Running hector SLAM using a robotic car

After moving the robot around the world, let's do some mapping of the world. There are launch files present to start a new world in Gazebo and start mapping. Here is the command to start a new world in Gazebo:

$ roslaunch catvehicle catvehicle_canyonview.launch 

This will launch the Gazebo simulation in a new world. You can enter the following command to view Gazebo:

$ gzclient 

The Gazebo simulator with a new world is shown here:

Visualization of a robotic car in an urban environment

You can start the teleoperation node to move the robot, and the following command will start hector SLAM:

$ roslaunch catvehicle hectorslam.launch 

To visualize the generated map, you can start RViz and open the configuration file called catvehicle.rviz.

You will get the following kind of visualization in RViz:

Visualization of a map in RViz using a robotic car

After completing the mapping process, we can save the map using the following command:

$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name 

The preceding command will save the current map as two files called map_name.pgm and map_name.yaml.

For more details of this project, you can check the following link:

In the next section, we will interface a DBW car with ROS.

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