3.2 Quadratic Equations, Functions, Zeros, and Models

  • Find zeros of quadratic functions and solve quadratic equations by using the principle of zero products, by using the principle of square roots, by completing the square, and by using the quadratic formula.

  • Solve equations that are reducible to quadratic.

  • Solve applied problems using quadratic equations.

Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Functions

In this section, we will explore the relationship between the solutions of quadratic equations and the zeros of quadratic functions. We define quadratic equations and quadratic functions as follows.

A quadratic equation written in the form ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 is said to be in standard form.

The zeros of a quadratic function f(x)=ax2+bx+cf(x)=ax2+bx+c are the solutions of the associated quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0. (These solutions are sometimes called roots of the equation.) Quadratic functions can have real-number or imaginary-number zeros and quadratic equations can have real-number or imaginary-number solutions. If the zeros or solutions are real numbers, they are also the first coordinates of the x-intercepts of the graph of the quadratic function.

The following principles allow us to solve many quadratic equations.

Example 1

Solve: 2x2x=32x2x=3.

Now Try Exercise 3.

Example 2

Solve: 2x210=0.

Now Try Exercise 7.

We have seen that some quadratic equations can be solved by factoring and using the principle of zero products. For example, consider the equation x23x4=0:

x23x4=0(x+1)(x4)=0Factoringx+1=0orx4=0Using the principle of zero productsx=1orx=4.

Figure 1.

The equation x23x4=0 has two real-number solutions, −1 and 4. These are the zeros of the associated quadratic function f(x)=x23x4 and the first coordinates of the x-intercepts of the graph of this function. (See Fig. 1.)

Next, consider the equation x26x+9=0. Again, we factor and use the principle of zero products:

x26x+9=0(x3)(x3)=0Factoringx3=0orx3=0Using the principle of zero productsx=3orx=3.

Figure 2.

The equation x26x+9=0 has one real-number solution, 3. It is the zero of the quadratic function g(x)=x26x+9 and the first coordinate of the x-intercept of the graph of this function. (See Fig. 2.)

The principle of square roots can be used to solve quadratic equations like x2+13=0:

x2+13=0x2=13x=±13Using the principle of square roots x=±13i.13=113=i13=13i

The equation has two imaginary-number solutions, 13i and 13i. These are the zeros of the associated quadratic function h(x)=x2+13. Since the zeros are not real numbers, the graph of the function has no x-intercepts. (See Fig. 3.)

Figure 3.

Completing the Square

Neither the principle of zero products nor the principle of square roots would yield the exact zeros of a function like f(x)=x26x10 or the exact solutions of the associated equation x26x10=0. If we wish to find exact zeros or solutions, we can use a procedure called completing the square and then use the principle of square roots.

Example 3

Find the zeros of f(x)=x26x10 by completing the square.


We find the values of x for which f(x)=0; that is, we solve the associated equation x26x10=0. Our goal is to find an equivalent equation of the form x2+bx+c=d in which x2+bx+c is a perfect square. Since


the number c is found by taking half the coefficient of the x-term and squaring it. Thus for the equation x26x10=0, we have

x26x10=0x26x             =10Adding 10x26x+9=10+9Adding 9 to complete the square: (b2)2=(62)2=(3)2=9x26x+9=19.

Because x26x+9 is a perfect square, we are able to write it as (x3)2, the square of a binomial. We can then use the principle of square roots to finish the solution:

(x3)2=19Factoringx3=±19Using the principle of square rootsx=3±19.Adding 3

Therefore, the solutions of the equation are 3+19 and 319, or simply 3±19. The zeros of f(x)=x26x10 are also 3+19 and 319, or 3±19.

We can find decimal approximations for 3±19 using a calculator:


The zeros are approximately 7.359 and −1.359.

Now Try Exercise 31.

Before we can complete the square, the coefficient of the x2-term must be 1. When it is not, we divide by the x2-coefficient on both sides of the equation.

Example 4

Solve: 2x21=3x.


