
adjacency matrix, 16, 93

aggregated list, 211

Ali, I., et al., 225

Amazon, 135, 140, 220

Amoako-Adu, B., et al, 225

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), 223

anchor text, 163

Anderson, Jeff, 17

Anderson, L.B., 225

Annis, David H., et al., 225

antitrust and BCS, 19

AOL data, 221

aperiodic, 73

archaeological dig, 192

arithmetic mean, 220

Arrow, Kenneth, 4, 231

Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, 4, 160–163, 231

Ashburn, James R., 53, 92

Atlantic Coast Conference, 19

attendance, college football, 8

authorities, 16, 92

authority rating, 93, 231

Avatar, 28

average dominance, 223

average rank, 166, 231

back button, 74

Ball, Barbara, xv

Basabe, Ibai, xv

basketball, 143

Bassett, Gilbert W., 225

BCS, 6, 9, 21, 136, 162, 204, 211

BCS rankings, 17

beating the spread, 115

BelKor, 134

Berman, Chris, 19

Bethany, v


methods, 113

over/under, 115

by spread, 114

bias-free, 23–25, 162, 231

Big East Conference, 19

Big Ten Conference, 19, 20

Big 12 Conference, 19

Billingsley, Richard, 17

binary integer linear program, 185

Bing, number of Web pages, 182

bipartite graph, 202

black hole, 202

Borda, Jean-Charles de, 3

Borda count, 165, 166, 231

Borda count, BCS, 17

Bowl Championship Series, 6, 9, 231

bracketology, 213, 231

brackets, number of, 154

Bradley, R. A. and Terry, M. E., 225

Bradley–Terry model, 18

Brin, Sergey, 51

Brown, Dr. Emmett, 48

bubble sort, 204

Bush, George W., 160, 163

Bhlmann, Hans and Huber, Peter J., 226

Callaghan, Thomas, et al., 226

Caritat, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas, 3

Carnegie classification, 78

Cassady, C. R., et al., 226

casualties, college football, 112

Cauchy–Schwarz (or CBS) inequality, 119

centroid method, 231

centroid ratings, 120

centroid ratings and Markov chains, 132

Chartier, Timothy, xv

Chebotarev P.Y., and Shamis, E., 226

chess ratings, highest ever, 66

Cholesky decomposition, 23

cityplot, 100

Cleveland vs. NY Giants, 156

Coaches football poll, 17

cocktails, highest rated, 230

college football, attendance, 8

college football, casualties, 112

College Rankings, 6

Colley, Wesley, 17, 21

Colley and LRMC, 224

Colley method, 21–27, 162, 231

algorithm, 24

connection to Massey method, 24

linear system, 22

main idea, 21

notation for, 24

properties of, 24

for ranking movies, 25

rank-one update, 155

running example, 23

sensitivity, 155

strength of schedule, 22

summary of, 24

ties, 136, 139

weighting by time, 150

Colleyized Massey method, 25, 231

Colvery, Paul M., 53

combiner method, 169, 231

comparison ratings

direct, 129

optimal, 129

computer-generated list, 181

concordant, 204, 205

concordant pair, 232

Condorcet winner, 160, 166, 232

conformity, 183

Conner, G. R., and Grant, C. P., 226

conservation property, 24

constraints in Keener’s method, 35

convex combination, 73

Cook, W., et al., 226

correlation coefficient, 47

dangling node, 68, 232

defensive rating, 11, 79, 232

Department of Justice, 19

deviation between two ranked lists, 201

diagonals in a matrix, 88

differential matrices

ratings, 118, 120

scores, 118, 120

Differential methods

weighting by time, 151

direct comparison ratings, 129

discordant, 204, 205

discordant pair, 232

distance measure, 201

dominance graph, 184, 190

