Appendix F

Extension of the Proposed Model to Include Variations of Wires

The model described in Section 17.2 can be extended to include variations in the horizontal wires. This extended model is presented in this appendix. Consider the 3-D clock tree shown in Fig. 17.8, where the delay variations of a buffer stage Δdstage(i) include the variations due to the capacitance ΔCint and resistance ΔRint of the wires,

Δdstage(i)=Δdi+0.69(Rb(i)+ΔRb(i))ΔCint+0.38(RintΔCint+ΔRintCint+ΔRintΔCint)+0.69(RintΔCb(i+1)+ΔRintCb(i+1)+ΔRintΔCb(i+1)). (F.1)

image (F.1)

According to the definition of Δdiimage in (17.24), the term 0.69Rint(ΔCb(i+1))image is included in Δdi+1. Consequently, Δdstage(i) is rewritten as

Δdstage(i)=Δdi+0.69(Rb(i)+ΔRb(i))ΔCint+0.38(RintΔCint+ΔRintCint+ΔRintΔCint)+0.69(ΔRintCb(i+1)+ΔRintΔCb(i+1))=Δdi+Δdint(i), (F.2)

image (F.2)

where delay variations due to the wires are denoted by Δdint(i).

As discussed in [637], since the variations of the characteristics of the metal wires are relatively low as compared with nominal values, the variations of the wire delay can be approximated by a first order Taylor series expansion without significant loss of accuracy. Similar to (17.26), Δdint(i) can be approximated as

dint(i)pjP([Δdint(i)RintΔRintpj]0Δpj+[Δdint(i)CintΔCintpj]0Δpj), (F.3)

image (F.3)

where pj is the jth parameter of the wire, and P is the vector of the parameters of those wires affected by process variations. For example, consider the variations in the width and thickness of the metal and the thickness of the ILD [637,638], P(Wint, hint, tILD). Assuming these parameters are modeled by a Gaussian distribution and are independent of each other [637], the distribution of Δdint(i) can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution,

Δdint(i)~N(0,σdint(i)2), (F.4)

image (F.4)

σdint(i)2=pjP([Δdint(i)RintΔRintpj]0+[Δdint(i)CintΔCintpj]0)2σpj2, (F.5)

image (F.5)

Rint=ρlhintWint, (F.6)

image (F.6)

Cint=2(Cg+Cc)l, (F.7)

image (F.7)

where ρ, l, hint, and Wint are, respectively, the resistivity, length, thickness, and width of the interconnect, Cg includes both the ground and fringe capacitance, and Cc is the coupling capacitance. Expressions of Cg and Cc are available, respectively, in [252] and [766].

Considering the delay variations caused by both the clock buffers and wires in (F.2), the skew variations Δsu,v includes two terms,

Δsu,v=Δsb(u,v)+Δsint(u,v). (F.8)

image (F.8)

The distribution of Δsb(u,v) is obtained from (17.24)(17.45). The distribution of Δsint(u,v) is obtained from (17.30)(17.45) by substituting Δdint(i) for Δdi. Consequently, Δsu,v can be described by a Gaussian distribution,

Δsu,v~N(0,σsb(u,v)2+σsint(u,v)2). (F.9)

image (F.9)

The extended model is compared with Monte Carlo simulations including the variations of rint and cint in a π interconnect model. Based on the parameters in [637], the nominal value and standard deviation of the parameters of the wires are listed in Table F.1. The multi-via and single via trees described in Section 17.2 are used to verify the accuracy of the extended model. The results for the independent WID variations are reported in Table F.2, where the accuracy of the model including variations in the wires is reasonably high (<8% for a multi-via clock network topology).

Table F.1

Parameters of the Horizontal Interconnects

Parameters Wm [nm] tm [nm] tILD [nm]
Nominal 430 1000 160
3σD2D 43 50 12
WID 21.5 25 6


Table F.2

Skew Variation in 3-D Circuits Considering Wire Variations

Topology Multi-via Topology Single-via Topology
Skew Variation σs1,2 σs1,3 σs1,4 σs1,5 σs1,2 σs1,3 σs1,4 σs1,5
Model [ps] 7.01 15.09 7.45 15.3 3.99 13.94 56.46 56.46
Specter [ps] 7.19 16.44 7.64 16.55 4.00 13.77 56.38 56.30
Error [%] −3 −8 −2 −8 <1 1 <1 <1


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