Design strategy

This section will cover the details around designing a blockchain solution to build a business network. Many enterprises, entrepreneurs, and organizations are analyzing blockchain. They are adopting blockchain to gain transactional speed for business-to-business transactions, store information in an immutable way, and share it securely. For businesses, blockchain is a platform where peers exchange values via transactions, without the interference of a central arbitrator. All of this is good; however, where should we start? This section covers defining a design strategy for blockchain.

I have used the following terms from my book, We Wake With Noah, and found it interesting that the self-improvement concepts I explored in that book can be applied to technology as well :






Use case identification

As-is flow


Acquire skills


Analyze outcome




Justifying the use case To-be flow Be agile Measure outcome Influence
Structure of the blockchain network Holistic solution design Develop, test Analyze lessons
Business network goals

Choosing MVP

Elevate, test
Governance Draw long term vision Deploy
Dispute and arbitrator Future enhancements
Define scope
Define storyboard


The preceding table lists the design strategy for a blockchain solution. This section will discuss it in more detail.

It is always conducive to run workshops and sessions with enterprise key stakeholders when you're making various decisions, such as use case identifying and justifying the use case though blockchain technology. It also helps to determine the type of blockchain, define, governance and arbitrators, and so on. The following principles can be followed during workshops:

  • Define the workshop as a business workshop and list technical questions that can be answered in subsequent technology workshops.
  • Put an emphasis on identifying the use case and justifying them by answering and rating various factors.
  • Continually gauge the audience's reactions, questions, and inclination toward factors, which maybe align toward or away from blockchain. Feed that to the justifying question (as listed in the following section) for further enhancement of the question's outcome.
  • Understand the as-is and to-be processes as they help align the solution with the business needs.
  • Include blockchain experts, technology experts, and security experts in the workshops, as they help to answer specific technology questions, and also help them gravitate toward the real business needs.
  • Identify key stakeholders and build a consortium of stakeholders (business consortium and technology consortium) so that you can run subsequent workshops more effectively.
  • Run parallel design sessions with the technology consortium. An early design session brings two very important things to the equation: simplicity and clarity.
  • Use the business consortium's feedback at the start and end of the design session and, similarly, technology consortium feedback at the end of the business sessions. This will help you establish equilibrium and keep things on track.
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