5.1 Surround Sound, 183


AAC/Podcast (File type menu), 197200

AAF see Advanced authoring format

Acoustical design and configuration, 22131

Actions List, 25960

Actions tab, 712, 259

Adaptive Limiter (dynamics), 105

ADR see Automated dialog replacement

Advanced authoring format (AAF), 41

AIFF and WAVE, 194

Ambient loops, 24

Ambient Noise feature, 2756

Analysis tab, 6970

Analyzer function, 1301, 141


AUGraphicEQ (sound editor), 67, 12

Devices tab, 208, 20910

Loops, 80, 156, 24850

Arrow keys and playhead keyboard shortcut, 247

Arrow tool, 61, 86

Attack, hold and release parameters, 104

Attack/release times (dynamics), 967, 99100



shortcuts, 2401

Timeline, 245

files processing/editing, 2434

matching sound of clips, 1425

mixing tools for Final Cut Pro, 1112

post production, 1534

personnel, 1214

preparation, 1089

recording, 2556

setup checklist, 2301

Stretch tool, 2734

tracks organization, 17

Video Editor role, 545

work breaks, 30

Audio editing:

file project, 578


bottom pane, 728

center section, 602

left pane, 6272

right pane, 7882


audio file, 578

multitrack, 589


Add Ambient Noise, 889

basics, 83

description, 82

edit channels, 878

fade in, 846

Process menu, 834

silence, 867

summary, 94


Clip menu, 923

Edit menu, 934

markers, 912

Selection tool (Arrow), 89

snapping, 8990

Automated dialog replacement (ADR), 1920, 24, 2730, 2678


effects plug-ins, 289

mixing, 1725


Background effects (ambiences), 246

Bell filters, 130

Bin (file management), 768

Blade tool, 61, 62

Bondelevitch, David, 16, 33

Broadcast mixing, 11320

Broadcast Wave Format (BWF), 17

Browser tab, 80

Bus and reverb, 2878

BWF see Broadcast Wave Format


Chambers for reverbs, 148

Channel equalizer vs. linear phase equalizer, 134

Circuit type (dynamics), 1001

Clean dialog leveling, 2634


audio, 2401, 245

dynamics, 10910

loudness, 109

menu and Timeline editing, 923


dynamics, 98

exporting video only, 2007

Conform function, 514, 76

Convolution reverbs, 1489, 154

Copy/Paste clip effects, 2612

Correlation meter, 1212

Crew for music, 213

‘ Cut effects ’ see Synch effects

Cycle region, 61, 23740


Dave’s Video Editor Perspective:

analysis tools, 1323

Conform tool, 54

cycle region, 61

Echo, 163

equalizers, 125

exporting OMF form Final Cut, 188

fade with Arrow tool, 86

Impulse Response process, 1612

matching shots and ‘ sonic fingerprinting ’, 1412

MP3 audio in Final Cut Pro, 196

rumble, 137

setting scratch discs, 43

shooting at 32K, 195

snapping, 90

sub-frame editing, 74

temp music tracks, 38

waveform, 91

Wild Sounds, 181, 183

DAWs see Digital Audio Workstations

Default panes, 60

Delay effects, 1628

Deliverables and editing, 334

Details tab, 658


editing, 1620

leveling, 2634, 2656

Diction boosting, 138

Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), 187, 200

Digital reverbs, 148

Dither function, 191

Dolby Digital:

Compressor, 200

Multichannel audio exporting, 21115

Doubling and delay effects, 16781


applications, 10712

concepts, 967

definition, 95

general, 11112

plug-ins, 1047

processors, 956, 97104

standards, 11323


Early reflections section and reverb, 1501, 1534

Ears and sound sensitivity, 2234

Echo effect, 1625

Edit menu and Timeline, 934


audio, 545

deliverables, 334

description, 12

dialog, 1620

keyboard shortcuts, 23840

material, 23

music, 203

picture lock, 45

sound effects, 234

workflow, 34

Effects, Soundtrack, 29

Envelope points keyboard shortcuts, 2401

Enveloper (dynamics), 107

Equalization (EQ), 19, 1589

Equalizers, 12535, 13542

Expander (dynamics), 1023

Expectation of video editor, 3555


Audio with video (Compressor and Soundtrack Pro), 207


Compressor, 20811

single-file editor, 2078

Dolby Digital Multichannel audio, 21115

examples, 21820

interleaved video and Surround Sound audio, 21618

Multitrack session

data, 18890

mixes in stereo, 192200

OMF from Final Cut, 188

single audio files, 1901

summary, 220

Surround Sound using Soundtrack Pro/Compressor, 211

uncompressed multichannel audio, 21516

video only (Compressor)

