7.2 Identities: Cofunction, Double-Angle, and Half-Angle

  • Use cofunction identities to derive other identities.

  • Use the double-angle identities to find function values of twice an angle when one function value is known for that angle.

  • Use the half-angle identities to find function values of half an angle when one function value is known for that angle.

  • Simplify trigonometric expressions using the double-angle identities and the half-angle identities.

Cofunction Identities

Each of the identities listed below yields a conversion to a cofunction. For this reason, we call them cofunction identities.

We verified the first two of these identities in Section 7.1. The other four can be proved using the first two and the definitions of the trigonometric functions. These six identities hold for all real numbers, and thus, for all angle measures, but if we restrict θ to values such that 0°<θ<90°, or 0<θ<π/2, then we have a special application to the acute angles of a right triangle.

Comparing graphs can lead to possible identities. On the left below, we see that the graph of y=sin(x+π/2) is a translation of the graph of y=sinx to the left π/2 units. On the right, we see the graph of y=cosx.

Comparing the graphs, we note a possible identity:


The identity can be proved using the identity for the sine of a sum developed in Section 7.1.

Example 1

Prove the identity sin(x+π/2)=cosx.



We now state four more cofunction identities. These new identities that involve the sine and the cosine functions can be verified using previously established identities as seen in Example 1.

Example 2

Find an identity for each of the following.

  1. a) tan(x+π2)

  2. b) sec(x-90°)


  1. a) We have

    tan(x+π2)=sin(x+π2)cos(x+π2)Usingtanx=sinxcosx=cosx-sinxUsing confunction identities=-cotx.

    Thus the identity we seek is

  2. b) We have


    Thus, sec(x-90°)=cscx.

Now Try Exercises 5 and 7.

Double-Angle Identities

If we double an angle of measure x, the new angle will have measure 2x. Double-angle identities give trigonometric function values of 2x in terms of function values of x. To develop these identities, we will use the sum formulas from the preceding section. We first develop a formula for sin2x. Recall that


We will consider a number x and substitute it for both u and v in this identity. Doing so gives us


Our first double-angle identity is thus


Double-angle identities for the cosine and the tangent functions can be derived in much the same way as the identity above:


Example 3

Given that tanθ=-34 and θ is in quadrant II, find each of the following.

  1. a) sin2θ

  2. b) cos2θ

  3. c) tan2θ

  4. d) The quadrant in which 2θ lies


By drawing a reference triangle as shown, we find that




Thus we have the following.

  1. a) sin2θ=2sinθcosθ=235(-45)=-2425

  2. b) cos 2θ=cos2θ-sin2θ=(-45)2-(35)2=1625-925=725

  3. c) tan2θ=2tanθ1-tan2θ=2(-34)1-(-34)2=-321-916=-32167=-247

    Note that tan2θ could have been found more easily in this case by simply dividing:

  4. d) Since sin2θ is negative and cos2θ is positive, we know that 2θ is in quadrant IV.

Now Try Exercise 9.

Two other useful identities for cos2x can be derived easily, as follows.


Solving the last two cosine double-angle identities for sin2x and cos2x, respectively, we obtain two more identities:

sin2x=1-cos2x2 and cos2x=1+cos2x2.

Using division and these two identities gives us the following useful identity:


Example 4

Find an equivalent expression for each of the following.

  1. a) sin3θ in terms of function values of θ

  2. b) cos3x in terms of function values of x or 2x, raised only to the first power


  1. a) sin3θ=sin(2θ+θ)=sin2θcosθ+cos2θsinθ=(2sinθcosθ)cosθ+(2cos2θ-1)sinθUsing sin2θ=2sinθcosθandcos2θ=2cos2θ-1=2sinθcos2θ+2sinθcos2θ-sinθ==4sinθcos2θ-sinθ

    We could also substitute cos2θ-sin2θ or 1-2sin2θ for cos2θ. Each substitution leads to a different result, but all results are equivalent.

  2. b) cos3x=cos2xcosx=1+cos2x2cosx=cosx+cosxcos2x2

Now Try Exercise 15.

Half-Angle Identities

If we take half of an angle of measure x, the new angle will have measure x/2. Half-angle identities give trigonometric function values of x/2 in terms of function values of x. To develop these identities, we replace x with x/2 and take square roots. For example,

sin2x=1-cos2x2Solvingtheidentitycos2x=1-2sin2xforsin2xsin2x2=1-cos2x22Substitutingx2forxsin2x2=1-cosx2sinx2=±1-cosx2.Taking square roots

The formula is called a half-angle formula. The use of + and - depends on the quadrant in which the angle x/2 lies. Half-angle identities for the cosine and the tangent functions can be derived in a similar manner. Two additional formulas for the half-angle tangent identity are listed below.

Example 5

Find tan(π/8) exactly.


We have


Now Try Exercise 21.

The identities that we have developed are also useful for simplifying trigonometric expressions.

Example 6

Simplify each of the following.

  1. a) sinxcosx12cos2x

  2. b) 2sin2x2+cosx


  1. a) We can obtain 2sinxcosx in the numerator by multiplying the expression by 22:

    sinxcosx12cos2x==22sinxcosx12cos2x=2sinxcosxcos2x=sin2xcos2xUsing sin2x=2sinxcosx=tan2x.
  2. b) We have


Now Try Exercise 27.

7.2 Exercise Set

  1. 1. Given that sin(3π/10)0.8090 and cos(3π/10)0.5878, find each of the following.