dominant eigenvector, 68, 69

doubly stochastic matrix, 88

Douglas, Emmie, xv

Dovidio, Nick, 153

drinks, highest rated, 230

Eastwood, Clint, 222

Eaton, Morris L., 226

eBay, 135

Eduardo Saverin, 64

Elo method, 232

ties, 139

Elo’s system

for soccer, 53, 56

for the NFL, 57

K factor, 55

rating formulas, 54

the idea, 53

weighting by time, 150

Elo, Arpad E., 53, 226

Emmert, Mark, 19

Ensemble team, 134

ESPN, 151

ESPN Tournament Challenge, 213

Eugene Onegin, 67

evolutionary algorithm, 110

Q-bert matrix, 101

evolutionary approach, 194

evolutionary optimization, 104, 232

Facebook, 64

Facemash, 64

Fahrmeir, L. and Tutz, G., 226

fair weather fan, 68, 73, 75

Farmer, Christopher J., 226

FBI, 216

FIDE, 53

Fiesta Bowl, 19

final four, lowest seeded winner, 200

Fischer, Bobby, 66

Fluek, John A. and Korsh, James F., 226

Ford, L. R., Jr., 226

foresight, 48, 142

Frobenius, Georg, 51

Frobenius norm, 102, 118

full ranked list, 166, 204, 232

fundamental form, 108

fundamental rank-differential matrix, 98

Gauss–Markov theorem, 47

Gaussian elimination, 23

geometric mean, 220

George Mason, 151

Georgetown, 200

girls, rating and ranking, 64

Gleich, David, xv, 223

Glickman, Mark E., 226

Goddard, S., 226

Goodson, Neil, xiv, xvi, 151, 213

Google, 51

Google, number of Web pages, 182

Google, revenue, 52

Google bombs, 163

Gore, Al, 160

Govan, Anjela, 67, 92, 94, 219

and OD ratings, 94

Grafton, Clive, 226

graph isomorphism, 107

graph theory method of aggregation, 172

Grays Sports Almanac, 48

Gupta, Shanti S. and Sobel, Milton, 227

Harris college football poll, 17

Harvard’s hot girls, 64

Harville, David, 227

HDI, 6

Hepburn, Katharine, 222

Hessian matrix, 119

Hester, Chris, 17

highest grossing movies, 28

hillside form, 108, 194

hindsight, 48, 142

hindsight win accuracy, 123


history, 6, 92

and OD ratings, 92

web ranking, 172, 232

Hochbaum, Dorit, 224, 227

hockey, 141

home-field advantage, 121

hot girls, ratings and rankings, 64

Houston Rockets, 46

Huang, Huang, Weng, and Lin, 227

hub rating, 92, 232

Huber, Peter J., 227

hubs, 16, 92

Human Development Index, 6

human-generated list, 181

identity property, 201

IMDb, 6

Impossibility Theorem, 4, 231

independence of irrelevant alternatives, 4, 160, 170, 232

induced ties, 136, 142

Ingram, Luke, xiv, 67, 83, 149, 151, 165


forcing it, 39

irreducibility in Keener’s method, 35

irreducible Markov chain, 73

James, Bill, 45

Jech, Thomas, 227

Justice Department, 19

Karlin, Samuel, 227

Kasparov, Gary, 66

Keener’s method, 29, 232

constraints, 35

irreducibility, 35

keystone equation, 34

least squares, 47

nonnegativity, 35

normalization, 32

point spreads, 49

primitivity, 36


absolute, 33

relative, 33

ties, 139

traveling fan, 50

weighting by time, 150

Keener, James, 18, 29, 51

kemenization, 175, 232

Kendall, Maurice, 51, 201, 203

Kendall tau, 203

formula for, 206

full lists, 204

measure, 233

partial lists, 205

keystone equation, Keener’s method, 34

Kleinberg, Jon, 92

Knopp, Paul, 89

Knorr-Held, L., 227

Krylov methods, 23

Kvam, Paul, 224

Laplace’s rule of succession, 22, 30

Leake, R. J., 227

least squares, 9, 47

leaves in the river, 51

Lebovic J. H. and Sigelman L., 227

Line Makers, 96

linear program, 186

link farms, 163

Llull, Ramon, 166

Llull count, 166