description, 2004

filters (button four), 206

geometry (bottom five), 2067

quality (button two), 2056

Video Format (button two), 2045


Fades with arrow tool, 86

Fat Equalizer, 134

Favorites tab, 81

Field recording, 29

File Editor Project View keyboard shortcuts, 2423

File Type menu:

AIFF and WAVE, 194

Compressor, 2012

Dolby Digital and Compressor, 200

MP3, 1978

NeXT and Sound Designer II, 1945

Podcast, 199200


formats, 17

projects (audio editing), 578

sharing between projects, 2578

Filters, 12630

Final Cut Pro:

audio mixing tools, 1112

gain buttons, 910

Rubber Band tool, 1112

sound editing, 612

transfer to Soundtrack Pro, 35

Foley stage, 279, 30

Frequency spectrum view, 75

Fullness (adding to sound), 140


alphabetical order, 254

chapter order, 2534



buttons in Final Cut Pro, 910

dynamics, 99

Goniometer, 1212


‘ Hard effects ’, 267

Heads Up Displays (HUD), 94, 2345

High pass/low pass filters, 1269

High/low shelving filters, 12930

Hissing noise, 138

Holman, Tom, 183

HUD see Heads Up Displays

Hysteresis (dynamics), 104


Impulse Responses (IRs), 15961, 1612


audio content and Final Cut Pro, 356

location, 367


audio editing, 5982

spectral tools, 1334

Interleaved video and Surround Sound audio exporting, 21618

IRs see Impulse Responses


Keyboard shortcuts:

arrow keys and playhead, 247


clips, 2401

files editing/processing, 2435

cycle region, 2378

editing, 23840

envelope points, 2401

File Editor Project View tools/ commands, 2423

general/file, 234

layouts, tabs and heads up displays, 2345

markers, 245

recording, 2467


project playback, 2357

tools, 242

viewing, 2412

timeslice, 2478

Tracks, Busses and Submixes, 2445

Video Out, 246

Knee shape and dynamics, 97, 100


Layouts keyboard shortcuts, 2345

Leone, Sergio, 183


clean dialog, 2634

noisy dialog, 2656

Lift equalization tool, 434

Lift tool, 62, 1434

Limiter plug-in (dynamics), 101

Lookahead feature, 101

Loops for music, 2923



keyboard shortcuts, 245

timeline editing, 912

Master controls for reverb, 1534

Master levels and submixes, 183

Master tracks, 112


process, 1445


audio clips, 1425

EQ plug-in, 140


editing, 23

sound, 2269

Media for movies, 334

Meters tab, 789

Micro-dynamics, 10910

Mixer (audio routing), 76


advice, 1856

automation, 1725

control surfaces, 177

DVD, 120

levels, 1789

panning, 17980

processing, 1823

re-recording, 2933

sound, 13

summary, 186

surround sound, 1835

tools, 1702

web, 120

Movies and media, 334


audio in Final Cut Pro, 196

File Type menu, 1957

Multipressor (dynamics), 1056

Multitake editor, 756, 26970

Multitrack project (audio editing), 589


beds, 378

carving, 139

composer, 23

crew, 213

editing, 203

editor, 223

loops, 38, 2923

project settings, 2901

sequences, 201

supervisor, 22

Music-driven sequences, 201

Myers, Matt, 89


NeXT and SounD Designer II, 1945

Noise gate, 1034

Noise Reduction option, 13, 2812

Noisy dialog leveling, 2656

Nudge menu, 62

Nuendo/Pro Tools comparison, 2512


Open media framework (OMF), 17, 41

Organization of audio tracks, 17


Panner and surround files, 2856

Panning and mixing, 17980, 181

PFX see production sound effects

Picture lock and editing, 45

Plates for reverbs, 148

PlatinumVerb, 150

Playhead and arrow keys keyboard shortcuts, 247


effects, 289

EQ, 140

Podcast (file type menu), 1989

Post production audio:

