Installing the Turtlebot simulator

This is a prerequisite for our testing; therefore, let's go ahead with installing the TurtleBot packages.

Since we're using ROS Melodic, there isn't any Debian package of the TurtleBot simulator. Therefore, we shall source the workspace from Let's begin installing the Turtlebot simulator as follows:

  1. Clone the package using the following command in your workspace/src folder:
$ git clone'
  1. Once cloned, you could install the dependencies using the rosinstall command:
$ rosinstall . turtlebot_simulator.rosinstall

Also, install the following dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ecl ros-melodic-joy ros-melodic-kobuki-* ros-melodic-yocs-controllers ros-melodic-yocs-cmd-vel-mux ros-melodic-depthimage-to-laserscan
  1. Once done, remove the following two packages, kobuki_desktop and turtlebot_create_desktop, as they cause a Gazebo library error while compiling. However, we do not want them for our simulation.
  2. Now compile the package using catkin_make and you should be all set.

If everything was successful, you should have a proper Turtlebot simulation workspace ready for use. Let's run our web teleoperation application now.

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