Testing the face tracker control package

We have seen most of the files and their functionalities. So, let's test this package first. By following these steps, we can ensure that it is detecting the Dynamixel servo and creating the proper topic:

  1. Before running the launch file, we will have to change the permission of the USB device, or it will throw an exception. The following command can be used to get permissions on the serial device:
$ sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

Note that you must replace ttyUSB0 with your device name; you can retrieve it by looking at kernel logs. The dmesg command can help you to find it.

  1. Start the start_dynamixel.launch file using the following command:
$ roslaunch face_tracker_control start_dynamixel.launch

Finding Dynamixel servos and creating controllers

If everything is successful, you will get a message as shown in the preceding screenshot.

If any errors occur during the launch, check the servo connection, power, and device permissions.

The following topics are generated when we run this launch file:

Face tracker control topics

Now, we need to bring the nodes together.

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