f

IDistort node, 205–206, 205f, 206f

Illuminants, 71

Image distortion, 204

nodes, 205–215

Image-based modeling, 318–319

In-betweening, 39

Integer format, 67

Interface, customization of, 294–295, 294f

Interlacing, 325–326

Invert, 83, 83f


Jitter, 240–241

addition of, 240–241, 240f

removal of, 241


Kernel matrix, 39

Keyers, 134

advanced, 140–148

chroma, 133

node, 135–137, 135f, 136f, 137f

simple, 134–139

Keyframe(s/ing), 39–42

manipulation of, 48, 48f

in Nuke, 41–42, 41f

theory, 39–41

transformation of, 43–44, 51–54

Keying, 133–160

chroma, 133–148

Keylight node, 140–143, 141f, 143f, 144f

KeyMix node, 111

Keys filters, 38. See also Filters

Knobs, management of, 302–303, 303f


Label, 302

Laplacian filter, 175, 191. See also Filters

Layer. See Channels:set

Layer-based compositing, 3–4. See also Compositing

Lens flare, 181–182

LensDistortion node, 206, 206b, 206f

Lift, 76

Light effects, 181–185

in 3D environment, 259–260, 259f, 273–274

LightWrap node, 185, 186f

Linear format, 68

Links, 309–311, 309f, 310f

Logarithmic curve, 68

Log files, 68

conversion, 68–70

writing, 70–71

Logarithmic format, 68

LogGeo node, 268

Look-up table (LUT), 62–63, 62f

default settings, 63–65, 64f

3D, 87–90, 89f, 90f

LookupGeo node, 268–269, 270f

Luma matte, 107, 108f. See also Matte

Luma_Mask, 149

Luminance, 72–73


Macintosh system, gamma correction in, 65


channel, 163. See also Channels

garbage, 143

holdout, 143

hooking up, 103–106, 103f, 104f, 105f, 106f, 107f

unsharp, 181

Match-moving, 228–241, 246–249

Material. See Shaders

Math node, 311–313

Math operation, Merge node, 100–101, 101f


alpha, 98, 104–105, 119f, 129–131, 134, 172–174, 173f

garbage, 117–118

luma, 107, 108f

pulling, 107–108, 107f


3D environment, 257, 265

Depth channel, 169–171, 172f

geometry importation, 265

MayaIFF format, 8

Median filter, 191, 192f. See also Filters

MergeExpression node, 111

MergeGeo node, 272, 272f

Merge node, 100–102, 109–111

AddMix node, 110–111, 110f, 111f

Blend node, 109

chaining, 102, 103f

Channels menu, 102, 102f

CopyRectangle node, 111

Dissolve node, 109

KeyMix node, 111

MaskChannelMask menu, 169, 173f

math operation, 100–101, 101f

MergeExpression node, 111

Mix slider, 102, 102f

TimeDissolve node, 109, 109f

Metadata, 299–300

MinColor, 83

Mirror node, 205

Mirror_Dirt, 149

Mitchell filters, 38. See also Filters

Mix slider, Merge node, 102

MixViews, 285

Modeler node, 318

ModifyMetaData, 300

Monaco, 67

Monitor calibration overview, 67

Morphing, 213–215, 214f, 215f, 216f

Motion blur(ring), 50, 178–180, 179f, 180f, 181f. See also Blurring

activation of, 234, 238–239

to CG render addition, 217f, 218f, 219f, 220f, 217b220b

MotionBlur2D node, 178–179, 179f

MotionBlur3D node, 277, 278f

Motion channel, 162–163. See also Channels

Motion estimation, 200–202

Motion path curves, editing, 238–239, 238f

Motion path data to Tracker node, application of, 230–233, 231f, 232f, 233f

Motion picture film artifacts. See Artifacts

Motion tracking, 227–253

overview of, 227–228

in 3D environment, 280–284, 281f, 282f, 283f

Moving, 34–35

Multiple anchors in Tracker node, 236, 237f, 238f

Multiple shapes, combining, 114–116, 115f. See also Shapes


Nearest neighbor filters, 37. See also Filters

Nodes, 3–4, 12–13, 15–17

Node Graph, 4, 9–18, 293–294

arranging nodes, 17

backdrop, creation of, 17–18, 17f

cloning nodes, 15–17, 16f

creating nodes, 9–17

deleting nodes, 13

disabling nodes, 13, 13f

duplicating nodes, 15

inserting nodes, 15

moving nodes, 13

organization of, 17–18

pipes, 11–12

