Chapter 3 Summary and Review

Study Guide

Key Terms and Concepts Example
Section 3.1: The Complex Numbers

The number i is defined such that i=−1i=−1 and i2=−1i2=−1.

Express each number in terms of i.

−5=−15=−15=i5, or 5i
−5=−15=−15=i5, or 5i

A complex number is a number of the form a+bia+bi, where a and b are real numbers. The number a is said to be the real part of a+bia+bi, and the number b is said to be the imaginary part of a+bia+bi. To add or subtract complex numbers, we add or subtract the real parts, and we add or subtract the imaginary parts.

Add or subtract.


When we multiply complex numbers, we must keep in mind the fact that i2=−1i2=−1.

Note that abababab when aa and bb are not real numbers.



The conjugate of a complex number a+bia+bi is abiabi. The numbers a+bia+bi and abiabi are complex conjugates.

Conjugates are used when we divide complex numbers.


52i3+i=52i3+i3i3i3i is the conjugate of the divisor, 3+i.=155i6i+2i29i2=1511i29+1i2=1=1311i10=13101110 i
52i3+i=====52i3+i3i3i155i6i+2i29i21511i29+11311i1013101110 i3i is the conjugate of the divisor, 3+i.i2=1
Section 3.2: Quadratic Equations, Functions, Zeros, and Models

A quadratic equation is an equation that can be written in the form


where a, b, and c are real numbers.

A quadratic function f is a function that can be written in the form


where a, b, and c are real numbers.

The zeros of a quadratic function f(x)=f(x)= ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c are the solutions of the associated quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0.

3x22x+4=03x22x+4=0 and 54x=x254x=x2 are examples of quadratic equations. The equation 3x22x+4=03x22x+4=0 is written in standard form.

The functions f(x)=2x2+x+1f(x)=2x2+x+1 and f(x)=5x24f(x)=5x24 are examples of quadratic functions.

The Principle of Zero Products

If ab=0ab=0 is true, then a=0a=0 or b=0b=0, and if a=0a=0 or b=0b=0, then ab=0ab=0.

Solve: 3x24=11x3x24=11x.

3x24=11x3x211x4=0Subtracting 11xon both sides to get0 on one side of theequation(3x+1)(x4)=0Factoring3x+1=0orx4=0Using the principleof zero products3x=−1orx=4x=13orx=4
3x243x211x4(3x+1)(x4)===11x00Subtracting 11xon both sides to get0 on one side of theequationFactoring3x+13xx===0−113orororx4xx===044Using the principleof zero products

The solutions are 1313 and 4.

The Principle of Square Roots

If x2=kx2=k, then x=kx=k or x=kx=k.

Solve: 3x218=03x218=0.

3x218=03x2=18Adding 18 onboth sidesx2=6Dividing by 3 onboth sidesx=6orx=6Using the principle of  square roots
3x2183x2x2===0186Adding 18 onboth sidesDividing by 3 onboth sidesx=6orx=6Using the principle of  square roots

The solutions are 6 and 6, or ±6.

To solve a quadratic equation by completing the square:

  1. Isolate the terms with variables on one side of the equation and arrange them in descending order.

  2. Divide by the coefficient of the squared term if that coefficient is not 1.

  3. Complete the square by taking half the coefficient of the first-degree term and adding its square on both sides of the equation.

  4. Express one side of the equation as the square of a binomial.

  5. Use the principle of square roots.

  6. Solve for the variable.

Solve: 2x23=6x.

2x23=6x2x26x3=0Subtracting 6x2x26x=3Adding 3x23x=32Dividing by 2 to make the x2-coefficient 1x23x+94=32+94Completing the square:12(3)=32 and(32)2=94; adding 94(x32)2=154Factoring and simplifyingx32=±152Using the principle of square roots and the quotient rule for radicalsx=32±152=3±152

The solutions are 3+152 and 3152, or 3±152.

The solutions of ax2+bx+c=0, a0, can be found using the quadratic formula:


Solve: x26=3x.

x26=3xx23x6=0Standard forma=1, b=−3, c=−6x=b±b24ac2a=(−3)±(−3)24(1)(−6)21=3±9+242=3±332Exact solutions

Using a calculator, we approximate the solutions to be 4.372 and −1.372.


For ax2+bx+c=0, where a, b, and c are real numbers:

b24ac=0One real-numbersolution;b24ac>0Two differentreal-number solutions;b24ac<0Two differentimaginary-numbersolutions, complexconjugates.

For the equation above, x26=3x, we see that b24ac is 33. Since 33 is positive, there are two different real-number solutions.

For 2x2x+4=0, with a=2, b=−1, and c=4, the discriminant, (−1)2424=132=−31, is negative, so there are two different imaginary-number (or nonreal) solutions.

For x26x+9=0, with a=1, b=−6, and c=9, the discriminant, (−6)2419=3636=0, is 0 so there is one real-number solution.