Llull winners, 166

local Kemenization, 175

logistic function, 54

Logistic parameter, 56

Louisville, 200

LRMC, 224

connection to Colley, 224

connection to Markov, 224

connection to Massey, 224

LSU, 200

MAD, 45, 233

March Madness, xiv, 181, 197, 202

March Madness, number of brackets, 154

Markov, A. A., 67

Markov chains and centroid ratings, 132

Markov chains and LRMC, 224

Markov chains and preference ratings, 130

Markov method, 67–78, 107, 233

algorithm, 75

connection to Massey, 76

fair weather fan, 68

main idea, 67

notation for, 75

properties of, 75

running example, 67

summary of, 74

ties, 138

undefeated teams, 68, 73


with losses, 68

with other statistics, 71

with point differentials, 69, 76

with points, 70

weighting by time, 150

yardage, 71

Markov voting matrix, 99

Martinich, Joseph, 227

Massey, Kenneth, xv, 9


NFL 2001–2010 ratings, 122

Massey and LRMC, 224

Massey matrix M

properties of, 10

Massey method, 9–19, 76, 233

advanced features of, 11

algorithm, 14

linear system, 10

main idea, 9

notation for, 13

point spreads, 12

properties of, 14

for ranking movies, 25

for ranking webpages, 14

running example, 11, 12

summary of, 13

ties, 137

weighting by time, 149

Massey website, 9

Masseyized Colley method, 25

MATLAB, 16, 95

McConnell, John, xiv, 151

McFarland, William N, 228

McFly, Marty, 48

McNeil, Charles K., 114

mean absolute deviation, 45

Mease, David, 228

Menke, J. and Martinez, T., 228

meta-list, 171

meta-search engine, 159, 163, 173

methods of comparison

yardsticks for success, 211–215

Meyer, Bethany B., v

Miller, John J., 112

miserable failure, 164

Moran, Patrick, xv

Morey, Daryl, 46

Morris, Ryan K., xvi

MovieLens, 141

movies, highest grossing, 28

multiple optimal solutions, 187

Mundfrom D. J., et al., 228

mutually reinforcing rating system, 93

Nader, Ralph, 160

national championship game, BCS, 18

National Science and Technology Medals Foundation, xvi

National Science Foundation, 179

NCAA brackets, number of, 154

NCAA mens basketball, lowest seeded winner, 200

NCAA mens basketball, total wagers, 216

Netflix, 6, 25, 95, 135, 140, 220, 221

Netflix prize, 134

Newman, M. E. J., 224

NFL, 143

NFL 2009–2010

Elo ratings, 58

game-by-game analysis, 62

hindsight and foresight, 62

variable K factors, 60

hindsight win accuracy, 123

home-field advantage, 121

Keener ratings, 42, 44

Massey ratings, 122

OD ratings, 84

Pythagorean theorem, 45

Sagarin ratings, 122

scoring data, 42

spread (or centroid) ratings, 120

spread errors, 123

Vegas line comparisons, 123

NFL spread, largest ever, 126

NFL ties, most, 146

NHL, 141

NHL ties, most and fewest, 146

non-dictatorship, 4, 160, 163, 171, 233

nonnegativity in Keener’s method, 35

normal equations, 10, 47

normalization, Keener’s method, 32

Notre Dame rule, 18

NPR, 152

number line representation, 11, 202

Obama, Barack, 19

OD method, 79–95, 233

running example, 82

ties, 138

weighting by time, 151

OD ratings

aggregation, 82

alternating refinement, 81

convergence theorem, 90

definition, 80

forcing convergence, 91

and Anjela Govan, 92, 94

and HITS, 92

mathematical analysis, 87

NFL 2009–2010, 84

scoring vs. yardage, 83

offensive rating, 11, 79, 233

Okoniewski, Michael, xvi

optimization over a permutation space, 99

Orange Bowl, 19

