4.2 Graphing Polynomial Functions

  • Graph polynomial functions.

  • Use the intermediate value theorem to determine whether a function has a real zero between two given real numbers.

Graphing Polynomial Functions

In addition to using the leading-term test and finding the zeros of the function, it is helpful to consider the following facts when graphing a polynomial function.

Example 1

Graph the polynomial function h(x)=2x4+3x3h(x)=2x4+3x3.


  1. First, we use the leading-term test to determine the end behavior of the graph. The leading term is 2x42x4. The degree, 4, is even, and the coefficient, −2, is negative. Thus the end behavior of the graph as xx and as xx can be sketched as follows.

  2. The zeros of the function are the first coordinates of the x-intercepts of the graph. To find the zeros, we solve h(x)=0h(x)=0 by factoring and using the principle of zero products.

    2x4+3x3=0x3(2x3)=0Factoringx3=0or2x3=0Using the principle of zero productsx=0orx=32.
    2x4+3x3x3(2x3)==00Factoringx3x==00oror2x3x==032.Using the principle of zero products

    The zeros of the function are 0 and 3232. Note that the multiplicity of 0 is 3 and the multiplicity of 3232 is 1. The x-intercepts are (0, 0) and (32, 0)(32, 0).

  3. The zeros divide the x-axis into three intervals:

    (, 0),  (0, 32), and (32, ).
    (, 0),  (0, 32), and (32, ).

    The sign of h(x)h(x) is the same for all values of x in each of the three intervals. That is, h(x)h(x) is positive for all x-values in an interval or h(x)h(x) is negative for all x-values in an interval. To determine which, we choose a test value for x from each interval and find h(x)h(x).

    Interval (, 0)(, 0) (0, 32)(0, 32) (32, )(32, )
    Test Value, x −1 1 2
    Function Value, h(x)h(x) −5 1 −8
    Sign of h(x)h(x) ++
    Location of Points on Graph Below x-axis Above x-axis Below x-axis

    This test-point procedure also gives us three points to plot. In this case, we have (−1, −5), (1, 1), and (2, −8).

  4. To determine the y-intercept, we find h(0):h(0):


    The y-intercept is (0, 0).

  5. A few additional points are helpful when completing the graph.

    x h(x)h(x)
    −1.5 −20.25
    −0.5 −0.5
    0.5 0.25
    2.5 −31.25
  6. The degree of h is 4. The graph of h can have at most 4 x-intercepts and at most 3 turning points. In fact, it has 2 x-intercepts and 1 turning point. The zeros, 0 and 3232, each have odd multiplicities: 3 for 0 and 1 for 3232. Since the multiplicities are odd, the graph crosses the x-axis at 0 and 3232. The end behavior of the graph is what we described in step (1). As xx and also as x, h(x)x, h(x). The graph appears to be correct.

Now Try Exercise 23.

The following is a procedure for graphing polynomial functions.

Example 2

Graph the polynomial function



  1. The leading term is 2x32x3. The degree, 3, is odd, and the coefficient, 2, is positive. Thus the end behavior of the graph will appear as follows.

  2. To find the zeros, we solve f(x)=0f(x)=0. Here we can use factoring by grouping.

    2x3+x28x4=0x2(2x+1)4(2x+1)=0Factoring by grouping(2x+1)(x24)=0(2x+1)(x+2)(x2)=0Factoring a difference of squares
    2x3+x28x4x2(2x+1)4(2x+1)(2x+1)(x24)(2x+1)(x+2)(x2)====0000Factoring by groupingFactoring a difference of squares

    The zeros are 12, 212, 2, and 2. Each is of multiplicity 1. The x-intercepts are (2, 0), (12, 0)(2, 0), (12, 0), and (2, 0).

  3. The zeros divide the x-axis into four intervals:

    (, 2),  (2, 12),  (12, 2), and (2, ).
    (, 2),  (2, 12),  (12, 2), and (2, ).

    We choose a test value for x from each interval and find f(x)f(x).

    Interval (, 2)(, 2) (2, 12)(2, 12) (12, 2)(12, 2) (2, )(2, )
    Test Value, x −3 −1 1 3
    Function Value, f(x)f(x) −25 3 −9 35
    Sign of f(x)f(x) ++ ++
    Location of Points on Graph Below x-axis Above x-axis Below x-axis Above x-axis

    The test values and corresponding function values also give us four points on the graph: (−3, −25), (−1, 3), (1, −9), and (3, 35).

  4. To determine the y-intercept, we find f(0):f(0):


    The y-intercept is (0, −4).

  5. We find a few additional points and complete the graph.

    x f(x)f(x)
    −2.5 −9
    −1.5 3.5
    0.5 −7.5
    1.5 −7
  6. The degree of f is 3. The graph of f can have at most 3 x-intercepts and at most 2 turning points. It has 3 x-intercepts and 2 turning points. Each zero has a multiplicity of 1; thus the graph crosses the x-axis at −2, 1212, and 2. The graph has the end behavior described in step (1). As x, h(x)x, h(x), and as x, h(x)x, h(x). The graph appears to be correct.

