Chapter 1

SQL Server Architecture


  • Understanding database transactions and the ACID properties
  • Architectural components used to fulfill a read request
  • Architectural components used to fulfill an update request
  • Database recovery and the transaction log
  • Dirty pages, checkpoints, and the lazy writer
  • Where the SQLOS fits in and why it’s needed


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A basic grasp of SQL Server’s database engine architecture is fundamental to intelligently approach troubleshooting a problem, but selecting the important bits to learn about can be challenging, as SQL Server is such a complex piece of software. This chapter distills the core architecture of SQL Server, putting the most important components into the context of executing a simple query to help you understand the fundamentals of the core engine.

You will learn how SQL Server deals with your network connection, unravels what you’re asking it to do, decides how it will execute your request, and finally how data is retrieved and modified on your behalf.

You will also discover when the transaction log is used and how it’s affected by the configured recovery model; what happens when a checkpoint occurs and how you can influence the frequency; and what the lazy writer does.

The chapter starts by defining a “transaction” and outlining the database system’s requirements to reliably process them. You’ll then look at the life cycle of a simple query that reads data, looking at the components employed to return a result set, before examining how the process differs when data needs to be modified.

Finally, you’ll learn about the components and terminology that support the recovery process in SQL Server, and the SQLOS “framework” that consolidates a lot of the low-level functions required by many SQL Server components.

Coverage of some areas of the life cycle described in this chapter is intentionally shallow in order to keep the flow manageable; where that’s the case, you are directed to the chapter or chapters that cover the topic in more depth.


A transaction is a unit of work in a database that typically contains several commands that read from and write to the database. The most well-known feature of a transaction is that it must complete all the commands in their entirety or none of them. This feature, called atomicity, is just one of four properties defined in the early days of database theory as requirements for a database transaction, collectively known as ACID properties.

ACID Properties

The four required properties of a database transaction are atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.


Atomicity means that all the effects of the transaction must complete successfully or the changes are rolled back. A classic example of an atomic transaction is a withdrawal from an ATM machine; the machine must both dispense the cash and debit your bank account. Either of those actions completing independently would cause a problem for either you or the bank.


The consistency requirement ensures that the transaction cannot break the integrity rules of the database; it must leave the database in a consistent state. For example, your system might require that stock levels cannot be a negative value, a spare part cannot exist without a parent object, or the data in a sex field must be male or female. In order to be consistent, a transaction must not break any of the constraints or rules defined for the data.


Isolation refers to keeping the changes of incomplete transactions running at the same time separate from one another. Each transaction must be entirely self-contained, and changes it makes must not be readable by any other transaction, although SQL Server does allow you to control the degree of isolation in order to find a balance between business and performance requirements.


Once a transaction is committed, it must persist even if there is a system failure — that is, it must be durable. In SQL Server, the information needed to replay changes made in a transaction is written to the transaction log before the transaction is considered to be committed.

SQL Server Transactions

There are two types of transactions in SQL Server, implicit and explicit, and they are differentiated only by the way they are created.

Implicit transactions are used automatically by SQL Server to guarantee the ACID properties of single commands. For example, if you wrote an update statement that modified 10 rows, SQL Server would run it as an implicit transaction so that the ACID properties would apply, and all 10 rows would be updated or none of them would.

Explicit transactions are started by using the BEGIN TRANSACTION T-SQL command and are stopped by using the COMMIT TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION commands.

Committing a transaction effectively means making the changes within the transaction permanent, whereas rolling back a transaction means undoing all the changes that were made within the transaction. Explicit transactions are used to group together changes to which you want to apply the ACID properties as a whole, which also enables you to roll back the changes at any point if your business logic determines that you should cancel the change.


To introduce the high-level components of SQL Server’s architecture, this section uses the example of a query’s life cycle to put each component into context to foster your understanding and create a foundation for the rest of the book.

It looks at a basic SELECT query first in order to reduce the scope to that of a READ operation, and then introduces the additional processes involved for a query that performs an UPDATE operation. Finally, you’ll read about the terminology and processes that SQL Server uses to implement recovery while optimizing performance.

Figure 1-1 shows the high-level components that are used within the chapter to illustrate the life cycle of a query.

The Relational and Storage Engines

As shown in Figure 1–1, SQL Server is divided into two main engines: the Relational Engine and the Storage Engine. The Relational Engine is also sometimes called the query processor because its primary function is query optimization and execution. It contains a Command Parser to check query syntax and prepare query trees; a Query Optimizer that is arguably the crown jewel of any database system; and a Query Executor responsible for execution.

The Storage Engine is responsible for managing all I/O to the data, and it contains the Access Methods code, which handles I/O requests for rows, indexes, pages, allocations and row versions; and a Buffer Manager, which deals with SQL Server’s main memory consumer, the buffer pool. It also contains a Transaction Manager, which handles the locking of data to maintain isolation (ACID properties) and manages the transaction log.

