4.1 Polynomial Functions and Models

  • Determine the behavior of the graph of a polynomial function using the leading-term test.

  • Factor polynomial functions and find their zeros and their multiplicities.

  • Solve applied problems using polynomial models.

There are many different kinds of functions. The constant, linear, and quadratic functions that we studied in Chapters 1 and 3 are part of a larger group of functions called polynomial functions.

The first nonzero coefficient, anan, is called the leading coefficient. The term anxnanxn is called the leading term. The degree of the polynomial function is n. Some examples of polynomial functions follow.

Constant f(x)=3f(x)=3 (f(x)=3=3x0)(f(x)=3=3x0) 0 3 3
Linear f(x)=23x+5f(x)=23x+5 (f(x)=23x+5=23 x1+5)(f(x)=23x+5=23 x1+5) 1 23x23x 2323
Quadratic f(x)=4x2x+3f(x)=4x2x+3 2 4x24x2 4
Cubic f(x)=x3+2x2+x5f(x)=x3+2x2+x5 3 x3x3 1
Quartic f(x)=x41.1x3+0.3x22.8x1.7f(x)=x41.1x3+0.3x22.8x1.7 4 x4x4 −1

The function f(x)=0f(x)=0 can be described in many ways:


and so on. For this reason, we say that the constant function f(x)=0f(x)=0 has no degree.

Functions such as

f(x)=2x+5,  or 2x1+5,  and  g(x)=x6,  or x1/26,
f(x)=2x+5,  or 2x1+5,  and  g(x)=x6,  or x1/26,

are not polynomial functions because the exponents −1 and 1212 are not whole numbers.

From our study of functions in Chapters 1 3, we know how to find or at least estimate many characteristics of a polynomial function. Let’s consider two examples for review.

Quadratic Function

  • Function: f(x)=x22x3=(x+1)(x3)Function: f(x)==x22x3(x+1)(x3)

  • Zeros: −1, 3

  • x-intercepts: (1, 0), (3, 0)(1, 0), (3, 0)

  • y-intercept: (0, −3)

  • Minimum: −4 at x=1x=1

  • Maximum: None

  • Domain: All real numbers, (, )(, )

  • Range: [4, )[4, )

Cubic Function

  • Function: g(x)=x3+2x211x12=(x+4)(x+1)(x3)Function: g(x)==x3+2x211x12(x+4)(x+1)(x3)

  • Zeros: −4, −1, 3

  • x-intercepts: (4, 0), (1, 0), (3, 0)(4, 0), (1, 0), (3, 0)

  • y-intercept: (0, −12)

  • Relative minimum: −20.7 at x=1.4x=1.4

  • Relative maximum: 12.6 at x=2.7x=2.7

  • Domain: All real numbers, (, )(, )

  • Range: All real numbers, (, )(, )

All graphs of polynomial functions have some characteristics in common. Compare the following graphs. How do the graphs of polynomial functions differ from the graphs of nonpolynomial functions? Describe some characteristics of the graphs of polynomial functions that you observe.

Polynomial Functions

Nonpolynomial Functions

You probably noted that the graph of a polynomial function is continuous; that is, it has no holes or breaks. It is also smooth; there are no sharp corners. Furthermore, the domain of a polynomial function is the set of all real numbers, (, )(, ).

The Leading-Term Test

The behavior of the graph of a polynomial function as x becomes very large (x)(x) or very small (x)(x) is referred to as the end behavior of the graph. The leading term of a polynomial function determines its end behavior.

Using the graphs shown on the following page, let’s see if we can discover some general patterns by comparing the end behavior of even- and odd-degree functions. We also note the effect of positive and negative leading coefficients.

Even Degree

Odd Degree

We can summarize our observations as follows.

Example 1

Using the leading-term test, match each of the following functions with one of the graphs AD that follow.

  1. f(x)=3x42x3+3f(x)=3x42x3+3

  2. f(x)=5x3x2+4x+2f(x)=5x3x2+4x+2

  3. f(x)=x5+14x+1f(x)=x5+14x+1

  4. f(x)=x6+x54x3f(x)=x6+x54x3


a) 3x43x4 4, even Positive D
b) 5x35x3 3, odd Negative B
c) x5x5 5, odd Positive A
d) x6x6 6, even Negative C

Now Try Exercise 19.

Finding Zeros of Polynomial Functions

Let’s review the meaning of the real zeros of a function and their connection to the x-intercepts of the function’s graph.