Equations reducible to quadratic, or quadratic in form, can be treated as quadratic equations if a suitable substitution is made.

Solve: x4x212=0.

x4x212=0Let u=x2. Then u2=(x2)2=x4.u2u12=0Substituting(u4)(u+3)=0u4=0oru+3=0u=4oru=−3Solving for ux2=4orx2=−3x=±2orx=±3iSolving for x

The solutions are 2, −2,3i, and 3i.

Section 3.3: Analyzing Graphs of Quadratic Functions

Graphing Quadratic Equations

The graph of the function f(x)=a(xh)2+k is a parabola that:

  • opens up if a>0 and down if a<0;

  • has (hk) as the vertex;

  • has x=h as the axis of symmetry;

  • has k as a minimum value (output) if a>0;

  • has k as a maximum value if a<0.

We can use a modification of the technique of completing the square as an aid in analyzing and graphing quadratic functions.

Find the vertex, the axis of symmetry, and the maximum or minimum value of f(x)=2x2+12x+12.

f(x)=2x2+12x+12=2(x2+6x)+12Note that 9 completesthe square forx2+6x.=2(x2+6x+99)+12Adding 99,or 0, inside theparentheses=2(x2+6x+9)−29+12Using thedistributive lawto remove 9from within theparentheses=2(x+3)26=2[x(−3)]2+(−6)

The function is now written in the form f(x)=a(xh)2+k with a=2, h=−3, and k=−6. Because a>0, we know the graph opens up and thus the function has a minimum value. We also know the following:

  • Vertex (h, k): (−3, −6);

  • Axis of symmetry x=h: x=−3;

  • Minimum value of the function k: −6.

To graph the function, we first plot the vertex and then find several points on either side of it. We plot these points and connect them with a smooth curve.

The Vertex of a Parabola

The vertex of the graph of f(x)=ax2+bx+c is

Find the vertex of the function f(x)=−3x2+6x+1.


The vertex is (1, 4).

Some applied problems can be solved by finding the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function.

See Examples 57 on pp. 194197.

Section 3.4: Solving Rational Equations and Radical Equations

A rational equation is an equation containing one or more rational expressions. When we solve a rational equation, we usually first multiply by the least common denominator (LCD) of all the rational expressions to clear the fractions.

CAUTION! When we multiply by an expression containing a variable, we might not obtain an equation equivalent to the original equation, so we must check the possible solutions obtained by substituting them in the original equation.


5x+24x24=x3x25x+24(x+2)(x2)=x3x2The LCD is(x+2)(x2).

The number 2 does not check, but 4 does. The solution is 4.

A radical equation is an equation that contains one or more radicals. We use the principle of powers to solve radical equations.

For any positive integer n:

If a=b is true, then an=bn is true.

CAUTION! If an=bn is true, it is not necessarily true that a=b, so we must check the possible solutions obtained by substituting them in the original equation.

Solve: x+2+x1=3.

x+2+x1=3x+2=3x1Isolating one radical(x+2)2=(3x1)2x+2=96x1+(x1)x+2=86x1+x−6=−6x1Isolating theremaining radical1=x1Dividing by 612=(x1)21=x12=x

The number 2 checks. It is the solution.

Section 3.5: Solving Equations and Inequalities with Absolute Value

We use the following property to solve equations with absolute value.

For a>0 and an algebraic expression X:

|X|=ais equivalent to X=a or x=a

Solve: |x+1|=4.


Both numbers check. The solutions are −5 and 3.

The following properties are used to solve inequalities with absolute value.

For a>0 and an algebraic expression X:

  • |X|<a is equivalent to a<X<a.

  • |X|>a is equivalent to X<a or X>a.

Similar statements hold for |X|aand|X|a.

Solve: |x2|<3.

|x2|<3−3<x2<3−1<x<5Adding 2

The solution set is {x|−1<x<5}, or (−1, 5).

|3x|63x−6 or3x6x−2orx2Dividing by 3

The solution set is {x|x−2 or x2}, or (, −2][2, ).

Review Exercises

Determine whether the statement is true or false.

  1. 1. We can use the quadratic formula to solve any quadratic equation. [3.2]

  2. 2. The function f(x)=−3(x+4)21 has a maximum value. [3.3]

  3. 3. For any positive integer n, if an=bn is true, then a=b is true. [3.4]

  4. 4. An equation with absolute value cannot have two negative-number solutions. [3.5]

Solve. [3.2]

  1. 5. (2y+5)(3y1)=0

  2. 6. x2+4x5=0

  3. 7. 3x2+2x=8

  4. 8. 5x2=15

  5. 9. x2+10=0

Find the zero(s) of the function. [3.2]

  1. 10. f(x)=x22x+1

  2. 11. f(x)=x2+2x15

  3. 12. f(x)=2x2x5

  4. 13. f(x)=3x2+2x+3


  1. 14. 52x+3+1x6=0 [3.4]

