accountability 161
achievement 180
adaptation 27, 28
affiliative leadership and style 52–3,
59, 87, 92
Alexander the Great 177
appraisal 138–9
Appreciative inquiry 39, 147
attitudes 11, 12, 17, 37, 59, 132
authoritative leadership 47–9, 59, 64,
87, 154
balanced scorecard 105, 106, 109
Bartel, Caroline 104
behaviour 28–30, 66, 122, 181
changing 24, 94, 110
beliefs 34–5, 92–3
benchmarking 131
Bennett, Dave 50, 60–3
Blair, Tony 154
Bloch, Susan 147
boardroom dynamics 8–10, 11
bosses 3–4, 160–5
see also management
Bruch, Heike 124, 173, 175
burn-out 180
business failure 56, 57
Carlisle, Ian 26, 31–4, 128–9, 130
case studies
Alex’s story 66–8
Candy’s story – how she managed
her boss 163–5
Dave Bennett 60–4
George – a changing world
Ian Carlisle – how a company was
transformed 31–4
market rating an executive as part
of development programme
Robert’s story – integration of
intellect and emotion:
conquering workaholism
sharing data with a team 81–3
change 11, 14–15, 18, 38–9, 41
changing behaviour 24, 94, 110
character flaw 77
charisma 36–7
charts, leadership 55–6, 87, 88–91,
children see home and family
Churchill, Winston 177
clarity 56
coaching 10–11, 106, 126–32,
coaching style 31, 49–50, 59, 64
coercive style 54–5, 59, 64–5, 92
communication skills 155
competing commitments 121, 123
complete leadership 87, 147, 149,
Cooperrider, Dr David 39
coping 125
core disciplines 41, 175
creative teams 30
curiosity, intellectual 178–80
customers 124, 137, 175
delegation 78, 181
democratic leadership 49, 50–1, 59,
64, 92
demography 11, 13, 18
3D model 77, 94, 105–10
managerial 26–7, 28
personal see personal
and personality 149
team 141–2, 148
Drake, Francis 177
Dryden, Windy 35
Dunlap, Al 55
Einstein, Albert 125
Eminem 149
emotional intelligence 3, 28–9, 65–6,
68, 78, 173
ethics 177, 178
feedback 38–9, 78, 111, 138–41
in personal development 146
in team development 81, 124,
female executives 16–18
Fiorina, Carly 17
flexibility 56
Galvin, Bob 36
Gates, Bill 36
genericism 31
Ghoshal, Sumantra 124, 173, 175
Goleman, Daniel 2–3, 61, 65, 67, 104,
Grove, Andy 36
Hall-Moore, Claire 40, 87, 140,
Hay Group 49, 56, 61, 67, 177
headhunters 132
home and family 102–3
home and work 7
human resources 11
improvement 181
integrity/principles/ethics 178
intellectual curiosity 178–80
internal dialogue 100, 101
interpersonal skills 10, 31
investors 106, 110, 161
irrational belief 34–5
isolation 5, 33
jobs for life 15, 161
Kegan, Robert 123
Kennedy, Mary 12
kids see home and family
knowledge of the industry 30, 31
knowledge-based patterns of
thinking 3
Lane, Frank 179
momentum complete leadership index
pages 186 /
language 29
Lahey, Lisa Laskow 123
Larson, Gary 39
leadership core qualities 41
leadership performance, measuring
leadership personality, change of
38–9, 41
leadership styles 24, 29, 31, 47–55,
charts 55–6, 87, 88–91, 95–100
Lewin, Greg 29, 54, 77
Logan, Andy 29
loneliness 7, 18
management 8, 26–7, 28, 165
attitudes 59
style questionnaire 69–72
see also bosses
Manson, Marilyn 149
mature management 165
measuring leadership performance
military metaphors 177
Mintzberg, Henry 35
moods 103–5
Moorhouse, Barbara 16, 48, 126–7,
Morin, Dr Alain 100–1
negotiations 165
office gossip 29
organizational climate 42, 55–7,58
organizational performance
Orwell, George 123
outside interests 5, 6
pace-setting leadership 53–4, 59, 87,
Parfitt, Andy 87–92, 94, 149–55,
performance 25, 147
personal development 18, 111,
114–33, 136, 181
feedback and measuring 146
Parfitt on 150
spending on 137
preparing for management 8
presentation 152, 157
pressure/stress 102, 125, 126, 163
public speaking 152, 155
purposeful managers see complete
‘Pygmalion effect’ 39
rational thought 20, 28
recruitment 180
Reeder, Clive 174
research 42, 49, 57–8
responsibility 56
rewards 56
Robinson, Gerry 5–6, 25, 26, 175
Roddick, Anita 17
Saavedra, Richard 104
Scardino, Marjorie 17
self-awareness 78, 93, 137, 141, 181
and change 38, 41
charts 87
self-development see personal
simplicity 176
societal change 11, 14–15, 18
standards 56
strengths and weaknesses 40–1, 101
stress/pressure 102, 125, 126, 163
Taylor, Frederick 11
teams 30, 78, 81, 94, 140
development of 141–2, 148
feedback from 81, 124, 148
team climate 87
team spirit 57
technology 175, 179
time, managing 125
trade unions 165
transition to boardroom 8–10
Turner, Sue 28, 78
values 92, 132
Warburg Dillon Read 27
Webster, David 128
Welch, Jack 36
Woods, Tiger 172
workaholism 92, 93, 115
workforce, handling the 13
momentum complete leadership index
pages 188 /
Management Skills
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