The connection between the real-number zeros of a function and the x-intercepts of the graph of the function is easily seen in the preceding examples. If c is a real zero of a function (that is, f(c)=0)f(c)=0), then (c, 0)(c, 0) is an x-intercept of the graph of the function.

Example 2

Consider P(x)=x3+x217x+15P(x)=x3+x217x+15. Determine whether each of the numbers 2 and −5 is a zero of P(x)P(x).


We first evaluate P(2):P(2):

P(2)=(2)3+(2)217(2)+15=7.Substituting 2 intothe polynomial
P(2)=(2)3+(2)217(2)+15=7.Substituting 2 intothe polynomial

Since P(2)0P(2)0, we know that 2 is not a zero of the polynomial function.

We then evaluate P(5):P(5):

P(5)=(5)3+(5)217(5)+15=0.Substituting 5 intothe polynomial
P(5)=(5)3+(5)217(5)+15=0.Substituting 5 intothe polynomial

Since P(5)=0P(5)=0, we know that −5 is a zero of P(x)P(x).

Now Try Exercise 23.

Let’s take a closer look at the polynomial function


(see Connecting the Concepts above). The factors of h(x)h(x) are

x+3,  x+1, and x2,
x+3,  x+1, and x2,

and the zeros are

3,  1, and 2.
3,  1, and 2.

We note that when the polynomial is expressed as a product of linear factors, each factor determines a zero of the function. Thus if we know the linear factors of a polynomial function f(x)f(x), we can easily find the zeros of f(x)f(x) by solving the equation f(x)=0f(x)=0 using the principle of zero products.

Example 3

Find the zeros of



To solve the equation f(x)=0f(x)=0, we use the principle of zero products, solving x2=0x2=0 and x+1=0x+1=0. The zeros of f(x)f(x) are 2 and −1.

Example 4

Find the zeros of



To solve the equation g(x)=0g(x)=0, we use the principle of zero products, solving x1=0x1=0 and x+2=0x+2=0. The zeros of g(x)g(x) are 1 and −2.

Let’s consider the occurrences of the zeros in the functions in Examples 3 and 4 and their relationship to the graphs of those functions. In Example 3, the factor x2x2 occurs three times. In a case like this, we say that the zero we obtain from this factor, 2, has a multiplicity of 3. The factor x+1x+1 occurs one time. The zero we obtain from this factor, −1, has a multiplicity of 1.

In Example 4, the factors x1x1 and x+2x+2 each occur two times. Thus both zeros, 1 and −2, have a multiplicity of 2.

Note, in Example 3, that the zeros have odd multiplicities and the graph crosses the x-axis at both −1 and 2. But in Example 4, the zeros have even multiplicities and the graph is tangent to (touches but does not cross) the x-axis at −2 and 1. This leads us to the following generalization.

Some polynomials can be factored by grouping. Then we use the principle of zero products to find their zeros.

Example 5

Find the zeros of



We factor by grouping, as follows:

f(x)=x32x29x+18=x2(x2)9(x2)Grouping x3 with 2x2 and 9x with18 and factoring each group=(x2)(x29)Factoring out x2=(x2)(x+3)(x3).Factoring x29
f(x)====x32x29x+18x2(x2)9(x2)(x2)(x29)(x2)(x+3)(x3).Grouping x3 with 2x2 and 9x with18 and factoring each groupFactoring out x2Factoring x29

Then, by the principle of zero products, the solutions of the equation f(x)=0f(x)=0 are 2, −3, and 3. These are the zeros of f(x)f(x).

Now Try Exercise 39.

Other factoring techniques can also be used.

Example 6

Find the zeros of



We factor as follows:


We now solve the equation f(x)=0f(x)=0 to determine the zeros. We use the principle of zero products:


The solutions are ±5±5 and ±3i±3i. These are the zeros of f(x)f(x).

Now Try Exercise 37.

Only the real-number zeros of a function correspond to the x-intercepts of its graph. For instance, the real-number zeros of the function in Example 6, 55 and 55, can be seen on the graph of the function below, but the nonreal zeros, −3i and 3i, cannot.

This is often stated as follows: “Every polynomial function of degree n, with n1n1, has exactly n zeros.” This statement is compatible with the preceding statement, if one takes multiplicities into account.

Polynomial Models

Polynomial functions have many uses as models in science, engineering, and business. The simplest use of polynomial functions in applied problems occurs when we merely evaluate a polynomial function. In such cases, a model has already been developed.

