

Abaqus, 214
adaline network, 19–20
design, 19
adaptation algorithm, 81
adaptive linear neuron network See adaline network
Adina, 214
air-jet machine, 317
air-jet texturing, 161
airbag fabrics
design, 59–60
average error for different output parameters, 59
analysis of variance (ANOVA), 345
Ansys, 209, 213
Arahne software, 281
artificial neural networks, 311
models, 13–20
adaline and madaline networks, 18–20
perceptron, 13–18
principles, 14
structure improvement, 104–6
encoding and other parameters in a chromosome, 105
training optimisation with evolution strategy, 106
AUTOWARP, 100, 339


backpropagation algorithm, 20–38
learning rule, 23–5
neural net structure, 21–3
strategies for neural network, 26–32
flat plateau, 28–9
missing a minimum, 30
steep crevices, 29–30
training optimisation, 30–2
training problems, 28
weight factors initialisation, 27–8
structure and capacity, 25–6
training parameters determination, 32–8
learning rate, 32–3
momentum factor, 33–4
multistage training, 34–5
neural network structure, 36–7
texturing process, 35–6
yarn characteristic prediction, 37–8
beams, 193, 195–9
Belytschko beam, 199
benchmark function, 81
bi-linear approximation, 277
Biot number, 320
black box model, 4
Black Monday, 7
Blatz-Ko Rubber, 212
bobbins, 271–5
braided structures
2D colour pattern design, 290–1
CAB Design software user interface, 293
coding and unit cell, 290
diagonal colour effects tubular sample, 292
flat braided fabrics graphical user interface, 294
yarns and braiding angles, 291
3D design, 292–4
simulated flat braided structures, 295
simulated tubular braided structures, 295
process simulation, 294, 296
properties of simulation, 296
Wisetex graphical interface, 297
Wisetex simulated 3D image, 298
Wisetex unit cell calculation, 297
simulation, 266–304
future trends, 304
geometrical and mechanical modeling principles, 268–71
objectives, 266–8
braiding angle, 290


CAB design software, 291, 296
CalculiX, 200, 214
carpet pattern
design, 103–4
chromosome encoding, 104
evolution process result after four generations, 105
initial population, 104
case-based systems, 5
centre of gravity, 125–6
illustration, 126
outside result areas, 126
circumferential elasticity module, 277
Code Aster, 214
colour yield
modelling in polyester dyeing, 132–3
predicted vs. actual for PET fabrics, 13
Composite PrepPost, 213
compressing zone, 250–4
fibre element fibres resolution, 251
parameter values, 253
theoretical vs experimental results on carded yarns and rovings, 254
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 2, 3, 268
application advice, 167–8
applications, 158–67
air-jet texturing, 161
card, 161–2
fabric production, 164
fabrics heat resistance, 165–6
fabrics permeability, 164–5
filament drafting, 161
finishing, 166–7
melt-electrospinning, 160–1
melt-spinning, 159–60
nonwovens, 166
number of publications in compendex database, 160
staple fibre spinning, 162–3
economic aspects, 156–8
advantage of process development by simulation vs. conventional methods, 158
cost of process optimisation vs. process quality, technology and simulation, 157
reality to simulation, 143–151
simulation of currents with fibres, yarns and textiles, 151–3
textile technology, 142–69
validation methods, 153–6
concentrated loads, 207
conscience, 44
constant factor, 31
constitutive equations, 181–3
contact line, 274
convergence theorem, 16
convergent, 10
convex combination, 43–4
core, 222
cotton fabrics, 56–7
predicted and measure degree for eight input factors, 57
counterpropagation, 38, 40–6
Grossberg layer, 41
interpolative mode in the Kohenen layer, 44–5
Kohonen layer, 40–1
learning in the Kohonen layer, 41–2
network structure, 38, 40, 45–6
graphical representation of a network, 46
illustration, 40, 46
training of the Grossberg layer, 45
weight factors of the Kohonen layer, 43–4
cover, 222
crash simulations, 190
simulation with fibres, yarns and textiles, 151–3
different methods to model a fibre or yarn in a current, 152


