Controlling the robot arm using Moveit

Once Moveit has been configured, we can test our robot arm manipulation using the GUI interface (RViz plugin):

  1. Launch the mobile manipulator in Gazebo:
$ initros1
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch robot_description mobile_manipulator_gazebo_xacro.launch
  1. In a new Terminal, open the move_group.launch file that was auto-generated by the Moveit setup assistant wizard:
$ initros1
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch robot_description_moveit_config move_group.launch

Your Terminal's output would be similar to what's shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Now, let's open RViz to control the robot's motion:
$ initros1
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch robot_description_moveit_config movit_rviz.launch config:=True

You should see the following window:

RViz Moveit launch
  1. Go to the Planning tab, select home in Goal State, and click on Plan. You should see a visual of the robot arm planning (moving) to the target position.
  1. To actually make the arm move, select Execute:

Gazebo arm to home pose

You should see that the arm moved to the selected position in Gazebo, as shown in the preceding screenshot.

In case the arm failed to plan the path, try to replan and execute once again using the buttons in the Planning tab.

Now, let's learn how to simulate the application.

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