We have

2x21=3x2x23x1=0Subtracting 3x. We are unable to factor the result.2x23x=1Adding 1x232x=12Dividing by 2 to make the x2-coefficient 1x232x+916=12+916Completing the square: 12(32)=34 and (34)2=916; adding 916(x34)2=1716Factoring and simplifyingx34=±174Using the principle of square roots and the quotient rule for radicalsx=34±174Adding 34x=3±174.

The solutions are


Now Try Exercise 35.

Using the Quadratic Formula

Because completing the square works for any quadratic equation, it can be used to solve the general quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 for x. The result will be a formula that can be used to solve any quadratic equation quickly.

Consider any quadratic equation in standard form:


For now, we assume that a>0 and solve by completing the square. As the steps are carried out, compare them with those of Example 4.

ax2+bx+c=0Standard formax2+bx=cAdding cx2+bax=caDividing by a

Half of ba is b2a, and (b2a)2=b24a2. Thus we add b24a2:

x2+bax+b24a2=ca+b24a2Adding b24a2 to complete the square(x+b2a)2=4ac4a2+b24a2Factoring on the left; finding a common denominator on the right: ca=ca4a4a=4ac4a2(x+b2a)2=b24ac4a2x+b2a=±b24ac2aUsing the principle of square roots and the quotient rule for radicals.Since a>0,4a2=2a.x=b2a±b24ac2aAdding b2ax=b±b24ac2a.

It can also be shown that this result holds if a<0.

Example 5

Solve 3x2+2x=7. Find exact solutions and approximate solutions rounded to three decimal places.


After writing the equation in standard form, we are unable to factor, so we identify a, b, and c in order to use the quadratic formula:


We then use the quadratic formula:

x=b±b24ac2a=2±224(3)(7)2(3)Substituting=2±4+846=2±886=2±4226=2±2226=2(1±22 )23=221±223=1±223.

The exact solutions are


Using a calculator, we approximate the solutions to be −1.897 and 1.230.

Now Try Exercise 41.

Example 6

Solve: x2+5x+8=0.

Now Try Exercise 47.

The Discriminant

From the quadratic formula, we know that the solutions x1 and x2 of a quadratic equation are given by


The expression b24ac shows the nature of the solutions. This expression is called the discriminant. If it is 0, then it makes no difference whether we choose the plus sign or the minus sign in the formula. That is, x1=b2a=x2, so there is just one solution. In this case, we sometimes say that there is one repeated real solution. If the discriminant is positive, there will be two real solutions. If it is negative, we will be taking the square root of a negative number; hence there will be two imaginary-number solutions, and they will be complex conjugates.

In Example 5, the discriminant, 88, is positive, indicating that there are two different real-number solutions. The negative discriminant, −7, in Example 6 indicates that there are two different imaginary-number solutions.

Equations Reducible to Quadratic

Some equations can be treated as quadratic, provided we make a suitable substitution. For example, consider the following:

The equation u25u+4=0 can be solved for u by factoring or using the quadratic formula. Then we can reverse the substitution, replacing u with x2, and solve for x. Equations like the one above are said to be reducible to quadratic, or quadratic in form.

Example 7

Solve: x45x2+4=0.

Now Try Exercise 79.

Example 8

Solve: t2/32t1/33=0.


We let u=t1/3 and substitute:

t2/32t1/33=0(t1/3)22t1/33=0u22u3=0Substituting u for t1/3(u+1)(u3)=0Factoringu+1=0oru3=0Using the principle of zero productsu=1oru=3.

Now we must solve for the original variable, t. We substitute t1/3 for u and solve for t:

t1/3=1ort1/3=3(t1/3)3=(1)3or (t1/3)3=33Cubing on both sidest=1ort=27.

The solutions are −1 and 27.

Now Try Exercise 87.


Example 9

Museums in China The number of museums in China increased from approximately 2000 in the year 2000 to over 3500 by the end of 2012. In 2012, a record 451 new museums opened. For comparison, in the United States, only 20–40 new museums were opened per year from 2000 to 2008. The function


can be used to estimate the number of museums in China, x years after 2005. (Source: The Economist/www.economist.com) Use this function to answer the following.