The Buffer Pool

The other major component you need to know about before getting into the query life cycle is the buffer pool, which is the largest consumer of memory in SQL Server. The buffer pool contains all the different caches in SQL Server, including the plan cache and the data cache, which is covered as the sections follow the query through its life cycle.

The buffer pool is covered in detail in Chapter 3.

A Basic SELECT Query

The details of the query used in this example aren’t important — it’s a simple SELECT statement with no joins, so you’re just issuing a basic read request. It begins at the client, where the first component you touch is the SQL Server Network Interface (SNI).

SQL Server Network Interface

The SQL Server Network Interface (SNI) is a protocol layer that establishes the network connection between the client and the server. It consists of a set of APIs that are used by both the database engine and the SQL Server Native Client (SNAC). SNI replaces the net-libraries found in SQL Server 2000 and the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), which are included with Windows.

SNI isn’t configurable directly; you just need to configure a network protocol on the client and the server. SQL Server has support for the following protocols:

  • Shared memory — Simple and fast, shared memory is the default protocol used to connect from a client running on the same computer as SQL Server. It can only be used locally, has no configurable properties, and is always tried first when connecting from the local machine.
  • TCP/IP — This is the most commonly used access protocol for SQL Server. It enables you to connect to SQL Server by specifying an IP address and a port number. Typically, this happens automatically when you specify an instance to connect to. Your internal name resolution system resolves the hostname part of the instance name to an IP address, and either you connect to the default TCP port number 1433 for default instances or the SQL Browser service will find the right port for a named instance using UDP port 1434.
  • Named Pipes — TCP/IP and Named Pipes are comparable protocols in the architectures in which they can be used. Named Pipes was developed for local area networks (LANs) but it can be inefficient across slower networks such as wide area networks (WANs).
To use Named Pipes you first need to enable it in SQL Server Configuration Manager (if you’ll be connecting remotely) and then create a SQL Server alias, which connects to the server using Named Pipes as the protocol.
Named Pipes uses TCP port 445, so ensure that the port is open on any firewalls between the two computers, including the Windows Firewall.
  • VIA — Virtual Interface Adapter is a protocol that enables high-performance communications between two systems. It requires specialized hardware at both ends and a dedicated connection.
Like Named Pipes, to use the VIA protocol you first need to enable it in SQL Server Configuration Manager and then create a SQL Server alias that connects to the server using VIA as the protocol. While SQL Server 2012 still supports the VIA protocol, it will be removed from a future version so new installations using this protocol should be avoided.

Regardless of the network protocol used, once the connection is established, SNI creates a secure connection to a TDS endpoint (described next) on the server, which is then used to send requests and receive data. For the purpose here of following a query through its life cycle, you’re sending the SELECT statement and waiting to receive the result set.

Tabular Data Stream (TDS) Endpoints

TDS is a Microsoft-proprietary protocol originally designed by Sybase that is used to interact with a database server. Once a connection has been made using a network protocol such as TCP/IP, a link is established to the relevant TDS endpoint that then acts as the communication point between the client and the server.

There is one TDS endpoint for each network protocol and an additional one reserved for use by the dedicated administrator connection (DAC). Once connectivity is established, TDS messages are used to communicate between the client and the server.

The SELECT statement is sent to the SQL Server as a TDS message across a TCP/IP connection (TCP/IP is the default protocol).

Protocol Layer

When the protocol layer in SQL Server receives your TDS packet, it has to reverse the work of the SNI at the client and unwrap the packet to find out what request it contains. The protocol layer is also responsible for packaging results and status messages to send back to the client as TDS messages.

Our SELECT statement is marked in the TDS packet as a message of type “SQL Command,” so it’s passed on to the next component, the Query Parser, to begin the path toward execution.

Figure 1-2 shows where our query has gone so far. At the client, the statement was wrapped in a TDS packet by the SQL Server Network Interface and sent to the protocol layer on the SQL Server where it was unwrapped, identified as a SQL Command, and the code sent to the Command Parser by the SNI.

Command Parser

The Command Parser’s role is to handle T-SQL language events. It first checks the syntax and returns any errors back to the protocol layer to send to the client. If the syntax is valid, then the next step is to generate a query plan or find an existing plan. A query plan contains the details about how SQL Server is going to execute a piece of code. It is commonly referred to as an execution plan.

To check for a query plan, the Command Parser generates a hash of the T-SQL and checks it against the plan cache to determine whether a suitable plan already exists. The plan cache is an area in the buffer pool used to cache query plans. If it finds a match, then the plan is read from cache and passed on to the Query Executor for execution. (The following section explains what happens if it doesn’t find a match.)

Plan Cache

Creating execution plans can be time consuming and resource intensive, so it makes sense that if SQL Server has already found a good way to execute a piece of code that it should try to reuse it for subsequent requests.