data submission, 32
database, 64–5
experimental design vs. conventional experimental plans, 65
decision trees, 5–6
illustration, 6
defuzzification, 124–6, 131–2
Max/Min Method, 131
membership function for yarn composition, 131
principle, 125
delta learning rule, 19
DesignSpace, 213
differential annulus, 237
discovering learning, 41
discretisation, 147–8
comparison between, finite differences, element and volume method, 148
volume element with structured and unstructured cross-linking, 147
divergent., 10
Dornier weaving machine, 334
draw textured yarn (DTY), 35–6
draw-winding process, 51–2
basic design, 52
predicted vs. actual yarn tenacity, 53
training basic approach to neural network, 53
drum winding, 273
dyeing defects, 134–5
dynamics software, 268


elastic models, 193–205
commonly used elements families, 194
contact elements, 204–5
elements with different order, 195
membranes, plates and shells, 199–202
axisymmetric case elements, 202
Munich Olympic stadium, 201
overview, 201
section view and degrees of freedom, 200
multilayer structures and composites elements, 204
other elements, 205
solid elements, 202–4
basic types, 202
deformed monofilament, 203
plain weft knitted structure, 204
ring spinning spindle, 203
trusses and beams, 193, 195–9
2D and 3D beam degrees of freedom, 199
2nd order shape function and midpoint node, 197
paragliders principal stress, 198
plane weave structure, 200
shape functions, 196
trusses in 2D and 3D degrees of freedom, 195
warp knitted structure adjustment, 199
weft knitted structures modelling, 198
elasticity matrix, 182
elasticity theory, 178–84
constitutive equations, 181–3
normal and shear stresses directions, 182
equilibrium equations, 183–4
deformed state illustration, 183
kinematic equations, 178–81
kinematic relations during deformations, 179
line elongation vs displacement, 179
modelling levels, 179
static calculation illustration, 178
emotion-based textile indexing, 62–3
engineering shear strain, 180
error function, 24
Euler approach, 145
Euler-Langrange approach, 145
evolution strategy, 80–6
development of best fitness score, 85
evolution strategy with independent populations, 86
illustration, 83
mathematical model, 79–91
backpropagation network structure, 81
basics, 80–2
evolutionary algorithm principle, 82
mutation, 88–9
published papers in evolutionary methods, 80
recombination, 86–8
selection pressure and population waves, 89–90
steps during evolution, 90
evolutionary algorithms
applications to textile technology, 93–105
ANN structure improvement, 104–6
carpet pattern design, 103–4
kenaf degumming, 102
staple fibre spinning, 102–3
staple fibre yarn spinning, 106–8
texturing process, 94–100
weaving machine, 100–2
vs. iteration processes, 92–3
accuracy, 92
boundary conditions, 93
reproducibility, 92–3
speed, 92
evolutionary methods
application advice, 108–9
application to textile technology, 72–109
biological background, 73–9
chemical basics of inheritance, 76–7
evolutionary theory, 76
genetics basics, 74–6
genotype and phenotype, 77–9
evolutionary algorithms applications, 93–105
genetic algorithms, 91
generating offspring by crossing-over and mutation, 91
mathematical model of evolution strategy, 79–91
overview, 72–3
deterministic search, 73
experimenter searching for the optimum, 73
global stochastic search, 73
local deterministic search, 74
local stochastic search, 74
evolutionary theory, 76
expert systems
applications to textile technology, 6–7
illustration, 5
explicit integration, 187–90
explicit method, 148
extended finite element method (X-FEM), 217