  1. Estimate the number of museums that will be in China in 2017 if the number of new museums that open per year continues at the same rate.

  2. In what year was the number of museums in China 2600?


  1. For 2017, x=20172005=12. We substitute 12 for x and find h(12):


    In 2017, there will be approximately 6807 museums in China.

  2. We substitute 2600 for h(x) and solve for x:


    We then use the quadratic formula, with a=30.992, b=4.108, and c=305.406:

    x=b±b24ac2ax=4.108±(4.108)24(30.992)(−305.406)2(30.992)x=4.108±37, 877.4466761.984x=3.074orx=3.206.

    Because we are looking for a year after 2005, we use the positive solution. Thus there were about 2600 museums in China 3 years after 2005, or in 2008.

Now Try Exercise 97.

Example 10

Sales of New Homes Sales of new homes have increased in recent years. The function


can be used to estimate the sales of new homes, in thousands, in the United States, where x is the number of years after 2009 (Source: IHS Global Insight). In what year were the number of sales of new homes about 563,400, or 563.4 thousands?


We substitute 563.4 for h(x) and solve for x:


We then use the quadratic formula, with a=22.1, b=72.2, and c=191.5:

x=(72.2)±(72.2)24(22.1)(191.5)2(22.1)Substitutingx=72.2±22, 141.4444.2x=5orx=1.7

Because we are looking for a year after 2009, we use the positive solution. Thus there were about 563,400 sales of new homes 5 years after 2009, or in 2014.

Now Try Exercise 95.

Example 11

Train Speeds Two trains leave a station at the same time. One train travels due west, and the other travels due south. The train traveling west travels 20 km/h faster than the train traveling south. After 2 hr, the trains are 200 km apart. Find the speed of each train.


  1. Familiarize. First, we make a drawing. We let r= the speed of the train traveling south, in kilometers per hour. Then r+20= the speed of the train traveling west, in kilometers per hour. We use the motion formula d=rt, where d is the distance, r is the rate (or speed), and t is the time. After 2 hr, the train traveling south has traveled 2r kilometers, and the train traveling west has traveled 2(r+20) kilometers. We add these distances to the drawing.

  2. Translate. We use the Pythagorean theorem, a2+b2=c2, where a and b are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and c is the length of the hypotenuse:

  3. Carry out. We solve the equation:

    [2(r+20)]2+(2r)2=20024(r2+40r+400)+4r2=40,0004r2+160r+1600+4r2=40,0008r2+160r+1600=40,000Collecting like terms8r2+160r38,400=0Subtracting 40,000r2+20r4800=0Dividing by 8(r+80)(r60)=0Factoringr+80=0orr60=0Principle of zero productsr=80orr=60.
  4. Check. Since speed cannot be negative, we need check only 60. If the speed of the train traveling south is 60 km/h, then the speed of the train traveling west is 60+20, or 80 km/h. In 2 hr, the train heading south travels 602, or 120 km, and the train heading west travels 802, or 160 km. Then they are 1202+1602, or 40,000, or 200 km apart. The answer checks.

  5. State. The speed of the train heading south is 60 km/h, and the speed of the train heading west is 80 km/h.

Now Try Exercise 101.

3.2 Exercise Set


  1. 1. (2x3)(3x2)=0

  2. 2. (2x+3)(5x2)=0

  3. 3. x28x20=0

  4. 4. x2+6x+8=0

  5. 5. 3x2+x2=0

  6. 6. 10x216x+6=0

  7. 7. 4x212=0

  8. 8. 6x2=36

  9. 9. 3x2=21

  10. 10. 2x220=0

  11. 11. 5x2+10=0

  12. 12. 4x2+12=0

  13. 13. x2+16=0

  14. 14. x2+25=0

  15. 15. 2x2=6x

  16. 16. 18x+9x2=0

  17. 17. 3y35y22y=0

  18. 18. 3t3+2t=5t2

  19. 19. 7x3+x27x1=0 (Hint: Factor by grouping.)

  20. 20. 3x3+x212x4=0 (Hint: Factor by grouping.)

