have to work at that too. He recognized that he needed to
communicate with him far more regularly and openly.
All his pressures and challenges were interlocked. His long hours
were the result of priding himself on his capacity for hard work in
the finance role, combined with difficulty in handling a demanding
boss, and his disinclination to delegate to his team. The phrase
‘vicious circle’ – or ‘circles’ – came to mind. The deeply rooted nature
of his dilemmas made them seem daunting, but there was one
tremendously liberating realization: the route out of them lay in his
hands. What appeared to be an unchangeable environment was
actually caused – at least in part – by his decisions and his behaviour.
This could be changed.
When reviewing the D-3 in the model, Harry realized that the root of
the problem was that he really believed, ‘It will only ever be right if I
do it myself.’
So what ‘pushed’ Harry to change? No doubt Sam, the new baby,
had something to do with it. He was determined to see him every
morning for at least half an hour and to bathe him in the evening.
This meant that he had to change the way he worked and reframe
some of the perceptions that had ruled his life until now. He spent
dedicated time with the four key members of his team and took them
through a similar coaching process to the one that his coach had
taken him through. They were delighted to be given more
responsibility, but recognized this meant that they were clearly
accountable for the work they produced.
Harry began to spend more time with investors to explain the
company’s strategy. Presentations of the half-yearly results were well
received, and the share price responded positively. He took an active
What appeared to be an unchangeable environment
was actually caused – at least in part – by his
decisions and his behaviour.
part in changing the way he and the CEO worked, and
communicated with him regularly both in a formal and informal way
during the week. He was overwhelmed that his boss was delighted
to receive regular updates while he was sailing around the Turkish
Importantly the 3-D model helped Harry rethink who he was and
how he wanted his life to be. He is excited by the fact that he and
little Sam have bonded so well. His job has moved on from being
routine to being a constantly changing one. He has managed two
acquisitions over the last eight months, and is the ‘darling’ of
investors and journalists. But he has retained the ‘real’ Harry – the
one who is full of integrity, and who really believes in what and how
he is doing. He regularly asks his team and some of his colleagues
for feedback. He knows he has more work to do with his boss and
some of the managing directors. He feels he has grown another six
The level of self-awareness that we have encouraged you to develop
in this chapter is grounded in the discipline of gathering feedback
from the people you work with. With this realistic grasp of how you
are in your real-life context, we have introduced a systematic way of
beginning development that is rooted in the real you and in your real
business environment.
We move in the next chapter to the task of personal development,
exploring the barriers to overcome and discussing some of the
methods, such as coaching, that can help.
momentum complete leadership chapter five
pages 110 /
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