heat resistance, 165–6
inspection, 58–9
calculated outputs vs. actual values, 59
lustre, 133–4
predicted vs. observed, 13
permeability, 164–5
production, 164
false-twist texturing, 312–24
yarn, 133
fibre fineness, 233
fibre packing density, 225–6
fibre strength, 259
fibrous structures
definitions and quality-related factors, 223–5
cotton, polyester and steel tensile strength, 225
equivalent diameter derivation description, 224
fibre with main parameters, 223
shape factor values, 224
examples of models, 263–4
parallel fibre bundles mechanics, 258–63
breaking strain graphical representation, 262
fibre bundle with two components, 259
fibre bundles variables, 259
two component parameters marking, 260
two fibre types force-strain curves, 261
simulation, 222–64
stress-strain relations, 242–5
helical fibre element load, 244
volume, density and mass, 225–8
areal interpretation, 226–7
fibre packing density, 226
fibrous assembly schematic, 226
flat box fibrous assembly, 227
mass interpretation, 227–8
packing density values, 227
finishing, 166–7
finite element method (FEM), 2, 3, 268
elastic models elements, 193–205
contact elements, 204–5
membranes, plates and shells, 199–202
multilayer structures and composites elements, 204
other elements, 205
solid elements, 202–4
trusses and beams, 193–9
error estimation and refinement, 205–7
error estimation, 205–6
modelling errors, 206–7
refinement, 206
FEM software, 213–15
commercial software, 213–14
open source and free FEM packages, 214–15
textile FEM preprocessors, 215
mechanical systems modelling, 174–93
elasticity theory for calculations, 178–84
explicit vs implicit integration, 187–90
mechanical problem types, 176–8
process, 174–6
static equilibrium and element stiffness matrix, 184–7
typical FEM software structure, 190, 192–3
nonlinear problems, 207–13
geometric nonlinearities, 207–9
material laws and nonlinearities, 209–12
other nonlinearities, 213
part with nonlinear geometry, 173
textile technology applications, 172–217
future trends, 215, 217
first order elements See linear elements
fitness score, 81
flat box, 226
flat plateau, 28–9
error function, 29
Fortran, 212, 214
fuzzification, 121, 127–8
CV-value, 128
degrees of truth determination, 122
flyer roving fineness, 127
operating hours of traveller, 128
preliminary draft, 127
principle, 121
yarn count, 128
fuzzy control, 120–6
applications in textile technology, 132–8
classifying dyeing defects, 134–5
colour yield modelling in polyester dyeing, 132–3
correlation between actual and predicted values, 13
fabric lustre classification, 133–4
fibre and yarn relationship prediction, 137
garment drape prediction, 135–6
intelligent diagnosis system for fabric inspection, 132
modelling of false-twist texturing yarn, 133
warp tension determination in weaving, 134
yarn properties prediction in meltspinning, 136–7
defuzzification, 124–6
four input and one output variable, 127–32
defuzzification, 131–2
fuzzification, 127–8
inference, 128–31
inference, 121–4
fuzzy logic, 268
application advice, 138
fuzzy control, 120–6
imprecise mathematics, 115–17
input and output variable, 127–32
overview, 112–15
controller principle, 113
development, 114
number of published papers on controllers related to textile technology, 114
representation for air temperature, 113
typical application, 114–15
set operations, 117–20
textile technology, 112–38
ultra-fuzzy logic, 120
vs. probabilistic logic, 120
fuzzy logic controllers, 113


garment drape, 135–6
principle of neuro-fuzzy system, 13
Gaussian elimination, 279
gene pool, 96–7
influence of size on the final result, 97
general purpose simulation system (GPSS), 341
genetics, 74–6
principle of inheritance, 75
genotype, 77–9, 94–5
changing environment effect on individual fitness, 79
geodesic angle, 275
geometrical dimensions, 172
GmbH, 285, 296
Gmsh, 214
grey box model, 4
Grossberg layer, 41
training, 45


h-method, 206
Hamburger blending theory, 259
helical yarn model, 234–42
fibre elements, 234–6
position in yarn, 235
general fibre helix coil schematic, 237
general fibre trajectory, 234
number of fibres ands shortening, 237–9
differential annulus in cross-section, 238
yarn fibre element, 238
radial packing density, 237
yarn retraction, 239–42
helical fibre element before and after elongation, 242
illustration, 239
over-saturated yarn coil formation phases, 242
saturated twist graphical representation, 241
heuristic models, 268
Hooke’s law, 209
Hopfield networks, 47
hot-wire anemometry (HWA), 155–6
principle, 155
hp-method, 206
Hughes–Liu beam element, 197


ideal helical model, 237
image recognition, 268
implicit integration, 187–90
implicit method, 148
imprecise logic See fuzzy logic
imprecise mathematics, 115–17
diagrams graphic representation, 116
numerical representation, 116–17
terms and definitions, 115–16
membership functions, 116
individuals, 81
inference, 121–4, 128–31
example data, 130
principle, 122
reducing the number of necessary rules, 130
set of rules, 129
chemical basics, 76–7
DNA section with base pairs, 77
two methods to generate a mutation, 78
input functions, 22
input parameters, 63–4
integrated simulation, 270
intelligent diagnosis system, 132
iteration processes
vs. evolutionary algorithms, 92–3
accuracy, 92
boundary conditions, 93
reproducibility, 92–3
speed, 92