The plan cache, part of SQL Server’s buffer pool, is used to store execution plans in case they are needed later. You can read more about execution plans and plan cache in Chapters 3 and 5.

If no cached plan is found, then the Command Parser generates a query tree based on the T-SQL. A query tree is an internal structure whereby each node in the tree represents an operation in the query that needs to be performed. This tree is then passed to the Query Optimizer to process. Our basic query didn’t have an existing plan so a query tree was created and passed to the Query Optimizer.

Figure 1-3 shows the plan cache added to the diagram, which is checked by the Command Parser for an existing query plan. Also added is the query tree output from the Command Parser being passed to the optimizer because nothing was found in cache for our query.

Query Optimizer

The Query Optimizer is the most prized possession of the SQL Server team and one of the most complex and secretive parts of the product. Fortunately, it’s only the low-level algorithms and source code that are so well protected (even within Microsoft), and research and observation can reveal how the Optimizer works.

It is what’s known as a “cost-based” optimizer, which means that it evaluates multiple ways to execute a query and then picks the method that it deems will have the lowest cost to execute. This “method” of executing is implemented as a query plan and is the output from the Query Optimizer.

Based on that description, you would be forgiven for thinking that the Optimizer’s job is to find the best query plan because that would seem like an obvious assumption. Its actual job, however, is to find a good plan in a reasonable amount of time, rather than the best plan. The optimizer’s goal is most commonly described as finding the most efficient plan.

If the Optimizer tried to find the “best” plan every time, it might take longer to find the plan than it would to just execute a slower plan (some built-in heuristics actually ensure that it never takes longer to find a good plan than it does to just find a plan and execute it).

As well as being cost based, the Optimizer also performs multi-stage optimization, increasing the number of decisions available to find a good plan at each stage. When a good plan is found, optimization stops at that stage.

The first stage is known as pre-optimization, and queries drop out of the process at this stage when the statement is simple enough that there can only be one optimal plan, removing the need for additional costing. Basic queries with no joins are regarded as “simple,” and plans produced as such have zero cost (because they haven’t been costed) and are referred to as trivial plans.

The next stage is where optimization actually begins, and it consists of three search phases:

  • Phase 0 — During this phase the optimizer looks at nested loop joins and won’t consider parallel operators (parallel means executing across multiple processors and is covered in Chapter 5).
The optimizer will stop here if the cost of the plan it has found is < 0.2. A plan generated at this phase is known as a transaction processing, or TP, plan.
  • Phase 1 — Phase 1 uses a subset of the possible optimization rules and looks for common patterns for which it already has a plan.
The optimizer will stop here if the cost of the plan it has found is < 1.0. Plans generated in this phase are called quick plans.
  • Phase 2 — This final phase is where the optimizer pulls out all the stops and is able to use all of its optimization rules. It also looks at parallelism and indexed views (if you’re running Enterprise Edition).
Completion of Phase 2 is a balance between the cost of the plan found versus the time spent optimizing. Plans created in this phase have an optimization level of “Full.”

The term cost doesn’t translate into seconds or anything meaningful; it is just an arbitrary number used to assign a value representing the resource cost for a plan. However, its origin was a benchmark on a desktop computer at Microsoft early in SQL Server’s life.
In a plan, each operator has a baseline cost, which is then multiplied by the size of the row and the estimated number of rows to get the cost of that operator — and the cost of the plan is the total cost of all the operators.
Because cost is created from a baseline value and isn’t related to the speed of your hardware, any plan created will have the same cost on every SQL Server installation (like-for-like version).
The statistics that the optimizer uses to estimate the number of rows aren’t covered here because they aren’t relevant to the concepts illustrated in this chapter, but you can read about them in Chapter 5.

Because our SELECT query is very simple, it drops out of the process in the pre-optimization phase because the plan is obvious to the optimizer (a trivial plan). Now that there is a query plan, it’s on to the Query Executor for execution.

Query Executor

The Query Executor’s job is self-explanatory; it executes the query. To be more specific, it executes the query plan by working through each step it contains and interacting with the Storage Engine to retrieve or modify data.

The interface to the Storage Engine is actually OLE DB, which is a legacy from a design decision made in SQL Server’s history. The development team’s original idea was to interface through OLE DB to allow different Storage Engines to be plugged in. However, the strategy changed soon after that.
The idea of a pluggable Storage Engine was dropped and the developers started writing extensions to OLE DB to improve performance. These customizations are now core to the product; and while there’s now no reason to have OLE DB, the existing investment and performance precludes any justification to change it.

The SELECT query needs to retrieve data, so the request is passed to the Storage Engine through an OLE DB interface to the Access Methods.

Figure 1-4 shows the addition of the query plan as the output from the Optimizer being passed to the Query Executor. Also introduced is the Storage Engine, which is interfaced by the Query Executor via OLE DB to the Access Methods (coming up next).

