Testing the Leap Motion ROS driver

If everything has been installed properly, we can test it using a couple of commands:

  1. First, launch the Leap Motion driver or control panel using the following command:
$ sudo LeapControlPanel
  1. After launching the command, you can verify that the device is working by opening the Visualizer application. If it's working well, you can launch the ROS driver using the following command:
$ roslaunch leap_motion sensor_sender.launch  

If it's working properly, you will get topics with this:

$ rostopic list

The list of available topics is shown here:

Leap Motion ROS driver topics

If you can see rostopic/leapmotion/data in the list, you can confirm that the driver is working. You can just echo the topic and see that the hand and finger values are coming in, as shown in the following screenshot:

Data from the Leap ROS driver topic

Let's now visualize our Leap Motion data in RViz.

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