Jacquard machine, 280


kenaf fibres, 102
KnitGeo Modeller, 300
KnitMaster, 215
knitted structures
simulation, 266–304
future trends, 304
geometrical and mechanical modeling principle, 268–71
keypoints in knitted structures, 300
objectives, 266–8
samples, 298
schematic, 299
warp knitting examples, 301, 303
samples, 303
weft knitting examples, 300
KnitGeo Modeller geometry, 301
realistic simulations with tuck stitches, 302
Shima Seiki realistic simulations, 302
WeftKnit 3D geometry, 301
knowledge-based models, 4–6
Koechlin’s theory, 246–8
empirical corrections, 248
twist coefficients, 248
theoretical model, 246–7
first assumption, 246–7
second assumption, 247
Kohonen layer, 40–1
interpolative mode, 44–5
learning, 41–2
training elements in two-dimensional space, 42
weight factors, 43–5
unfavourable distribution in two dimensional space, 43
weight vectors in two dimensional space, 41
K–ω turbulence model, 150


Lagrange approach, 145
laser doppler anemometry (LDA), 153–4
principles, 154
law of angular momentum, 338–9
learning rate, 30, 32–3
influence on training, 33
learning rule, 23–5
typical error area of a simple neural network, 23
linear divisibility, 17–18
neural network structure with two perceptron, 18
truth table of XOR function, 17
XOR problem, 17
linear elements, 193
linear programming (LP), 107
linguistic rules, 113
LS-Dyna software, 205, 213, 215


madaline network, 20
mass-spring system, 304
material law See constitutive equations
MATLAB, 317, 340
matrix calculations, 173
Max/Min method, 123
determination of resulting area, 124
Max/Prod method, 123–4
determination of resulting areas, 124
maximum function, 117
mean of maximum method, 125
mechanical stress, 225
mechanical systems modelling, 174–93
diagram of steps, 174
elasticity theory for calculations, 178–84
constitutive equations, 181–3
equilibrium equations, 183–4
kinematic equations, 178–81
explicit vs implicit integration, 187–90
differences, 191–2
illustration, 188
mechanical problem types, 176–8
process, 174–6
actual object and its FEM model illustration, 175
dynamical calculation illustration, 177
motion frequencies, 177
static equilibrium and element stiffness matrix, 184–7
point displacement in finite element, 184
typical FEM software structure, 190, 192–3
basic calculation steps and modules, 192
melt-electrospinning, 160–1
melt spinning, 159–60
polymer flow, 145
yarn properties prediction, 136–7
membership functions for extruder screw and winding speed, 13
membrane elements, 199–202
MeshTex software, 215
micro-computer tomography, 268
MicroCT, 270
MIDSYS toolbox, 317
minimum bundle tenacity, 262
minimum function, 118
modelling, 3–4, 144–5, 263
black box model, 4
different kinds of computer models, 3–4
errors, 206–7
concentration loads, 207
proper element type, 207
proper mesh type, 207
proper problem/solver type, 206
grey box model, 4
white box model, 4
modifier, 119–20
momentum factor, 31, 33–4
effect on training, 34
influence on training, 34
Mooney-Rivlin Rubber, 212
motion law, 176
multi-scale approach, 304
multi-step method, 148
multiple adaptive linear neuron See madaline network
multistage training, 34–5
gradual weight change over time, 36
typical result for a scenario with five stages, 35
typical values for a scenario with five stages, 35
evolutionary progress importance, 98–9
influence on evolution process, 99
number, 98
mutation, 88–9
generating children, 89
increment, 97–8
influence on final result, 97
nervous system, 9
neural net, 21–3
backpropagation network structure, 21
information flow within a neuron, 22
neural networks
applications, 47–63
airbag fabrics design, 59–60
cotton fabrics spirality, 56–7
draw frame, 50
draw-winding process, 51–2
emotion-based textile indexing, 62–3
fabric inspection, 58–9
number of published papers in textiles, 48
pattern recognition, 48–9
predicted vs. actual LAP, 50
protective textiles, 61–2
smart carpet, 63
textile fabrics appearance, 57–8
textile fabrics thermal resistance and thermal conductivity, 60–1
weaving process, 52, 54–5
worsted yarns hairiness, 50–1
yarn breakage rate during weaving, 55–6
yarn shrinkage, 56
applications practical advice, 63–7
database, 64–5
input parameters significance, 63–4
recall stage, 65–7
structure and size, 64
backpropagation algorithm, 20–38
biological background, 9–13
neurons build-up, 10
neurons transmission, 11–13
counterpropagation, 38, 40–6
models, artificial, 13–20
textile technology, 9–69
Hopfield networks, 47
simulated annealing, 47


