
I first want to give the glory to my Lord within whom I can do all things.

To my wife who is always my rock whether it be to keep me grounded or keep me standing tall. I love you more than ever and appreciate more than you know the patience you have had while I have been on this journey.

To my children who were also patient with me while I spent many weekends writing. May you always give 110% to all the tasks before you and never stop dreaming.

To my mother who believed in my writing long before a book was ever in the making. Your humility, dedication, and perseverance have made me the man I am today. For that I am forever grateful.

To my father who opened my eyes to the world of finance, big dreams, and fortitude. It has been an honor to be a recipient of your wisdom.

To ‘Rev,’ who took me under his wing and graciously opened my eyes to the world of pattern recognition and double-meat sandwiches.

I would like to thank some dear friends who also continue to believe in me regardless of my multiple shortcomings:

Steve McBroom—You have been a father figure to me for years, and I continue to learn from you daily. Thank you for always believing in me and making sure I know it.

Anne Beaucage—I cannot imagine where I would be without your guidance. You led by example, and I will forever attempt to mimic your actions.

Prakash—You have become one of my best friends. I am continuously in awe of all that you believe I am capable of. Your continuous challenge makes me a better trader, a better man, and a better friend. For that I am grateful.

To the people at FT Press: Your professional guidance with this project was fantastic. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with you all.

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