1.6 Solving Linear Inequalities

  • Solve linear inequalities.

  • Solve compound inequalities.

  • Solve applied problems using inequalities.

An inequality is a sentence with <, >, , or as its verb. An example is 3x5<62x. To solve an inequality is to find all values of the variable that make the inequality true. Each of these values is a solution of the inequality, and the set of all such solutions is its solution set. Inequalities that have the same solution set are called equivalent inequalities.

Linear Inequalities

The principles for solving inequalities are similar to those for solving equations.

First-degree inequalities with one variable, like those in Example 1 below, are linear inequalities.

Example 1

Solve each of the following. Then graph the solution set.

  1. 3x5<62x

  2. 137x10x4


  1. 3x5<62x

    5x5<6Using the addition principle for inequalities; adding 2x5x<11Using the addition principle for inequalities; adding 5x<115Using the multiplication principle for inequalities;multiplying by 15, or dividing by 5

    Any number less than 115 is a solution. The solution set is {x|x<115}, or (, 115). The graph of the solution set is shown below.

  2. 137x10x4

    1317x4Subtracting 10x17x17Subtracting 13x1Dividing by 17 and reversing the inequality sign

    The solution set is {x|x1}, or (,1]. The graph of the solution set is shown below.

Now Try Exercises 1 and 3.

Example 2

Find the domain of the function.

  1. f(x)=x6

  2. h(x)=x3x


  1. The radicand, x6, must be greater than or equal to 0. We solve the inequality x60:


    The domain is {x|x6}, or [6, ).

  2. Any real number can be an input for x in the numerator, but inputs for x must be restricted in the denominator. We must have 3x0 and 3x0. Thus, 3x>0. We solve for x:

    3x>0x>3Subtracting 3x<3.Multiplying by 1 and reversing the inequality sign

    The domain is {x|x<3}, or (, 3).

Now Try Exercises 17 and 21.

Compound Inequalities

When two inequalities are joined by the word and or the word or, a compound inequality is formed. A compound inequality like


is called a conjunction, because it uses the word and. The sentence


is an abbreviation for the preceding conjunction.

Compound inequalities can be solved using the addition and multiplication principles for inequalities.

Example 3

Solve 3<2x+57. Then graph the solution set.


We have

3<2x+578<2x2Subtracting 54<x1.Dividing by 2

The solution set is {x|4<x1}, or (4, 1]. The graph of the solution set is shown below.

Now Try Exercise 23.

A compound inequality like 2x57 or 2x5>1 is called a disjunction, because it contains the word or. Unlike some conjunctions, it cannot be abbreviated; that is, it cannot be written without the word or.

Example 4

Solve 2x57 or 2x5>1. Then graph the solution set.


We have

2x57or2x5>12x2or2x>6Adding 5x1orx>3.Dividing by 2

The solution set is {x|x1 or x>3}. We can also write the solution set using interval notation and the symbol for the union, or inclusion, of both sets:  (, 1](3, ). The graph of the solution set is shown below.

Now Try Exercise 35.

An Application

Example 5

Income Plans For her interior decorating job, Natália can be paid in one of two ways:

  • Plan A: $250 plus $10 per hour;

  • Plan B: $20 per hour.

Suppose that a job takes n hours. For what values of n is plan B better for Natália?


  1. Familiarize. Suppose that a job takes 20 hr. Then n=20, and under plan A, Natália would earn $250+$1020, or $250+$200, or $450. Her earnings under plan B would be $2020, or $400. This shows that plan A is better for Natália if a job takes 20 hr. If a job takes 30 hr, then n=30, and under plan A, Natália would earn $250+$1030, or $250+$300, or $550. Under plan B, he would earn $2030, or $600, so plan B is better in this case. To determine all values of n for which plan B is better for Natália, we solve an inequality. Our work in this step helps us write the inequality.

  2. Translate. We translate to an inequality:

  3. Carry out. We solve the inequality:

    20n>250+10n10n>250Subtracting 10n on both sidesn>25.Dividing by 10 on both sides
  4. Check. For n=25, the income from plan A is $250+$1025, or $250+$250, or $500, and the income from plan B is $2025, or $500. This shows that for a job that takes 25 hr to complete, the income is the same under either plan. In the Familiarize step, we saw that plan B pays more for a 30-hr job. Since 30>25, this provides a partial check of the result. We cannot check all values of n.

  5. State. For values of n greater than 25 hr, plan B is better for Natália.

Now Try Exercise 45.

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