Example 7

Ibuprofen in the Bloodstream. The polynomial function


can be used to estimate the number of milligrams of the pain relief medication ibuprofen in the bloodstream t hours after 400 mg of the medication has been taken. Find the number of milligrams in the bloodstream at t=0t=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and so on, up to 6 hr. Round the function values to the nearest tenth.


Using a calculator, we compute function values:














Now Try Exercise 49.

Recall that the domain of a polynomial function, unless restricted by a statement of the function, is (, )(, ). The implications of the application in Example 7 restrict the domain of the function. If we assume that a patient had not taken any of the medication before, it seems reasonable that M(0)=0;M(0)=0; that is, at time 0, there is 0 mg of the medication in the bloodstream. After the medication has been taken, M(t)M(t) will be positive for a period of time and eventually decrease back to 0 when t=6t=6 and not increase again (unless another dose is taken). Thus the restricted domain is [0, 6].

4.1 Exercise Set

Determine the leading term, the leading coefficient, and the degree of the polynomial. Then classify the polynomial function as constant, linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic.

  1. 1. g(x)=12 x310x+8g(x)=12 x310x+8

  2. 2. f(x)=15x210+0.11x47x3f(x)=15x210+0.11x47x3

  3. 3. h(x)=0.9x0.13h(x)=0.9x0.13

  4. 4. f(x)=6f(x)=6

  5. 5. g(x)=305x4+4021g(x)=305x4+4021

  6. 6. h(x)=2.4x3+5x2x+78h(x)=2.4x3+5x2x+78

  7. 7. h(x)=5x2+7x3+x4h(x)=5x2+7x3+x4

  8. 8. f(x)=2x2f(x)=2x2

  9. 9. g(x)=4x312 x2+8g(x)=4x312 x2+8

  10. 10. f(x)=12+xf(x)=12+x

In Exercises 1118, select one of the following four sketches to describe the end behavior of the graph of the function.

  1. 11. f(x)=3x3x+4f(x)=3x3x+4

  2. 12. f(x)=14 x4+12 x36x2+x5f(x)=14 x4+12 x36x2+x5

  3. 13. f(x)=x6+34 x4f(x)=x6+34 x4

  4. 14. f(x)=25 x52x4+x312x+3f(x)=25 x52x4+x312x+3

  5. 15. f(x)=3.5x4+x6+0.1x7f(x)=3.5x4+x6+0.1x7

  6. 16. f(x)=x3+x50.5x6f(x)=x3+x50.5x6

  7. 17. f(x)=10+110 x425 x3f(x)=10+110 x425 x3

  8. 18. f(x)=2x+x3x5f(x)=2x+x3x5

In Exercises 1922, use the leading-term test to match the function with one of the graphs (a)(d) that follow.

  1. 19. f(x)=x6+2x57x2f(x)=x6+2x57x2

  2. 20. f(x)=2x4x2+1f(x)=2x4x2+1

  3. 21. f(x)=x5+110x3f(x)=x5+110x3

  4. 22. f(x)=x3+x22x+4

  5. 23. Use substitution to determine whether 4, 5, and −2 are zeros of

  6. 24. Use substitution to determine whether 2, 3, and −1 are zeros of

  7. 25. Use substitution to determine whether 2, 3, and −1 are zeros of

  8. 26. Use substitution to determine whether 1, −2, and 3 are zeros of


Find the zeros of the polynomial function and state the multiplicity of each.

  1. 27. f(x)=(x+3)2(x1)

  2. 28. f(x)=(x+5)3(x4)(x+1)2

  3. 29. f(x)=2(x4)(x4)(x4)(x+6)

  4. 30. f(x)=(x+12)(x+7)(x+7)(x+5)

  5. 31. f(x)=(x29)3

  6. 32. f(x)=(x24)2

  7. 33. f(x)=x3(x1)2(x+4)

  8. 34. f(x)=x2(x+3)2(x4)(x+1)4

  9. 35. f(x)=8(x3)2(x+4)3x4

  10. 36. f(x)=(x25x+6)2

  11. 37. f(x)=x44x2+3

  12. 38. f(x)=x410x2+9

  13. 39. f(x)=x3+3x2x3

  14. 40. f(x)=x3x22x+2

  15. 41. f(x)=2x3x28x+4

  16. 42. f(x)=3x3+x248x16

Determine whether the statement is true or false.

  1. 43. If P(x)=(x3)4(x+1)3, then the graph of the polynomial function y=P(x) crosses the x-axis at (3, 0).

  2. 44. If P(x)=(x+2)2(x14)5, then the graph of the polynomial function y=P(x) crosses the x-axis at (14, 0).