Access Methods

Access Methods is a collection of code that provides the storage structures for your data and indexes, as well as the interface through which data is retrieved and modified. It contains all the code to retrieve data but it doesn’t actually perform the operation itself; it passes the request to the Buffer Manager.

Suppose our SELECT statement needs to read just a few rows that are all on a single page. The Access Methods code will ask the Buffer Manager to retrieve the page so that it can prepare an OLE DB rowset to pass back to the Relational Engine.

Buffer Manager

The Buffer Manager, as its name suggests, manages the buffer pool, which represents the majority of SQL Server’s memory usage. If you need to read some rows from a page (you’ll look at writes when we look at an UPDATE query), the Buffer Manager checks the data cache in the buffer pool to see if it already has the page cached in memory. If the page is already cached, then the results are passed back to the Access Methods.

If the page isn’t already in cache, then the Buffer Manager gets the page from the database on disk, puts it in the data cache, and passes the results to the Access Methods.

The PAGEIOLATCH wait type represents the time it takes to read a data page from disk into memory. Wait types are covered later in this chapter.

The key point to take away from this is that you only ever work with data in memory. Every new data read that you request is first read from disk and then written to memory (the data cache) before being returned as a result set.

This is why SQL Server needs to maintain a minimum level of free pages in memory; you wouldn’t be able to read any new data if there were no space in cache to put it first.

The Access Methods code determined that the SELECT query needed a single page, so it asked the Buffer Manager to get it. The Buffer Manager checked whether it already had it in the data cache, and then loaded it from disk into the cache when it couldn’t find it.

Data Cache

The data cache is usually the largest part of the buffer pool; therefore, it’s the largest memory consumer within SQL Server. It is here that every data page that is read from disk is written to before being used.

The sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors DMV contains one row for every data page currently held in cache. You can use this script to see how much space each database is using in the data cache:

SELECT count(*)*8/1024 AS 'Cached Size (MB)'
   ,CASE database_id
        WHEN 32767 THEN 'ResourceDb'
        ELSE db_name(database_id)
        END AS 'Database'
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
GROUP BY db_name(database_id),database_id
ORDER BY 'Cached Size (MB)' DESC

The output will look something like this (with your own databases, obviously):

Cached Size (MB)  Database
3287              People
34                tempdb
12                ResourceDb
4                 msdb

In this example, the People database has 3,287MB of data pages in the data cache.

The amount of time that pages stay in cache is determined by a least recently used (LRU) policy.

The header of each page in cache stores details about the last two times it was accessed, and a periodic scan through the cache examines these values. A counter is maintained that is decremented if the page hasn’t been accessed for a while; and when SQL Server needs to free up some cache, the pages with the lowest counter are flushed first.

The process of “aging out” pages from cache and maintaining an available amount of free cache pages for subsequent use can be done by any worker thread after scheduling its own I/O or by the lazy writer process, covered later in the section “Lazy Writer.”

You can view how long SQL Server expects to be able to keep a page in cache by looking at the MSSQL$<instance>:Buffer ManagerPage Life Expectancy counter in Performance Monitor. Page life expectancy (PLE) is the amount of time, in seconds, that SQL Server expects to be able to keep a page in cache.

Under memory pressure, data pages are flushed from cache far more frequently. Microsoft has a long standing recommendation for a minimum of 300 seconds for PLE but a good value is generally considered to be 1000s of seconds these days. Exactly what your acceptable threshold should be is variable depending on your data usage, but more often than not, you’ll find servers with either 1000s of seconds PLE or a lot less than 300, so it’s usually easy to spot a problem.

The database page read to serve the result set for our SELECT query is now in the data cache in the buffer pool and will have an entry in the sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors DMV. Now that the Buffer Manager has the result set, it’s passed back to the Access Methods to make its way to the client.

A Basic SELECT Statement Life Cycle Summary

Figure 1-5 shows the whole life cycle of a SELECT query, described here:

1. The SQL Server Network Interface (SNI) on the client established a connection to the SNI on the SQL Server using a network protocol such as TCP/IP. It then created a connection to a TDS endpoint over the TCP/IP connection and sent the SELECT statement to SQL Server as a TDS message.
2. The SNI on the SQL Server unpacked the TDS message, read the SELECT statement, and passed a “SQL Command” to the Command Parser.
3. The Command Parser checked the plan cache in the buffer pool for an existing, usable query plan that matched the statement received. When it didn’t find one, it created a query tree based on the SELECT statement and passed it to the Optimizer to generate a query plan.
4. The Optimizer generated a “zero cost” or “trivial” plan in the pre-optimization phase because the statement was so simple. The query plan created was then passed to the Query Executor for execution.
5. At execution time, the Query Executor determined that data needed to be read to complete the query plan so it passed the request to the Access Methods in the Storage Engine via an OLE DB interface.
6. The Access Methods needed to read a page from the database to complete the request from the Query Executor and asked the Buffer Manager to provision the data page.
7. The Buffer Manager checked the data cache to see if it already had the page in cache. It wasn’t in cache so it pulled the page from disk, put it in cache, and passed it back to the Access Methods.
8. Finally, the Access Methods passed the result set back to the Relational Engine to send to the client.