build-up nerve cell, 10
transmission, 11–13
human brain vs. computer power, 12
synapse design, 11
Newmark method, 189
Newton fluids, 145–6
nodes, 173
nonlinear problems, 207–13
geometric nonlinearities, 207–9
Ansys option large displacements, 209
classification diagram, 208
small displacement examples, 208
material laws and nonlinearities, 209–12
anisotropic material, 212
nonlinear material laws, 212
orthotropic materials, 210–11
transversely isotropic materials, 211
woven structures, 210
other nonlinearities, 213
nonwovens, 166
numerics, 146–50
discretisation, 147–8
turbulence models, 148–50
comparison between currents, 149
NX Nastran Advanced Nonlinear software, 214


one-step method, 148
open end (OE) - rotor spinning machine, 315


p-method, 206
Pam-Crash software, 205, 214
partial differential equations, 173
partially oriented yarns (POY), 35–6
particle image velocimetry (PIV), 154–5
principle, 155
pattern recognition, 48–9
comparison of classification result for neps, 49
fibre web, 49
perceptron, 13–18
convergence theorem, 16
learning rule, 14–16
neural network training process, 16
linear divisibility problem, 17–18
network design principle, 15
neuron design, 15
perfusion, 145
phenotype, 77–9, 94–5
changing environment effect on individual fitness, 79
Picanol weaving machine, 334
plate elements, 199–202
polymer flow, 145
population waves, 89–90
postprocessor, 193
pressure-thickness curve, 277
probabilistic logic, 120
product function, 118–19
proportional-integral-derivative (PID), 115
controller, 318
protective textiles, 61–2
predicted vs. measured values for dissipated energy, 62
predicted vs. measured values for penetration depth, 62
Python, 212, 214


radius, 44
random noise, 44
reality, 144
simulation, 143–151
recall stage, 65–7
commonly made errors when assessing quality of neural network, 67
neural net training, 66
recombination, 86–8
generating children principles, 87
roulette wheel method to select parent individuals, 87
recombination factor, 95–6
influence on final result, 96
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS), 149–50
Rigid Body Dynamics, 213
ring spinning, 312–24
rotor spinning See ring spinning
rule-based systems, 5


saturated twist, 241
Schwarz constant, 255
second order elements, 193
secondary fibrous assemblies See yarn-based structures
selection pressure, 89–90
set operations, 117–20
and operator, 118–19
minimum function, 118
product function, 118–19
modifier, 119–20
operator part, 119
or operator, 117–18
maximum function, 117
sum function, 118
part, 119
terms, 117
shape functions, 184
shear–stress transport k – w model, 150
shed geometry, 333
shell elements, 199–202
simulated annealing, 47
simulation, 1–2, 2–3, 151
currents with fibres, yarns and textiles, 151–3
different methods to model a fibre or yarn in a current, 152
fibrous structures and yarns, 222–64
definitions and quality-related factors, 223–5
example of models, 263–4
fibrous assemblies, 225–8
internal yarn geometry, 234–42
parallel fibre bundles, 258–63
stress-strain relations, 242–5
yarn parameters, 228–34
yarn properties mechanical model, 249–58
yearn count, twist, packing density and diameter, 245–8
geometrical and mechanical modeling principles, 268–71
braided rope MicroCT, 270
geometry generation methods, 269
textile structures deterministic models, 269
methods, 2
reality, 143–151
illustration, 143
influence of the number of nodes on the model, 144
model, 144–5
numerics, 146–50
physical relation, 145–6
validation, 151
textile machinery, 310–46
fabric production, 324–40
machine settings and product quality, 310–12
plant layout and production planning, 341–5
practical advice, 346
rolling and dyeing, 340–1
yarn production and processing, 312–24
with and without computer, 2–3
yarn-based structures, 266–304
braided structures, 290–7
future trends, 304
knitted structures, 297–303
objectives, 266–8
wound packages, 271–9
woven structures, 279–89
smart carpet, 63
specific surface area, 224
spinning preparation, 222
square interpolation, 193
staple fibre spinning, 102–3, 106–8, 162–3
ANN-GA-LP model, 107
binary encoding of fibre properties in a chromosome, 107
condensing zone of a compact spinning device, 162–3
roving evenness comparison, 103
staple-fibre spinning process, 312
staple fibres, 223
state-space model, 317
static layer equilibrium, 276
steep crevices, 29–30
error function, 29
stress stiffening, 208
structure-altering operators, 81
sum function, 118
synthetic fibre rope, 263