Oscars, most won, 222

outliers, 211

overtime, 142

Page, Larry, 51

PageRank, 6, 14, 51, 67, 68, 77, 172, 233

pair-wise comparisons, 124, 135, 220

Pareto principle, 4, 160, 162, 171, 233

Park, J. and Newman, M. E. J., 228

Park, Juyong, 224

Park-Newman method, 224

Parker, Ryan, xv, 153, 219

partial list, 205, 233

Pedings, Kathryn, xiv, xvi, 104, 110, 153, 214

permutation, 98, 233

Perron, Oscar, 51


value, 36

vector, 36


connection with PageRank, 51

Keener’s method, 36, 51

theorem, 36

perturbation analysis, 139, 155

plurality voting, 3, 160, 233

point differential, 11, 14

point spread, 233

point spread, largest NFL, 126

point spreads, 70, 71, 178

beating the spread, 115

to build ratings, 117

definition, 113

Keener’s method, 49

in the NFL, 117

odds, 114

over/under betting, 115

spread betting, 114

spread ratings, 120

vig (or juice), 114

possession, 219

power method, 38

predictive scoring, 142

preference graph, 130

preference list, 3, 233

preference ratings, 127


forcing it, 39

in Keener’s method, 36

privacy, 221

proposal rating, 171, 179

Pushkin, A. S., 67

Pythagorean theorem

baseball, 45

football, 45

optimal exponent, 46

Q-bert matrix, 101

qualitative deviation between two ranked lists, 201

quantitative deviation between two ranked lists Kendall tau, 203

formula for, 206

partial lists, 205

Spearman footrule, 206

unweighted formula for full lists, 206

weighted formula for full lists, 206

weighted formula for partial lists, 207–211

random surfer, 77

random walk, 69

rank aggregation, 136, 159–182, 201, 233

definition, 159


simulated game data, 167

methods, 163–176

average rank, 166

Borda count, 165

graph theory, 172

simulated game data, 170

multiple optimal solutions, 187

OD, 159

by optimization, 183–199

algorithm, 193, 196

notation for, 193

properties of, 193

summary of, 193

refinement, 175

summary of, 181

rank-differential matrix, 98

rank-differential method, 98–107

advanced model, 105

algorithm, 106

notation for, 106

optimization, 101

running example, 99

summary of, 106

rank-one update, 139, 155

ranked list, 233

ranking, definition, 5

ranking girls, 64

ranking U.S. colleges, 77

rating aggregation, 176–182

summary of, 181

rating, definition, 5

rating girls, 64

rating list, 234

rating systems

aggregated, 176

centroid, 120

Colley, 21

derived from spreads, 120

direct comparison, 129

Elo, 53

HITS, 92

Keener, 29

Markov, 67, 130

Massey, 9

offense-defense (OD), 79

PageRank, 14, 51, 77

rank differential, 98, 106

user preference, 127

weighted, 147

rating-aggregation method, 211

rating-differential matrix, 107, 118

rating-differential method, 107–112, 194

algorithm, 111

fundamental form, 108

hillside form, 108

notation for, 111

optimization, 110

properties of, 111

running example, 109

summary of, 111

reciprocal pairwise comparison matrix, 223

Redmond, Charles, 223

Redmond method, 223

refinement after rank aggregation, 175

Reid, M. B., 228

retrodictive scoring, 142, 234

Rodgers, Clare, xv

Roosevelt, Theodore, 112

Rose Bowl, 19

RPI, 6, 202

rule of succession, 30

Runyan, Bob, 53

Saaty, T. L., 51

Saaty, Thomas, 223

Sagarin, Jeff, 17, 53

NFL 2001–2010 ratings, 122

SALSA, 172

Saverin, Eduardo, 64

scalability, 16

score-differential matrix, 118

scraping data, 218