A Simple Update Query

Now that you understand the life cycle for a query that just reads some data, the next step is to determine what happens when you need to write data. To answer that, this section takes a look at a simple UPDATE query that modifies the data that was read in the previous example.

The good news is that the process is exactly the same as the process for the SELECT statement you just looked at until you get to the Access Methods.

The Access Methods need to make a data modification this time, so before the I/O request is passed on, the details of the change need to be persisted to disk. That is the job of the Transaction Manager.

Transaction Manager

The Transaction Manager has two components that are of interest here: a Lock Manager and a Log Manager. The Lock Manager is responsible for providing concurrency to the data, and it delivers the configured level of isolation (as defined in the ACID properties at the beginning of the chapter) by using locks.

The Lock Manager is also employed during the SELECT query life cycle covered earlier, but it would have been a distraction; it is mentioned here because it’s part of the Transaction Manager, but locking is covered in depth in Chapter 6.

The real item of interest here is actually the Log Manager. The Access Methods code requests that the changes it wants to make are logged, and the Log Manager writes the changes to the transaction log. This is called write-ahead logging (WAL).

Writing to the transaction log is the only part of a data modification transaction that always needs a physical write to disk because SQL Server depends on being able to reread that change in the event of system failure (you’ll learn more about this in the “Recovery” section coming up).

What’s actually stored in the transaction log isn’t a list of modification statements but only details of the page changes that occurred as the result of a modification statement. This is all that SQL Server needs in order to undo any change, and why it’s so difficult to read the contents of a transaction log in any meaningful way, although you can buy a third-party tool to help.

Getting back to the UPDATE query life cycle, the update operation has now been logged. The actual data modification can only be performed when confirmation is received that the operation has been physically written to the transaction log. This is why transaction log performance is so crucial.

Once confirmation is received by the Access Methods, it passes the modification request on to the Buffer Manager to complete.

Figure 1-6 shows the Transaction Manager, which is called by the Access Methods and the transaction log, which is the destination for logging our update. The Buffer Manager is also in play now because the modification request is ready to be completed.

Buffer Manager

The page that needs to be modified is already in cache, so all the Buffer Manager needs to do is modify the page required by the update as requested by the Access Methods. The page is modified in the cache, and confirmation is sent back to Access Methods and ultimately to the client.

The key point here (and it’s a big one) is that the UPDATE statement has changed the data in the data cache, not in the actual database file on disk. This is done for performance reasons, and the page is now what’s called a dirty page because it’s different in memory from what’s on disk.

It doesn’t compromise the durability of the modification as defined in the ACID properties because you can re-create the change using the transaction log if, for example, you suddenly lost power to the server, and therefore anything in physical RAM (i.e., the data cache). How and when the dirty page makes its way into the database file is covered in the next section.

Figure 1-7 shows the completed life cycle for the update. The Buffer Manager has made the modification to the page in cache and has passed confirmation back up the chain. The database data file was not accessed during the operation, as you can see in the diagram.


In the previous section you read about the life cycle of an UPDATE query, which introduced write-ahead logging as the method by which SQL Server maintains the durability of any changes.

Modifications are written to the transaction log first and are then actioned in memory only. This is done for performance reasons and enables you to recover the changes from the transaction log if necessary. This process introduces some new concepts and terminology that are explored further in this section on “recovery.”

Dirty Pages

When a page is read from disk into memory it is regarded as a clean page because it’s exactly the same as its counterpart on the disk. However, once the page has been modified in memory it is marked as a dirty page.

Clean pages can be flushed from cache using dbcc dropcleanbuffers, which can be handy when you’re troubleshooting development and test environments because it forces subsequent reads to be fulfilled from disk, rather than cache, but doesn’t touch any dirty pages.

A dirty page is simply a page that has changed in memory since it was loaded from disk and is now different from the on-disk page. You can use the following query, which is based on the sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors DMV, to see how many dirty pages exist in each database:

SELECT db_name(database_id) AS 'Database',count(page_id) AS 'Dirty Pages'
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
WHERE is_modified =1
GROUP BY db_name(database_id)
ORDER BY count(page_id) DESC

Running this on my test server produced the following results showing that at the time the query was run, there were just under 20MB (2,524*81,024) of dirty pages in the People database:

Database Dirty Pages
People   2524
Tempdb   61
Master   1

These dirty pages will be written back to the database file periodically whenever the free buffer list is low or a checkpoint occurs. SQL Server always tries to maintain a number of free pages in cache in order to allocate pages quickly, and these free pages are tracked in the free buffer list.