Tailor development, 181
TexEng LTD, 289
TexGen, 215, 284
TexMind, 215, 293, 303
textile fabrics
appearance, 57–8
predicted vs. actual grades for knitted fabrics, 58
thermal resistance and thermal conductivity, 60–1
calculated vs. actual values, 60
calculated vs. actual values of heat transfers, 61
textile FEM preprocessors, 215
braided structures and warp knitted structure, 216
warpknitted loops, 216
textile machinery
fabric production, 324–40
warp tension, 332–40
weft insertion, 325–32
machine settings and product quality, 310–12
product quality improvement model principles, 312
plant layout and production planning, 341–5
loader and scouring machines model segment, 343
parameters change vs loader time decrease, 344
production process schematic, 345
textile finishing mill flow diagram, 342
rolling and dyeing, 340–1
simulation, 310–46
practical advise, 346
yarn production and processing, 312–24
average yarn temperature on heating up time, 323
core and surface temperature over time, 324
heat capacity influence on yarn temperature profile, 321
heat conductivity influence on yarn temperature profile, 321
heater temperature influence on yarn temperature profile, 324
hook to the yarn guide balloon, 315
machine output vs yarn breaks, 318
measured vs calculated temperature values, 325
modified ring spinning system schematic, 314
PET and PA yarn shortest heating time, 322
simulation block diagram, 317
typical bobbin curve, 316
textile technology, 1–7
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 142–69
application advice, 167–8
applications, 158–67
economic aspects, 156–8
reality to simulation, 143–151
simulation of currents with fibres, yarns and textiles, 151–3
validation methods, 153–6
evolutionary methods and application, 72–109
biological background, 73–9
evolutionary algorithms applications, 93–105
evolutionary algorithms vs. iteration processes, 92–3
evolutionary methods application advice, 108–9
genetic algorithms, 91
mathematical model of evolution strategy, 79–91
overview, 72–3
expert system applications, 6–7
expert systems and other knowledgebased models, 4–6
case-based systems, 5
decision trees, 5–6
rule-based systems, 5
finite element method (FEM) applications, 172–217
elastic models elements, 193–205
error estimation and refinement, 205–7
future trends, 215, 217
mechanical systems modelling, 174–93
nonlinear problems, 207–13
software, 213–15
fuzzy logic application, 112–38
application advice, 138
fuzzy control, 120–6
fuzzy control applications, 132–8
fuzzy control with four input and one output variable, 127–32
imprecise mathematics, 115–17
overview, 112–15
set operations, 117–20
ultra-fuzzy logic, 120
vs. probabilistic logic, 120
modelling, 3–4
neural networks, 9–69
applications, 47–63
applications practical advice, 63–7
backpropagation algorithm, 20–38
biological background, 9–13
counterpropagation, 38, 40–6
models, artificial, 13–20
types, 47
simulation, 1–2
simulation with and without computers, 2–3
texturing, 35–6, 94–100
false-twist principle, 94
final algorithm and settings setting of the different evolution stages, 99
gene pool size, 96–7
genotype and phenotype, 94–5
mutants and evolutionary progress importance, 98–9
mutants number, 98
mutation increment, 97–8
number of individuals and lifespan, 95
influence on final result, 96
recombination factor, 95–6
reproducibility of results, 99–100
robustness evolution strategy, 100
texturised yarns, 36
texturising machine design and components, 37
yarn path across disc in the false twister with single points, 95
thermal conductivity, 60–1
thermal resistance, 60–1
Timoshenko beam theory, 341
translational displacement, 193
truss elements, 193, 195–9
twist coefficients, 232–3
twist propagation equation, 313
twisted staple yarn, 228
twisted yarns, 222


