Inverses and One-to-One Functions

Let’s consider the following two functions.

Source: U.S. Postal Service

Suppose we reverse the arrows. Are these inverse relations functions?

Source: U.S. Postal Service

We see that the inverse of the postage function is not a function. Like all functions, each input in the postage function has exactly one output. However, the output for 2009, 2010, and 2011 is 44. Thus in the inverse of the postage function, the input 44 has three outputs, 2009, 2010, and 2011. When two or more inputs of a function have the same output, the inverse relation cannot be a function. In the cubing function, each output corresponds to exactly one input, so its inverse is also a function. The cubing function is an example of a one-to-one function.

If the inverse of a function f is also a function, it is named f1 (read “f-inverse”).

The −1 in f1 is not an exponent!

Do not misinterpret the −1 in f1 as a negative exponent: f1 does not mean the reciprocal of f and f1(x) is not equal to 1f(x).

Example 3

Given the function f described by f(x)=2x3, prove that f is one-to-one (that is, it has an inverse that is a function).


To show that f is one-to-one, we show that if f(a)=f(b), then a=b. Assume that f(a)=f(b) for a and b in the domain of f. Since f(a)=2a3 and f(b)=2b3, we have

2a3=2b32a=2bAdding3a=b.Dividing by2

Thus, if f(a)=f(b), then a=b. This shows that f is one-to-one.

Now Try Exercise 17.

Example 4

Given the function g described by g(x)=x2, prove that g is not one-to-one.


We can prove that g is not one-to-one by finding two numbers a and b for which ab and g(a)=g(b). Two such numbers are −3 and 3, because 33 and g(3)=g(3)=9. Thus g is not one-to-one.

Now Try Exercise 21.

The following graphs show a function, in blue, and its inverse, in red. To determine whether the inverse is a function, we can apply the vertical-line test to its graph. By reflecting each such vertical line across the line y=x, we obtain an equivalent horizontal-line test for the original function.

Example 5

From the graphs shown, determine whether each function is one-to-one and thus has an inverse that is a function.


For each function, we apply the horizontal-line test.

  1. One-to-one; inverse is a function

  2. Not one-to-one; inverse is not a function

  3. One-to-one; inverse is a function

  4. Not one-to-one; inverse is not a function

No horizontal line intersects the graph more than once.

There are many horizontal lines that intersect the graph more than once. Note that where the line y=4 intersects the graph, the first coordinates are −2 and 2. Although these are different inputs, they have the same output, 4.

No horizontal line intersects the graph more than once.

There are many horizontal lines that intersect the graph more than once.

Now Try Exercises 25 and 27.

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