Whenever a worker thread issues a read request, it gets a list of 64 pages in cache and checks whether the free buffer list is below a certain threshold. If it is, it will try to age-out some pages in its list, which causes any dirty pages to be written to disk. Another thread called the lazy writer also works based on a low free buffer list.

Lazy Writer

The lazy writer is a thread that periodically checks the size of the free buffer list. When it’s low, it scans the whole data cache to age-out any pages that haven’t been used for a while. If it finds any dirty pages that haven’t been used for a while, they are flushed to disk before being marked as free in memory.

The lazy writer also monitors the free physical memory on the server and will release memory from the free buffer list back to Windows in very low memory conditions. When SQL Server is busy, it will also grow the size of the free buffer list to meet demand (and therefore the buffer pool) when there is free physical memory and the configured Max Server Memory threshold hasn’t been reached. For more on Max Server Memory, see Chapter 3.

Checkpoint Process

A checkpoint is a point in time created by the checkpoint process at which SQL Server can be sure that any committed transactions have had all their changes written to disk. This checkpoint then becomes the marker from which database recovery can start.

The checkpoint process ensures that any dirty pages associated with a committed transaction will be flushed to disk. It can also flush uncommitted dirty pages to disk to make efficient use of writes but unlike the lazy writer, a checkpoint does not remove the page from cache; it ensures the dirty page is written to disk and then marks the cached paged as clean in the page header.

By default, on a busy server, SQL Server will issue a checkpoint roughly every minute, which is marked in the transaction log. If the SQL Server instance or the database is restarted, then the recovery process reading the log knows that it doesn’t need to do anything with log records prior to the checkpoint.

LSNs are used to identify records in the transaction log and are ordered so SQL Server knows the sequence in which events occurred.
A minimum LSN is computed before recovery does any work like roll forward or roll back. This takes into account not only the checkpoint LSN but other criteria as well. This means recovery might still need to worry about pages before a checkpoint if all dirty pages haven’t made it to disk. This can happen on large systems with large numbers of dirty pages.

The time between checkpoints, therefore, represents the amount of work that needs to be done to roll forward any committed transactions that occurred after the last checkpoint, and to roll back any transactions that were not committed. By checkpointing every minute, SQL Server is trying to keep the recovery time when starting a database to less than one minute, but it won’t automatically checkpoint unless at least 10MB has been written to the log within the period.

Checkpoints can also be manually called by using the CHECKPOINT T-SQL command, and can occur because of other events happening in SQL Server. For example, when you issue a backup command, a checkpoint will run first.

Trace flag 3502 records in the error log when a checkpoint starts and stops. For example, after adding it as a startup trace flag and running a workload with numerous writes, my error log contained the entries shown in Figure 1-8, which indicates checkpoints running between 30 and 40 seconds apart.

Trace flags provide a way to change the behavior of SQL Server temporarily and are generally used to help with troubleshooting or for enabling and disabling certain features for testing. Hundreds of trace flags exist but very few are officially documented; for a list of those that are and more information on using trace flags, see

Recovery Interval

Recovery Interval is a server configuration option that can be used to influence the time between checkpoints, and therefore the time it takes to recover a database on startup — hence, “recovery interval.”

By default, the recovery interval is set to 0; this enables SQL Server to choose an appropriate interval, which usually equates to roughly one minute between automatic checkpoints.

Changing this value to greater than 0 represents the number of minutes you want to allow between checkpoints. Under most circumstances you won’t need to change this value, but if you were more concerned about the overhead of the checkpoint process than the recovery time, you have the option.

The recovery interval is usually set only in test and lab environments, where it’s set ridiculously high in order to effectively stop automatic checkpointing for the purpose of monitoring something or to gain a performance advantage. Unless you’re chasing world speed records for SQL Server, you shouldn’t need to change it in a real-world production environment.

SQL Server evens throttles checkpoint I/O to stop it from affecting the disk subsystem too much, so it’s quite good at self-governing. If you ever see the SLEEP_BPOOL_FLUSH wait type on your server, that means checkpoint I/O was throttled to maintain overall system performance. You can read all about waits and wait types in the section “SQL Server’s Execution Model and the SQLOS.”

Recovery Models

SQL Server has three database recovery models: full, bulk-logged, and simple. Which model you choose affects the way the transaction log is used and how big it grows, your backup strategy, and your restore options.


Databases using the full recovery model have all their operations fully logged in the transaction log and must have a backup strategy that includes full backups and transaction log backups.

Starting with SQL Server 2005, full backups don’t truncate the transaction log. This is done so that the sequence of transaction log backups isn’t broken and it gives you an extra recovery option if your full backup is damaged.

