Susan Bloch and
Philip Whiteley
the stuff that drives you
What will it do for me? Help you develop leadership
abilities that will make a measurable difference, to your
personal performance, to your team’s performance and
to the performance of your business.
Why should I buy it? It’s a practical and personal
coaching programme that will show you how to get better
at motivating, managing and measuring performance.
What others say “Achievement is slowed by the scarcity
of people known to have the vision, energy, values,
personal skills and whatever else is needed to provide
good leadership.” Financial Times. This book will make
you one of the few.
a practical guide
for developing your
leadership talents
Personal development
9 781843 040255
ISBN 1-843-04025-5
Susan Bloch is Global Head of
Professional Services in the
Leadership Consulting division at
Whitehead Mann. A business
psychologist, she has been an ardent
pioneer in the field of executive
coaching and leadership development
since the early 1990s. She has
consistently challenged the belief that
‘mature and successful people cannot
change for the better’. She has
coached chairmen and chief executives
and senior line managers in Europe,
Asia, Southern Africa, the Middle East
and North America. A graduate of
Columbia University, she has also
co-authored Employability,
published by Kogan Page.
Philip Whiteley is an author and
journalist, specialising in management,
particularly the management of people.
He writes for various business
publications, and has a weekly
column in The Times on executive
remuneration. He writes and
researches for the Work Foundation
(formerly the Industrial Society).
Philip also coaches business people
on how to write for publication,
and on how improved command
of language helps business thinking
and business decisions.
Complete Leadership is Philip’s fourth
book – his most recent previous book
was Unshrink, which he co-authored
with Max McKeown (published by
Prentice Hall Business).
Everybody can be a better leader,
a more complete leader.
Everybody can use more of their
potential to inspire and empower
others to achieve better results.
Great leadership isn’t formulaic,
nor is it easy, but it is learnable.
This book helps you assess your
current leadership abilities, across a
whole range of skills – and then shows
you how to improve them.
It will help you understand your team’s
perception of you, rate your performance
on the ‘leadership scorecard’ and coach
yourself to better leadership skills.
Complete Leadership contains
techniques that are learnable,
measurable and based on evidence.
It shows you how to improve and how
to know if you have improved,
delivering a straightforward and
practical personal leadership self-
coaching programme that will lead
you to lead others better.
Susan Bloch and Philip Whiteley
manager’s momentum introduces intelligent,
inspiring yet practical books for the smart leaders
of today and tomorrow.
Books characterized by edgy, modern topics delivered
in an easily absorbed dynamic style.
There’ll be no tired subjects drowned in dense text –
these are books to make you energized and stimulated.
Welcome to the future of management.
Series and cover design by Heat (
complete leadership
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