seed, lowest final four, 200

seed, lowest to win, 200

sensitivity, 155–158

Cleveland vs. NY Giants, 156

Sex on the Beach #2, 230

Sherman-Morrison, 139, 155

SIAM, 77

simulated game data, 167

properties of, 170

Singh, J. and Thompson W. A. Jr., 228

Sinkhorn, Richard, 89

Sinkhorn–Knopp theorem, 89

Sinuany-Stern, Z, 228

skew-symmetric, 220

skewing function, 31

smart ranking method, 214, 234

Smith, M. H., 227

Smith, Warren D., 228

soccer, 142

soccer, Elo’s system, 53, 56

Social Network, the movie, 64

Sokol, Joel, 224

Southeastern Conference, 19, 20

spam, 16, 163

Spearman footrule, 206

unweighted formula for full lists, 206

weighted formula for full lists, 206

weighted formula for partial lists, 207

Spearman, Charles, 201

sports wagers, 96

spread errors for NFL, 123

spread ratings, 117

based on win-loss, 124

and home-field advantage, 121

for NFL 2001–2010, 120

from point spreads, 120

total absolute error, 121

spread, largest NFL, 126

Srivastava, M.S. and Ogilvie, J., 228

star rated products, 128

stationary vector, 68, 69

Stefani, Raymond T., 228

Stephenson, Colin, xiv, xvi, 151, 213

Stern, Hal., et al., 228

stochastic, 68, 73

stochastic matrix, 88

Stone, Daniel F., 229


absolute in Keener’s method, 33

relative in Keener’s method, 33

strength of schedule, 22

Sugar Bowl, 19

super game, 220

symmetric reordering, 98

symmetry property, 201

Tannen, Biff, 48

teleportation matrix, 73

Thomas, I.B., 229

Thompson, Mark., 229

tie-breaking, 167

ties, 26, 135–145, 166, 205, 220

ties, most in NFL and NHL, 146

time weighting, 147–153

Titanic, 28

Tong, Y. L., 229

top-k list, 204, 234

total absolute-spread error, 121

traveling fan, 50

traveling salesman problem, 104

triangle inequality, 201

Trono, John A., 229

Tsukuba University, 110

undefeated team, 68, 71

United Nations, 6

United States Chess Federation (USCF), 53

unrestricted domain, 4, 160, 234

upsets, biggest ever, 158

upward arcs, 185, 190

U.S. Department of Justice, 19

US News, 77

US News College Rankings, 6

USA Today, 17, 53

USCF, 53

Varney, Christine, 19

Vegas lines, NFL 2009–2010, 123

vig, 234

Vigna, Sebastiano, 52

Villanova, 200

voting, 67

wagers on sports, 96

wagers, NCAA mens basketball, 216

Web pages, Google, Yahoo, Bing, 182

webpage traffic, 14

Wei, T. H., 51

weighted adjacency matrix, 16

weighted least squares, 150

weighted normal equations, 150

weighting away wins, 147

weighting by time, 147–153

Colley method, 150

Differential methods, 151

Elo’s system, 150

exponential, 148

Keener’s method, 150

linear, 148

logarithmic, 148

Markov method, 150

Massey method, 149

OD method, 151

step function, 148

weighting rivalry wins, 147

Weis, Charlie, 19

Wessell, Charles D., xv

West, B. T. and Lamsal, M., 229

what if . . . , 155–158

White Russian, 230

whydomath?, 77

wiggle room, none for BCS, 18

Wikipedia, 93

Wilkins, R., 229

Wilson, David, 225

Wilson, R. L, 229

win-loss spread ratings, 124

winning percentage, 21, 234

Winston, Wayne, 45

Wolfe, Peter, 17

World Chess Federation (FIDE), 53

wrestling, 162

Yahoo, 93

Yahoo, number of Web pages, 182

Yamamoto, Yoshitsugu, xvi, 153, 183

yardage, 71

yardsticks for success, 211–215

Zermelo, E., 226

Zuber, R. A., et al., 229

Zuckerberg, Mark, 64

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