SQL Server databases that require the highest level of recoverability should use the full recovery model.


This is a special recovery model because it is intended to be used only temporarily to improve the performance of certain bulk operations by minimally logging them; all other operations are fully logged just like the full recovery model. This can improve performance because only the information required to roll back the transaction is logged. Redo information is not logged, which means you also lose point-in-time-recovery.

These bulk operations include the following:

  • Using the bcp executable

Using bulk-logged mode is intended to make your bulk-logged operation complete faster. It does not reduce the disk space requirement for your transaction log backups.


When the simple recovery model is set on a database, all committed transactions are truncated from the transaction log every time a checkpoint occurs. This ensures that the size of the log is kept to a minimum and that transaction log backups are not necessary (or even possible). Whether or not that is a good or a bad thing depends on what level of recovery you require for the database.

If the potential to lose all changes since the last full or differential backup still meets your business requirements, then simple recovery might be the way to go.


So far, this chapter has abstracted the concept of the SQLOS to make the flow of components through the architecture easier to understand without going off on too many tangents. However, the SQLOS is core to SQL Server’s architecture so you need to understand why it exists and what it does to complete your view of how SQL Server works.

In short, the SQLOS is a thin user-mode layer that sits between SQL Server and Windows. It is used for low-level operations such as scheduling, I/O completion, memory management, and resource management. To explore exactly what this means and why it’s needed, you first need to understand SQL Server’s execution model.

Execution Model

When an application authenticates to SQL Server it establishes a connection in the context of a session, which is identified by a session_id (in older versions of SQL Server this was called a SPID). You can view a list of all authenticated sessions by querying the sys.dm_exec_sessions DMV.

When an execution request is made within a session, SQL Server divides the work into one or more tasks and then associates a worker thread to each task for its duration. Each thread can be in one of three states (that you need to care about):

  • Running — A processor can only execute one thing at a time and the thread currently executing on a processor will have a state of running.
  • Suspended — SQL Server has a co-operative scheduler (see below) so running threads will yield the processor and become suspended while they wait for a resource. This is what we call a wait in SQL Server.
  • Runnable — When a thread has finished waiting, it becomes runnable which means that it’s ready to execute again. This is known as a signal wait.

If no worker threads are available and max worker threads has not been reached, then SQL Server will allocate a new worker thread. If the max worker threads count has been reached, then the task will wait with a wait type of THREADPOOL until a thread becomes available. Waits and wait types are covered later in this section.

The default max workers count is based on the CPU architecture and the number of logical processors. The formulas for this are as follows:

For a 32-bit operating system:

  • Total available logical CPUs <= 4
    • Max Worker Threads = 256
  • Total available logical CPUs > 4
    • Max Worker Threads = 256 + ((logical CPUs − 4)*8)

For a 64-bit operating system:

  • Total available logical CPUs <= 4
    • Max Worker Threads = 512
  • Total available logical CPUs > 4
    • Max Worker Threads = 512 + ((logical CPUs − 4)*16)

As an example, a 64-bit SQL Server with 16 processors would have a Max Worker Threads setting of 512 + ((16–4)*16) = 704.

You can also see the max workers count on a running system by executing the following:

SELECT max_workers_count
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

Running out of worker threads (THREADPOOL wait type) is often a symptom of large numbers of concurrent parallel execution plans (since one thread is used per processor), or it can even indicate that you’ve reached the performance capacity of the server and need to buy one with more processors. Either way, you’re usually better off trying to solve the underlying problem rather than overriding the default Max Worker Threads setting.

Each worker thread requires 2MB of RAM on a 64-bit server and 0.5MB on a 32-bit server, so SQL Server creates threads only as it needs them, rather than all at once.

The sys.dm_os_workers DMV contains one row for every worker thread, so you can see how many threads SQL Server currently has by executing the following:

SELECT count(*) FROM sys.dm_os_workers


Each thread has an associated scheduler, which has the function of scheduling time for each of its threads on a processor. The number of schedulers available to SQL Server equals the number of logical processors that SQL Server can use plus an extra one for the dedicated administrator connection (DAC).

You can view information about SQL Server’s schedulers by querying the sys.dm_os_schedulers DMV.

Figure 1-9 illustrates the relationship between sessions, tasks, threads, and schedulers.

Windows is a general-purpose OS and is not optimized for server-based applications, SQL Server in particular. Instead, the goal of the Windows development team is to ensure that all applications, written by a wide variety of developers inside and outside Microsoft, will work correctly and have good performance. Because Windows needs to work well in a broad range of scenarios, the development team is not going to do anything special that would only be used in less than 1% of applications.

For example, the scheduling in Windows is very basic to ensure that it’s suitable for a common cause. Optimizing the way that threads are chosen for execution is always going to be limited because of this broad performance goal; but if an application does its own scheduling then there is more intelligence about what to choose next, such as assigning some threads a higher priority or deciding that choosing one thread for execution will avoid other threads being blocked later.