selecting nodes, 12–13

simple composite creation, 13–15

snapping nodes, 17

Viewer node, 18–20, 19f, 20f

Node-based compositing, 3–4. See also Compositing

advantages of, 4

Noise node, 187, 262–263

Normals node, 267, 267f, 268f

Notch filters, 38, 38f. See also Filters

Nuke, 1–29

anatomy of, 4–6

bit depth in, 62–63

building 3D environments in, 287–292

color space in, 62–63

components of, 1–3

compositing, layer-based versus node-based, 3–4

editing, 203–204

File Browser window, 6–9, 6f, 7f

FrameCycler, playing back with, 24–29

frame ranges, 21

frame rates, 21

FurnaceCore plug-in set, 189b190b

image formats, supported, 8–9

importing files, 6–9

keyframes in, 41–42, 41f

Node Graph. See also Node Graph

overview of, 1

premultiplication in, 99–100

Properties Bin pane, 9, 9f

rendering, 22–23, 23f

resolutions, 21

scripts, 20, 22

timeline, playing, 21–22, 21f

toolbar, 2–3, 3f

undermultiplication in, 99–100


CameraTracker node, 280, 281f

Denoise node, 189b190b

LensDistortion node, 206, 206b, 206f

v6.3, 313, 318


OBJ file format, 265

Offset, 76

OFlow node, 200, 200f, 201f

OpenEXR format, 8, 70, 70f, 77–78, 277–279, 286–292

Optical flow, 200–202


Pantone, 67

Particle simulation with scratch, creation of, 319–322

Particles, 316–318, 317f

Parzen filters, 38. See also Filters

Phong shader, 262–263, 262f

Pipes, 4–5, 5f, 11–12

bending, 18, 18f

branching, 12, 12f

connecting, 11, 11f

disconnecting, 11, 12f

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, 8

Point light, 259, 259f

PointsTo3D node, 281–282, 282f

PostageStamp node, 300–301

Posterize, 83, 84f

Precomping, 296, 296f, 297f

Premultiplication, 98–99

in Nuke interface, 99–100

Primatte node, 146–149

Primitives in 3D environment, 258

ProceduralNoise node, 268, 269f

Project3D, 263f, 264

Properties Bin pane, nuke interface, 9, 9f

Proxy formats, 295–296


hotkeys management, 308

object.method examples, 306

operators, 306–308

Script Editor buttons, 308–309, 309f

scripting in, 305–308, 305f

variables, 306–308


Quadratic filter, 175. See also Filters

QuickTime movie format, 8, 23


RadialDistort node, 268

Radiance format, 277–279

Raw image files, 8

Read nodes, adjusting, 48–49, 49f

ReadGeo node, 265–266, 265f, 266f

Reconcile3D node, 281–282, 283f

Redone format, 8–9

Reformatting, 32–33, 32f

Rendering, 22–23, 23f

Resolutions, 21

Retime node, 198

Rifman filters, 38, 38f. See also Filters

RollingShutter artifacts, removal of, 326

RolloffContrast, 83–84, 84f, 85f

Rotation, 33–34

transform tracking, 235–236

Roto node, 112–113, 112f, 113f

B-splines, editing shape using, 113–114, 114f

existing shape, editing, 117

multiple shapes, combining, 114–116, 115f

shape, 116–118, 116f

RotoPaint_Mask channel, 163. See also Channels

RotoPaint node, 118–131, 118f

Blur tool, 121, 122f

Brush tool, 118–120, 118f, 119f, 120f

Burn tool, 122

Clone tool, 120–121, 121f

Dodge tool, 122

Eraser tool, 121

Sharpen tool, 122

Smear tool, 122

Rotoscoping, 111–118, 124–129, 149–150


Saturation, 72–73, 73f, 76–77, 79

Scaling, 35

transform tracking, 235–236

Scanline, 298

ScanlineRender node, 277

ScannedGrain node, 186, 187f, 188f

Screen color, 134

Script(s/ing), 20, 22, 303–309

defined, 303

opening, 22

new script, setting up, 25–29

organization and optimization, 293–296, 294f

in Python, 305–309, 305f, 309f

saving, 22

in Tool Command Language, 304–305, 304f

Shaders, 260–264, 261f, 262f, 263f, 264f

Shadows, addition of, 124–129

Shake node, 323–324


animating, 117–118

editing, 113–114, 114f, 117

feathering, 116, 116f