In Exercises 2128, use the given graph to find each of the following: (a) the x-intercept(s) and (b) the zero(s) of the function.

  1. 21.

  2. 22.

  3. 23.

  4. 24.

  5. 25.

  6. 26.

  7. 27.

  8. 28.

Solve by completing the square to obtain exact solutions.

  1. 29. x2+6x=7

  2. 30. x2+8x=15

  3. 31. x2=8x9

  4. 32. x2=22+10x

  5. 33. x2+8x+25=0

  6. 34. x2+6x+13=0

  7. 35. 3x2+5x2=0

  8. 36. 2x25x3=0

Use the quadratic formula to find exact solutions.

  1. 37. x22x=15

  2. 38. x2+4x=5

  3. 39. 5m2+3m=2

  4. 40. 2y23y2=0

  5. 41. 3x2+6=10x

  6. 42. 3t2+8t+3=0

  7. 43. x2+x+2=0

  8. 44. x2+1=x

  9. 45. 5t28t=3

  10. 46. 5x2+2=x

  11. 47. 3x2+4=5x

  12. 48. 2t25t=1

  13. 49. x28x+5=0

  14. 50. x26x+3=0

  15. 51. 3x2+x=5

  16. 52. 5x2+3x=1

  17. 53. 2x2+1=5x

  18. 54. 4x2+3=x

  19. 55. 5x2+2x=2

  20. 56. 3x2+3x=4

For each of the following, find the discriminant, b24ac, and then determine whether one real-number solution, two different real-number solutions, or two different imaginary-number solutions exist.

  1. 57. 4x2=8x+5

  2. 58. 4x212x+9=0

  3. 59. x2+3x+4=0

  4. 60. x22x+4=0

  5. 61. 5t27t=0

  6. 62. 5t24t=11

Find the zeros of the function. Give exact answers and approximate solutions rounded to three decimal places when possible.

  1. 63. f(x)=x2+6x+5

  2. 64. f(x)=x2x2

  3. 65. f(x)=x23x3

  4. 66. f(x)=3x2+8x+2

  5. 67. f(x)=x25x+1

  6. 68. f(x)=x23x7

  7. 69. f(x)=x2+2x5

  8. 70. f(x)=x2x4

  9. 71. f(x)=2x2x+4

  10. 72. f(x)=2x2+3x+2

  11. 73. f(x)=3x2x1

  12. 74. f(x)=3x2+5x+1

  13. 75. f(x)=5x22x1

  14. 76. f(x)=4x24x5

  15. 77. f(x)=4x2+3x3

  16. 78. f(x)=x2+6x3


  1. 79. x43x2+2=0

  2. 80. x4+3=4x2

  3. 81. x4+3x2=10

  4. 82. x48x2=9

  5. 83. y4+4y25=0

  6. 84. y415y216=0

  7. 85. x3x4=0

    (Hint: Let u=x.)

  8. 86. 2x9x+4=0

  9. 87. m2/32m1/38=0

    (Hint: Let u=m1/3.)

  10. 88. t2/3+t1/36=0

  11. 89. x1/23x1/4+2=0

  12. 90. x1/24x1/4=3

  13. 91. (2x3)25(2x3)+6=0

    (Hint: Let u=2x3.)

  14. 92. (3x+2)2+7(3x+2)8=0

  15. 93. (2t2+t)24(2t2+t)+3=0

  16. 94. 12=(m25m)2+(m25m)

Funding for Afghan Security. The number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan decreased to approximately 34,000 in 2014 from a high of about 100,000 in 2010. The amount of U.S. funding for Afghan security forces also decreased during this period. The function


can be used to estimate the amount of U.S. funding for Afghan security forces, in billions of dollars, x years after 2009 (Source: U.S. Department of Defense; Brookings Institution; International Security Assistance Force; ESRI). Use this function for Exercises 95 and 96.

  1. 95. In what year was the amount of U.S. funding for Afghan security forces about $10.5 billion?

  2. 96. In what year was the amount of U.S. funding for Afghan security forces about $5.0 billion?