The basic scheduler in Windows is known as a pre-emptive scheduler and it assigns slices of time known as quantums to each task to be executed. The advantage of this is that application developers don’t have to worry about scheduling when creating applications; the downside is that execution can be interrupted at any point as Windows balances execution requests from multiple processes.

All versions of SQL Server up to and including version 6.5 used the Windows scheduler to take advantage of the work that the Windows team had done through a long history of optimizing processor usage. There came a point, however, when SQL Server 6.5 could not scale any further and it was limited by the general-purpose optimizations of the pre-emptive scheduler in Windows.

For SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft decided that SQL Server should handle its own scheduling, and created the User Mode Scheduler (UMS) to do just that. The UMS was designed as a co-operative scheduling model whereby threads aren’t forcibly interrupted during execution but instead voluntarily yield the processor when they need to wait for another resource. When a thread yields the processor, a wait type is assigned to the task to help describe the wait and aid you in troubleshooting performance issues.


Prior to SQLOS (which was first implemented in SQL Server 2005), low-level operations such as scheduling, I/O completion, memory management, and resource management were all handled by different teams, which resulted in a lot of duplication of effort as the product evolved.

The idea for SQLOS was to consolidate all these efforts of the different internal SQL Server development teams to provide performance improvements on Windows, putting them in a single place with a single team that can continue to optimize these low-level functions. This enables the other teams to concentrate on challenges more specific to their own domain within SQL Server.

Another benefit to having everything in one place is that you now get better visibility of what’s happening at that level than was possible prior to SQLOS. You can access all this information through dynamic management views (DMVs). Any DMV that starts with sys.dm_os_ provides an insight into the workings of SQLOS, such as the following:

  • sys.dm_os_schedulers — Returns one row per scheduler (remember, there is one user scheduler per logical processor) and displays information about scheduler load and health. See Chapter 5 for more information.
  • sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks — Returns one row for every executing task that is currently waiting for a resource, as well as the wait type
  • sys.dm_os_memory_clerks — Memory clerks are used by SQL Server to allocate memory. Significant components within SQL Server have their own memory clerk. This DMV shows all the memory clerks and how much memory each one is using. See Chapter 3 for more information.

Relating SQLOS back to the architecture diagrams shown earlier, many of the components make calls to the SQLOS in order to fulfill low-level functions required to support their roles.

Just to be clear, the SQLOS doesn’t replace Windows. Ultimately, everything ends up using the documented Windows system services; SQL Server just uses them in a way optimized for its own specific scenarios.

SQLOS is not a way to port the SQL Server architecture to other platforms like Linux or Mac OS, so it’s not an OS abstraction layer. It doesn’t wrap all the OS APIs like other frameworks such as .NET, which is why it’s referred to as a “thin” user-mode layer. Only the things that SQL Server really needs have been put into SQLOS.

Dynamic management views (DMVs) enable much greater visibility into the workings of SQL Server than any version prior to SQL Server 2005. They are basically just views on top of the system tables or in-memory system counters, but the concept enables Microsoft to provide a massive amount of useful information through them.
The standard syntax starts with sys.dm_, which indicates that it’s a DMV (there are also dynamic management functions, but DMV is still the collective term in popular use), followed by the area about which the DMV provides information — for example, sys.dm_os_ for SQLOS, sys.dm_db_ for database, and sys.dm_exec_ for query execution.
The last part of the name describes the actual content accessible within the view; sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats and sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks are a couple of examples, and you’ll come across many more throughout the book.


In this chapter you learned about SQL Server’s architecture by following the flow of components used when you issue a read request and an update request. You also learned some key terminology and processes used for the recovery of SQL Server databases and where the SQLOS fits into the architecture.

Following are the key points from this chapter:

  • The Query Optimizer’s job is to find a good plan in a reasonable amount of time; not the best plan.
  • Anything you want to read or update needs to be read into memory first.
  • Any updates to data are written to the transaction log on disk before being updated in memory, so transaction log performance is critical; the update isn’t written directly to the data file.
  • A database page that is changed in memory but not on disk is known as a dirty page.
  • Dirty pages are flushed to disk by the checkpoint process and the lazy writer.
  • Checkpoints occur automatically, roughly every minute, and provide the starting point for recovery.
  • The lazy writer maintains space available in cache by flushing dirty pages to disk and keeping only recently used pages in cache.
  • When a database is using the full recovery model, full backups will not truncate the transaction log. You must configure transaction log backups.
  • Tasks are generated to provide the context for a unit of work executed in a session. Worker threads handle the execution of work within a task, and a scheduler is the mechanism by which threads are given time on a processor to execute.
  • The SQLOS is a framework used by components in SQL Server for scheduling, I/O, and memory management.
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