multiple shapes, combining, 114–116, 115f

Sharpen filter, 181. See also Filters

Sharpen tool, 122

Shear, 235

Shot, 73

ShuffleCopy node, 179–180, 181f

Shutter, 50

SideBySide view, 285

Simon filters, 38. See also Filters

Simple composite, creation of, 13–15. See also Compositing

Single channel, grading, 87, 87f

Smear tool, 122

SoftClip, 85, 85f, 86f

Soften node, 175, 176f

Source Grid, 207–209, 207f, 208f, 209f, 213–215, 214f

Sparkles node, 182

Specular shader, 260–262, 261f, 264, 264f

SphericalTransform node, 279, 280f

Spill, 134

SplineWarp node, 210, 210f, 211f, 212f, 213f, 222f, 223f, 224f, 221b225b

Spot light, 259–260, 259f

Stabilization, 239–240, 239f

Stabilize2D node, 240

Stereo files

OpenEXR, 8, 70, 70f, 77–78, 277–279, 286–292

reading and viewing, 284–285, 285f, 286f

Stereoscopic 3D, 284–292. See also 3D environment

OpenEXR stereo files, 286–292

split parameters, 287, 287f

stereo files, reading and viewing, 284–285, 285f, 286f

StickyNote node, 300–301

Story points, 40, 41f

System preferences, 294



manipulation of, 45, 45f

type, changing, 45–47, 46f, 47f

Targa format, 9

TemporalMedian node, 188

3:2 pulldown

addition of, 326

removal of, 326

3D environment, 256–257

animation, exportation, 275–276, 276f

blurring in, 277, 278f

cards, 257–259, 258f

cameras, importation, 272–273, 273f

geometry, 260–272, 261f, 262f, 263f, 264f, 265f, 266f, 275–276, 276f

HDRI bitmap, 261–262, 277–279, 279f, 280f

motion tracking in, 280–284, 281f, 282f, 283f

primitives, 258

lights, 259–260, 259f, 273

ScanlineRender node, fine-tuning, 277

setting up, 256–257, 256f, 257f

stereoscopic 3D, 284–292, 285f, 286f, 287f

transforms, importation and application, 274, 275f

3D look-up table, 87–90. See also Look-up table (LUT)

custom, 88–90, 89f, 90f

3ds Max

3D environment, 257, 265

geometry, importation, 265

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 9, 70, 98, 277–279

Tile node, 36, 205

Time-based blurring, 202. See also Blurring

Time warping, 198–200, 199f

TimeBlur node, 202

TimeDissolve node, 109, 109f

TimeEcho node, 202, 203f

Timeline, playing, 21–22, 21f

TimeOffset node, 203

Tonal range, 74

Tool Command Language (TCL)

scripting in, 304–305, 304f

Tooltip, 302

Transform tracking, 228–241, 228f, 229f, 230f, 243–246

jitter, 240–241, 240f

motion blur activation, 234, 238–239

motion path curves, editing, 238–239, 238f

motion path data, application of, 227, 230–233, 231f, 232f, 233f

multiple anchors employment, 236, 237f, 238f

rotation, 235–236

scaling, 235–236

stabilization of, 239–240, 239f

troubleshooting, 234–235

TransformGeo node, 266, 274


keyframes, 43–44, 44f

outputs, 33–36

in 3D environment, 274, 275f

Triangle filter, 175. See also Filters

Trilinear node, 267–268

Trimming, 33, 33f

Troubleshooting transform tracking, 234–235

2.5D environment, 256


Ultimate node, 143–146, 144f, 145f, 147f

Undermultiplication, in Nuke interface, 99–100

Unsharp mask, 181. See also Mask

UVProject node, 269–271, 271f


Variable, defined, 306–307

VectorBlur node, 178–180, 180f, 181f, 277, 278f

Viewer node

exploration, 18–20, 19f, 20f

proxy, 295–296

splitting, 298, 298f, 299f

Viewer Process menu, 66–67, 66f

ViewMetaData, 300, 300f

VolumeRays node, 184–185


White point, 67

Windows operating system

gamma correction, 65

WriteGeo node, 275, 276f


X-Rite, 67


YCbCr, 72–73

YPbBr, 72–73


ZBlur channel, 169, 171f. See also Channels

z-buffer. See Depth channel

z-depth. See Depth channel

ZSlice channel, 169. See also Channels

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