Now Try Exercise 33.

Some polynomials are difficult to factor. In the next example, the polynomial is given in factored form. In Sections 4.3 and 4.4, we will learn methods that facilitate determining factors of such polynomials.

Example 3

Graph the polynomial function



  1. The leading term is x4x4. The degree, 4, is even, and the coefficient, 1, is positive. The sketch below shows the end behavior.

  2. To find the zeros, we solve g(x)=0:g(x)=0:


    The zeros are −1, 2, and 4; 2 is of multiplicity 2; the others are of multiplicity 1. The x-intercepts are (−1, 0), (2, 0), and (4, 0).

  3. The zeros divide the x-axis into four intervals:

    (, 1),  (1, 2),  (2, 4), and (4, ).
    (, 1),  (1, 2),  (2, 4), and (4, ).

    We choose a test value for x from each interval and find g(x)g(x).

    Interval (, 1)(, 1) (−1, 2) (2, 4) (4, )(4, )
    Test Value, x −1.25 1 3 4.25
    Function Value, g(x)g(x) 13.913.9 −6 −4 6.66.6
    Sign of g(x)g(x) ++ ++
    Location of Points on Graph Above x-axis Below x-axis Below x-axis Above x-axis

    The test values and the corresponding function values also give us four points on the graph: (−1.25, 13.9), (1, −6), (3, −4), and (4.25, 6.6).

  4. To determine the y-intercept, we find g(0):g(0):


    The y-intercept is (0, −16).

  5. We find a few additional points and draw the graph.

    x g(x)g(x)
    −0.5 −14.1
    0.5 −11.8
    1.5 −1.6
    2.5 −1.3
    3.5 −5.1
  6. The degree of g is 4. The graph of g can have at most 4 x-intercepts and at most 3 turning points. It has 3 x-intercepts and 3 turning points. One of the zeros, 2, has a multiplicity of 2, so the graph is tangent to the x-axis at 2. The other zeros, −1 and 4, each have a multiplicity of 1 so the graph crosses the x-axis at −1 and 4. The graph has the end behavior described in step (1). As xx and as x, g(x)x, g(x). The graph appears to be correct.

Now Try Exercise 19.

The Intermediate Value Theorem

Polynomial functions are continuous, hence their graphs are unbroken. The domain of a polynomial function, unless restricted by the statement of the function, is (, )(, ). Suppose two polynomial function values P(a)P(a) and P(b)P(b) have opposite signs. Since P is continuous, its graph must be a curve from (a, P(a))(a, P(a)) to (b, P(b))(b, P(b)) without a break. Then it follows that the curve must cross the x-axis at at least one point c between a and b; that is, the function has a zero at c between a and b.

Example 4

Using the intermediate value theorem, determine, if possible, whether the function has at least one real zero between a and b.

  1. f(x)=x3+x26x;f(x)=x3+x26x; a=4, b=2a=4, b=2

  2. f(x)=x3+x26x;f(x)=x3+x26x; a=1, b=3a=1, b=3

  3. g(x)=13 x4x3;g(x)=13 x4x3; a=12, b=12a=12, b=12

  4. g(x)=13 x4x3;g(x)=13 x4x3; a=1, b=2a=1, b=2


We find f(a)f(a) and f(b)f(b) or g(a)g(a) and g(b)g(b) and determine whether they differ in sign. The graphs of f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) provide visual checks of the conclusions.

  1. f(4)=(4)3+(4)26(4)=24f(4)=(4)3+(4)26(4)=24,


    Note that f(4)f(4) is negative and f(2)f(2) is positive. By the intermediate value theorem, since f(4)f(4) and f(2)f(2) have opposite signs, then f(x)f(x) has at least one zero between −4 and −2. The following graph confirms this.

  2. f(1)=(1)3+(1)26(1)=6f(1)=(1)3+(1)26(1)=6,


    Both f(1)f(1) and f(3)f(3) are positive. Thus the intermediate value theorem does not allow us to determine whether there is a real zero between −1 and 3. Note that the graph of f(x)f(x) above shows that there are two zeros between −1 and 3.

  3. g(12)=13(12)4(12)3=748g(12)=13(12)4(12)3=748,


    Since g(12)g(12) and g(12)g(12) have opposite signs, g(x)g(x) has at least one zero between 1212 and 1212. The following graph confirms this.

  4. g(1)=13(1)413=23g(1)=13(1)413=23,


    Both g(1)g(1) and g(2)g(2) are negative. Thus the intermediate value theorem does not allow us to determine whether there is a real zero between 1 and 2. Note that the graph of g(x)g(x) above shows that there are no zeros between 1 and 2.

Now Try Exercises 39 and 43.

Visualizing the Graph

Match the function with its graph.

