Table of Contents

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Title page


Dedication 01

Dedication 02


Chapter 1. Chemical thermodynamics and flame temperatures

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Heats of Reaction and Formation

1.3. Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constants

1.4. Flame Temperature Calculations

1.5. Sub and Supersonic Combustion Thermodynamics


Chapter 2. Chemical kinetics

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Rates of Reactions and Their Temperature Dependence

2.3. Simultaneous Interdependent Reactions

2.4. Chain Reactions

2.5. Pseudo-First-Order Reactions and the “Falloff” Range

2.6. The Partial Equilibrium Assumption

2.7. Pressure Effect in Fractional Conversion

2.8. Chemical Kinetics of Large Reaction Mechanisms


Chapter 3. Explosive and general oxidative characteristics of fuels

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Chain Branching Reactions and Criteria for Explosion

3.3. Explosion Limits and Oxidation Characteristics of Hydrogen

3.4. Explosion Limits and Oxidation Characteristics of Carbon Monoxide

3.5. Explosion Limits and Oxidation Characteristics of Hydrocarbons

3.6. The Oxidation of Aldehydes

3.7. The Oxidation of Methane

3.8. The Oxidation of Higher-Order Hydrocarbons


Chapter 4. Flame phenomena in premixed combustible gases

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Laminar Flame Structure

4.3. Laminar Flame Speed

4.4. Stability Limits of Laminar Flames

4.5. Flame Progagation through Stratified Combustible Mixtures

4.6. Turbulent Reacting Flows and Turbulent Flames

4.7. Stirred Reactor Theory

4.8. Flame Stabilization in High-Velocity Streams

4.9. Combustion in Small Volumes


Chapter 5. Detonation

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Detonation Phenomena

5.3. Hugoniot Relations and the Hydrodynamic Theory of Detonations

5.4. Comparison of Detonation Velocity Calculations with Experimental Results

5.5. The ZND Structure of Detonation Waves

5.6. The Structure of the Cellular Detonation Front and Other Detonation Phenomena Parameters

5.7. Detonations in Nongaseous Media


Chapter 6. Diffusion flames

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Gaseous Fuel Jets

6.3. Burning of Condensed Phases

6.4. Burning of Droplet Clouds

6.5. Burning in Convective Atmospheres


Chapter 7. Ignition

7.1. Concepts

7.2. Chain Spontaneous Ignition

7.3. Thermal Spontaneous Ignition

7.4. Forced Ignition

7.5. Other Ignition Concepts


Chapter 8. Environmental combustion considerations

8.1. Introduction

8.2. The Nature of Photochemical Smog

8.3. Formation and Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides

8.4. SOx Emissions

8.5. Particulate Formation

8.6. Stratospheric Ozone


Chapter 9. Combustion of nonvolatile fuels

9.1. Carbon Char, Soot, and Metal Combustion

9.2. Metal Combustion Thermodynamics

9.3. Diffusional Kinetics

9.4. Diffusion-Controlled Burning Rate

9.5. Practical Carbonaceous Fuels (C. R. Shaddix)

9.6. Soot Oxidation (C. R. Shaddix)

9.7. Catalytic Combustion



Appendix A: Thermochemical data and conversion factors

Appendix B: Adiabatic flame temperatures of hydrocarbons

Appendix C: Specific reaction rate constants

Appendix D: Bond dissociation energies of hydrocarbons

Appendix E: Flammability limits in air

Appendix F: Laminar flame speeds

Appendix G: Spontaneous ignition temperature data

Appendix H: Minimum spark ignition energies and quenching distances

Appendix I: Programs for combustion kinetics


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