ultra-fuzzy logic, 120
user materials, 212


validation, 151, 153–6
hot-wire anemometry (HWA), 155–6
laser doppler anemometry (LDA), 153–4
particle image velocimetry (PIV), 154–5
virtual external work, 185
virtual internal work, 185


warp tension, 324–40
determination in weaving, 134
predicted vs. measured, 13
mathematical model system boundaries, 332
measured vs calculated values, 339
simulation model block diagram, 340
weaving machine schematic, 334
warp threads, 333
water waves, 145
wavelet technique, 315
weaving machine, 100–2
AUTOWARP design, 101
evolutionary algorithm to determine optimised setting, 101
weaving process, 52, 54–5
fabric stop mark, 54
predicted and actual stop mark characteristics, 55
predicted vs. actual machine settings to avoid stop mark, 55
stop mark parameters, 54
weft acceleration, 328
weft insertion, 324–40
simulation signal flow chart, 328
stress–strain model signal flow chart, 327
tension values calculated and actual values, 329
typical stress–strain curves shapes, 326
weft speed simulation results vs measure values, 331
weft yarn deformation, 329
yarn tension, 325
yarn tension with vs without yarn brake, 330
WeftKnit, 300
weight decay, 31
weight factors, 27–8
influence of gain on the sigmoid function, 28
sigmoid function F and derivative F’, 27
white box model, 4
Wisetex, 215, 283, 286
wool yarn, 263
work-in-process (WIP) inventory, 341
worsted yarns
hairiness, 50–1
predicted vs. actual values, 51
typical sensitivity valves, 51
wound packages
bobbins simulation at winding level, 271–5
old winding and new yarn segments configurations, 275
simulated winding structures examples, 274
single winding and wound package, 272
winding process geometry, 272
simulation, 266–304
future trends, 304
geometrical and mechanical modeling principles, 266–8
objectives, 266–8
stress distribution in wound package, 276–9
compressed layers, 276
layers and their boundary conditions, 277
thickness-pressure curves, 278
winding stability, 275–6
woven structures
3D structures, 281–9
compression curves, 287
interconnection in unit cell, 288
load elongation curves, 287
modelled structure with twill pattern, 289
multifilament yarns photo, 288
TexGen yarn cross-section extrusion, 284
weave patterns, 285
WiseTex coding, 285
yarn axis coordinates calculation principle, 282
yarn axis position calculation, 283
simulation, 266–304
future trends, 304
geometrical and mechanical modeling principles, 266–8
objectives, 266–8
radial and circumferential stresses, 280
woven fabrics for artistic design, 280–1
3D structures and its simulation, 281
pattern editor, 282


XOR problem, 17–18


yarn-based structures
convertible roof diagram, 267
geometrical and mechanical modeling principles, 268–71
simulation, 266–304
objectives, 266–8
textile structures classification, 267
breakage rate during weaving, 55–6
characteristic prediction, 37–8
crimp prediction depending on machine setting, 38
predicted vs. actual machine setting, 39
count, twist, packing density and diameter relationship, 245–8
Koechlin’s concept theoretical model, 246–7
Koechlin’s theory empirical corrections, 248
definitions and quality-related factors, 223–5
examples of models, 263–4
formation process, 222
interlacing, 270–1
internal yarn geometry modelling, 234–42
fibre elements, 234–6
helical yarn model, 236–7
number of fibres ands shortening, 237–9
yarn retraction, 239–42
parameters, 228–34
coefficient kn, 230–1
cross-sectional area, 229
dimensionless quantities, 233–4
fibre element, 230
fineness, 228–9
illustration, 228
number of fibres, 231
packing density, 231–2
real and substance diameter, 229
relative fineness, 230
substance diameter, 230
surface fibre on diameter, 233
twist coefficients, 232–3
twist intensity, 232
yarn diameter, 232
path calculation, 271
properties mechanical model, 249–58
centripetal for per unit fibre volume, 249
compressing zone, 250–4
fibre and fibre bundles variables and functions, 257
force analysis for unit fibre volume, 250
helical fibre coil on general radius, 249
modified yarn diameter illustration, 255
suitable yarn twist, 254–8
typical R values, 256
yarn experiment results, 258
measured vs. predicted warp shrinkage, 56
simulation, 222–64
stress-strain relations, 242–5
breaking tenacity vs twist, 246
tensile force utilisation coefficient representation, 245
yield point, 212


Ziegler-Nichols method, 317
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