9.6 Determinants and Cramer’s Rule

  • Evaluate determinants of square matrices.

  • Use Cramer’s rule to solve systems of equations.

Determinants of Square Matrices

With every square matrix, we associate a number called its determinant.

Example 1

Evaluate: |2342|2432.



Now Try Exercise 1.

We now consider a way to evaluate determinants of square matrices of order × 3× 3 or higher.

Evaluating Determinants Using Cofactors

Often we first find minors and cofactors of matrices in order to evaluate determinants.

Example 2

For the matrix


find each of the following.

  1. M11M11

  2. M23M23


  1. For M11M11, we delete the first row and the first column and find the determinant of the 2×22×2 matrix formed by the remaining entries.

  2. For M23M23, we delete the second row and the third column and find the determinant of the 2×22×2 matrix formed by the remaining entries.


Now Try Exercise 9.

Example 3

For the matrix given in Example 2, find each of the following.

  1. A11A11

  2. A23A23


  1. In Example 2, we found that M11=9M11=9. Then

  2. In Example 2, we found that M23=24M23=24. Then


Now Try Exercise 11.

Consider the matrix A given by


The determinant of the matrix, denoted |A||A|, can be found by multiplying each element of the first column by its cofactor and adding:




we can write


It can be shown that we can determine |A||A| by choosing any row or column, multiplying each element in that row or column by its cofactor, and adding. This is called expanding across a row or down a column. We just expanded down the first column. We now define the determinant of a square matrix of any order.

Example 4

Evaluate |A||A| by expanding across the third row.



We have

|A|=(1)A31+(3)A32+5A33=(1)(1)3+1|0667|+(3)(1)3+2|8647|+ 5(1)3+3|8046|=(1)1[07(6)6]+(3)(1)[8746]+ 51[8(6)40]=[36]+3[80]+5[48]=36240+240=36.
|A|=====(1)A31+(3)A32+5A33(1)(1)3+10667+(3)(1)3+28467+ 5(1)3+38406(1)1[07(6)6]+(3)(1)[8746]+ 51[8(6)40][36]+3[80]+5[48]36240+240=36.

The value of this determinant is 3636 no matter which row or column we expand on.

Now Try Exercise 13.

Cramer’s Rule

Determinants can be used to solve systems of linear equations. Consider a system of two linear equations:


Solving this system using the elimination method, we obtain


The numerators and the denominators of these expressions can be written as determinants:


If we let

D=|a1b1a2b2|,  Dx=|c1b1c2b2|,  and   Dy=|a1c1a2c2|,
D=a1a2b1b2,  Dx=c1c2b1b2,  and   Dy=a1a2c1c2,

we have

x=DxD   and   y=DyD.
x=DxD   and   y=DyD.

This procedure for solving systems of equations is known as Cramer’s rule.

Note that the denominator D contains the coefficients of x and y, in the same position as in the original equations. For x, the numerator is obtained by replacing the x-coefficients in D (the a’s) with the c’s. For y, the numerator is obtained by replacing the y-coefficients in D (the b’s) with the c’s.

Example 5

Solve using Cramer’s rule:



We have


The solution is (129,4129).

Now Try Exercise 29.

Cramer’s rule works only when a system of equations has a unique solution. This occurs when D0. If D=0 and Dx and Dy are also 0, then the equations are dependent. If D=0 and Dx and/or Dy is not 0, then the system is inconsistent.

Cramer’s rule can be extended to a system of n linear equations in n variables. We consider a 3×3 system.

Note that the determinant Dx is obtained from D by replacing the x-coefficients with d1, d2, and d3. Dy and Dz are obtained in a similar manner. As with a system of two equations, Cramer’s rule cannot be used if D=0. If D=0 and Dx, Dy, and Dz are 0, then the equations are dependent. If D=0 and one of Dx, Dy, or Dz is not 0, then the system is inconsistent.

Example 6

Solve using Cramer’s rule:



We have




The solution is (2,35,125).

In practice, it is not necessary to evaluate Dz. When we have found values for x and y, we can substitute them into one of the equations to find z.

Now Try Exercise 37.

9.6 Exercise Set

Evaluate the determinant.

  1. 1. |5324|

  2. 2. |8612|

  3. 3. |4723|

  4. 4. |9654|

  5. 5. |2553|

  6. 9. |5342|

  7. 7. |x4xx2|

  8. 8. |y22y3|

Use the following matrix for Exercises 916:

  1. 9.Find M11, M32, and M22.

  2. 10. Find M13, M31, and M23.

  3. 11.Find A11, A32, and A22.

  4. 12. Find A13, A31, and A23.

  5. 13. Evaluate |A| by expanding across the second row.

  6. 14. Evaluate |A| by expanding down the second column.

  7. 15.Evaluate |A| by expanding down the third column.

  8. 16. Evaluate |A| by expanding across the first row.

Use the following matrix for Exercises 1722:

  1. 17.Find M12 and M44.

  2. 18. Find M41 and M33.

  3. 19.Find A22 and A34.

  4. 20. Find A24 and A43.

  5. 21.Evaluate |A| by expanding across the first row.

  6. 22. Evaluate |A| by expanding down the third column.

Evaluate the determinant.

  1. 23. |312231346|

  2. 24. |321243151|

  3. 25. |x012xx23x1|

  4. 26. |x11x2xx0x1|

Solve using Cramer’s rule.

  1. 27. 2x+4y=3,3x7y=1

  2. 28. 5x4y=3,7x+2y=6

  3. 29. 2xy=5,x2y=1

  4. 30. 3x+4y=2,5x7y=1

  5. 31. 2x+9y=2,4x3y=3

  6. 32. 2x+3y=1,3x+6y=0.5

  7. 33. 2x+5y=7,3x2y=1

  8. 34. 3x+2y=7,2x+3y=2

  9. 35. 3x+2yz=43x2y+z=54x5yz=1

  10. 36. 3xy+2z=1,xy+2z=3,2x+3y+z=1

  11. 37. 3x+5yz=2,x4y+2z=13,2x+4y+3z=1

  12. 38. 3x+2y+2z=1,5xy6z=3,2x+3y+3z=4

  13. 39. x3y7z=6,2x+3y+z=9,4x+y=7

  14. 40. x2y3z=4,3x2z=8,2x+y+4z=13

  15. 41. 6y+6z=1,8x+6z=1,4x+9y=8

  16. 42. 3x+5y=2,2x3z=7,4y+2z=1

Skill Maintenance

Determine whether the function is one-to-one, and if it is, find a formula for f1(x).  [5.1]

  1. 43. f(x)=3x+2

  2. 44. f(x)=x24

  3. 45. f(x)=|x|+3

  4. 46. f(x)=3x+1

Simplify. Write answers in the form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers.  [3.1]

  1. 47. (34i)(2i)

  2. 48. (5+2i)+(14i)

  3. 49. (12i)(6+2i)

  4. 50. 3+i43i



  1. 51. |y23y|=y

  2. 52. |x31x|0

  3. 53. |2x1121342|=6

  4. 54. |m+23m+54|=3m5

Rewrite the expression using a determinant. Answers may vary.

  1. 55. a2+b2

  2. 56. 12h(a+b)

  3. 57. 2πr2+2πrh

  4. 58. x2y2Q2

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