If we are doing something right, however, we already have access to
the secrets for further development. Thinking about our strengths
has the added advantage of boosting our confidence, which increases
our workrate and motivation – and our ability to address
It is difficult, however, either to develop strengths or to attend to
weaknesses if we do not know what they are. Commonly, executives
have an inaccurate perception of themselves simply because they
have rarely asked anyone for feedback. This is why in this book we
will put so much emphasis on developing self-awareness, and
creating a personal scorecard for yourself. This will serve as a
benchmark against which to mark your progress.
Do I have to change my personality?
This combination of self-awareness, improving strengths and
identifying weaknesses implies a focus on the person you already
are. It means tapping into latent abilities that you hold. It’s the
opposite of ditching or changing your personality; it is allowing all of
your abilities to shine, including those which have been so hidden
that you didn’t realize you had them.
We define six core qualities which, if combined effectively, create
complete leadership. Our starting point is this: you already
demonstrate the six styles. You already excel in some of them. You
possess an infinite capacity to develop and learn when to use each
one. Our purpose is to unlock the genius in you, not convert you into
‘Management Prototype X’. Our categorization of six managerial
styles gives us a vocabulary to talk about the abilities that create
good leadership, not to force you into a box against your will.
momentum complete leadership chapter two
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If we are doing something poorly, there is an infinite
number of options for change, and simply being
reminded of this offers no clues for improvement.
This book is based on research, not good intentions. Remember the
study from Chapter 1? The climate of the organization – whether or
not people feel a positive buzz about the place – has a tremendous
bearing on results.
The research informs the process as well as describing the results.
The steps we outline in the following chapters are based on decades
of work with senior executives in real business situations, and on
monitoring and measuring the results. Leadership is learnable and
measurable, and it makes a dramatic impact on the bottom line. Let’s
begin the analysis that will prepare you for improvement.
momentum complete leadership chapter two
pages 42 /
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