  3. 45. If P(x)=(x2)3(x+5)6, then the graph of y=P(x) is tangent to the x-axis at (−5, 0).

  4. 46. If P(x)=(x+4)2(x1)2, then the graph of y=P(x) is tangent to the x-axis at (4, 0).

  5. 47. Vinyl Album Sales. Vinyl record albums are making a comeback. Sales of vinyl albums rose 32% from 2012 to 2013. The sales data over the years 2001 to 2013 are modeled by the quartic function

    f(x)=0.000913x4+0.0248x3 0.1515x2+0.2136x+1.2779,

    where x is the number of years after 2001 and f(x) is the number of albums in millions (Source: Nielsen SoundScan). Find the number of vinyl albums sold in 2008, in 2012, and in 2016.

  6. 48. Railroad Miles. The greatest combined length of U.S.-owned operating railroad track existed in 1916, when industrial activity increased during World War I. The total length has decreased ever since. The data over the years 1900 to 2011 are modeled by the quartic function

    f(x)=0.002391x4+0.949686x3123.648199x2+4729.3635x+198, 846.4097,

    where x is the number of years after 1900 and f(x) is in miles (Source: Association of American Railroads). Find the number of miles of operating railroad track in the United States in 1916, in 1960, in 2000, and in 2016.

  7. 49. Dog Years. A dog’s life span is typically much shorter than that of a human. The cubic function


    where x is the dog’s age, in years, approximates the equivalent human age in years. Estimate the equivalent human age for dogs that are 3, 12, and 16 years old.

  8. 50. Threshold Weight. In a study performed by Alvin Shemesh, it was found that the threshold weight W, defined as the weight above which the risk of death rises dramatically, is given by


    where W is in pounds and h is a person’s height, in inches. Find the threshold weight of a person who is 5 ft 7 in. tall.

  9. 51. Projectile Motion. A stone thrown downward with an initial velocity of 34.3 m/sec will travel a distance of s meters, where


    and t is in seconds. If a stone is thrown downward at 34.3 m/sec from a height of 294 m, how long will it take the stone to hit the ground?

  10. 52. Games in a Sports League. If there are x teams in a sports league and all the teams play each other twice, a total of N(x) games are played, where


    A softball league has 9 teams, each of which plays the others twice. If the league pays $110 per game for the field and the umpires, how much will it cost to play the entire schedule?

  11. 53. Prison Admissions. Since 2006, total admissions to state and federal prisons have been declining (Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics). The quartic function

    p(x)=6.213x4432.347x3+1922.987x2+20, 503.912x+638, 684.984,

    where x is the number of years after 2001, can be used to estimate the number of admissions to state and federal prisons from 2001 to 2012. Estimate the number of prison admissions in 2003, in 2006, and in 2011.

  12. 54. Obesity. The percentage of adults who are obese is rising (Source: Gallup–Healthways Well-Being Index). The cubic function


    where x is the number of years after 2008, can be used to estimate the percentage of adults who are obese. Using this function, estimate the percentage of adults who were obese in 2009 and in 2013.

  13. 55. Interest Compounded Annually. When P dollars is invested at interest rate i, compounded annually, for t years, the investment grows to A dollars, where


    Trevor’s parents deposit $8000 in a savings account when Trevor is 16 years old. The principal plus interest is to be used for a truck when Trevor is 18 years old. Find the interest rate i if the $8000 grows to $9039.75 in 2 years.

  14. 56. Interest Compounded Annually. When P dollars is invested at interest rate i, compounded annually, for t years, the investment grows to A dollars, where


    When Sara enters the 11th grade, her grandparents deposit $10,000 in a college savings account. Find the interest rate i if the $10,000 grows to $11,193.64 in 2 years.

Skill Maintenance

Find the distance between the pair of points. [1.1]

  1. 57. (3, −5) and (0, −1)

  2. 58. (4, 2) and (−2, −4)

  3. 59. Find the center and the radius of the circle

  4. 60. The diameter of a circle connects the points (−6, 5) and (−2, 1) on the circle. Find the coordinates of the center of the circle and the length of the radius. [1.1]


  1. 61. 2y31y+5 [1.6]

  2. 62. (x2)(x+5)>x(x3) [1.6]

  3. 63. |x+6|7 [3.5]

  4. 64. |x+14|23 [3.5]


Determine the degree and the leading term of the polynomial function.

  1. 65. f(x)=(x51)2(x2+2)3

  2. 66. f(x)=(103x5)2(5x4)3(x+4)

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