    1. a) The other four function values for 3π/10

    2. b) The six function values for π/5

  2. 2. Given that

    sinπ12=2-32 and cosπ12=2+32,

    find exact answers for each of the following.

    1. a) The other four function values for π/12

    2. b) The six function values for 5π/12

  3. 3. Given that sinθ=13 and that the terminal side is in quadrant II, find exact answers for each of the following.

    1. a) The other function values for θ

    2. b) The six function values for π/2-θ

    3. c) The six function values for θ-π/2

  4. 4. Given that cosϕ=45 and that the terminal side is in quadrant IV, find exact answers for each of the following.

    1. a) The other function values for ϕ

    2. b) The six function values for π/2-ϕ

    3. c) The six function values for ϕ+π/2

Find an equivalent expression for each of the following.

  1. 5. sec(x+π2)

  2. 6. cot(x-π2)

  3. 7. tan(x-π2)

  4. 8. csc(x+π2)

Find the exact value of sin 2θ, cos 2θ, tan 2θ, and the quadrant in which 2θ, lies.

  1. 9. sinθ=45,θ in quadrant I

  2. 10. cosθ=513,θ in quadrant I

  3. 11. cosθ=-35,θ in quadrant III

  4. 12. tanθ=-158,θ in quadrant II

  5. 13. tanθ=-512,θ in quadrant II

  6. 14. sinθ=-1010,θ in quadrant IV

  7. 15. Find an equivalent expression for cos 4x in terms of function values of x.

  8. 16. Find an equivalent expression for sin4θ in terms of function values of θ,2θ, or 4θ, raised only to the first power.

Use the half-angle identities to evaluate exactly.

  1. 17. cos15°

  2. 18. tan67.5°

  3. 19. sin112.5°

  4. 20. cosπ8

  5. 21. tan75°

  6. 22. sin5π12

Given that sinθ=0.3416 and θ is in quadrant I, find each of the following using identities.

  1. 23. sin2θ

  2. 24. cosθ2

  3. 25. sinθ2

  4. 26. sin4θ


  1. 27. 2cos2x2-1

  2. 28. cos4x-sin4x

  3. 29. (sinx-cosx)2+sin2x

  4. 30. (sinx+cosx)2

  5. 31. 2-sec2xsec2x

  6. 32. 1+sin2x+cos2x1+sin2x-cos2x

  7. 33. (-4cosxsinx+2cos2x)2+(2cos2x+4sinxcosx)2

  8. 34. 2sinxcos3x-2sin3xcosx

Skill Maintenance

Complete the identity. [7.1]

  1. 35. 1-cos2x=

  2. 36. sec2x-tan2x=

  3. 37. sin2x-1=

  4. 38. 1+cot2x=

  5. 39. csc2x-cot2x=

  6. 40. 1+tan2x=

  7. 41. 1-sin2x=

  8. 42. sec2x-1=

Consider the following functions (a)–(f). Without graphing them, answer questions 43–46 below. [6.5]

  1. a) f(x)=2sin(12x-π2)

  2. b) f(x)=12cos(2x-π4)+2

  3. c) f(x)=-sin[2(x-π2)]+2

  4. d) f(x)=sin(x+π)-12

  5. e) f(x)=-2cos(4x-π)

  6. f) f(x)=-cos[2(x-π8)]

  1. 43. Which functions have a graph with an amplitude of 2?

  2. 44. Which functions have a graph with a period of π?

  3. 45. Which functions have a graph with a period of 2π?

  4. 46. Which functions have a graph with a phase shift of π/4?


  1. 47. Find sin15° first using a difference identity and then using a half-angle identity. Then compare the results.

  2. 48. Given that cos51°0.6293, find the six function values for 141°.


  1. 49. cos(π-x)+cotxsin(x-π2)

  2. 50. sin(π2-x)[secx-cosx]

  3. 51. cos2ysin(y+π2)sin2ysin(π2-y)

  4. 52. cosx-sin(π2-x)sinxcosx-cos(π-x)tanx

Find sinθ,cosθ, and tanθ under the given conditions.

  1. 53. tanθ2=-53,π<θ3π2

  2. 54. cos2θ=712,3π22θ2π

  3. 55. Acceleration Due to Gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is often denoted by g in a formula such as S=12gt2, where S is the distance that an object falls in time t. The number g relates to motion near the earth’s surface and is generally considered constant. In fact, however, g is not constant, but varies slightly with latitude. If ϕ stands for latitude, in degrees, g is given with good approximation by the formula


    where g is measured in meters per second per second at sea level.

    1. a) Chicago has latitude 42°N. Find g.

    2. b) Philadelphia has latitude 40°N. Find g.

    3. c) Express g in terms of sinϕ only. That is, eliminate the double angle.

  4. 56. Nautical Mile. Latitude is used to measure north–south location on the earth between the equator and the poles. For example, Sydney, Australia has latitude 34°S. (See the figure.) In Great Britain, the nautical mile is defined as the length of a minute of arc of the earth’s radius. Since the earth is flattened slightly at the poles, a British nautical mile varies with latitude. In fact, it is given, in feet, by the function


    where ϕ is the latitude in degrees.

    1. a) What is the length of a British nautical mile at Sydney?

    2. b) What is the length of a British nautical mile at the North Pole?

    3. c) Express N(ϕ) in terms of cosϕ only; that is, do not use the double angle.

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