  1. f(x)=x4x+5f(x)=x4x+5

  2. f(x)=3x2+6x3f(x)=3x2+6x3

  3. f(x)=x44x3+3x2+4x4f(x)=x44x3+3x2+4x4

  4. f(x)=25x+4f(x)=25x+4

  5. f(x)=x34x2f(x)=x34x2

  6. f(x)=x69x4f(x)=x69x4

  7. f(x)=x53x3+2f(x)=x53x3+2

  8. f(x)=x3x1f(x)=x3x1

  9. f(x)=x2+7x+6f(x)=x2+7x+6

  10. f(x)=72f(x)=72

    Answers on page A-17

4.2 Exercise Set

For each function in Exercises 16, state:

  1. the maximum number of real zeros that the function can have;

  2. the maximum number of x-intercepts that the graph of the function can have; and

  3. the maximum number of turning points that the graph of the function can have.

  1. 1. f(x)=x5x2+6f(x)=x5x2+6

  2. 2. f(x)=x2+x4x6+3f(x)=x2+x4x6+3

  3. 3. f(x)=x102x5+4x2f(x)=x102x5+4x2

  4. 4. f(x)=14x3+2x2f(x)=14x3+2x2

  5. 5. f(x)=xx3f(x)=xx3

  6. 6. f(x)=3x4+2x3x4f(x)=3x4+2x3x4

In Exercises 712, use the leading-term test and your knowledge of y-intercepts to match the function with one of the graphs (a)(f) that follow.

  1. 7. f(x)=14x25f(x)=14x25

  2. 8. f(x)=0.5x6x5+4x45x37x2f(x)=0.5x6x5+4x45x37x2


  3. 9. f(x)=x5x4+x2+4f(x)=x5x4+x2+4

  4. 10. f(x)=13x34x2+6x+42f(x)=13x34x2+6x+42

  5. 11. f(x)=x42x3+12x2+x20f(x)=x42x3+12x2+x20

  6. 12. f(x)=0.3x7+0.11x60.25x5+x4+x36x5f(x)=0.3x7+0.11x60.25x5+x4+x36x5

Graph the polynomial function. Follow the steps outlined in the procedure on p. 240.

  1. 13. f(x)=x32x2f(x)=x32x2

  2. 14. g(x)=x44x3+3x2g(x)=x44x3+3x2

  3. 15. h(x)=x2+2x3h(x)=x2+2x3

  4. 16. f(x)=x25x+4f(x)=x25x+4

  5. 17. h(x)=x54x3h(x)=x54x3

  6. 18. f(x)=x3xf(x)=x3x

  7. 19. h(x)=x(x4)(x+1)(x2)h(x)=x(x4)(x+1)(x2)

  8. 20. f(x)=x(x1)(x+3)(x+5)f(x)=x(x1)(x+3)(x+5)

  9. 21. g(x)=14x334x2g(x)=14x334x2

  10. 22. f(x)=12x3+52x2f(x)=12x3+52x2

  11. 23. g(x)=x42x3g(x)=x42x3

  12. 24. h(x)=x33x2h(x)=x33x2

  13. 25. f(x)=12(x2)(x+1)2(x1)f(x)=12(x2)(x+1)2(x1)

  14. 26. g(x)=(x2)3(x+3)g(x)=(x2)3(x+3)

  15. 27. g(x)=x(x1)2(x+4)2g(x)=x(x1)2(x+4)2

  16. 28. h(x)=x(x3)(x3)(x+2)h(x)=x(x3)(x3)(x+2)

  17. 29. f(x)=(x2)2(x+1)4f(x)=(x2)2(x+1)4

  18. 30. g(x)=x49x2g(x)=x49x2

  19. 31. g(x)=(x1)4g(x)=(x1)4

  20. 32. h(x)=(x+2)3

  21. 33. h(x)=x3+3x2x3

  22. 34. g(x)=x3+2x2+4x8

  23. 35. f(x)=6x38x254x+72

  24. 36. h(x)=x55x3+4x

Graph each piecewise function.

  1. 37. g(x)= {x+3,for x2,4,for 2<x<1,12x3,for x1

  2. 38. h(x)={x2,for x<2,x+1,for 2x<0,x31,for x0

Using the intermediate value theorem, determine, if possible, whether the function f has at least one real zero between a and b.

  1. 39. f(x)=x3+3x29x13;a=5, b=4

  2. 40. f(x)=x3+3x29x13;a=1, b=2

  3. 41. f(x)=3x22x11;a=3, b=2

  4. 42. f(x)=3x22x11;a=2, b=3

  5. 43. f(x)=x42x26;a=2, b=3

  6. 44. f(x)=2x57x+1;a=1, b=2

  7. 45. f(x)=x35x2+4;a=4, b=5

  8. 46. f(x)=x43x2+x1;a=3, b=2

Skill Maintenance

In Exercises 4752, match the equation with one of the graphs (a)(f) that follow.

  1. 47. y=x [1.1]

  2. 48. x=4 [1.3]

  3. 49. y2x=6 [1.1]

  4. 50. 3x+2y=6 [1.1]

  5. 51. y=1x [1.1]

  6. 52. y=2 [1.3]


  1. 53. 2x12=43x [1.5]

  2. 54. x3x212x=0 [4.1]

  3. 55. 6x223x55=0 [3.2]

  4. 56. 34x+10=15+2x [1.5]

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