deliverables, 334

dialog editing, 1620

music editing, 2023

re-recording mixing, 2933

sound effects editing, 2329

Post/pre EQ metering tool, 131

Presets for equalizer, 134

Pro Audio files project (sending to Soundtrack), 3944

Pro Tools/Nuendo comparison, 2512

Production sound effects (PFX), 19


music settings, 2901

Sample Rate menu, 62

sharing files, 2578

tab, 645, 290


QuickTime Compatible tab, 2089

QuickTime movie, 29


Ratio in dynamics, 96, 100

Re-recording mixes, 2933

Reaction to room (sound), 2256


audio, 2556

Automated Dialog replacement, 2678

keyboard shortcuts, 2467

sound effects, 267

tab, 79

Release parameter (dynamics), 102

Resolution option, 131

Restoration tools, 27980


bus, 2878

convolution, 1489

digital, 148

early reflections, 1501

history, 1479

PlatinumVerb, 1504

section, 1513, 1534

Soundtrack Pro, 149

Space Designer, 15462

usage, 162

Rooms and sound:

construction, 229

optimization, 2278

Rooms and sound (Continued)

reaction, 2256

size, 22930

Rubber Band tool in Final Cut Pro, 1112

Rumble reducing, 1389


Scratch discs, 43

Scrub tool, 62

Search tab, 80

Send to Soundtrack:

Multitrack Project, 449

Pro Audio files project, 3944

Pro Script, 4951

sequences, 389


music, 201

sending to Soundtrack, 389

Setting scratch discs, 43

SFX see Sound effects

Shortcuts see Keyboard shortcuts

Side Chain (dynamics), 104

Single Band equalizers, 135

Snapping in timeline, 8990

Softknee function (dynamics), 102


development, 2213

ears sensitivity, 2234

editing with Final Cut Pro, 612


editing, 5, 234

placing, 2712

recording, 267

sound properties, 1401

Soundtrack Pro, 37

warped, 1656

levels, 2235

matching, 140

materials, 2269

mixing, 13

properties, 1401

rooms, 1389, 2256, 2279

speed, 225

waveform, 2223

Sound Designer II (SDII), 17, 1945

Space Designer and time effects, 15462

Spectral tools:

equalizers, 1342, 12535

matching sound of audio clips, 1425

SubBass, 1456

Spectrum Selection tool, 2778

Speed of sound, 225

Stamp tool, 62, 144

Stamps, Steve, 5

Standard Definition tab, 21011

Stem Routing, 2834

Stretch tool (Audio), 2734

Sub-frame editing, 74

SubBass, 1456

Submixes (dynamics), 11112

Surround files:

Compressor (dynamics), 1067

effects, 25

impulse response, 37

panner, 2856

panner parameters, 1845

Reverb, 162

Surround Sound:

options, 1835

Soundtrack Pro/Compressor exporting, 211

Synch effects, 267

Synthesized Impulse Responses (IRs), 15961, 1612


Tabs and keyboard shortcuts, 2345

Tar Creek, 89

Telephone effect, 140

Temp music tracks, 38

Test screenings, 21

Theatrical mixing, 11314

Threshold in dynamics, 96, 989

Time effects:

delay, 1628

reverb, 1479, 14954

space designer, 15462


audio editing, 8994

keyboard shortcuts

audio clips, 2456

tools, 242

viewing, 2412


keyboard shortcuts, 2478

tool, 62, 144


dynamics, 110

tab, 689

Tracks, Busses and Submixes shortcuts, 2445

Tracks, sends and busses, 156

Transport tab, 812


Uncompressed multichannel audio exporting, 21516


Video Out keyboard shortcut, 246

Video tab, 634

View menu in timeline, 901


‘ Walla ’ background, 24

Warped Sound effect, 1656

WAVE files, 17, 194

Waveform, 91, 2223

Weapons fire, 28

Wild Sounds, 181, 183

Williams, John, 23

Work breaks and audio, 30

Workflow and editing, 34

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