  2. 15. 38x+1+82x+5=1 [3.4]

  3. 16. 5x+1−1=3x [3.4]

  4. 17. x1x4=1 [3.4]

  5. 18. |x4|=3 [3.5]

  6. 19. |2y+7|=9 [3.5]

Solve and write interval notation for the solution set. Then graph the solution set. [3.5]

  1. 20. |5x|15

  2. 21. |3x+4|<10

  3. 22. |16x|<5

  4. 23. |x+4|2

  5. 24. Solve 1M+1N=1P for P. [3.4]

Express in terms of i. [3.1]

  1. 25. −40

  2. 26. −12−20

  3. 27. −49−64

Simplify each of the following. Write the answer in the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers. [3.1]

  1. 28. (6+2i)+(43i)

  2. 29. (35i)(2i)

  3. 30. (6+2i)(43i)

  4. 31. 23i13i

  5. 32. i23

Solve by completing the square to obtain exact solutions. Show your work. [3.2]

  1. 33. x23x=18

  2. 34. 3x212x6=0

Solve. Give exact solutions. [3.2]

  1. 35. 3x2+10x=8

  2. 36. r22r+10=0

  3. 37. x2=10+3x

  4. 38. x=2x1

  5. 39. y43y2+1=0

  6. 40. (x21)2(x21)2=0

  7. 41. (p+2)(3p+2)(p3)=0

  8. 42. x3+5x24x20=0

In Exercises 43 and 44, complete the square to (a) find the vertex; (b) find the axis of symmetry; (c) determine whether there is a maximum or minimum value and find that value; (d) find the range; and (e) graph the function. [3.3]

  1. 43. f(x)=4x2+3x1

  2. 44. f(x)=5x210x+3

In Exercises 4548, match the equation with one of the figures (a)(d) that follow. [3.3]

  1. 45. y=(x2)2

  2. 46. y=(x+3)24

  3. 47. y=2(x+3)2+4

  4. 48. y=12(x2)2+5

  5. 49. Legs of a Right Triangle. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 50 ft. One leg is 10 ft longer than the other. What are the lengths of the legs?

  6. 50. Bicycling Speed. Harry and Rebecca leave a campsite, Harry biking due north and Rebecca biking due east. Harry bikes 7 km/h slower than Rebecca. After 4 hr, they are 68 km apart. Find the speed of each bicyclist.

  7. 51. Sidewalk Width. A 60-ft by 80-ft parking lot is torn up to install a sidewalk of uniform width around its perimeter. The new area of the parking lot is two-thirds of the old area. How wide is the sidewalk?

  8. 52. Maximizing Volume. The Garcias have 24 ft of flexible fencing with which to build a rectangular “toy corral.” If the fencing is 2 ft high, what dimensions should the corral have in order to maximize its volume?

  9. 53. Dimensions of a Box. An open box is made from a 10-cm by 20-cm piece of aluminum by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the edges. The area of the resulting base is 90 cm2. What is the length of the sides of the squares? [3.2]

  10. 54. Find the zeros of f(x)=2x25x+1. [3.2]

    1. 5±172

    2. 5±174

    3. 5±334

    4. 5±174

  11. 55. Solve: 4x+1+2x=1. [3.4]

    1. There are two solutions.

    2. There is only one solution. It is less than 1.

    3. There is only one solution. It is greater than 1.

    4. There is no solution.

  12. 56. The graph of f(x)=(x2)23 is which of the following? [3.3]



  1. 57. x=2 [3.4]

  2. 58. (t4)4/5=3 [3.4]

  3. 59. (x1)2/3=4 [3.4]

  4. 60. (2y2)2+y1=5 [3.2]

  5. 61. x+2+4x+22=0 [3.2]

  6. 62. At the beginning of the year, $3500 was deposited in a savings account. One year later, $4000 was deposited in another account. The interest rate was the same for both accounts. At the end of the second year, there was a total of $8518.35 in the accounts. What was the annual interest rate? [3.2]

  7. 63. Find b such that f(x)=3x2+bx1 has a maximum value of 2.


Collaborative Discussion and Writing

  1. 64. Is the product of two imaginary numbers always an imaginary number? Explain your answer.

  2. 65. Is it possible for a quadratic function to have one real zero and one imaginary zero? Why or why not? [3.2]

  3. 66. If the graphs of




    have the same shape, what, if anything, can you conclude about the a’s, the h’s, and the k’s? Explain your answer. [3.3]

  4. 67. Explain why it is necessary to check the possible solutions of a rational equation. [3.4]

  5. 68. Explain in your own words why it is necessary to check the possible solutions when the principle of powers is used to solve an equation. [3.4]

  6. 69. Explain why |x|<p has no solution for p0. [3.5]

  7. 70. Explain why all real numbers are solutions of |x|>p, for p<0.

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