Multigenerational Households. After declining between 1940 and 1980, the number of multigenerational American households has been increasing since 1980. The function


can be used to estimate the number of multigenerational households in the United States, in millions, x years after 1940 (Source: Pew Research Center). Use this function for Exercises 97 and 98.

  1. 97. In what year were there 40 million multigenerational households?

  2. 98. In what year were there 55 million multigenerational households?

Time of a Free Fall. The formula s=16t2 is used to approximate the distance s, in feet, that an object falls freely from rest in t seconds. Use this formula for Exercises 99 and 100.

  1. 99. The Taipei 101 Tower, also known as the Taipei Financial Center, in Taipei, Taiwan, is 1670 ft tall. How long would it take an object dropped from the top to reach the ground?

  2. 100. At 630 ft, the Gateway Arch in St. Louis is the tallest man-made monument in the United States. How long would it take an object dropped from the top to reach the ground?

  3. 101. The length of a rectangular poster is 1 ft more than the width, and a diagonal of the poster is 5 ft. Find the length and the width.

  4. 102. One leg of a right triangle is 7 cm less than the length of the other leg. The length of the hypotenuse is 13 cm. Find the lengths of the legs.

  5. 103. One number is 5 greater than another. The product of the numbers is 36. Find the numbers.

  6. 104. One number is 6 less than another. The product of the numbers is 72. Find the numbers.

  7. 105. Box Construction. An open box is made from a 10-cm by 20-cm piece of tin by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the edges. The area of the resulting base is 96 cm2. What is the length of the sides of the squares?

  8. 106. Petting Zoo Dimensions. At the Glen Island Zoo, 170 m of fencing was used to enclose a rectangular petting area of 1750 m2. Find the dimensions of the petting area.

  9. 107. Dimensions of a Rug. Find the dimensions of a rectangular Persian rug whose perimeter is 28 ft and whose area is 48 ft2.

  10. 108. Picture Frame Dimensions. The rectangular frame on a picture is 8 in. by 10 in. outside and is of uniform width. What is the width of the frame if 48 in2 of the picture shows?

State whether the function is linear or quadratic.

  1. 109. f(x)=45x

  2. 110. f(x)=45x2

  3. 111. f(x)=7x2

  4. 112. f(x)=23x+6

  5. 113. f(x)=1.2x(3.6)2

  6. 114. f(x)=2xx2

Skill Maintenance

Cost of a Super Bowl Ad. The cost of a 30-sec Super Bowl ad has increased more than 70% since 2004. The function


can be used to estimate the cost of a 30-sec ad, in millions of dollars, x years after 2004 (Source: Katar Media). Use this function for Exercises 115 and 116. [1.2]

  1. 115. Estimate the cost of a 30-sec Super Bowl ad in 2014.

  2. 116. When will the cost of a 30-sec Super Bowl ad reach $5.0 million?

Determine whether the graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, the y-axis, and the origin. [2.4]

  1. 117. 3x2+4y2=5

  2. 118. y3=6x2

Determine whether the function is even, odd, or neither even nor odd. [2.4]

  1. 119. f(x)=2x3x

  2. 120. f(x)=4x2+2x3


For each equation in Exercises 121124, under the given condition: (a) find k and (b) find a second solution.

  1. 121. kx217x+33=0; one solution is 3

  2. 122. kx22x+k=0; one solution is −3

  3. 123. x2kx+2=0; one solution is 1+i

  4. 124. x2(6+3i)x+k=0; one solution is 3


  1. 125. (x2)3=x32

  2. 126. (x+1)3=(x1)3+26

  3. 127. (6x3+7x23x)(x27)=0

  4. 128. (x15)(x214)+(x15)(x2+18)=0

  5. 129. x2+x2=0

  6. 130. x2+5x3=0

  7. 131. 2t2+(t4)2=5t(t4)+24

  8. 132. 9t(t+2)3t(t2)=2(t+4)(t+6)

  9. 133. x34x3=2

  10. 134. x2+3x+1x2+3x+1=8

  11. 135. (y+2y)2+3y+6y=4

  12. 136. Solve 12at2+v0t+x0=0 for t.

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